I hated almost all of the characters, I hated Phillip Seymour Hoffman and his constant hand on his head, I hated Julianne MOore who never shut the **** up and wouldn't stop yelling, I hated the woman who interviewed Tom Cruise, I hated the little kid on the show, I hated William H. Macy and the ENTIRE NEVER ENDING BAR SCENE, I hated the guest show host, I hated the old man who wouldn't die, AND MOST OF ALL I HATED THAT ENDING WTF IT'S NOT POSSIBLE WTF JAS IFJHASPIF HA WHY DID THEY ASFSASAF IT CANT HAPPEN
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH If I didn't hate people who spoil movies so much I would tell you all what happened at the end of this one. Because it Makes NO SENSE ON ANY LEVEL WHAT WAS THE POINT ISAJFDPIHASIPFIAPSHFPIASHFD WHAT IS THIS MOVIE TRYING TO SAY WITH THAT KIND OF ****
The only characters I liked were Tom Cruise and John C. Reilly, in fact everyone in this movie was annoying and over the top and yelling except for Reilly. Dear god I wanted to punch a hole in the wall during sooo many of the scenes. I don't mean to go on like this, but that movie was 3 hours long and I don't know what to think of it. GOOD JOB PAUL THOMAS ANDERSON YOU MADE ME HATE ALL OF THE CHARACTERS, IF THAT WAS YOUR INTENTION THEN IT'S A 10/10 IF NOT IT'S A 0 I DONT KNOW WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE