I'm not sure how recent this was (so if you know, tell me), but sosbrigade.com is "down", but if you view the source code, it says... (EDIT: Supposedly, it's been that way since last Sunday, on the 10th.)
<!-- エラー発生......涼宮ハルヒが見つかりません -->
<!-- SOS団が存在していません -->
<!-- 緊急脱出プログラム準備中 -->
Which roughly translates to...
Error occurence.......Haruhi Suzumiya cannot be found
SOS Brigade is not in existence
Emergency Escape Program in preparation
Unless you have read the fourth light novel, you probably won't know what exactly they are referencing...
BTW, ANN updated with info on why the channel took off the listing...
"Update 2: TV Wakayama's schedule no longer lists the episode title. TV Wakayama told the Gigazine website that it was instructed not to post the episode title — but since the title was "somehow" posted anyways, the station has deleted that information." ~ANN