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『SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI』Protagonists Support Thread. (Awaiting Reincarnation...)

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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC

Courtesy of ThatShadowLink ThatShadowLink , Original by the official Megaten twitter account
SMT3 Demi-fiend.png
The Demi-fiend
A young man caught in an apocalypse that wipes the world away into a clean slate. He has been granted the power of a demon, but still has the heart of a human. With his newfound powers, he can reshape the world to his will, or destroy it altogether.

The Nahobino
A young man who while walking through a tunnel, had it collapse, mysteriously transporting him into a world in the midst of a war between angels and demons. Before he could be slain by the demons, a mysterious figure called "Aogami" descends from the sky and fuses with him creating a forbidden being, a demi-god called "the Nahobino." With his newfound powers, he must investigate the truth of the world and decide its fate.
SMT1 Hero.png SMT2 Aleph.png SMT4 Flynn.png SMT4A Nanashi.png
The Demon Summoners
Young men who've had their world turned upside down by the apocalypse. In some cases, the apocalypse is an entirely new concept while for others it is a bygone fact of life. Either way, they are now forced to survive via the power of summoning demons with a hand-held computer. With their newfound powers, they can shape the future of their worlds.
Demi-fiend Pierces Through.png

Introducing the Demi-fiend, part man, and part demon. Using the power gained from tearing through the demons of the vortex world, he enters the world in the smash more than prepared to take on both the forces of good and evil, rejecting them both and forging his own path!
The Demi-fiend is an offensive powerhouse who focused on rushing down the enemy and controlling the pace of the game. Equipped with dozens of tools, he has an answer to respond to most defensive moves. Given the opportunity, he can manually buff all his stats and normal attacks with focus, making his advantage state even stronger. Normally he fights using attacks of man, punching and kicking, but when he focuses, he charges up and embraces his demonic heritage. Pressing his advantage at any opportunity he gets, he can become an unstoppable monster that goes out of control.
01 Introduction
Blue Lightning strikes the ground with Demi-fiend appearing from the smoke and assuming his battle stance.

02 Stance
Battle Pose with one arm up and one arm down
When greater than 100%, assumes more relaxed stance

03 Crouch
Similar pose except kneeling

04 Idle 1
Closes his eyes and takes a breath, his tattoos glowing softly

05 Idle 2
Cracks his knuckles and stretches his neck

06 Sprint
Runs at full sprint

07 Double Jump
Summons a magic circle to leap off of

08 Wall Jump
Kicks off the wall

09 Taunt 1
Does a sarcastic clap. Pixie appears on his shoulder and gives a clap as well.

10 Taunt 2
Points at the enemy menacingly and begins to walk. If he gets up close to a character or he can't move forward anymore he leans forward and glares at them. At greater than 100% he becomes invulnerable to projectiles during the walk cycle.

11 Taunt 3
Holds his hand out and beckons the enemy to come at him.

12 Victory 1
Unleashes a powerful gaea rage, cracking open the stage and enveloping him in white light, with only his silhouette illuminated by his tattoos shows

13 Victory 2
Does his focus animation, holding out his fist and setting it aflame

14 Victory 3
Turns around and walks towards the camera, the silhouette of hundred of demons manifesting behind him.

15 Defeat
Closes his eyes and looks away in disappointment while Jack Frost sits atop his head and claps for him.

16 Victory Theme
The Opening Notes to Shin Megami Tense 3's Title Loop

17 Kirby Hat
Gains tattoos and the Demi-fiend's haircut. Gains Demi-fiend's Neutral B.

01 Shield
Crosses his arms in an X-shape

02 Parry
Beast Eye
Stacks his forearms in front of each other and pushes outward with a single glowing eye being visible between his arms.

03 Shield Broken
Hunches over while clutching his arm and glowing yellow-orange.

04 Sleeping
Lies down with one knee up

05 Forward Dodge
Does a spin flip forwards

06 Backwards Dodge
Does a kick flip backwards

07 Spot Dodge
Crouches into the Z-axis before going back

08 Air Dodge
Does a spin

09 Ledge Attack
Leaps over and punches the ground causing a shockwave and knocking people at the ledge away

10 Get-up attack Face Down
Punches the ground, creating a shockwave while getting to his feet

11 Get-up attack Face Up
Punches the ground, creating a shockwave while getting to his feet

01 Shield Special
Demi-fiend extends his right hand releasing a huge amount of energy.
This charges up normals for a set amount of time.
The shockwave itself does a tiny amount of knockback, but barely any damage.

02 Neutral Special
Magma Axis
Demi-fiend gathers fire in his hands over his head and blasts a medium range fire beam forward. In the air, this is angled downwards at a shallow angle. It does a decent amount of damage and knockback, but it isn't good at killing unless used to gimp.

03 Side Special
Final/Apocalypse Deadly Fury
On the ground, it is a full combination attack that changes its final attack based on the direction of the input (Think of Marth's Dancing Blade)
It begins with a left claw swipe, and with another input follows with a right claw swipe.
With the final input, the next attack will change based on the direction of the stick:

Holding forward or nothing with an additional press will finish with a double claw swipe in an X-shape. At high percents this kills off the side.

Holding down will have the Demi-fiend do a flip and slam into the ground with an axe kick, bouncing the enemy off the floor. It's slower than average, but it does a ton of shield damage and catches jumps. In the air, this will keep going until hitting the ground or the blast-zone.

Holding up will have the Demi-fiend launch the opponent up with a knee. It won't kill unless near the top blastzone, but it'll set the enemy in a favorable position above.

Holding back will have the Demi-fiend teleport through the opponent and then do a flying kick to the back of their head and just like the forward follow up, it kills near the side of the stage.

04 Down Special
Chaos Blade
Evasively launches himself into the air with a high amount of controllability ala Zero Suit Samus's Flip Kick. Pressing the B button whilst in mid-air has him summon a shining blue blade and slam it downwards, causing an explosion upon impact.

05 Special Up
Xeros Beat
Does a series of consecutive spinning kicks in the air, firing off a spiral of energy sparks. Powerful and can be controlled somewhat, but lacks vertical height, made up for in the Down B.

01 Jab:
Does a left punch, followed by a right gut punch, knocking them straight up with little knockback to setup for future combos.

Focused - Divine Shot:
The punches are wreathed in flame and the gut punch is followed up with a blast of light from the left hand, having decent killing power at ledge and extending its range a fair distance.

02 Forward Tilt:
Steps forward a bit and hits the enemy with their left elbow. An additional input makes him follow up with a punch aimed at the chest. Fast, damaging, long-range, and all-around a great move no matter the percent. The 2 part move can catch opponents off guard with the timing.

Focused - Iron Claw
He instead follows up the elbow by scratching forward with his right hand. Fast, long-range, and can kill even earlier; it is a straight up improvement in every regard.

03 Down Tilt:
Swings their left fist at the opponent's feet hooking them low and knocking them upwards for combos.

Focused - Hades Blast:
Uses his right foot and stomps down at the opponent, sending out a small shockwave bouncing up opponents for combos. Spikes enemies hanging on ledge down and has a higher range than the normal down tilt. Also does a considerable amount of shield damage if the foot lands very close to shield.

04 Up Tilt:
Does a high kick that attacks the area in front and above the Demi-fiend. Combos easily into aerials.

Focused - Fire Breath:
Breathes a jet of fire upwards in an arc above. Faster, disjointed, and covers a wider arc. All around great move. At high percents, it's an easy kill move

05 Dash Attack:
A sluggish but powerful hook aimed up and diagonally at the opponent's chin, launching them diagonally away.

Focused - Berserk:
A rising kick with the right leg followed with a punch downwards with the left fist. It activates much faster and goes past shield, making it a potent burst option. While it's not much stronger than the normal dash attack, the downwards angle it sends opponents at is perilous.

01 Forward Smash
Rears back, and hits them with a powerful right hook, doing a ton of damage and killing at a decent percentage.

Focused - Javelin Rain & Freikugel:
Rains energy missiles from his back at the opponenent. If the missiles land, he follows up by blasting them away with a laser shot from his face. It's extraordinarily powerful and almost completely destroys shields, making it a threatening tool. However the Demi-fiend is locked into this animation for the entirety of the move and is punishable if he misses. As a special effect, it completely ignores counters and activates a special zoom if it pierces through one.

02 Down Smash
Slams down on the earth with both hands, releasing a shockwave that knocks enemies in front and behind away.

Focused - Deadly Fury:
Summons a blade and does a lightning fast slash 360 degrees around him. Kills, but not as soon as his other focused smashes.

03 Up Smash
A rising uppercut with all the Demi-fiend's weight put into it, rising into the air on impact. Fast and powerful, but if whiffed, has the Demi-fiend fall back down to the earth vulnerable all the while which makes it a risky move to throw out.

Focused - Gaea Rage:
Gathers energy around his body and releases it, cracking the earth and summoning a pillar of pure light coming from the ground and rising into the air.

01 Neutral Aerial
Extends both his hands diagonally while scrunching up his knee, hitting them with his palms down-below and up-behind. Extremely fast move that acts as great combo filler and a combo breaker. When focused, adds a blue fire effect to the palms.

02 Forward Aerial
Does an aerial uppercut and quickly follows up with an overhead slam. Fast, covers a large area, and kills early if used to edgeguard or late if used to kill. When focused, adds a blue flame effect to the punches.

03 Back Aerial
Flips uside down and does an bicycle kick downwards. Surprisngly fast while also mainting power, it is incredible at edgeguarding and forcing enemies in unfavorable positions. Focused, there's a blue fire type applied to the attack.

