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The Big MI Discussion Topic


Deleted member

Did Justin disappear or something??? It's been too long since the last smashfest... I'm starting to have smashfest withdrawals again. Next time we should do like a low tier singles or low tier team tourney or we could actually have a little serious singles tourney.

Justin, where are j00? :confused:


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Sorry Mangz, I been busy. Tony and Steve were back from college this week, then next week pretty much every other person I know is coming back for break. I'm not sure if I can have one this week, because I'm pretty much doin ****z all week, from Clinton's 21st birthday party, to having a 4 TV Halo 2 LAN, to goin prom dress shopping with Sam, Sarah, and Chu, then helping Porter make a "special" birthday cake for Clinton's party. ^^

Too bad MI smashers are a bunch of *****es, and no one else can step up and have a smashfest. I'm like the most vital part of MI smash! Without me, everyone would suck even worse than we already do!


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Wow Justin, way to *** up your week, nothing like baking a cake and going dress shopping to prove your manhood.


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by 3===D
Wow Justin, way to *** up your week, nothing like baking a cake and going dress shopping to prove your manhood.
Haha, Ahhhahahaha.............. see without adam, the mi topic has been sorely lacking in funny ****


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Bein a *** is the new cool thing to do Adam, but I don't have to tell you, because you started the trend! OH SNAP *****! I'M DROPPIN BOOOOOOMMMMMBBBBSSS!

Besides, I wanted to make sure that the dress was nice, since Sam asked me to go to prom with her, then proceeded to tell me that she's liked me for a while, and that she wanted me to "rub her". I asked her where, knowing full well where she meant, and she replied with a "Where do you think? :) " See, Steve dumped her I guess, because we hung out on saturday and got drunk at her house, and when bed time rolled around, I was all ready to hit the couch for some drunken slumber, but Sam pulled a Micheal Jackson, and invited me into her bed. Although I probably could have boned her then, I pulled a Tony (my buddy who's had plenty of opportunities to screw some ladies, but always just wants to cuddle). Anyways, We talked for like 2 hours while we were laying together all cutesy-like, and out of nowhere she was all like, "Yeah, I shaved today", and figured it was a fine time to take my hand and put it down her boxers to feel her freshly shaved vag. Although, I didn't throw the fingers in, so blown opportunity right there, but I'm working on it. Plus I was a little (by little I mean sh*t faced) drunk, so when that happened, I just started laughing, and said "sweet". Anyways, we're hanging out tomorrow, so we'll see how that goes. Who knows, maybe my small virgin weiner will finally be unleashed with a raging fury like no other into the somewhat stinky realm of the vag.inal canyon of love. Then again, maybe all of that was just a really sick and twisted game she's playing with my head. Either way, I don't give a ****. Sam's cool. Maybe she just wants sex, because she's a little nympho, in which case I'll probably let her down with my undersized weiner, and not-so-sexualy attractive body......Actually, what am I saying? I'M THE SEXIEST MOTHER ****ER IN MICHIGAN! ALL YOU *****ES AIN'T GOT NOTHIN ON THIS HOTTY WIT A BODY! OH MY GOD I ROCK SO HARD! Man, now I'm even busier than I already was......

sweet *** niggapotomus out!

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
justin what the ****
whaddya doin!?

does MI gotta teach u a lesson on how to get that **** started???????????
get vuluptuous and stick that shiz in, they aint gonna make the first move usually you gotta take it upon youself a.s.s.clown
but uhh yeh good job ^^^^^^


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Wow, my little Justin is all grown up, apparently a huge ****ing **** when it comes to making moves on the ladies, but it looks like youve got yourself a for sure bone, you just better hope its a nice clean bone, cause sluts who put out usually come with a variety of STD's , god speed.

And you know what Joel is right, sometimes you just gotta take the ***** like peppi.


