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The ChunSoft Thread: Zero Escape Series & Banshee's Last Cry

Mar 15, 2008
I still have a pile of money waiting for the day he announces that ZE3 is getting a Kickstarter. I'll always have faith.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia

Has anyone ever played Ever17? It's an older VN made by the same guy who made the Zero Escape series and it's very similar in terms of plot (people trapped in a large facility, must escape within a certain amount of time, weird **** starts happening, person with amnesia, etc.).

Anyways I keep hearing how good the game is (many say the big plot twist is even more of a mind **** than 999's) so to curb my ZE3 hunger I think it's about time I give this thing a whirl.

I'll be posting my thoughts in this thread as I progress through the game (with spoiler tags of course). Should be fun! :)
Mar 15, 2008
I'll join you. I played Ever17 until the first ending back in 2013 but I never continued to play it. I always wanted to beat it though.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Go for it I need someone to discuss this with if it's anywhere near 999's level of mind ****ery.

I'm about 5 hours into my first playthough (You's route). The sheer amount of similarities the game has to 999 is pretty hefty so far. I think I already might have somewhat of an idea of what's really going on. The only real complaint I have so far is the pacing... It's SLOW AS ****. Some interesting conversation/scenario will take place for like 5 minutes but then it's back to mostly boring dialogue for the next 30. The fact that there's no sense of urgency like there was in 999/VLR doesn't help either. Basically I'm intrigued but not really "hooked" yet.

Every time I get bored with the dialogue I just have to keep reminding myself that the game is basically 20+ hours of buildup for the 5-6 hour finale: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=512543
Anyway I finished this last night, and my god was that a crazy ending. I thought I knew what to expect after 999 and VLR, and in a way, I was right. Still, despite having some similar twists, the way it was all handled was still able to blow my mind. Never before have I thought 20-30 hours of pure boredom was worth 5-6 hours of mind****s.
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Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I got Ever17, and I think I'm still in the Prologue. I keep meaning to play it more, but I always get distracted far more easily trying to play actual games on my laptop as opposed to an actual console or handheld.
Mar 15, 2008
Go for it I need someone to discuss this with if it's anywhere near 999's level of mind ****ery.

I'm about 5 hours into my first playthough (You's route). The sheer amount of similarities the game has to 999 is pretty hefty so far. I think I already might have somewhat of an idea of what's really going on. The only real complaint I have so far is the pacing... It's SLOW AS ****. Some interesting conversation/scenario will take place for like 5 minutes but then it's back to mostly boring dialogue for the next 30. The fact that there's no sense of urgency like there was in 999/VLR doesn't help either. Basically I'm intrigued but not really "hooked" yet.

Every time I get bored with the dialogue I just have to keep reminding myself that the game is basically 20+ hours of buildup for the 5-6 hour finale: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=512543
The pacing for it WAS really slow, I remember that. I'm gonna replay the game from the beginning cause I don't really remember much from my first playthrough.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
The pacing for it WAS really slow, I remember that. I'm gonna replay the game from the beginning cause I don't really remember much from my first playthrough.
Go with You's route first if you can so we can bounce thoughts off of each other without spoiling anything.

ANYWAYS finally got my first ending (You's Good Ending). Time for random thoughts/predictions... These should be fun to read in hindsight.

Spoilers ahead don't read until you've finished You's route (999 spoilers as well)

- Coco is clearly Ever17's "June." What I mean is that it's pretty obvious that she's stuck in some sort of weird time loop that allows her to phase in and out of reality kind of like how June did in 999. Bold prediction is that saving her is somehow the overall goal of Ever17 similar to how saving June was the overall goal of 999.
- In fact I'll go out on a limb and predict that the entire LeMu facility was made to somehow rescue Coco.
- Very interesting that she seems to be the Kid's sister.
- Speaking of the Kid he obviously has access to "the 3rd eye" which allows him to perceive stuff that everyone else can't (like Coco). No idea why he has amnesia though.
- Poor You has no idea what's really going on in the grand scheme of things. She just wants to find out the truth about her parents. Based on what I learned from this route it's clear that You's pretend mother is behind all of this somehow. No idea what happened with her real parents though. Also have no idea how her real mom died 17 years ago or something while her father died 30+ years ago. Maybe somehow years have passed since they entered LeMU? Time will tell. I like her character the most so far though. She's spunky.
- Sara is pretty cool too. Interested in her back story and what she has going on with Tsugumi. She has something weird going on with the Kid as well. No idea what though.
- Sora is boring. Ok so she's an AI program built to "protect" everyone else on LeMU. Cool. Now how does this relate to the overall plot? Unlike everyone else there's no sense of mystery surrounding her... She's just kinda "there." Maybe things will be better once I play her route.
- Not much to say on Takeshi... Obviously has stuff going on that I don't know about since I haven't played from his perspective yet. Being able to shift perspectives between him and the Kid clearly has some sort of big reasoning behind it. No idea how yet.
- Tsugumi is definitely the most mysterious out of everyone else. She seems to be the only person other than the Kid aware of events "repeating" themselves. She also seems to have strong feelings for the Kid... Might be related somehow. Interested in what was going on between her and Sara during their argument, and why she's so distrustful of everyone. Will have to figure out more on her later.
- Overall the game so far is just like the reviewer said... Most of the experience was boring but there's enough weird **** going on that has kept me intrigued, and the characters themselves are interesting enough.