04 Down Aerial
Flies diagonally downwards with a right hook, sending anyone who gets hit to their deaths down below. On impact with the ground, a shield, or an enemy, he'll bounce backwards safely. If whiffed, he'll accelerate forward a set distance and then go back to normal falling speed. When focused, adds azure flames to the fist.

05 Up Aerial
Does a triple kick upwards, comboing and launching them into the top blastzone at high percent and comboing at low percent. When focused, adds blue fire to every single kick.

01 Grab
Grabs them with the left hand
When focused, the grab range is extended thanks to a spectral claw that manifests where the previous arm was.

02 Pummel
Hooks the opponent's body.
Focused - Hellfire
The fist is now wreathed in blue fire and does additional damage.

03 Forward Throw
Heaves the opponent behind their head and them throws them forward with all their might. Good for repositioning the enemy off the stage.

Focused - Hell Thrust
Does a palm strike with a huge amount of force, knocking them much farther and potentially killing.

04 Back Throw
Hooks the enemy in the gut, and then slams them overhead, bouncing them off the floor. Does good damage and repositions the enemy behind but doesn't kill.

Focused - Spiral Viper
Throws the enemy overhead into the floor and fires an explosive laser at the enemy blasting them away. This does much more damage and actually will kill and quite early if used at ledge.

05 Down Throw
Slams the opponenet to the floor and then does a soccer kick forward, launching them in the air a short distance away setting up for more combos.

Focused - Oni-Kagura
Gathers energy around his own head and then headbutts the opponent's skull knocking them to the floor where he then does the soccer kick. Does more damage, but less knockback making combos from it easier to land

06 Up Throw
Does an uppercut to the opponent launching them skyward. Used for some situational combos and to reposition the enemy in an awkward position, but cannot realistically kill.

Focused - Berserker God
Does a series of punches the opponent's mid-section before doing a powerful killing blow launching them into the sky. Powerful and does a large amount of damage, its a very safe option for killing anyone anywhere on the stage.

01 Final Smash: True Demon
Demi-fiend unleashes a giant gaea rage that covers the screen in pure white. Anyone hit is launched into the air. Demi-fiend with his skin completely black save for the glowing of his tattoos and his shining red eyes leaps up into the sky, gathers the energy of a medgidolaon into his fist and slams it into anyone caught, releasing a massive explosion.

Demi-Fiend: The hero Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. In addition to summoning demons, the Demi-Fiend's skillset focus more on skills exclusive to him in Nocturne.

3-hit jab: Demi-Fiend would punch his enemy two times, and his final blow would be his regular attack animation from Nocturne.
Dash attack: Lunge. Demi-Fiend would charge at his opponent with the starting physical attack Lunge players receive in the beginning Nocturne.

Tilt Attacks:
Forward Tilt: Iron Claw. Demi-Fiend would uitlize the claw skill Iron Claw against his foe.
Up Tilt: Demi-Fiend swings his energy-blade from Nocturne in an overhead angle. Think of something similar to Link's Up Tilt.
Down Tilt: Fire Breath. Demi-Fiend breaths fire at his opponents. This attack can be continued up to five times if the player taps A repeatedly.

Aeiral Attacks:
Neutral Aerials: Bolt-Storm. Demi-Fiend creates a field of lighting around him, shocking any opponents near him.
Forward Aerial: Evil Gaze. Demi-Fiend uses the skill Evil Gaze as his forward aerial against opponents. Very useful when trying to sends opponents off the stage.
Back Aerial: Megido Blast. Demi-Fiend fires a Megido spell backwards at his opponents.
Up Aerial: Wind Cutter. Demi-Fiend uitilizes the Zan spell Wind Cutter as up aerial against his opponents.
Down Aerial: Javelin Rain. Demi-Fiend fires several Javelin Rain blasts downwards towards his enemies.

Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Deadly Fury. The Deadly Fury skill is a multi-hit forward Smash attacks meant to pummel foes into oblivion.
Up Smash: Xeros Beat. Demi-Fiend fires the skill Xeros Beat upwards at opponents above.
Down Smash: Chaos Blade. Demi-Field brandishes his beam-sword for the devastating Chaos Blade, which engulfs opponents in flames like Simon's Holy Water move.

Standard B Special: Pixie-Dia. Demi-Fiend summons Pixie to use the Dia spell, which heals 10% of damage done to him.
Side B Special: Mothman-Stun Claw. Demi-Fiend summons Mothman for the skill Stun Claw, which stuns opponents when hit, like Zero Suit Samus's Standard B.
Up B Special: Liftoma. Demi-Fiend uses the Liftoma assist skill from Nocturne to fly upwards to saftey.
Down B Special: Gaia Rage. Demi-Fiend uses the Gaia Rage skill as a chargable AOE attack.

Final Smash: Freikugel. Demi-Fiend's strongest attack. This move covers the entirety of a floating stage like Battlefield, and anyone unfortunate to be caught in it's path will be instantly killed.

Pummel: Demi-Fiend punches the opponent in the face. Just like he did to God.
Forward Throw: Demi-Fiend electrocutes his opponent, then kicks them forward.
Back Throw: Demi-Fiend uses the skill Mana-Drain, and then throw the opponent behind him.
Up Throw: Demi-Fiend throws the opponent sky high, and blasts them with a Megido.
Down Throw: Demi-Fiend claspes his hands together, and hits his foe so hard, they bounce off the ground. So basically Ike's up air, but instead downwards.

Idle Animation: Demi-Fiend will crack his knuckles in anticipation for a fight.
Taunt #1: Provoke. Demi-Fiend will provoke the opponent, beckoning for a fight.
Taunt #2: Show of Power. Demi-Fiend channels his power through his body, similar to Mewtwo's taunt.

Taunt #3: Beckon Call. Demi-Fiend summons Pixie with a snap of his fingers.
Demi-fiend’s Neutral Special will be Focus. In the games, this move allows Demi-fiend to charge up his next physical attack to do 2.5 times its normal damage, and that’s exactly what it will do here. He cracks his knuckles and powers up his next attack.

Whenever Demi-fiend is buffed, there will be an Up Arrow on his UI to signal to other fighters that they should be wary of his next blow.
Demi-fiend’s Down Special follows this up with the inverse, War Cry, a move that decreases the enemy’s attack two-fold; to a fourth of what it should be. Demi-fiend will let out a guttural roar and anyone within its vicinity will have their power level drastically decreased for 10 seconds.

This will not affect their knockback potential, only lowering the percentage of damage they do. Just like with Focus, enemies stricken with this effect will have a Down Arrow on their UI.

This attack has no effect on already-debuffed opponents.
To balance out the usage of these moves, Demi-fiend will have Magatamas representing their remaining usages.

Each status move uses one icon, but they can be regained one-by-one through KO-ing opponents, and they refresh after being KO’d yourself. Additionally, any icons not used during a stock will carry over to the next, with a maximum of eight.
Carried-over stocks will be represented by a screaming Magatama, based on the variant of the Magatama briefly shown when using a strong attack in Nocturne, with a maximum of eight.

Using them will revert them to normal.
When Demi-fiend has no Press Turn icons, his specials change. This brings us into the next facet of Demi-Fiend’s moveset: demon summoning. Demi-fiend can summon demons and act independently from them after his summoning animation ends.
Demi-fiend’s Press Turn-less Neutral Special has him summon Pixie to perform Zio. It has very little impact and mostly functions as a tool to allow Demi-fiend to close the gap between him and his foe.
The corresponding Down Special has Cu Chulainn enter the battle, performing a Force maneuver through his lance to create a gust of air, blowing foes away. It can make for a funny edgeguarding tool, as well.
The remaining specials are the same regardless of Press Turn icons.
The Side Special is Jack Frost. Hee is summoned to let loose Bufu, a projectile ice attack that slides across the ground similar to the Ice Climbers’ Side Special, ho.

As an extra detail, Jack will ride on Demi-fiend’s shoulder while he is airborne, as you wouldn’t let your Hee Homeboy fall to their demise. Not alone, at least.
Jack-o’Lantern will carry Demi-fiend back to the stage before departing to the skies.

On the ground, he will instead use Agi behind Demi-fiend.
All four demon specials cover the basic elements in SMT.
Demi-fiend will have two Final Smashes, one for close distance and one for long distance. When Demi-fiend is up close and personal, he will unleash Gaea Rage, causing the earth to crack beneath him, magma erupting through them. This move will instantly KO any enemy at 100% damage or above.

When there is a sizeable gap between Demi-fiend and his foe, he will use Freikugel letting loose a massive beam from his corneas that covers the entire distance between him and the blast zone.

Final Smash art provided by SOBUNOAIYU.
booting demon summoning program.gif

Unique Trait/Gimmick- Demon summoning
Playstyle archetype- mid-range space control

Kazuya (better known as "The Neutral Hero" of Shin Megami Tensei), is unlike most JRPG heroes in that completely unable to use any form of magic. As such he has to rely mostly on weapons and his demons to attack his foes. He comes equipped with his deadly katana, and a sci-fi pistol high-power pistol.

His specials are unique in that it is not him that is actively casting these spells- it’s his demons. While this incurs a longer “cast time” until an active effect is applied on the game, it also means that he can move while the spell is being cast, leading to mix-ups and setups otherwise impossible for everyone else (Imagine Zelda’s Phantom Knight summon except much more versatile and applicable to more situations). Instead of the specials being specific moves to zone out the enemy and push them back, the knockback is instead directed towards the player so they can finish the enemy off themselves. The demons don't fight for you; they fight with you, so pull your weight.

