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The Finnish Topic (Power Rankings in separate topic)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2006
Kankaanpää, Finland
Kuules homo, 3.-6. Ruottissa. Siitä eteenpäin ei ole ollu pahemmin vielä puhetta. Ehkäpä saattaa olla joku siinä kesän lopuilla. Sen jälkeen varmaan on jo seuraava RN aika lähellä. Että sellasta.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2005
Meikähän tulee käväseen WMK:n luona siinä joku 10-14 heinäkuun päivistä. Tulkaahan käymään siellä, tietysti jos WMK:lle soppii, eihän tuo ole edes varma muutenku että ite olen silloin helsingissä. Jeajea.
T: VilNess


Smash Journeyman
Aug 9, 2005
oon niin laiskalla päällä, mutta koitan jotain kirjotella, nyt ku muistan vielä!

Udiq: kyl mä niin pal vihaan jos joku pelaa peachillä, vaikka melkeen sen voitinki, mutta ei voi mitää kun on noinki paha heikkous ku mulla! :D mutta hyvä peli ja taisit päästä jopa yli 7 sijan? :D

Bëst: onneks olkoon sulle voitosta!! hyvin pelaat kaikilla hahmoilla mitä löytyy, oot sen ainaki todistanu! 15 eri hahmooko oli tällä kertaa?? hyvä äijä ja hauskaa peliseuraa, CF turnauksessa ette vaan voittanu meitsiä ja Udiq, mutta ens kerralla taas finaalissa nähdään! kiitokset myös kyydityksistä ja turnausjärjestelyistä! hiano video teillä!

Zäp: Kiitokset turnauksesta! tosi hyvä paikka oli ja hyvin järjestetty aikataulut! en kyl hirveesti muista meidän pelejä, mut tällä kertaa ainaki sulla toimi ohjain paremmin ku viimeks! :D ei tullu spot dodgee koko aikaa! mutta hyvin pelaat kyllä sillä zeldallas, eikä kirbykää hullumpi ole :D

Nico: enpä muista hirveesti meidän matseja, ei kyl tosin taidettu paljoo pelatakkaa... mutta onnee turnaus voitoista! on se kova äijä pelaan! pitää ens kerral pelailla Y.L dittoja, oon alkanu reenailee sil täysii! :D

Über: on sulla kans kyl kova Y.L, taisit mut low tiereissä voittaaki? jos oikein muistan... hyvin pelaat kyllä muutenki, reiskallakin! :D ens kerralla taas pitää matsailla vähän enemmän, hauskaa peliseuraa kyllä!

Ijuka: ei voittoa tällä kertaa, mutta joskus käy vähän huonommin.. kuten muutki sanonu, oot suomen paras pelaaja siltiki, paineet tekee välillä tepposet. niin mulleki yleensä käy! :D

TK: on se helposti suomen paras falco, ei voi mitään, heploa oot kova kannustamaan ainaki! haha, njoo, mutta mutta, pitää pelailla ens kerralla taas enemmän ku yleensä, ei paljoo pelailtu nytte, ja niistäki suuren osan viet, mutta evm..

Samo: kyllä mä niin paljon sitä sun peachiä vihaan, mutta ei voi mitään, ei voita ni ei voita, pakkohan sen on hyvä olla! :D low tierissä ei vaan oikeen toiminu tällä kertaa! :D ja onneks olkoon tiereihin pääsystä ja hyvästä menestyksestä!

Heplo: teknisesti oot kyl pirun taitava, vielä ku saat vähän enemmän kokemusta ja enemmän kenttiä sun kategoriaan ni hyvä tulee! ovela äijä kyllä..

Julle: aziz ja noob toimi tällä kertaa, mahtokohan johtua sun hahmovalinnasta?? :D hahaha, on se borken se peach.. poltellaan taas tupakkia ens kerralla!