Sora's route will be next!

EDIT: Sora's route complete! (You/Sora route spoilers incoming)

Welp that route completely shattered my previous "predictions." I guess this is what I get for getting too cocky. I honestly have no idea what's going on now.
- Sara is completely absent in Takeshi's route, while CoCo is now physically present... Soooo apparently those two only exist in different realities or something? WTF?
- Coco repeating things Sara said... WTF?
- Coco also repeating actions/saying that she says while she was a "ghost" in the other route... WTF?
- Tsugami is nice to everyone now instead of acting like a total *****... WTF?
- Hints that Tsugami might be the Tanooki that traps everyone there in the first place... WTF?
- In fact I have no idea what the hell is going on with Tsugami.
- Why was Coco the only person effected with the virus at first? Is everyone infected? If so why weren't they infected in the Kid's route?
- How did Coco's puppy find the antidote? Why did it have multiples of them?
- The entire HIMMEL segment was a mind screw I won't even go there.
- The Sora ending was very cute (very Titanic-esque)... She's still boring though.

Needless to say I am finally invested in this story. Can't wait to see how it plays out. Tsugami's route next.
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Mar 15, 2008
I said that I played Ever17 back in 2013 but after checking my save data, it was actually 2012 when I started playing it. Whoops!

Anyways, the endings I got back in 2012 were the good and bad Sara endings. I had completely forgotten them so I took the time to rewatch the endings. Now I'm back on track.

Sara ending spoilers:
So basically, Kid has infrared vision and is Sara's brother. I wonder if Kid sees the night sky as black like the rest of us can. Anyways, I did not appreciate the flashing images that were being shown to me. I got scared and lonely and it was night time and I needed a hug. :(

So after rewatching the Sara ending, I mindlessly played another round and got the Tsugumi/Sora bad ending. After failing to get the Tsugumi ending a second time, I rage ragequit and got the You ending instead.

You ending spoilers:
I'm probably forgetting a lot of little details from the Sara ending (since I didn't rewatch all of it), but here I found out that Kid is actually mistaking Sara for Coco. It gets confusing though because in the very end, Sara is already saved, yet, Coco is still in LeMu. I don't know if this is caused by Kid's third eye or if it's Sora playing tricks on Kid's regular 2 eyes. Coco runs through the Himmel Door, so red flags are immediately raised as to her connection to himmel.

A topic of focus in this game was what year it was. It wouldn't surprise me if the game took place in the year 2034, but what I don't understand is what that means for the rest of the characters. I would try to think about it but it's seriously really late right now and I want to go to bed.

I'm finishing up with the Tsugumi ending. Will post about it later.


Okay finished Sora's, Sara's, You's, and Tsugumi's endings. I'm gonna try to figure out this game, then play the next ending to see how correct I am. I don't want to give anyone any ideas though, so don't click until you've finished the game.

Spoilers for those 4 endings and also very minor 999 stuff:

So Coco is the only ending missing. We know that Kid is Sara's brother, and that Kid sometimes mistakes Sara for Coco. In Takeshi's route, Sara is completely absent while Coco is there physically, but in Kid's route, Sara is there and Coco is an illusion. Very confusing. I think I'm gonna have to rewatch Sara's scenes completely because I feel like there's a small detail I'm not remembering that could probably help me out.

More stuff about You:

Yukie Tanaka (You's mother) passed away from TB on February 7, 2019, which according to Sora, is 15 years ago. This is all according to the documents that Sora found (death notices, funeral notices, and a conversation between Mr. A and Mrs. B. In that conversation, we learn that Yoichi Tanaka died 19 years ago, which would be the year 2000. This all hardly makes sense because it's believed that the day we got trapped was in May 1st, 2017. So what year is it, 2017 or 2034? Should I believe Sora when she says that Yukie Tanaka died 15 years ago in 2019, or should I believe the person who calls herself Yukie Tanaka that exists right in front of me in 2017? If I were the writer, I could probably find a way to convince the reader of either, so it's hard to say. Completely unrelated but I wouldn't be surprised if You was Yukie's clone.