This is combined with his unorthodox ability to have access to a ranged weapon at all times and a disjointed blade for several of his attacks comes at the cost of a rather sluggish ground and air speed and slower than average startup for his close range attacks. His powerful disjointed attacks and complete control of mid and long range should more than make up for that. Pushing momentum and keeping a safe distance will be key to victory. Just like in the game, one mistake could spell your doom, but keep the momentum up and you'll be sure to prevail.

Instead of a typical fantasy motif, he has a retro sci-fi theme for his abilities and focuses on the act of summoning rather than direct spellcasting.
>Miscellaneous animations
Stance: Gun and Sword Stance
With his left hand he holds up a pistol vertically, ready to fire it and in his right he holds a katana ready to slice foes near him.
(Most SMT protagonists carry two weapons, a sword and gun)
Intro animation: Dramatic Terminal Entrance
White Lightning strikes his point of entry as Kazuya appears leaping into the air and drawing his blade and gun
(Flynn's teleportation animation from SMT4 and Raidou Kuzunoha’s Boss Battle in SMT3)
Idle: Menu management
When idling, he puts his pistol hand down horizontally in front of his face to look at his Hand Computer, or COMP, clicking away at it while various screens pop up.
(SMT games have a large amount of menu-management. The screens that pop up have the UI from Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers)
Walk: Cautious walk
Similar to Marth's except his left hand has his gun raised up ready to fire.
Run: Alert Sprint
Similar to Marth's except his left hand has his gun raised up ready to fire.
Shield: Tetrakarn/Makarakarn
Holds his katana up diagonally to block incoming attacks while bracing it with his left forearm, making an X shape.
The shield will look a bit unique with a pixel-y texture to it.
(Spell in SMT games that makes the user invulnerable from all threats physical or magical)
>Dodges: Avoid
Back Roll: Guarding Backflip
Does a quick backflip
(Raidou Kuzunoha's backflip in his 2nd game)
Front Roll: Dive Roll
Does a dodge-roll
(Raidou Kuzunoha's forward roll in his 2nd game)

Spot Dodge: Sukukaja
Deftly ducks to the background with a slight teal effect covering their body
(Sukukaja buff in SMT games)
Air Dodge: -Avoid
Lunges body in direction of air-dodge. Has a slight teal effect.
(Sukukaja buff in SMT games)
Shield Broken: Confused!
Kazuya will be dizzy and hunched over, clutching his left arm with his right hand.
(Raidou's low-HP or inflicted ailment pose)
>Get-up Moves: Death Counter\
Ledge Attack: Desperate Hit
Reaches up and fires 2 shots above the ledge before rolling on.
(Almighty attack used by Demonee-Ho, a gun-toting Jack Frost)
Face Down Attack: Relatiate
Fires a shot above his head (in front) and does a spin slash to cover the area behind him. Little damage, little knockback. The sword hit does slightly more damage and more knockback.
(Skill that activates when the player is hit with a physical attack)
Face Up Attack: Counter
Fires a shot above his head (behind him) before doing an arcing slash forward to cover the area above and in front of him. Little damage, little knockback.
(Skill that activates when the player is hit with a physical attack)
Normal Get Up: Endure!
Stabs his sword into the ground and uses it as leverage to pull himself up.
Dodge Get Up: Avoid!
Rolls backwards or forwards.
>Kirby Copy Ability: Jack Frost
Kirby appears to be wearing a Jack Frost hat, the iconic mascot of Atlus and MegaTen as a whole. He casts the bufu line of skills directly instead of summoning someone to do it.
The reason for this is that it reduces the workload required so 8 different Kirby copy appearances don't have to be made for 8 of the different alternate costumes.
(It's also way cuter.)
>Specials: Bad Company

His specials have 3 unique traits about them.
  1. The spells' effects are not done by the player. The player summons demons who will then cast the spell
  2. During the summoning process, he can charge the spell about to be casted to unleash more powerful versions with more devestating effects.
  3. Their abilities are purely meant as support for the player. They won’t be kill-moves in and of themselves and will tend to knock the enemy toward the player rather than away.

Neutral B: Jack Frost's ice
  • During the summoning, Kazuya raises his left hand vertically to his face as ice effect swirls arounds his COMP. Releasing it jerks his hand down, summoning Jack Frost.
  • Uses the bufu line of ice spells. When summoned, Jack Frost will begin casting an ice trail along the ground close to the player. If in the air, it will instead be a faint icy mist. When released, the ice will freeze anyone on or inside it setting them up for follow-ups, encasing them in an ice block similar to Lucas’s PK Freeze and popping them up. This does extreme shield damage, due to it’s slow nature of summoning and is more useful for threatening enemies who play it safe and block to be on their toes. The damage here is the lowest as its utility is far better than the other specials.
  • Longer charge times will make Jack frost cast bufula and then bufudyne, granting a larger vertical hitbox and longer freeze times.

Down B: Pixie's lightning
  • During the summoning, Kazuya raises his left hand to the sky, electricity swirling around his COMP. Releasing it makes him slam his palm to the floor, summoning Pixie.
  • Uses the zio line of electric spells. When summoned, Pixie will summon a storm high above the player. When released, lightning will strike down opponents towards Kazuya's feet, dragging any enemies down along the way. Similar to Pikachu’s Thunder, except the lightning striking down from slightly in front of Kazuya so he can follow up before the enemy hits the ground. This does percent damage greater than angel’s force due to being quite situational.
  • Longer charge times turn the spell into zionga and ziodyne, increasing the height and speed and slightly increasing the horizontal size.

Up B: Angel's force
  • During the summoning, Kazuya’s left hand is horizontal at his side, green wind swirling around his COMP. Releasing it makes him raise his hand to the sky, summoning Angel.
  • Uses the zan line of force spells. When summoned, Angel will form a gale beneath the player's feet. When released, wind will quickly blast the area around the player’s feet, launching them and enemies nearby into the air. The player is not in a helpless state during the ascent, but IS helpless on the descent, leading to potential kills on hit. This does percent damage less than pixie’s lightning due to being a recovery move.
  • Longer charge times turn the spell into zanma and zandyne, increasing the horizontal hitbox and percentage damage to the enemy.
  • (Side note: Due to its nature as a recovery move, it will have a slightly longer summon time, but an almost instantaneous cast time)

Side B:Jack O'Lantern's fire
  • When summoning, Kazuya raises his hand to his other shoulder, fire swirling around his COMP. Releasing it swings his hand out, summoning Pyro Jack.
  • Uses the agi line of fire spells. When summoned, Jack O'Lantern will incant a fiery spell a medium sized distance away from the player, say half of Final Destination’s distance. When released, a fiery explosion will knock the enemy towards the player to follow up. Percentage wise, this is the highest damaging of all the specials since it requires specific spacing to be effective.
  • Longer charge times turn the spell into agilao and agidyne, increasing the hitbox, damage, and knocking the enemy towards the players at more aggressive angles.
>Normals: Physical and Gun Skills

Jabs: Dark Sword
Jab 1: Ichi
A horizontal slash from right to left with his katana. Decent range and is extremely safe on shield. Sluggish start to compensate for exceptional jab range.
Jab 2: Ni
A diagonal slash from slightly low left to a slightly high right. Also safe on shield, but has a shorter range due to being primarily a linking move. Low endlag leading to a possible mixup between the final jabs or going into a grab.
Jab 3: San
A diagonal, almost vertical, slash from very high right to the ground on the left. Unsafe on shield, and has low killing power, but pushes the enemy at an aggressive low angle and has decent damage.
(Raidou Kuzunoha's triple square combo in his own games)
Tilts: Fatal Sword
Up Tilt: Big Gamble
Does a jumping rising slash, which leaves the user airborne. Leads to more aerial pressure, and has average killing power. Similar to Megaman’s upper, but focused more around damage and potential pressure afterwards instead of raw killing.
(Yu Narukami's rising slash in Persona 4 Arena)
Forward Tilt: Hell Thrust
Does a quick advancing stab with decent killing power, moves him noticeably forward. During this attack, he is very low to the ground, and is invulnerable to weak projectiles. With an exceptional stabbing range made longer by its advancing position and it’s killing potential, it’s sure to be one of his staple killing moves, along Ike’s ftilt. However, to compensate for this, this ftilt has below average endlag and is extremely punishable if blocked due to pressing up right into the shield’s face on top of the endlag.
(Raidou Kuzunoha's forward+square attack in his first game)
Down Tilt: Circle Slash
Does a quick spinning slash toward the enemy's feet diagonally downward. Hits twice at Kazuya's lower-front and once behind him higher up. This move pops the enemy diagonally upwards and covers a huge range in front and behind him. Not as fast or safe compared to a dtilt like Marth’s, but has more range and its double hitting property might get past shields the second time.
(Raidou Kuzunoha's charge attack in his first game)
Dash Attack: Mist Rush + Godslaying Sword
Moves so quickly he is temporarily shrouded in mist. He appears to teleport a short distance and begins pressuring the enemy with a barrage of slashes. At minimum hits only twice and pops which pops the enemy up for continued pressure.
(Kazuya's multi-hit attack in SMT4:A's DLC)
Additional inputs can add more hits up to 4, with one more last hit with mediocre killing power. Instead of a horizontal slash, it is a downwards diagonal flip slash.
(Flynn’s overworld slash from SMT4 and a reference to his ultimate attack in SMT4A)
>Smashes: Akasha Arts

Forward: Lightspeed Slash + Gideon Bullet
Two part forward-Smash similar to Link. First part readies his katana to his side, holstering his gun, ready to strike. Releasing it, as the name implies, makes him charge forward so fast that he disappears and only reappears as he slashes. Increased charge time increases the range of the teleport. While it doesn’t have as much strength as most forward smashes, it is supplemented with the next part of the smash. Charging the Fsmash increases the damage, but not the knockback. Instead, it increases the hit-stun time for the following attack.
(Kazuya's strongest attack in SMT4:A's DLC)