Sick: sullaki hyvä yoshi on, vähä lisää mindgameja vielä ni kyllä susta saadaan se Suomen paras yoshi! paitsi jos mäki rupeen täysii reenaa sillä.... :D

Peki: oot sä kyllä saatanan kova!!! helposti suomen kärkitasoa, oikeeseen paikkaan oot päässy rankingissa!! kehitys on huima viime näkemän, hyvä näin, joskus vielä reenaat ittees jopa Ijukaa paremmaks!! hullu äijä, ja no johns siitä chainaamisesta, turnauspelit pitää voittaa, keinolla millä hyvänsä! :D pelaat kyllä niin ihme peliä että en pysy pelissä, kova jätkä!

Neutroni: hyvä "turnaus" peli, viimonen meni tiukaks, mutta sain vielä sen yhen itsarin jälkeen viel pelin kuntoon, oot kyl kehittyny paljon viime näkemän, jatka samaan malliin ni ehkä voitat ens kerralla enemmän ku yhen mun hahmoista, etkös sä yhen voittanu? :D

jos joitakin unohdin ni voi huudella että entäs minä!! :D mutta tällasta tänään..
hyvä meininki oli kyllä, paras turnaus ehdottomasti, CF turnee ja random turnee joka kertaseks!!


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2004
Lycka till Finnländaren för Svenska turnee!

Jag tror Ijuka placerar top 10... bEst kanske också :psycho:


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Älä puhu ruotsia, tai nyrkillä naamaa leivotaan. Ja älä liioittele =P ei olla niin hyviä =)


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Samo should be ranked top 3 lol
Oh, really? As I recall, her tournament placings in finnish tournaments are not in bracket*5, and in the last tournament he got 5th. How does that make her deserve top 3? If she is top 3, she should start placing top 3. =P Everyone above her has a good chance of beating her. But I don't see how she should be top 3 if her best tournament placing is 5. and others are a lot worse.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
it's just peach :D peach is so broken, no one can like peach... but no complaints, everyone plays with whom they want.. lol
Lol, no johns KVF. :p Soo... Peach is so broken she wins tourneys right? Not... She's not broken enough even on PAL, thus she doesn't win anything, so in fact I have a loser character which is entirely beatable even if it's Armada playing peach. :p Last time I checked Peach can't 0% combo to death like Amsah does to everyone with his Sheik or Aldwyn does with his Falco. >_> But yea, I will try to get better in this game and do better in finnish tourneys, then we'll talk about my ranking. :p

And btw Ijuka, I also have a pretty good chance of beating everyone above me as well. So that is not an argument, heck, everyone on top 10 has a chance of beating everyone if we go at it like that. >_>

Though it's kinda funny, peki placed what, 1-2 places higher than me on last tourney and did worse on tourneys before that and he jumped up... 7 ranks. >_> I got 5th place on last tourney and my rank stayed the same. >_>; So I do find the next tourney is time to change that ranking a bit, even if you guys wouldn't like it. I play Peach? Deal with it, cause I need to deal with your other broken characters. >_> Coco played peach as well and you weren't dissing him...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 9, 2006
Kankaanpää, Finland
Though it's kinda funny, peki placed what, 1-2 places higher than me on last tourney and did worse on tourneys before that and he jumped up... 7 ranks. >_> I got 5th place on last tourney and my rank stayed the same. >_>
Lord knows how many times I've placed 5th, and I'm still ranked 6th. Why? Because to get the 5th place you only have to beat one player in the bracket. You can't say it is easy, but it's still not that hard either. Peki got to top 4, and that's pretty hard to do imo, because then you have to beat at least one very good player. Peki also beats you up pretty badly with almost any character and he also plays better against other people. He deserves his spot and you deserve your's. And as you said, our top 10 is mad even and that's one thing that makes the power rankings so hard to do. Get to top 4 in a tournament, then you can say that you've done great job and deserve a better place.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
Get to top 4 in a tournament, then you can say that you've done great job and deserve a better place.
Maybe I will, last time was pretty **** close, I wonder if 7 is the magical number where TK doesn't drop me out of the tournament.