Smash Master
Apr 25, 2004
Columbus, OH
"Yeah, I shaved today", and figured it was a fine time to take my hand and put it down his boxers to feel his freshly shaved vag.
Exact thing happened with me and vidjo. They don't call him "v.a.g.i.n.a.Gamer" for nothin.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Originally posted by 3===D
And you know what Joel is right, sometimes you just gotta take the ***** like peppi.
HAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG! I watched that the other day! That **** is so funny! "Well, let's just sprinkle some crack on him and get out of here."

So we hung out today, she made it clear that she pretty much wants my balls. Anyhoo, I've been thinking about it, and I'd have pretty much nothing to offer to the relationship, with the no car or job, and stuff like that, but at least I could say I've laid the pipe. ^^ I wouldn't even be able to give her good sex, with the being a virgin, and the small ***** and all. It's like she's the Isai or Ken of sex, and I'm just the smasher1001 (Garret a.k.a. Gary). Man, I'm gonna turn this topic into like a cool erotic novel! It's gonna be sweet!

We're hangin out tomorrow as well. ^^


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
... god i feel sorry for this Sam chick, why dont you just give her my number Justin :)


Smash Champion
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by 3===D
... god i feel sorry for this Sam chick, why dont you just give her my number Justin :)
why dont we just give you vidjos number instead

edit: And justin stop being such a *****, lol... just make sure to bag that ****. Stamp dress shopping, hahahahhahahaha


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
... Vidjos not my type, i dont know about you **** but im more of a vajina man myself.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
I never actually went dress shopping with her anyways. I opted to play some XBL Halo 2 with my buddies instead. Don't fear Joe, it's only a matter of time until the giant anacon......Well, ok, it's more of a withered, baby salamander, but it will be UNLEASHED WITH THE FURY OF 1000 WITHERED, BABY SALAMANDERS! I'm thinking about Friday at my house, since my buddy Clinton is throwing his 21st birthdat party at my house, and since we're both gonna be ****faced drunk, and at least then I'll have a good jon for the terrible, more than likely 5 minutes of virgin sex I give her. ^^

<make fun of Justin hardcore time>At least I got my first kiss yesterday. I'm such a ***.</make fun of Justin hardcore time>

It'll just suck because she's ****ed 32 guys, and she's only 17, and I'm 20, and I've never ****ed anyone yet. I'll just get her to become my Sex Sensei. Then when I finally do lay the pipe, just in honor of Adam, I'll have to nut on her tatties. Then I'll yell out, "You just got Adam'd!"

Ahhhhh, I'm proof that a fat, carless, jobless, drug addicted, highschool drop out that still lives in his dad's basement and plays video games all day can get laid by something other than a fat, ugly *****. YOU HEAR THAT SHADOW GLARE? Go forth and get that booty my friend!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit

Originally posted by Liptonbuddy
Ahhhhh, I'm proof that a fat, carless, jobless, drug addicted, highschool drop out that still lives in his dad's basement and plays video games all day can get laid by something other than a fat, ugly *****. YOU HEAR THAT SHADOW GLARE? Go forth and get that booty my friend!

just if the doctors say my cause of death was lack of oxygen, its ur fault for giving me infinite laff ammo ROFL.



Smash Lord
May 26, 2004
Kansas City
MICHIGAN!!!!!!! Phat here. Just wondering if any of you guys would be interested in making it down to E-59. It will be worth it big time. We got Mike G. and Ken goin. Who would like to be added to the VIP list? Plus, me and Medafighter X are gonna have a food eating contest to see who is the ultimate "fat" smasher in the midwest. I know adam and justin want in on that. If anyone is interested, then just post in the E-59 thread. Thanks.