Only after hitting with that slash, can a 2nd Forward Smash can be charged. The second smash sheaths his sword as Kazuya takes aim with his gun and fires an extremely long range projectile laser beam that can pick off enemies offstage. As it has to be aimed and has a specific linear hitbox, it creates a conundrum: charge further for a more damaging kill option and risk the opponent avoiding, or do the 2nd part instantly, providing reliable damage but risk the opponent not dying.
(Aleph's strongest attack in SMT4:A's DLC)

While individually, these moves are nothing special, together, they can get extremely early kill confirms by knocking an enemy off-stage and finishing them off with a well-aimed and timed shot. As such, practice and prediction are required to use this tool well.
Down Smash: Vorpal Blade
Holsters his gun and readies his sword in a quick draw fashion at his side. Releasing it causes causes Kazuya to quickly slice a large sphere of sword strikes. Further charging increases the radius of the sphere. The sword and arm itself are so fast, they aren’t seen, merely the slashes as a result of them. Due to its large AOE and relatively fast start-up, it does less damage than most Smashes to compensate and kills far less early than the other smashes.
(Raidou Kuzunoha's “Strong Attack” in his 2nd game)

Up Smash: Myriad Arrows
Sheaths his sword and prepares to aim his gun in the sky. This Smash can be angled a bit in a narrow fan above. A targeting reticle appears from his head visor indicating the future direction of his shot. When released, he slams his gun upwards, sending foes in front of him above directly into the line of fire for the next shot. After the gun is raised Kazuya fires 2 bullets at minimum charge. This can be charged up to 4 bullets. Initial bullets will stun the enemy, but only the last bullet will kill. The damage falloff is great with really only a character’s length of the bullet shot having true killing potential.
(Aleph's multi-hitting attack in SMT4:A's DLC)
>Aerials: Riot Gun

Neutral Air: Fang Breaker
A double roundhouse kick that goes in an upward arc that comes out relatively fast, low killing power, better used as a “get off me” option. The kick arcs from the front of him over and behind him. While it comes out fast and covers both sides, it’ll rarely be used over his other aerials due to having a much smaller hitbox. Being forced to use this move often means you’ve failed to keep your optimal space and it’s very likely you’ll be punished. Also has a deadzone directly underneath him where it won’t hit.
(Raidou Kuzunoha’s attack while blocking in his 2nd game)

Forward Air: Crescent Slash
An arcing slash upward and then downwards. Two-parter like Link’s forward air. Covers a large distance, but has low killing power. Comes out decently fast. Think a Lucina fair except going upwards first before going downwards. The move can be auto-canceled early by landing leading to a set knockback for other follow-ups. Can potentially cover a large amount of space if used properly.
(Kazuya's double hitting sword attack in SMT4:A's DLC)

Back Air: Sonic Shot
Kazuya pulls his gun hand behind and takes a shot diagonally down backwards. Then turns around and shoots straight forward. They travel a medium distance before disappearing. Decent killing power, but much more reliable for gimping people with poor horizontal recoveries. If an enemy is close enough, they’ll get hit with both shots, or possible be knocked into the second shot by the first shot.
(Aleph's double hitting bullet attack in SMT4:A's DLC)

Down Air: Megido Slash
Two input move. First input prepares a downward slash by lifting his sword over his head. Pressing the A button in this pose will make him swing down. There is a spike hitbox on the tip of the blade, activating only when the blade is almost horizontal. Due to the predictable and risky nature of the move along with the precision and timing, it’s extremely deadly, even as powerful as a Ganondorf stomp. The preparation part of the move can be canceled into an airdodge. If Kazuya lands while in preparation, he will slam the floor and cause a white explosion in an AOE around him. Like most aerial attacks that hit the floor, this has a large amount of endlag.
(Raidou Kuzunoha’s skill as an ally in SMT3)

Up Air: Down-Shot
Flips his body and aims his gun up, firing 2 shots straight upwards. Has a unique trait of turning him the other direction when done with the animation. It’s killing power is high, and it has very low-startup, making for an effective way to kill people very near to the top.
(Taken from Joker’s follow-up gun attack in Persona 5)
>Grabs and Throws: Shibaboo

Grab: Shibaboo
Lunges forward and appears to grab the enemy at first glance. However, on closer inspection, it can be seen that he is thrusting the COMP at the enemy, causing an electric effect to surround the enemy
(Shibaboo spell which stuns the enemy to make it easier to follow up with more attacks)
Pummel tightens the bind and has a shocking effect effect.
Throws: Megaton Press
Forward: Boogie-Woogie
Stabs them, knocking them up short distance, then fires 3 shots directly at the enemy, similar to Mewtwo’s forward throw, except launching them at a sharper, lower angle. Has very low killing power and is mainly used to reposition and gain percent.
(Raidou Kuzunoha’s bossfight in SMT3 where he shoots the enemy repeatedly)

Back: Backstab
Backhands the sword, ducks behind the enemy, and stabs his sword backwards into the enemy’s back, sending the enemy flying. Has an extreme amount of killpower, a very reliable kill option near the ledge.

Up: Critical Shot
Readies his leg backwards and unleashes a humongous kick launching them far up into the air. Launches them at a straight 90 degree angle, but lacks killing power outside of decently high percents.

Down: Execution
Does an overhead Slash and knocks the enemy to the ground, after which he fires 3 bullets into the enemy, launching then diagonally behind Kazuya. No killing power and is mainly used to combo into other moves like fair or bair.
>Final Smash: DIE FOR ME!

Final Smash: Alice’s darkness
Similar to his specials, this is a summoning spell. However, the main difference is that the animation shows that it is clearly involuntary, and is the will of the demon residing within the COMP rather than Kazuya calling out its power. Activating the final smash causes Kazuya to grip his right elbow as dark energy and lightning courses through the COMP as it rises of its own will. Alice summons herself and casts DIE FOR ME!
(Interesting to note is that while Kazuya has the “Final Smash” effect on him, he does not have the yellow eyes. Instead, the ghost of Alice will appear floating behind him with glowing yellow eyes.)
It’s a cinematic finisher with 2 activation variants. When on the ground, dark hands will rise up from a blue ring of fire and pull everyone in it down into Alice's world. When in the air, the ring of fire will be vertical, facing towards the enemy. Again, dark hands will grasp the enemy and pull them into her world.

When in her World, enemies will appear before an innocent looking Alice in a velvety blue void. Alice then does her signature spin, grin, and point as her eyes change from yellow to a glowing magenta.. The enemy is then assaulted from every which direction with red and black playing cards until Alice throws a single magenta card at the enemy, breaking her illusory “world” and blasting everyone caught to the blastzone.
(Reference to multiple interpretations of the Die for Me! Spell over the years)
>Taunts: Demon-amie_

Down: Pixie's Dia
Summons Pixie who will circle Kazuya sprinkling sparkling dust on him as the healing sound effect plays, blows him a kiss, and then teleports back into his COMP.
The healing is, of course, entirely cosmetic and doesn’t do anything, similar to Link’s Navi taunt.
(Trademark healing skill of Pixie)

Side: Charge
Puts away his weapons and crosses his arms, staring directly forward with his eyes closed. Then, opens his eyes, lets out a loud "Hmph!" and releases a large amount of electric energy around him.
(One of his skills in the SMT4:A's DLC which more than doubles his next attack’s damage. Animation from Raidou Kuzunoha's boss fight in SMT3 where he uses "Provoke")

Up: Pascal the dog is here
Summons Pascal the dog and plays with him. This taunt lasts indefinitely until it is canceled, where Pascal is then called back to his COMP.
(Original skill he has in the first SMT)

If the user is not Kazuya, it will instead summon a generic Cerberus
>Victory: Level Up!_

1st Victory: Running Start
Kazuya breathes a sigh of relief, beckons toward the camera, and then begins to run around the camera and the victory arena. This animation is continuous and does not end. He will keep on running for as long as the player is on the victory screen.
(Joker's victory animation in Persona 5where he runs in a circle around the camera.)

2nd Victory: Team Support
Kazuya slices top right to bottom left, bottom left to top right, then bottom right to top left, before spinning around and flourishing his sword to his side. All four of his demons then jump over him and pose towards the camera.
(Raidou Kuzunoha's Yo****sune show-up animation from his boss fight in SMT3)

3rd Victory: Ground stab
Falling from the sky, Kazuya impales his katana into the floor, before turning towards the camera and aiming his pistol at it.
(Yu's victory animation in Persona 4 Arena where he stabs the sword into the ground + Dante from the Devil May Cry Series’s entrance to the Demi-fiend in SMT3 for the gun aiming part)
Read more about it in his article here.
Credit to ThatShadowLink ThatShadowLink .

Flynn is a rogue Samurai from the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. After embarking his own path, he decided to side with the people of Tokyo, and protect them from the demons and angels.

Flynn will probably be very similar to Robin in concept, in that he uses various magic spells to his advantage. Flynn has access to nearly every demon techniques in his game via the Demon Whisper mechanic, where demons who have unlocked all of their skills can pass them on to Flynn. The game only lets him carry 8 skills maximum, but for the sake of this moveset that will be ignored. Besides, when is Smash ever true to game limitations?

While Flynn carries a sword in its sheath in his artwork, he will not be using it for the majority of my moveset, instead it will stay sheathed while he walks around. Flynn has a Gauntlet on his arm which allows him to summon up to 3 demons as well, I will be staying true to this limitation. For added flair Flynn will be using this Gauntlet for all of his attacks involving demon skills and not his own.


