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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
Keith I dont know what your talking about. Adam did take a stock off Jeff in the crews. Then I finished him off taking the last 2 and 2 from Wes. Woulda been cool for me to take out 5 lol
sorry john i forgot, i thought he didnt my bad and still that is like a killer turn over though!

and anyone got any idea when the next turnament will take place?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 23, 2006
kinda like how you didnt have money to pay either ^^ lol, just messin you coulda write your pin number down on a piece of paper and your card and put it on the gc ^^, ps : no ragging on adam, he had a bad game so what its not like it happens to everone... oh wait it does!! not to mention peach is broken <--- johns proof

Keith no more money matching people because you assume you will win and not have the money to pay it.



Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
Keith no more money matching people because you assume you will win and not have the money to pay it.

not true roby u had no money either but sum1 O's me
$20 and i work so i know i can pay it i work weekends and breaks, like this 1 iim on so no johns as kyle said u had no money and i said we would put the pay on hold either way i said id pay u if i won against evan, and form 2 other moeny matches at the end of the day i had 8 dollers wich is in my wallet so nice try robbie GG plus as i said i can buy u a nic fat join instead:p

ps : no ragging on adam, he had a bad game
i wasnt ragging on him or else id be like "kick aam off the ranks!" im pointed out he had a bad game kyle stop looking at things so negativly > .> Adam would beat you, and me, his ganon is good, he just had an off game...also it was peach PERFECT JOHN EVA, aslong as there is no controller johns, charector johns are alright

haha pit the money on the gc next time
well ryan i had a $20 bill at the time so it wouldnt really work and also we agreed we would put it on hold due to roby having no money and i had to use it for another MM's and also i had to pay $15 for turnament but as i said i had $8 at end of the day so it was all good enough and i could pay him anytime i see him


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2005
Maple Ridge B.C
not true roby u had no money either but sum1 O's me
$20 and i work so i know i can pay it i work weekends and breaks, like this 1 iim on so no johns as kyle said u had no money and i said we would put the pay on hold either way i said id pay u if i won against evan, and form 2 other moeny matches at the end of the day i had 8 dollers wich is in my wallet so nice try robbie GG plus as i said i can buy u a nic fat join instead:p
Thats true, but I had my debit card with me and had more then enough in there, Just needed to get to a ATM machine.

But yeah thats cool. It's only 5 dolla.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Someone in Canada needs to evolve into Nate so they can be hella funny and make racist jokes and drive people everywhere. Mainly the drive people everywhere part.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2006
B.C., Canada
No Kids gloves for me

Right, apparently I have heard that some folks have been asking my opponents to go easy on me. I want to try to make this as serious as possible; I don't want to be coddled, I don't want to get your "Im-not-trying" game. If you got the skillz, **** me up. No mercy, it will only make me soft, and I'm too soft as it is. Besides, we all know peach likes it rough :grin:. Yeah I want to learn, but I got alotta pride. I would rather get your best game and get ***** than have you go soft on me.

Adam: Yeah, my sister is hot, I actually almost thought that was keith buggin me again... he has this ongoing thing about bugging me about my sister.

Speed-kill, 4-stock record:
1:11 (Held by Tori, playing as falco, against my peach, on Yoshi's story)[Tourney match]

I want someone to try to beat this. Yeah, I'm crazy, I'm out there, I'm a ****edup kinda guy. And yes, I will update this if someone beats that record in either a smashfest, Tourneymatch, or MM.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2006
B.C., Canada
I already beat it... I beat Manuel's Marth with my Fox on Jungle Japes in exactly 1 minute 4 stocked...
I wasn't talking about general 4stock records... I was talking about the record time in which I GET 4stocked. Yes, I am arrogant. Yes, I am overlyproud. Just to dispelling suspicions/diffusing replies in which people call me either of those two things.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Right, apparently I have heard that some folks have been asking my opponents to go easy on me. I want to try to make this as serious as possible; I don't want to be coddled, I don't want to get your "Im-not-trying" game. If you got the skillz, **** me up. No mercy, it will only make me soft, and I'm too soft as it is. Besides, we all know peach likes it rough :grin:. Yeah I want to learn, but I got alotta pride. I would rather get your best game and get ***** than have you go soft on me.

Adam: Yeah, my sister is hot, I actually almost thought that was keith buggin me again... he has this ongoing thing about bugging me about my sister.

Speed-kill, 4-stock record:
1:11 (Held by Tori, playing as falco, against my peach, on Yoshi's story)[Tourney match]

I want someone to try to beat this. Yeah, I'm crazy, I'm out there, I'm a ****edup kinda guy. And yes, I will update this if someone beats that record in either a smashfest, Tourneymatch, or MM.
im pretty sure ive 4 stocked spartamus with YL faster than that XD
not to mention with fox


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2005
Vancouver, B.C.
I am so sleep deprived from my library research assignment that I forgot an integral part of it which I had to skip a class to do, and I fell down twice (skinned my knees and hands). It doesn't help that I'm huge - the bigger you are, the harder you fall indeed. But at least I learned during an after school presentation by 3rd and 4th year students that I indeed want to go into Microbiology. Infectious diseases are the ****.

Oh, and I'm continuing to practise Sheik.

EDIT: Anyone who hasn't added me to MSN, do so. brett_latulippe@hotmail.com . This means you Troy, we could study together sometime.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 30, 2006
B.C., Canada
Yeah Lysander, you suck too much to be arrogant. Also your hygeine is lacking. Nuff said.3
I can be as arrogant as I want... and you surely must be joking about the latter. Of course, you could just be an *******. That wouldn't surprise me much. *eyetwitches, amygdala kicks into overdrive*


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Why wouldn't that suprise you much? I'm pretty sure I thought you were from Oregon. Like, I literally said to Otto "Dude, I didn't know Oregon was here." I havn't seen anyone get four stocked by Nate that fast since...Reggies fat.

Also, Wak has very good english.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
I can be as arrogant as I want... and you surely must be joking about the latter. Of course, you could just be an *******. That wouldn't surprise me much. *eyetwitches, amygdala kicks into overdrive*
its true u shouldnt be arrogant, and dont be so rude on the boards lysander black it is not necisary and hygene is important!


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
its true u shouldnt be arrogant, and dont be so rude on the boards lysander black it is not necisary and hygene is important!
i know you all love me. anyways. any smashfest this week? i am in the se-x semester break with manuel everyday.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2006
wow meta your nice... looks like im off your totally awesome people list...

anyway since i dont have the time right now... and there is such a big gap in skill level between the community and myself...
i think ill wait for brawl to come out before i start training seriously, although i still may come to tournaments and such down the road..
hopefully ill have an advantage with access to a wii earlier than some of you before you guys overtake me in that too =P =P
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