About Tsugumi: Tsugumi was infected with TB when she was very young but was a rare survivor. She and Chami have cheated death many times before to the point where Tsugumi is begging to be killed. Her room mate was a boy who believed that he could see into the future, or something like that. This is most likely Kid, but I don't remember the details well enough to make an argument for it.

About the unknown life-form: In You's ending, it's stated that BW (WB? I forgot his name) was present when it was only You and I at the end. At the end of each of the 4 endings, there's a cutscene that suggests that there's 1 life form present when there really should be none. What does this mean?

I'm gonna guess that BW is either me getting my math wrong with the whole Coco/Sara switch, the person who is orchestrating everything (kind of like Zero), or the player himself. If I had to choose I'd think that it's the player himself because it would be totally awesome, but I have no way of explaining certain things like the life readings count fluctuating between 5 and 7. It would explain why people thought there was a ghost though (during kick the can), and it would also explain Kid's character. The Third Eye, his premonitions, the Lemurians, all hints of the character.
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Tsugami ending complete! The puzzle pieces are finally falling into place now (I think).

(You/Sora/Tsugami route spoilers)

- So Tsugami has Cure (infinite life) which explains a lot of questions I had about her. Her backstory was very touching and makes me think I have somewhat of an idea where this story is going.
- I think LeMU was built to help fund the project to eliminate the Tief Bleu (whatever it's called) virus, and Tsugami was the driving force behind it thanks to her Cure virus. I think it's safe to say Coco's father and You's "pretend" mother were part of the project somehow, but something went wrong and the TB virus spread among the facility which caused the whole accident in the first place.
- But if that's the case then that means they were all trapped on LeMU by mistake, which clearly isn't the case. There's something critical I'm still missing.
- But in addition to Tsugami I think they were also experimenting on the Kid due to his "3rd eye" shenanigans that he has going on. This would explain why Tsugami seems to have strong feelings towards the Kid and nobody else during his routes.
- I still have no idea how Takeshi and Sara play into all of this though.
- Also have no idea who this mysterious last person alive on LeMU is.
- Also what is UP with Pipi the dog? Saving fools left and right. Maybe he's behind everything? :\
- And who keeps kicking the damn can?
- Why is Coco a ghost only on the Kid's routes?
- Where the hell is Sara on Takeshi's routes?
- Who keeps kicking the damn can?
- How does the time travel/multiple path aspect play into all of this?

So many answers yet so many questions... Sara's route is last then I can finally get some damn answers from the True Ending (Coco's route).
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Mar 15, 2008
TRG, can you give me a list of details that you got from the Sara route? It will help me save a ton of time.
Mar 15, 2008
Mhm. I can reread the other routes because I had already read them once. If I wanted to know a detail, I could remember where I found it and just shortcut my way there. With Sara though, I don't know what I'm looking for and I don't know how to get there even if I did. I'm tempted to look in the Internet but we all know that that could end very badly lol.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I gotchu give me about 3 hours tops.

Hell I'll probably pull an all nighter and just do the Coco route right afterwards since I don't have work till 5 tomorrow.
Mar 15, 2008
Man I'm reaching that point in the game where I feel that something very big is about to go down and I'm too scared to hit Next because I can't handle the pressure. :(
Mar 15, 2008
I'll embrace it when I'm ready.

Edit: I don't even know what is real anymore what is this game.
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Sara route done!

Here's the Sara notes for ya if you're still interested

- Tsugami and Kid were definitely together being tested on prior to the LeMU accident. Kid just can't remember due to his amnesia.
- Sara said the same lyrics that Coco was singing on You's route... More evidence that Sara/Coco are connected somehow.
- Kid had a flashback to him being trapped in some sort of facility with some girl getting beaten since he broke some promise... my guess is that girl is Sara
- Kid walked in on Sara riding a whale in space... On Takeshi's route he overheard Coco claiming to have dreamt about riding a while in space.... Sara/Coco similarities all over the damn place!
- Kid and Sara are the only people who can see the image in the pendant... And I have a good hunch as to why!
- Sara claims to have an older brother...

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Mar 15, 2008
ur such a bro right now

I just want to tell you one thing and one thing only based on what you wrote in the Sara route.

What you wrote actually didn't help a bit because WTF IS EVEN THIS GAME?! I CAN'T COMPREHEND ANYTHING ANYMORE WTF.