Neutral Attack – Godslayer Sword
Flynn slashes Masakado's Katana in a diagonal overhand arc, similar to his starting overworld attack in Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Dash Attack – Lunge
Flynn lunges forward, punching with his Gauntlet arm.

Forward Tilt – Poison Claw
With a quick flick of the wrist, Flynn slashes his opponent with his Gaunlet hand in a claw. This will add a poison effect on his foe which will last for a few seconds.
Up Tilt – Tathlum Shot
Flynn holds his Gauntlet arm upward and it quickly shoots needles from each finger, mimicking machine gun fire.
Down Tilt – Oni-Kagura
Flynn smashes his opponent, performing a sweeping punch down with his Gauntlet arm.

Forward Smash – Nihil Claw
Flynn takes his Gauntlet hand into a claw and slashes at his foe with it, which can be chained three times with extra button presses.
Up Smash – Grand Tack
Flynn will launch a massive tack from his Gauntlet arm upward, which will hit anyone in its path. It quickly dissipates after getting a short distance away.
Down Smash – Berseker God
Flynn quickly does a one-two punch with his Gauntlet arm; one left, one right. It has a very short range, but on contact it is Flynn's most powerful attack.

Neutral Aerial – Megidolaon
Flynn unleashes a burst of energy around him.
Forward Aerial – Agidyne
A blast of fire explodes from his Gauntlet as Flynn holds it in front of him.
Back Aerial – Zandyne
Flynn unleashes immense force behind him, which will propel him forward and anyone behind him away.
Up Aerial – Ziodyne
Flynn shoots a bolt of lightning above him.
Down Aerial – Bufudyne
Flynn launches an icicle beneath him, which quickly falls to the ground and shatters.

Grab – “This is a Samurai's Skill!”
Flynn pulls his enemy close to him, which he grips with his Gauntlet arm.
Pummel – Masakado's Fury
Flynn hits his opponent with the hilt of Masakado's Katana.
Forward Throw – Agilao
Flynn throws him opponent forward and throws a fireball at them.
Back Throw – Zanma
Flynn throws his opponent behind with great force, pushing them away.
Up Throw – Zionga
Flynn electrocutes his foe with his Gauntlet arm and throws them upward.
Down Throw – Bufula
Flynn throws his enemy against the ground, hitting them with a strong ice attack, and they launch away, frozen.

Floor Attack – Hama
Flynn lets out a blinding light from his Gauntlet which gives him the chance to return to his feet.
Edge Attack – Mudo
Flynn unleashes a void of darkness from his Gauntlet upon climbing back up from the ledge.

Neutral Special – Smile Charge
Flynn will charge up and acquire Smirk status. The charging animation leaves Flynn vulnerable, and it takes two seconds to activate. This will strengthen his next attack, depending on the strength of said attack. If used with a Smash attack, the benefit will be minimal, but with any other move, it will essentially double the damage output.

Side Special – Jack Frost
Flynn summons Jack Frost, which will perform Bufula. Bufula is a medium sized ice projectile. It will hit any enemy it collides with, in a short, straight launch.

Up Special – Pyro Jack
Flynn summons Pyro Jack, who, because he floats, will carry him up for a short time.

Down Special – Jack Skelton*
Flynn summons Jack Skelton, who will use Tetanus Cut. Flynn and Jack will attack both sides with a quick slash, Flynn left and Jack right.

Flynn will trap anyone near him in a battle arena. Then, in a short cutscene, he summons all three Jacks who unleash attacks in succession. Bufula, Agilao, Tetanus Cut, and then finally Flynn finishes with Antichthon, a severe Almighty attack that will send the opponent flying.

*I don't think Nintendo would want to bring light to that fact that this Jack is based on a notorious serial murderer, so instead I've opted to use the name he went by in his Jack Bros appearance.
Aleph: The hero of Shin Megami Tensei II. Unlike Kazuya, I'd have Aleph focus on gun skills rather than physical skills.
3-hit Jab: Aleph slashes his opponents horizontally two times before blasting them with a pistol
Dash Attack: Tackle. A skill in SMT II, Aleph charges ate the opponent shoulder first.

Tilt Attacks:
Forward Tilt: Focused Fire. Aleph fires his pistol at his opponent. Take from Naoto's Snipe move from the Arena games.
Up Tilt: Autofire. Aleph fires upwards with one of his rifles from SMT II.
Down Tilt: Roundhouse Kick. Also a skill in SMT II, Aleph will roundhouse kick the opponent in front of him.

Neutral Aerial: Spin Slash. Another SMT II skill, Aleph spins around in the air sword drawn. Think of something similar to Link's Up B.
Forward Aerial: Needle Rush. Once again an SMT II skill, Aleph will throw needles at his opponent.
Back Aerial: Agidyne Stone. A common item found throughout the series, Aleph will throw an Agidyne stone behind him at his foes.
Up Aerial: Zandyne Stone. Another reoccurring common item, Aleph will throw a Zandyne stone upwards.
Down Aerial: Expel Arrow. An item in SMT II, Aleph will launch an highly effective arrow attack downwards. This is also his meteor attack.

Smash Attacks:
Forward Smash: Gigasmasher Blast. Aleph blasts his opponent with Gigasmasher rifle.
Up Smash: Myrrad Arrows. Aleph fires a volley of gunfire upwards.
Down Smash: Riot Gun. Aleph fires the Riot Gun skill against his opponent.

B Special: Loki-Mabufula. Aleph summons the demon Loki for a Mabufula attack. Can be charaged
Side B Special: Cu Chulainn-Javalin Charge. Aleph summons Cu Chulainn to charge at the opponent spear-first.
Up B Special: Angel-Zanma Flight. Aleph summons Angel for a recovery move as the Angel carries him to saftey in a Zanma powered aerial charge.
Down B Special: Metatron-Holy Wrath. Aleph summons Metatron to use the Almighty spell Holy Wrath.

Final Smash: Megido Ark: In a possible spoiler to one of the endings of SMT II, Aleph summons the Megido Ark to annihilate all his opponents. (And possibly, you know, the whole world as well.)
Final Smash: Jack Bros: Using his Gauntlet to launch a VR program, Flynn will trap anyone near him in a virtual battle arena. Then, in a short cutscene, he summons all three Jacks who unleash attacks in succession. Bufula, Agilao, Tetanus Cut, and then finally Flynn finishes with Antichthon, a severe Almighty attack that will send his opponent(s) flying.
Idle Animation: Menu Check. Aleph checks his comp for data. Similar to what Idon Idon
Taunt #1: "Dancing Furiously!" Aleph breaks out into a dance. A referance to an event, and meme, from SMT II.
Taunt #2: Aleph simply spins one of his pistols around in his hand.
Taunt #3: Intimidate. Aleph summons one of his summon-able demons to intimidate the enemy.
SMT1 Hero collapsed building.jpg

Destroyed Tokyo

A key element in every Shin Megami Tensei are the remnants of Tokyo after its destruction and infestation of demons. For Smash Bros, this is represented in a skyscraper with a unique feature. Starting at the roof, every floor is set on a timer that breaks, continually moving down the building, each floor having a different set of demons that watch the fight from afar. After a few floors, players fall into the ground floor, which becomes a walk-off. Even further still it becomes a basement with no more sides. On the final bottom floor is a portal that teleports players back to the roof with the building reset to the start. With Hazards off, the stage remains on the roof, serving as a Final Destination clone, with a pillar on the bottom.

Also, like Mementos from the Persona 5 Joker stage, it is purposely themed towards every SMT game.
With SMT1 music, Tokyo looks like it's been recently destroyed, with the ruins still new.
With SMT2 music, another society has been built on the ruins making it look more cyberpunk than post-apocalyptic.
With SMT3 music, the background changes to that of the Vortex world, with the sky being the world caved in and covered in a desert.
With SMT4 music, Tokyo has a rock ceiling placed over it, making the place much darker and only lit by the neon lights of the 80's cyberpunk city.
The trailer opens up with the good old Smash 4 nondescript canyon, but things are slightly different. The sky is a maelstorm of chaotic colors and the surrounding area is painted in a deep red.
The camera pans over to Pit who is clearly exhausted and tired before cutting to Ganondorf who is the same.
Each of their faces are displayed close-up at the same time, across from each other with a line dividing the two apart. They appear to stare at each other before both leaping forward to attack.

However, that isn't that case.
The camera pans out and they're rushing toward a singular common enemy.
The mysterious figure deftly dodges both fighters before grabbing Ganondorf's face with one hand and lifting Pit by the hair with the other.
The tagline strikes in as he's finally revealed turning towards the camera...

Demi-fiend Pierces Through.png

"The Demi-fiend pierces through!"
Of course, then the gameplay demo starts as the Common Battle theme plays with the usual basic combos before finishing with the Final Smash.

Post trailer, the chaotic skies above are split open from which an angelic figure appears before the now visible clear blue sky. Palutena in all of her majesty slowly descends from the heavens, the Demi-fiend looking on from below.
The pre-boss theme kicks in and with her classic smug tone, she proclaims "You... are beyond the point of redemption." as her halo of light appears behind her.

The Demi-fiend smirks at the prospect of facing a divine deity and cracks his knuckles in anticipation as the camera zooms out and fades to white as the Smash logo flashes in.
The trailer starts off on a modern cityscape. The Pokemon Trainer is fighting against a Mewtwo that's been possessed by Dharkon. Despite his best efforts, all his pokemon are defeated. With his pokemon in a pile, Mewtwo charges up a giant shadow ball and prepares to launch it. With nothing he can do, the Pokemon Trainer stands in front of his pokemon in a futile attempt to shield them from the attack. Suddenly a blast of ice freezes Mewtwo solid. The camera pans over and shows the new character:

Summoner Raises Some Hell.png

"The Summoner raises some Hell!"