Peki also beats you up pretty badly with almost any character and he also plays better against other people.
But what the hell was that about Peki beating me up badly? You weren't probably seeing our tourney match and I do doubt you're here seeing our friendlies either. >_> Peki wins by being more technical than me, but it's still always a close match. I acknowledge he's better than me, but beating me up badly is exaggerating. >_> Not to mention you can't really judge something between us cause we play against each other regulary. I did good against everyone there too. >_> Also... if I have 4 ranked players saying I have potential, then some of it must be true. :p

So Samo only placed higher than one Finnish player ranked above her, that being udikku, who played bad.
... You were there right behind me, watching my awful pool matches and still say that? As if I weren't doing extremely bad then...


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2005
Tampere, Finland
Nyt kerron teille tarinan pienestä orvosta, joka eksyi sysipimeään kellariin eräänä syysyönä täyden kuun aikaan. Orpo löysi sieltä palan purkkaa ja kiinnitti sen korvanlehteen koristeeksi. Palan painikkeeksi hän imaisi röpöllisen karvakuoriaisen toukkia, jotka sihisivät kipinöivästi hänen hampaidensa välissä.

Hän eli kellarissa onnellisena elämänsä loppuun saakka.


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2004
Helsinki, Finland
she did better than lots of you finns ranked top 10 at RoS at least.
Know what you're talking about.

Samo placed 65th as far as I know. Let's look at the other Finns' placings:

Ijuka (ranked 1st) placed 57th, thus placed higher.
bËst (ranked 2nd) placed 33rd, thus higher.
TK (ranked 3rd) placed 33rd as well.
Peki (ranked 4th) placed 25th, being the only Finn to make it to the bracket.
Nico (ranked 5th) placed... 49th maybe? Higher than Samo anyway.
Udikku (ranked 6th) placed something like 100th, I dunno, worse than Samo anyway.
I (ranked 8th) placed 33rd as well, higher than Samo.

So Samo only placed higher than one Finnish player ranked above her, that being udikku, who played bad. I don't know what you mean with "she did better" if not this.


Smash Master
Jun 2, 2006
I'm in your house, dsmashing your tv
I think Samo is the only one in Finland that thinks she deserves to be top 3.
And I think Acherontic is the only one who said that too, not to mention it was meant to be a joke. >_> Couple of foreigners think alike and I take it as an encouragement to work harder. I never once said I deserve that place, unless you didn't read my posts. The only thing even remotely close to that was that I will try to get to top 4 next tournament, which doesn't even mean that I'll automaticly get there. I need to work hard to get past 5, but it doesn't mean I need to keep hearing all this crap from finns, "peach is broken, samo sucks, she only wins cause she uses peach, everyone beats her badly" ect. I respect everyone else's character choices, but it seems like only in Finland there is no respect for peach players.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
And I think Acherontic is the only one who said that too, not to mention it was meant to be a joke. >_> Couple of foreigners think alike and I take it as an encouragement to work harder. I never once said I deserve that place, unless you didn't read my posts. The only thing even remotely close to that was that I will try to get to top 4 next tournament, which doesn't even mean that I'll automaticly get there. I need to work hard to get past 5, but it doesn't mean I need to keep hearing all this crap from finns, "peach is broken, samo sucks, she only wins cause she uses peach, everyone beats her badly" ect. I respect everyone else's character choices, but it seems like only in Finland there is no respect for peach players.
"Ei mitään marttoja" "Älä ota sitä homofalcoa" "Älä ota foxia kun sun Fox on niin homo" etc.

A lot of respect, indeed.

"peach is broken, samo sucks, she only wins cause she uses peach, everyone beats her badly"

Only Peki was said to beat you badly. Peach indeed is broken. A character who needs no wavedash nor l-cancel, or short hop in order to do really well with minimal practice and talent needed. Pretty broken to me.