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
Justin if you actually score big timez ill come to your smashfest on wednesday and ill be sure nar comes to ^^^^^^
well maybe not but ill try BUT ONLY IF U BANG OUT LIKE B.WALLACE
yeh and the *** smack is a must they love that **** for some reason >< maybe not the first time but once you start getting regular wangage. and they dont care about your small wangage, and if they do youll know cause u wont get it anymore lol

give this guy more adivice MI crew, as for me that is all cause all knows im still a virgin *winks* :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Nov 26, 2003
Socal, MI spirit

justin u have to learn how to work the **** since u are all balls and no shaft! LOOOOOOOOOL

jk buddie, but just make sure u stay home for dinner, dont eat out =X=X=X

o yeah I know ur gonna blow like johnny depp soon as u feel that warm apple pie sensation, but whatever u do, keep truckin!


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2004
Yo Michigan guys about our road trip. we are really hopign you dont live in Northern Michigan. Can you give us some clarification ?

Deleted member

The_Brownguy - We all live in southeast Michigan for the most part. We usually smash at Liptonbuddy's house in Warren. His address should be in the first post so you can check it on mapquest or something if you want.

Wow, now like 4 of the last 15 posts are actually smash related, haha.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
NO! Not mapquest! Mapquest has the wrong directions to my house. It'll get you within a half mile, but on the other side of a dead end street. Use Yahoo maps instead.

Yeah, I'll have to get really good at using my fingers and tongue, for the great Liptonbuddy's wang.........Not that big. ^^ Maybe I'll ask my friend Porter for some tips, since at my new years party he made this girl moan LOUD for like 30 minutes, and all he did was slip her the fingers. If Joe would have stuck around for about another 2 hours, he would have heard it. Just think Joe, since you left early, you missed the somwhat rare, but very loud "Jewish Roar".

Needle of Juntah

Smash Champion
Nov 25, 2003
Rochester, Michigan
ok justin heres the kicker..... how small actually is it? are we talking 3 inches here? or less than? lol as long as u got 6 u should be fine, just remember not to go to work after a certain blackman ^^^ if the occasion ever arises, so to speak


Smash Lord
Mar 1, 2004
Justin... if this chick has actually boned 32 dudes, you dont have a **** thing to worry about, chicks like that dont care if there getting banged with a ****ing pez dispenser dude, and yeah Joel is probably right, your gonna want to slap her ***, maybe her *******, might want to consider boxing em around for a bit, pull her hair, tell her she's ugly, and yes, as a matter of fact finish it off with the signature Adam move... trust me dude, beleive that the force is with you and your golden.

Oh, and why are you losers having a smashfest on wednesday, i cant party on wednesdays, i have class til 9.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2003
Warren, MI
Adam - What day is good for you my friend? As long as you promise to make it out, I'll have a smashfest in your honor! You just better get your punk *** over to my house! After this Sunday, it's back to my boring *** life, since everyone will be back at college, so after this weekend, regular smashfests will be on again!

Joel - If my johnson was 3 inches, you'd have never known me, because I would have killed myself as soon as I found out it had stopped growing.

W.J - Thanks for the compliment. My Mario blows, though. ^^ People just think my Mario is good because I beat 2 of the best known Mario players (Scavenger from Texas and Mike from Canada) at Melee FC. At MM3, NEO 4 out of 5 stocked me in a ditto. Granted, it was the first match I played in a while, no jons, he whooped my ***. I think we played 2 more after that and it was alot closer, but he still beat me 3 in a row in dittos. Mah ***** NEO's too good! Wavedash out of sheild downsmash owned my *** real good. I'm just all technical stuff, no mind games. ****, recently I can't even hit any of my cool technical stuff. Maybe next smashfest instead of sitting around and watching other people play, I'll actually play the whole time, and maybe play only Mario. Maybe a little Falco or Falcon. I gotta stop messing around and playing all these characters I know I'm never gonna use in a tournament.

EDIT: I just noticed something......W.J, are you from the WoSSBM boards? I saw you were from Edmonton in your profile.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2004
Edmonton, Alberta
Lipton, i posted on those boards long ago, i have played mike and jarrod, they are too good ^^, but cmon lipton could destroy brown mario, you got to make some more vids, they are too good, punch crew #2
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