Cue gameplay trailer with the Boss Theme playing in the background.
While they are using their standard attacks with the sword, they are quickly knocked out. While they're knocked down a hand reaches forward and offers them a gun. The summoner looks up and it's the other SMT protagonists offering their help. They all extend their left arms and summon a horde of demons and continue the fight, now the gameplay trailer features gun moves and demonic support. The final smash closes out the video with a bang and it fades to black.

A humorous post-credits scene show all the summoners trying to bribe mewtwo to joining them with money and gifts before he teleports away leaving them all disappointed.
SMT1 Kazuya Icon.png
SMT2 Aleph Icon.png

SMT4 Flynn Icon.png
SMT4A Nanashi Icon.png
Snake: Hey, what's up with this mute kid?
Otacon: Oh, that's the Demi-fiend. They say he's half demon and half human!
Snake: Well his fists are packing some serious firepower!
Otacon: Careful Snake, he's a force to be reckoned with. When he charges up, you better keep your distance. Some of his attacks even become entirely different!
Snake: Hmph, a man turned demon and with a horn to prove it... Big Boss could empathize pretty well with this kid.
Snake: Colonel, who is this guy? He definitely doesn't fit in with anyone here. Especially when he's packing more heat than I am.
Campbell: That's a demon summoner, Snake! That weaponry may be threatening, but be sure to watch out for those monsters, too. One mistake and you'll be dealing with the business end of the barrel.
Snake: Ugh, fighting would be a lot easier if I had some weaponry of my own. This blade and knife combination brings back bad memories...
Campbell: If I recall Snake, you were taught a few lessons in fighting against these kinds of fighters.
Snake: grumble
Pit: Woah! This guy is intense!
Viridi: Be on your guard pit, that's the Demi-fiend, half man, half demon, and all violence.
Pit: Half demon? Is he part of the Underworld Army? Was he sent by Hades? It's always Hades!
Palutena: No actually. In fact he's no stranger to opposing both the divine and demonic alike.
Pit: gulp Does that include...
Viridi: Yes, that includes you, too, obviously
Palutena: I'd be greatly appreciated if you took him out before he become a problem for me.
Pit: Wait, are you serious? He looks about ready to smack me silly!
Viridi: Oh quit crying. Just watch out for when he charges up and you'll be fine! ... probably.
Palutena: Good Luck Pit!
Pit: Aww, look at that little fella! What's his name?
Viridi: Well Pit, that's Jack Frost, spirit of Winter. He's cute isn't he?
Pit: Ooh ooh, and the pumpkin guy?
Palutena: Oh that's Pyro Jack, the Jack O'Lantern. He's a bit early for Halloween isn't he? [if the clock reads that the game is within a month of Halloween, the line will change to "He's just in time for Halloween too!"]
Pit: And that fluttery thing!
Viridi: That "thing" Pit, is a pixie! Protectors and dwellers of the perfection of nature!
Pit: Oh look, it's another angel! Hey there, wanna hang ou-
Palutena: Hold on Pit! That's definitely not one of mine. Especially since mine have erm, a bit of a stricter dress-code than that.
Pit: Wait, where are these little guys even coming fro- IS THAT GUY HOLDING A GUN!?
Palutena: Oh! I almost forgot, these are the minions of that demon summoner over there. Watch out, they work quite well together fighting as a team. You'll have to close in and not let up the pressure.
Viridi: Listen up Pit, this isn't like your ordinary Pokemon trainer. A demon summoner like that is way more than willing to get their hands dirty!
Pit: Guns and demons in a Nintendo game? I thought we were supposed to be E for everyone...
This is an exhaustive list of Megaten games and their relation to Nintendo.
*Red means they're Nintendo related.
Megami Tensei:

Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei (1987)
Digital Devil Story: Megami Tensei II (1990)
Kyūyaku Megami Tensei (1995)

Shin Megami Tensei:
Shin Megami Tensei (1992)
Shin Megami Tensei II (1994)
Shin Megami Tensei If... (1994)

Shin Megami Tensei: Nine (2002)
Shin Megami Tensei III (2003)
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne/Maniax (2004)
Shin Megami Tensei III: Chronicle Edition (2004)

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine (2007)

Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey (2009)
Shin Megami Tensei IV (2013)
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (2016)
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux (2017)

Shin Megami Tensei: Liberation Dx2 (2018)
Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne HD Remaster (2021)

Shin Megami Tensei V (2021)
Last Bible:
Revelations: The Demon Slayer (1992)
Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible II (1993)
Last Bible III (1995)
Another Bible (1995)

Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible Special (1995)
Majin Tensei:

Majin Tensei (1994)
Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis (1995)

Ronde (1997)
Majin Tensei: Blind Thinker (2007)
Majin Tensei: Blind Thinker II (2008)
Devil Summoner:
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner (1995)

Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers (1997)
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. The Soulless Army (2006)
Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha vs. King Abaddon (2008)
Revelations: Persona (1996)
Persona 2: Innocent Sin (1999)
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (2000)
Persona 3 (2006)
Persona 4 (2008)
Persona 4 Arena (2012)
Persona 4 Arena Ultimax (2013)

Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth (2014)
Persona 4: Dancing All Night (2015)
Persona 5 (2016)
Persona 3: Dancing in Moonlight (2018)
Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight (2018)

Persona Q2: New Cinema Labyrinth (2018)
Persona 5: Royal (2019)
Persona 5: Scramble (2020)
Devil Children:
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children – Black Book and Red Book (2000)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children – White Book (2001)
Shin Megami Tensei Trading Card: Card Summoner (2001)
DemiKids: Light Version and Dark Version (2002)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children – Puzzle de Call! (2003)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children – Book of Fire and Book of Ice (2003)
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children – Messiah Riser (2004)

Digital Devil Saga:
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner (2004)
Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner 2 (2005)
Devil Survivor:

Devil Survivor (2009)
Devil Survivor 2 (2011)
Devil Survivor: Overclocked (2011)
Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker (2015)

Jack Bros. (1995)
Maken X (1999)

Catherine (2011)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE (2015)
Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue (2017)

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE: Encore (2020)
Catherine: Full Body (2019)
Jack Frost Pixel Art Gif Small .gif
"Hee-ho, maybe I'll join you if support me-ho! Stay tuned; I update regularlee-ho!"

Last edited:


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Feel free to add me as a supporter. While I've never played a proper SMT game, I am a huge fan of the Persona franchise. I'm planning on trying out the SMT game for the Switch whenever it releases because I've always been intrigued by the series. I think you have some really good ideas here. I love the idea of a summoner character in Smash and I feel like I would still appreciate this since I know all the summons from the Persona games.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 12, 2015
Switch FC
I instantly support, love the SMT franchise. I would be fine with Aleph, Flynn, or Demi Fiend.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2014
I'm in. Huge SMT fan. Sign me up for the support list.

Here's the moveset for Flynn I concocted a month or two back, based on what loose memory I have of the old one I made way back in 2013 during Smash 4 speculation:

Flynn is a rogue Samurai from the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. After embarking his own path, he decided to side with the people of Tokyo, and protect them from the demons and angels.

Flynn will probably be very similar to Robin in concept, in that he uses various magic spells to his advantage. Flynn has access to nearly every demon techniques in his game via the Demon Whisper mechanic, where demons who have unlocked all of their skills can pass them on to Flynn. The game only lets him carry 8 skills maximum, but for the sake of this moveset that will be ignored. Besides, when is Smash ever true to game limitations?

While Flynn carries a sword in its sheath in his artwork, he will not be using it for the majority of my moveset, instead it will stay sheathed while he walks around. Flynn has a Gauntlet on his arm which allows him to summon up to 3 demons as well, I will be staying true to this limitation. For added flair Flynn will be using this Gauntlet for all of his attacks involving demon skills and not his own.


Neutral Attack – Godslayer Sword
Flynn slashes Masakado's Katana in a diagonal overhand arc, similar to his starting overworld attack in Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Dash Attack – Lunge
Flynn lunges forward, punching with his Gauntlet arm.

Forward Tilt – Poison Claw
With a quick flick of the wrist, Flynn slashes his opponent with his Gaunlet hand in a claw. This will add a poison effect on his foe which will last for a few seconds.
Up Tilt – Tathlum Shot
Flynn holds his Gauntlet arm upward and it quickly shoots needles from each finger, mimicking machine gun fire.
Down Tilt – Oni-Kagura
Flynn smashes his opponent, performing a sweeping punch down with his Gauntlet arm.

Forward Smash – Nihil Claw
Flynn takes his Gauntlet hand into a claw and slashes at his foe with it, which can be chained three times with extra button presses.
Up Smash – Grand Tack
Flynn will launch a massive tack from his Gauntlet arm upward, which will hit anyone in its path. It quickly dissipates after getting a short distance away.
Down Smash – Berseker God
Flynn quickly does a one-two punch with his Gauntlet arm; one left, one right. It has a very short range, but on contact it is Flynn's most powerful attack.

Neutral Aerial – Megidolaon
Flynn unleashes a burst of energy around him.
Forward Aerial – Agidyne
A blast of fire explodes from his Gauntlet as Flynn holds it in front of him.
Back Aerial – Zandyne
Flynn unleashes immense force behind him, which will propel him forward and anyone behind him away.
Up Aerial – Ziodyne
Flynn shoots a bolt of lightning above him.
Down Aerial – Bufudyne
Flynn launches an icicle beneath him, which quickly falls to the ground and shatters.