Edit: I understand everything. This game is brilliant.
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I have a feeling that my predictions are way off but no ****s are given (DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU/TSUGAMI/SARA/SORA ROUTES ARE COMPLETED)

1) I've noticed how every character other than Sora/Tsugami has no recollection of their father, and I've ALSO noticed that Takeshi's past is conveniently kept a secret. Add the fact that time travel shenanigans are taking place... TAKESHI IS EITHER THE KID/SARA OR YOU'S FATHER. I have a good feeling about this one.
2) Wouldn't be surprised if Sora ended up being someone's mother (or at least an AI program designed to look/act like someone's mother)
3) Coco and Sara are the same person... Yeah prob not but there's gotta be some reason for the Coco/Sara parallels. I got nothing.
4) Tsugami was at LeMU in the first place to get back at Leiblich (however it's spelled) and was the one in the tanooki suit who trapped the Kid
5) Everyone on LeMU has been trapped there for years and just aren't aware of it somehow.
6) On Takeshi's routes the mystery remaining person is Sara, while on the Kid's route the mystery person is Coco.
7) Tsugami, Kid, and Sara were all experimented on for their powers when they were younger, and somehow the Kid got out first, then Tsugami, while Sara was left behind.
8) I think the company was trying to create some sort of superhuman
9) Out of the 6 characters if I had to guess the one most likely to be behind everything I'd say Coco.
10) Sara has the 3rd eye as well as Coco.
11) Pipi is the one who keeps kicking the damn can

Time for the True Ending! I'm ready to be mind ****ed.

True ending spoilers...

EDIT: What the **** is going on??

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Mar 15, 2008
You see, I had my suspicions that the year was important, but I had no idea why. It didn't hit me that the years were changing with each perspective. I figured that You was a clone of her parents, but without knowing that the game took place in both 2017 AND 2034, I had no idea how to fit those two together. I also had a hunch that BW was the player, but since every ending lead to escape and I didn't know what happened before or after that, I had no idea how he was going to fit in to the equation. I thought he was a top secret experiment of Himmel's, and was awaiting a final encounter of sorts.

I did NOT expect that Tsugami would be a mother. She's was already my favorite character, then I heard about her experiments and thought she was cooler, THEN I heard about how she's actually a mother and thought, "Wow, this is touching".

So as it turns out, the 2017 incident was an accident, but the 2034 incident was planned. The mastermind behind it was BW, with the assistance of 2017 You and 2017 Kid. If there was one thing I could change, I would have made it so that the conversation between BW and You from 2017 where BW is masterminding the 2034 event was made though dialog options instead of a BW monologue, so that BW (the player) was given the illusion that he was calling the shots.

I think that ending was incredible, and for sure I'm gonna end up playing the game again. I usually replay Never7 on April, 999 on June and VLR on Christmas. I think Ever17 is gonna be the game I play during May. However, I played Ever17 during April so I guess it's time for me to play another game during May? I guess that means...... Remember11.
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
How does Never7 compare to Ever17?

From what I've heard Ever17 is unanimously considered the best of the series but I'm wondering if Never7 and Remember11 are any good as well.
Mar 15, 2008
Never7 is not the spectacular masterpiece that Ever17 is, but it's a great game and is worth playing. I've never played Remember11.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
Ehh I might check them out if I ever get the urge, but the fact that they both seem to fall short of Ever17's greatness doesn't make me too eager to play them.

Still not done with the True Ending but I have work in an hour... Will have to finish later tonight.

THIS STORY MAN... THIS IS BEAUTIFUL... TSUGAMI... I am almost in tears. ;.;

Game complete! That was incredible... The fact that I've already played 999/VLR and was STILL floored by the true ending is a testament to how well put together this story is despite the fact that the games share so many similarities. Overall I enjoyed 999/VLR more for the darker setting, faster pace, and grander scale, but Ever17 definitely had the more impactful True Ending when it comes to messing with your mind and the feels. Even though I slightly prefer the ZE series I can now see why many claim Ever17 to be the greatest VN of all time. You won't hear any complaints from me on that one... Just a beautiful story overall.

True Ending spoiler stuff:

I'm still pumped that I was right about Takeshi the entire time, and semi right about the whole plot revolving around saving Coco. The fact that his backstory was never revealed was too telling. But I'm still floored by the amount of hints that I missed in terms of 2 different time zones taking place. I realized that people were acting different between Takeshi's perspective and The Kid's but I never thought anything serious of it. In fact I even commented on it earlier:

- Tsugami is nice to everyone now instead of acting like a total *****... WTF?
Speaking of Tsugami... WOW her backstory hit home for multiple reasons. I wasn't expecting her to end up a mother (I thought it would be Sora so I was somewhat close I guess). Regardless her story was beyond sad, but seeing the entire family reunited in the end was adorable. Poor Sora will never get Takeshi's love doe. She will forever be insignificant :(. The fact that she's now a physical being makes no sense but whatever it's fiction.

