Smash Lord
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Omegle conversation log
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Hello, have you been saved yet?
Stranger: One can only hope
You: If not, I'd like to ask if I may inform you of our religion.
You: As you know 2012 is approaching, so as many people as possible should get saved before that time of judgment.
Stranger: You could. I've never been accosted on a random Internet chat by a stranger before.
You: Okay, well. Let's first highlight the perks of my religion against other religions.
You: Other religions require you worship a cranky old dude who rains thunder and death on those who don't listen to him. If you disbelieve him, he will throw you in an eternal fire with eternal suffering and everything.
You: Our religion requires you only watch an animated series about a young, attractive girl, with no fear of retribution.
Stranger: If anything, you do know the way to a man's heart - a young, attractive girl
You: Of course.
You: Instead of mass, you are instead asked to, if you have the time, participate in discussions and speculations regarding the series' future.
You: This is by far better than listening to someone preach to you about the virtues of believing in the old cranky guy or else suffer eternal pains.
You: Have I interested you yet?
Stranger: You might say that. At least, you're far better than the ASL crew.
You: Boredom, eh.
You: I figured I'd take a different approach. Most chats here begin with "hi" and end in "horny".
Stranger: So, would you say that the series creator and directors are at the forefront of the religion?
You: I would certainly say so.
Stranger: Or is it self-practicing?
You: But it is also self-practicing.
You: In fact, most part of it is self-practiced, with the series' creator and its directors providing new food for thought on a periodical basis.
You: We do not ask you to read an old book from 2,000 years past, but instead deliver the word of our god in small, pleasurable installments of twenty minutes.
Stranger: How many installments are there?
Stranger: As you know, this is an instant gratification sort of society
You: There are, at present, two seasons of this series!
Stranger: Is it akin to the Old and New Testaments?
You: There are 14 installments in the first season, and the second season is still on-going.
Stranger: Are there followers of one and not of the other?
Stranger: Or are they united?
You: There are followers of both, as they are united.
You: It is very much a continuation, rather than the 'beginning' of a new school of thought.
Stranger: Surely, critical and creative discussion regarding the series must be present.
Stranger: So, if I were interested, where would one look?
Stranger: Furthermore, what do you have to gain by enlightening me?
You: To adress the first point, critical and creative discussion is, indeed, present.
You: One would look either in the nearest shop that provides in international animation, or if one believes in free distribution of the holy word and salvation, one need look no further than Ye Local Bittorrente Site.
You: The gain in enlightening you is personal gratification.
Stranger: I believe in free thought and free speech
Stranger: Surely, free distribution is but the next step
You: Then you need only google for Ye Local Bittorrente Site, and request all files pertaining to "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya", or simply the last two words for optimal results.
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