Grab – “This is a Samurai's Skill!”
Flynn pulls his enemy close to him, which he grips with his Gauntlet arm.
Pummel – Masakado's Fury
Flynn hits his opponent with the hilt of Masakado's Katana.
Forward Throw – Agilao
Flynn throws him opponent forward and throws a fireball at them.
Back Throw – Zanma
Flynn throws his opponent behind with great force, pushing them away.
Up Throw – Zionga
Flynn electrocutes his foe with his Gauntlet arm and throws them upward.
Down Throw – Bufula
Flynn throws his enemy against the ground, hitting them with a strong ice attack, and they launch away, frozen.

Floor Attack – Hama
Flynn lets out a blinding light from his Gauntlet which gives him the chance to return to his feet.
Edge Attack – Mudo
Flynn unleashes a void of darkness from his Gauntlet upon climbing back up from the ledge.

Neutral Special – Smile Charge
Flynn will charge up and acquire Smirk status. The charging animation leaves Flynn vulnerable, and it takes two seconds to activate. This will strengthen his next attack, depending on the strength of said attack. If used with a Smash attack, the benefit will be minimal, but with any other move, it will essentially double the damage output.
Side Special – Jack Frost
Flynn summons Jack Frost, which will perform Bufula. Bufula is a medium sized ice projectile. It will hit any enemy it collides with, in a short, straight launch.
Up Special – Pyro Jack
Flynn summons Pyro Jack, who, because he floats, will carry him up for a short time.
Down Special – Jack Skelton*
Flynn summons Jack Skelton, who will use Tetanus Cut. Flynn and Jack will attack both sides with a quick slash, Flynn left and Jack right.

Flynn will trap anyone near him in a battle arena. Then, in a short cutscene, he summons all three Jacks who unleash attacks in succession. Bufula, Agilao, Tetanus Cut, and then finally Flynn finishes with Antichthon, a severe Almighty attack that will send the opponent flying.

*I don't think Nintendo would want to bring light to that fact that this Jack is based on a notorious serial murderer, so instead I've opted to use the name he went by in his Jack Bros appearance.

I tried to incorporate a bunch of skills from SMTIV and made heavier use of his Gauntlet than his sword because I know "anime swordsmen" is a hot-button topic in the Smash community right now.
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Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I'm in. Huge SMT fan. Sign me up for the support list.

Here's the moveset for Flynn I concocted a month or two back, based on what loose memory I have of the old one I made way back in 2013 during Smash 4 speculation:

Flynn is a rogue Samurai from the Eastern Kingdom of Mikado. After embarking his own path, he decided to side with the people of Tokyo, and protect them from the demons and angels.

Flynn will probably be very similar to Robin in concept, in that he uses various magic spells to his advantage. Flynn has access to nearly every demon techniques in his game via the Demon Whisper mechanic, where demons who have unlocked all of their skills can pass them on to Flynn. The game only lets him carry 8 skills maximum, but for the sake of this moveset that will be ignored. Besides, when is Smash ever true to game limitations?

While Flynn carries a sword in its sheath in his artwork, he will not be using it for the majority of my moveset, instead it will stay sheathed while he walks around. Flynn has a Gauntlet on his arm which allows him to summon up to 3 demons as well, I will be staying true to this limitation. For added flair Flynn will be using this Gauntlet for all of his attacks involving demon skills and not his own.


Neutral Attack – Godslayer Sword
Flynn slashes Masakado's Katana in a diagonal overhand arc, similar to his starting overworld attack in Shin Megami Tensei IV.
Dash Attack – Lunge
Flynn lunges forward, punching with his Gauntlet arm.

Forward Tilt – Poison Claw
With a quick flick of the wrist, Flynn slashes his opponent with his Gaunlet hand in a claw. This will add a poison effect on his foe which will last for a few seconds.
Up Tilt – Tathlum Shot
Flynn holds his Gauntlet arm upward and it quickly shoots needles from each finger, mimicking machine gun fire.
Down Tilt – Oni-Kagura
Flynn smashes his opponent, performing a sweeping punch down with his Gauntlet arm.

Forward Smash – Nihil Claw
Flynn takes his Gauntlet hand into a claw and slashes at his foe with it, which can be chained three times with extra button presses.
Up Smash – Grand Tack
Flynn will launch a massive tack from his Gauntlet arm upward, which will hit anyone in its path. It quickly dissipates after getting a short distance away.
Down Smash – Berseker God
Flynn quickly does a one-two punch with his Gauntlet arm; one left, one right. It has a very short range, but on contact it is Flynn's most powerful attack.

Neutral Aerial – Megidolaon
Flynn unleashes a burst of energy around him.
Forward Aerial – Agidyne
A blast of fire explodes from his Gauntlet as Flynn holds it in front of him.
Back Aerial – Zandyne
Flynn unleashes immense force behind him, which will propel him forward and anyone behind him away.
Up Aerial – Ziodyne
Flynn shoots a bolt of lightning above him.
Down Aerial – Bufudyne
Flynn launches an icicle beneath him, which quickly falls to the ground and shatters.

Grab – “This is a Samurai's Skill!”
Flynn pulls his enemy close to him, which he grips with his Gauntlet arm.
Pummel – Masakado's Fury
Flynn hits his opponent with the hilt of Masakado's Katana.
Forward Throw – Agilao
Flynn throws him opponent forward an throws a fireball at them.
Back Throw – Zanma
Flynn throws his opponent behind with great force, pushing them away.
Up Throw – Zionga
Flynn electrocutes his foe with his Gauntlet arm and throws them upward.
Down Throw – Bufula
Flynn throws his enemy against the ground, hitting them with a strong ice attack, and they launch away, frozen.

Floor Attack – Hama
Flynn lets out a blinding light from his Gauntlet which gives him the chance to return to his feet.
Edge Attack – Mudo
Flynn unleashes a void of darkness from his Gauntlet upon climbing back up from the ledge.

Neutral Special – Smile Charge
Flynn will charge up and acquire Smirk status. The charging animation leaves Flynn vulnerable, and it takes two seconds to activate. This will strengthen his next attack, depending on the strength of said attack. If used with a Smash attack, the benefit will be minimal, but with any other move, it will essentially double the damage output.
Side Special – Jack Frost
Flynn summons Jack Frost, which will perform Bufula. Bufula is a medium sized ice projectile. It will hit any enemy it collides with, in a short, straight launch.
Up Special – Pyro Jack
Flynn summons Pyro Jack, who, because he floats, will carry him up for a short time.
Down Special – Jack Skelton*
Flynn summons Jack Skelton, who will use Tetanus Cut. Flynn and Jack will attack both sides with a quick slash, Flynn left and Jack right.

Flynn will trap anyone near him in a battle arena. Then, in a short cutscene, he summons all three Jacks who unleash attacks in succession. Bufula, Agilao, Tetanus Cut, and then finally Flynn finishes with Antichthon, a severe Almighty attack that will send the opponent flying.

*I don't think Nintendo would want to bring light to that fact that this Jack is based on a notorious serial murderer, so instead I've opted to use the name he went by in his Jack Bros appearance.

I tried to incorporate a bunch of skills from SMTIV and made heavier use of his Gauntlet than his sword because I know "anime swordsmen" is a hot-button topic in the Smash community right now.
That's a great moveset, actually. I absolutely love how you used Flynn's ability to actually learn all the kinds of skills in his moves. I especially love how you focus on the Jack family of summons on the specials. I say mine's a Kazuya thread, but most of the skills are from Raidou Kuzunoha, lol.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Would love to see a SMT rep. Am partial to the guy from Strange Journey, as that’s my favorite, but I could also see Flynn make it in. Demi-Fiend would be weird though, did his game ever make it to a Nintendo console?


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Would love to see a SMT rep. Am partial to the guy from Strange Journey, as that’s my favorite, but I could also see Flynn make it in. Demi-Fiend would be weird though, did his game ever make it to a Nintendo console?
Err, no. That's partly why I excluded him from the list, on top of his unconventional weaponry.

He's still my favorite, just doesn't fit with the moveset I have.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Err, no. That's partly why I excluded him from the list, on top of his unconventional weaponry.

He's still my favorite, just doesn't fit with the moveset I have.
Heh, guess I didn’t notice his absence, just saw your avatar and assumed he was there.


Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Instantly support.

I love SMT and to see this is great. I would definitely prefer this over anything from Persona honestly.
Plus it feels more unique then Jack Frost. Although I’d be fine with a Jack being playable as well.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Instantly support.

I love SMT and to see this is great. I would definitely prefer this over anything from Persona honestly.
Plus it feels more unique then Jack Frost. Although I’d be fine with a Jack being playable as well.
While I'd obviously prefer to have a playable SMT protagonist, the synchronicity game really turned me around on playable Jack Frost.
You could do a lot with him, especially if you incorporate Pyro Jack as a tag team.

Deleted member

Awesome thread! Absolutely support this, I hope it happens in the future with SMTV coming to Switch.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
I've only played Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. I don't know how long it is, but I fought Shesha twice. I think i'm close to beating it. I'm planning on getting Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker for my 3DS. I support!


Smash Ace
Mar 8, 2018
I'd love to see a Shin Megami Tensei character in smash! That's one of my favorite video game franchises of all time! Of course i'm supporting!