You can beat people above you. So can everyone else. It just appears to be so that you lose to them more than the others. Also, you sometimes lose to completely random people. So do others, but mwah. =)

In Finland most people can play with other characters than their mains, even a little. Like I can play with CF, Mario etc, so can Peki, WMK, Udikku, etc. TK plays the worst with characters other than his main, but they still are pretty good. You on the other hand, can only play Peach, and utterly suck with other characters. That, to me, leads to the conclusion that you can only play because of Peach, and if she wasn't in the game, you wouldn't be able to become good enough with other characters to be able to even compete with the top in Finland.

Well yeah that's that =)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2006
Oulu, Finland
Though it's kinda funny, peki placed what, 1-2 places higher than me on last tourney and did worse on tourneys before that and he jumped up... 7 ranks. >_> I got 5th place on last tourney and my rank stayed the same. >_>; So I do find the next tourney is time to change that ranking a bit, even if you guys wouldn't like it. I play Peach? Deal with it, cause I need to deal with your other broken characters.
I have done better in 5 tournaments than you. Two times you have done better. Doesnt i deserve to be higher than you on PR-list? Also i have always done better against players above me on pr-list than you.

Then the PR-thing. When there was 2 panelists, who like never had played against me, and they voted me below everybody. Everybody else thought, that i should be alot higher. And now when there is more panelists i got a lot higher on the list, and atleast i think that i deserve it.
Peki wins by being more technical than me, but it's still always a close match. I acknowledge he's better than me, but beating me up badly is exaggerating.
And then you asked me about mindgames (like a month ago), and now you are saying im only technical player, right. Look at Heplo; i think he is a bit more technical than i am, but he has no mindgames.

I think peach is not a technical char, and i can still beat you in a peach ditto.
Also i can beat you, not only my main chars, but chars like Mario and Luigi who i rarely use.. Then, when we train, you are always wondering why i use characters which i rarely use: its boring to play (against) just one/few characters... You always play peach and only peach, also i sandbag in friendlys, because of that.

That "you have played against me and you know my style" -thing is johns, dont even mention about it. You have played against me same amount that i have played against you.

+ i have only played smash for ~16months, less than anybody else.

"Ei mitään marttoja" "Älä ota sitä homofalcoa" "Älä ota foxia kun sun Fox on niin homo" etc.
In English
"Don't play Marth"
"Don't choose gayfalco"
"Don't choose Fox, your Fox is too gay"
Soo... Peach is so broken she wins tourneys right? Not... She's not broken enough even on PAL
Peach is broken AND cheap.
Dsmash, Dashattack, FC, anyone?
I counterpicked peach against Udikku's Cpt. Falcon and bËst's IC at RN7 and i 3-stocked them and i never had played peach before. Same goes against TK's Falco at NoLT. Im not very proud of that.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Oslo, Norway
How could you end up arguing about that >_>

Come to SR3 in Norway to attend a well run tournament, Finns =) SR2 had like 60 people in attendance and the tournament always finished in time.


Striving 4 Perfection
Feb 1, 2005
Amsterdam, Holland
"Ei mitään marttoja" "Älä ota sitä homofalcoa" "Älä ota foxia kun sun Fox on niin homo" etc.
I agree

"peach is broken, samo sucks, she only wins cause she uses peach, everyone beats her badly"

Only Peki was said to beat you badly. Peach indeed is broken. A character who needs no wavedash nor l-cancel, or short hop in order to do really well with minimal practice and talent needed. Pretty broken to me.
This proves to me you know nothing about peach.
You saw Armada right?
Do you think anyone could do that just because its a peach?
**** no.
Seriously stop being weird.
If a peach can beat you with minimal effort like you're talking about it simply means you suck.