You's backstory however just felt weird to me. I expected her to have something to do with the player (hence the name "YOU"), but her being a clone? Ehh it's like she was nothing but a plot device that was necessary so that the events could be "recreated" again in the future to fool BW. But then again she DID engineer the 2nd "LeMU accident" so I guess she ended up being pretty significant in the end. I really liked her character so I was hoping she'd have some sort of epic backstory like Tsugami and her family, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. Oh well at least she's not Sora. xD

The fake Takeshi and "Kid" ending up being the same person was very cool, but nothing that you could really guess. Thinking back I don't think there were any clues that the 2 were the same. The developers should have left more hints about that.

Blick Winkel was a wildcard, but one I should have seen coming since it was pretty much the same as the player seeing the story unfold through June's "eyes." I wish the story would have elaborated on his connection with Coco more.

Great, great ending overall.
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Mar 15, 2008
I would totally back this if I wasn't so determined to give all my money to ZE3 when the inevitable Kickstarter comes out.

@ Raziek Raziek You should TOTALLY try Ever17.

@ The Real Gamer The Real Gamer I was gonna start playing I/O before I started playing Remember11, but I/O doesn't want to run on my computer for some reason. I'm gonna start Remember11 now.
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Mar 15, 2008
I started Remember11.

I'm liking it a lot so far. Going from Ever17 to Remember11 is sort of like going from 999 to VLR in the sense that Remember11 makes Ever17 look extremely dated. The game has better art, smoother text, a better structured menu, more animations, and even an in-game TIPS feature!

Story-wise, I can't really say because I haven't even finished an ending yet. From my initial impressions, I can say that R11 picks up the pace much faster than E17 does, and there's a stronger sense of urgency as the game progresses.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I concur with this, the game's so good, even though I just beat the PSP version and watched an LP of the Vita one. Plus...realizing who did the voices for 2 of the characters actually made me legit laugh just because of how disturbingly fitting it is.
Mar 15, 2008
I got a bad ending in Remember11. :(

The game is quick to explain the science fiction phenomena but is also quick to reverse any truths you ever believed in. It's like, "I have scientifically verifiable proof that states that the sky is indeed blue" but then the game is like, "Nah, the sky is actually red because **** you" and then you look at the sky and it's actually red. :/

(that doesn't happen in the game btw)

Edit: I got the first ending.

I love the structure of this game. In games like 999 and Ever17, the effects of your decisions culminated at a certain point (usually the very end) to see whether you made the right decisions or not. If you failed to meet all the criteria for a good ending, you had to start from the beginning to make sure you did everything right.

In Remember11, the decisions you make are clearly defined and if you mess up, the effects are more immediate. For example, lets say that you have a choice between going through Door 4 or Door 5. Lets also assume that Door 5 is the bad route. In 999, they will throw you a bad ending a couple of numbered doors after going through Door 5. In Remember11, they'll throw you a bad ending either IN Door 5, or shortly after it. It's quick and it makes sense.

I like this system more because it changes the decisions system from "which character to suck up to" to "pick the correct decision for this situation". It's more about being yourself than appealing to other characters, and I like that. It's also much less of a time sink.


As for the first ending itself, they really amped the mind screw levels. It's great.
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Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
I'm pretty sure I'm really early in since I got a bad ending which I'll put below in spoilers. But man, knowing the point that decides which path you go is that early and seems that much of a 'nothing' thing...made me feel so silly after. Though...of course, to anyone responding, no spoilers on other things I haven't yet seen since I'm super early in the other route.

I had it where you go through as Takeshi (and the entire thing seemed pretty streamlined barring one decision on whether or not to go with Sora to have a talk while Tsugumi's recovering, and even that leads right back to the same place again), Coco gets sick, and you head down to the IBF where pretty much everyone died. I kept expecting to run into that other girl since she was in the intro, had a save icon, and so forth, but I somehow managed to go the entire time without seeing her even though it seems pretty obvious she's there from the life reading thing at the end being "1".


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
Wow, I'm a freaking idiot for not figuring out sooner (not really spoilers but I guess I'll tag it just in case)...

that "HIMMEL" is "LemmIH" just spelled backwards. Dohhhh.
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