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
I've only played Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse. I don't know how long it is, but I fought Shesha twice. I think i'm close to beating it. I'm planning on getting Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker for my 3DS. I support!
Oh you've still got a decent chunk left to go. Have fun!
I HIGHLY recommend you check out SMTIV and DS1 too, even if they came before SMTIV:A and DS2.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2014
Shin Megami Tensei IV is a great game, and very worth your time. It's of course similar too, with only a few systems working differently, and a large portion of the levels being shared. IV is more open and while it's still linear, it generally lets you go at your own pace instead of constantly pushing you along like Apocalypse. I love both of them, but it's for that reason that I prefer IV.

Also Flynn's power-walk has way more swagger than Nanashi's prance.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Given ATLUS' loyalty to Nintendo (special shout-outs to Jack Bros on the Virtual Boy and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for the Wii U), I could honestly see ATLUS getting some sort of cameo in Smash Bros, though an (assist) trophy would probably be the method...

That said, I personally feel like a human character (be it SMT or Persona) would be more likely then Jack Frost solely because Sakurai recently has been striving to represent JRPGs mechanically and not just character-wise (re: Robin and Shulk). SMT (and Persona) is a game series about summoning demons and fighting with them using elemental spells. Jack Frost, for as cute as he is, couldn't really represent the games' mechanics on his own.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Given ATLUS' loyalty to Nintendo (special shout-outs to Jack Bros on the Virtual Boy and Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for the Wii U), I could honestly see ATLUS getting some sort of cameo in Smash Bros, though an (assist) trophy would probably be the method...

That said, I personally feel like a human character (be it SMT or Persona) would be more likely then Jack Frost solely because Sakurai recently has been striving to represent JRPGs mechanically and not just character-wise (re: Robin and Shulk). SMT (and Persona) is a game series about summoning demons and fighting with them using elemental spells. Jack Frost, for as cute as he is, couldn't really represent the games' mechanics on his own.
That's exactly why I'm pushing for an SMT protagonist rather than Jack Frost.
It's like how Pikachu is the face of Pokemon, but Pokemon Trainer really represents the franchise better.

That said, a Jack Frost assist trophy would be disheartening, but it wouldn't exactly be unexpected.
But hey, it at least brings the possibility of SMT representation in a later installment.

With your knowledge on the subject, is it safe to assume I can add you to the support list?


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
That's exactly why I'm pushing for an SMT protagonist rather than Jack Frost.
It's like how Pikachu is the face of Pokemon, but Pokemon Trainer really represents the franchise better.

That said, a Jack Frost assist trophy would be disheartening, but it wouldn't exactly be unexpected.
But hey, it at least brings the possibility of SMT representation in a later installment.

With your knowledge on the subject, is it safe to assume I can add you to the support list?
Quite welcome! I'm glad to know there are people who agree with me out there haha. I'd be more then happy to be added to the support list, yes.

I'd honestly rather they give some more niche series (Etrian Odyssey perhaps?) the glory of the cameo in the base game, thereby leaving SMT representation as a possiblity for the DLC (a la The Wonderful 101 appearing in the base game of Sm4sh with Bayonetta as DLC). However, any mention is better then no mention.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Quite welcome! I'm glad to know there are people who agree with me out there haha. I'd be more then happy to be added to the support list, yes.

I'd honestly rather they give some more niche series (Etrian Odyssey perhaps?) the glory of the cameo in the base game, thereby leaving SMT representation as a possiblity for the DLC (a la The Wonderful 101 appearing in the base game of Sm4sh with Bayonetta as DLC). However, any mention is better then no mention.
Thanks for the support!
Honestly, with how well they treat DLC characteres, I'd actually much prefer they be that one.

And on Etrian Odyssey, it's a game I've got on my backlog and it looks really neat. The first person dungeon crawling mixed with the turn-based 5 party back-front row system really intrigues me. I'll get to it eventually, I promise.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Thanks for the support!
Honestly, with how well they treat DLC characteres, I'd actually much prefer they be that one.

And on Etrian Odyssey, it's a game I've got on my backlog and it looks really neat The first person dungeon crawling mixed with the turn-based 5 party back-front row system really intrigues me. I'll get to it eventually, I promise.
That is true, though Inkling's unique mechanics make me think that our "not too many" newcomers this time will (hopefully) be DLC-level quality in terms of uniqueness.

It's definitely worth a series worth playing, especially if you enjoy tabletop RPGs, as it takes its character-creation and map-making features from those. That said, if you want a more traditional experience, they remade the first two games for the 3DS with proper story modes. Persona Q also exists, though that game is kinda divisive among fans of both series (I personally found it quite enjoyable, but I see why others would be unsatisfied).


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2014
It's apparently more difficult to do model swaps in Smash 4 so most character mods are just kinda recolors.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
It's apparently more difficult to do model swaps in Smash 4 so most character mods are just kinda recolors.
Shame about that. Makes you realize how much Brawl modding was taken for granted.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
So, how about that Smash direct?

Simon confirming that echoes of third-party newcomers is an option and Chrom seemingly confirming that echoes can have unique specials makes me think of SMT representation once more.

If we were to get a SMT representive whose main attacks are based on demon-summoning and meleeing, then I'm wondering if we'd see a Persona character as an echo of them - same base moveset, but with a few specials changed to incorporate their initial persona and a cameo-filled All-Out-Attack for a Final Smash. This could also work in the reverse, with a SMT character echoing a Persona one, though that would definitely a Simon-versus-Richter "who is the real echo here" situation.



Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
So, how about that Smash direct?

Simon confirming that echoes of third-party newcomers is an option and Chrom seemingly confirming that echoes can have unique specials makes me think of SMT representation once more.

If we were to get a SMT representive whose main attacks are based on demon-summoning and meleeing, then I'm wondering if we'd see a Persona character as an echo of them - same base moveset, but with a few specials changed to incorporate their initial persona and a cameo-filled All-Out-Attack for a Final Smash. This could also work in the reverse, with a SMT character echoing a Persona one, though that would definitely a Simon-versus-Richter "who is the real echo here" situation.

I don't think it'd work as smoothly as it would for Richter as he actually makes the majority of the Sichter pairing with his moves compared to Persona where all the Persona protagonists wield different weapons with different persona abilities.

Persona protagonists are most definitely going to use their main persona. It's as much a part of their character as their school uniform and Persona protagonists most definitely going to use their main weapon of choice as well, compared to the one handed blade most SMT protagonists use.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I don't think it'd work as smoothly as it would for Richter as he actually makes the majority of the Sichter pairing with his moves compared to Persona where all the Persona protagonists wield different weapons with different persona abilities.

Persona protagonists are most definitely going to use their main persona. It's as much a part of their character as their school uniform and Persona protagonists most definitely going to use their main weapon of choice as well, compared to the one handed blade most SMT protagonists use.
I agree that it wouldn't be nearly as smooth of a transition, but it's still not-impossible in my mind.

The initial persona is very iconic and symbolically-connected to their character; however, if we're representing a persona game mechanically, then it'd be kinda odd to tie someone with the Wild Card down to one persona, as that's generally not how combat works. Also, Makoto uses a one-handed sword and Yu, while he uses a "two-handed-sword," he can wield it using one hand for some attacks in Arena (for some reason).

I certainly don't think that it's likely (though, frankly, I'm not expecting any MegaTen representation outside of maybe some TMS#FE trophies) and it would present it's own challenges as well; however, it seems like a relatively harm-free way to represent both of the sister franchises to me, assuming that giving us two fully-unique characters would be going too far.


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
An SMT rep has about a Jack Frost's chance in hell but I'd be lying if I wasn't lowkey hoping for one to get in anyways. SMT1 Hero/Aleph/Tamaki/Flynn serving as palettes for a "Demon Summoner" moveset with sword/gun/COMP attacks would be great, if not Demi-fiend with more physical attacks instead. Both have their strong points (former are more connected to Nintendo, latter is more iconic in general).


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
An SMT rep has about a Jack Frost's chance in hell but I'd be lying if I wasn't lowkey hoping for one to get in anyways. SMT1 Hero/Aleph/Tamaki/Flynn serving as palettes for a "Demon Summoner" moveset with sword/gun/COMP attacks would be great, if not Demi-fiend with more physical attacks instead. Both have their strong points (former are more connected to Nintendo, latter is more iconic in general).
I'd be fine with either. Either way MegaTen deserves to be represented. ****, this series has been mostly Nintendo only since the 1980's.

Hell, the only reason I haven't made a Demi-fiend support thread is it's a Richter situation.
To the outside world, SMT's Demi-fiend is "literally who" but everyone inside the bubble, he's by far the most popular protagonist.

However, SMT itself? Some people have heard of that, and some people might be inclined to vote for a representative of the entire series.

Either way, thanks for the support.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2014
Working on a nice meaty project relating to this thread but I'd like to let you guys know I'll be drawing out some of the moveset concepts I had for Flynn. I need to make sure I properly capture Jack's hee-holiness.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Working on a nice meaty project relating to this thread but I'd like to let you guys know I'll be drawing out some of the moveset concepts I had for Flynn. I need to make sure I properly capture Jack's hee-holiness.
Well, best of luck to you. I certainly lack the dedication to draw any of those moveset concepts out like I've seen online.

Deleted member

I'm all in for any Atlus representation I'm just not reading the OP because that font hurts my eyes


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
What are your thoughts on a SMT hero announcement trailer?

I'm of two minds on it: part of me wants it to be a Pokemon versus demon themed trailer with the SMT hero saving the trainer from the demons that are directly attacking them (or, if its Persona, Pokemon Trainer facing off against his shadow self), but part of me wants it to be a Fire Emblem x SMT trailer, prehaps including the TMS cast getting knocked aside, ending with Itsuki lying on the floor commenting how he'll get his chance another day.
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