You can beat people above you. So can everyone else. It just appears to be so that you lose to them more than the others. Also, you sometimes lose to completely random people. So do others, but mwah. =)
This doesn't make any sense.

In Finland most people can play with other characters than their mains, even a little. Like I can play with CF, Mario etc, so can Peki, WMK, Udikku, etc. TK plays the worst with characters other than his main, but they still are pretty good. You on the other hand, can only play Peach, and utterly suck with other characters. That, to me, leads to the conclusion that you can only play because of Peach, and if she wasn't in the game, you wouldn't be able to become good enough with other characters to be able to even compete with the top in Finland.
Armada can only play peach '_'

I'm gonna give my opinion on your power rankings when I get back home, be prepared.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 30, 2005
Why should you, samo, be raised to top3? :D if you get next tournament top3 i raise you top5 is that ok?


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Yes Amsah, Armada would be #1 in Finland's power rankings easily. But Aldwyn plays Falco, you play Sheik. That's not the point >_>

If samo is better than others, she'll place well. If not, she won't place well. She hasn't placed well, so she's not better.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2006
Hyllykallio, Finland
I definitely don't like peach at all as opponent... maybe that's because ai use IC myself =P.
but I agree with the fact thet peach is broken: priority, recovery, a lot of good stage counterpics etc. as you finnish guys remember, I used peach as a counterpic last tournament we had and it helped me to beat peki... what that proves about peach???? (and that is the only one of my acts that I didn't like at all but I promised to do everything to won a tournament and...well... I truly did and it worked =/)

but anyway: I don't like to diss anyone who mains peach. IMO; Samochan is very good peach... there is no doubt about it but the character itself seems sometimes so unfair that it's pretty hard to appreciate peach-player as much as a player who can do well with the other character... that is just the fact.

This sounds pretty ironic because I main the IC's... maybe even more broken character than peach bacause of wobbling... I don't like wobbling strategy at all and I don't use it. I didn't use it on RoS (didn't get many cahnses to use it neither =P) and I will not use it at Finnish tournaments. I trust my skills, not broken strategies. And fact number two is that there is something unfair almost in every character (sometimes Shine-attack feels pretty unfair etc, etc, but is needs skills to learn use them well and that is a big difference when compared to other broken things like peach's prioritity etc (having a good prioritity tells nothing about skills , or so I assume...)

But Samo can do very well with peach, don't matter how broken that character is. They but Peach in the game and it seems that we just have to deal with that.

and what comes to Samo's PR position: Well you can trust me when I say that it is very hard to make clear ranking about Finland's skill level... expecially in top10 cause we are all very very even. in theory; the situation might change radically after every tournament. WMK get ranked 8th last list but he wasn't at the latest tournament and seems that he get punished about that pretty badly (even thought that wasn't meant to be the reason) after this, I myself think that WMK deservers his placement at top5 but so do ijuka, peki, NHJ, TK... etc, it is so freaking hard but maybe it is only a good thing that we have such a even group of smashers here in finland =)

in finnish:

Ja sama suomeksi: Samo on hyvä mutta peach on borken. ei pahalla. ja pakko sanoa notta se että counteerasin pekin peachilla viime turneessa oli sen turneen rikkinäisin ja kenties kaduttavin tekoni mutta... things just happen. ja Peki muistaa meirän junassa tekemän herrasmies sopimuksen sitten ens turneessa eikös vain? =P

ai nin. ja kiitti poijille notta repiivät mut mukaan RoSiin. crewit paskoin aika lahjakkaasti: huono match uppi, paha vastus (kuulemma joku IC-counteri) ja pikkaisen paineita... pahoittelen sitä mutta kenties ensi kerralla paremmin. no hard feelings =). se leirin mokomakin joka meinas vaarantaa tuloni järjestyi aika lahjakkaasti. tänään tuli puhelu notta sekin hoituu ja pääsen sinnekkin ens torstaina. eli kaikki meni just kohilleen. tavatkaamme jälleen ens turneessa... ja kenties muulloinkin kun tässä aika liikekannalla koko ajan olen =P niin ja Seinäjoellakin saa kaikki alukkaat poiketa jos oikein himottaa ^_^
takaan että olot ovat vähintään Hotelli Helpotuksen tasoa =P


Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2007
Please accept my humble collaboration to the most intelligent discussion going on in this thread:

Cut it.


