There seems to be 7 main Holy Digimon in this continuity, and Seraphimon is still one of them. I'm assuming your observation was based on the fact that there were only statues of Ophanimon, Cherubimon, and Valdurmon in the temple the Chosen Children wound up in, but considering the fact that the temple was in such a broken up state, I'm willing to believe that the other 4 had statues that were torn down, or perhaps their statues are in another temple. And if the other 4 aren't a part of the main group of Holy Digimon, it would be very odd to show them all together in the flashback like this.
I suppose though that future information could clarify some details, like if Ophanimon, Cherubimon, and Valdurmon were part of their own "unit" amongst the other angels, but currently as far as we know, there are 7 main Holy Digimon including the original 3 Ophanimon, Seraphimon, and Cherubimon.