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
"If a peach can beat you with minimal effort" She can't. I wasn't talking about me. I was talking about lower level. A relatively good player gets beat by Peach who is a lot worse than him just because she's easier to play. See Peki's example, he beat those players although he had never played Peach. I seriously think that isn't possible with any other character...

"This proves to me you know nothing about peach.
You saw Armada right?
Do you think anyone could do that just because its a peach?
**** no.
Seriously stop being weird.
If a peach can beat you with minimal effort like you're talking about it simply means you suck."

No I don't think anyone could do that, what made you think that? I think that anyone could do what most Peaches do, and do well with Peach with minimal experience because Peach is broken.

Using Peach's dash attack, dsmash, and grab a lot, even a peach with no experience can beat DECENT space animal players. Note I didn't say world top, I just said decent. Players who would normally be better than them. Peach can CC all attacks into dsmash, which cant be shielded or sidestepped. It only has her head open to damage as well, and has minimal lag. If you CC it, it's a nice 50%+.

Peach's dash attack is fast, has insane priority, and the hitbox stays there forever. The first part of it sets up for some lame easy comboes, and the second part sets up for edgeguarding. Then Peach can grab a Fox/Falco at 35% or so and it's a sweet 80% for them.

As I said, you can't beat top pros by doing that, but you CAN beat decent players who would normally be far better than you, and with any other character you couldnt stand a chance against them.

Broken to me, as I said. -_-


Smash Cadet
Jun 29, 2006
+ i have only played smash for ~16months, less than anybody else.
I have played for 12 months ;)

Peki definitely deserves his place. That's not a question at all. But that Samo thing. Samo is no way top 3 -player. He did well at last tournament, and she should be happy she is ranked on place 10, because of her tournaments placings before that.

But Samo is going to the right way at the moment. Keep it going.

Samo, we should have a money match: no Falco vs no Peach. :)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 31, 2006
Oulu, Finland
This is most likely gonna be my last post about this subject.

Playing only Peach makes you extremely easy to counterpick. 9 Players out of top 10 can play marth (not saying everybody would go marth). Playing marth against Samochan's peach equals a BIG chance of winning.
Samochan is a good player. She could and probably should be 9th (10th, if coco would be around), but then top 8 players are.. just better. No chance to top 3 atm.

This proves to me you know nothing about peach.
You saw Armada right?
Do you think anyone could do that just because its a peach?
**** no.
Seriously stop being weird.
If a peach can beat you with minimal effort like you're talking about it simply means you suck.
Armada is good, but i think its slightly because of peach.
In teams me and NHJ barely lost to Armada and Aniolas, because i knew Armada's style (crouchcanceling everything to dsmash) and how to play against it.
Samochan mimics that style.

I have played for 12 months ;)

bËst: muistan kyllä ^_^


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2005
Oslo, Norway
Peki, did you see Armada at all? "crouch canceling everything into d-smash"? If he only did that, he wouldn't been able to play that well vs Amsah and beat Faab. If Peach was totally broken, she would've placed on top of the tier list.

9 of 10 players knows how to play Marth? In Finland that is?


Smash Ace
Aug 16, 2004
Peki, did you see Armada at all? "only crouch canceled into d-smash"? If he only did that, he wouldn't been able to play that well vs Amsah and beat Faab. If Peach was totally broken, she would've placed on top of the tier list.

9 of 10 players knows how to play Marth? In Finland that is?
Tier lists are of players on top level. On decent-good level, Peach and Sheik are top. ~imo~
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