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The B.C. Canada Thread


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
yeah, John sure is impressive

*waits for john to take a screenshot of this*

john, i GOTTA play you man. also, i ahve ntohing to do tomorrow. anyone wanna chill? smashfest/dress up smash party?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2006
hey i was just wondering who lives in my area besides edmund, troy, and duong...
i think im improving cause i finally realized why i keep getting shield grabbed, so maybe ill hold a [small] smashfest for ppl in the neighborhood and 1 or 2 friends i know that are better than me =D on a weekend next month... maybe... i'll have to see

ive got 2 usable tvs... but in separate rooms =Z and are basically immovable so i cant have too many ppl

happy halloween!


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
hey i was just wondering who lives in my area besides edmund, troy, and duong...
i think im improving cause i finally realized why i keep getting shield grabbed, so maybe ill hold a [small] smashfest for ppl in the neighborhood and 1 or 2 friends i know that are better than me =D on a weekend next month... maybe... i'll have to see

ive got 2 usable tvs... but in separate rooms =Z and are basically immovable so i cant have too many ppl

happy halloween!
You're lucky you even have those three smashers in your area. Alls I have is Nathan and Matt. :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2006
anyone can come =D id love for you to come master peach player ;)
but remember the plans are not for sure and the date isnt picked
btw my name is chris haha
not peanut =Z

also my cousin and his friend from richmond who basically are at the top of our little group of smashers want to come also.. so maybe carpool time so one or two richmond smashboards ppl can come too ;)


Smash Rookie
Dec 19, 2005
Vancouver, BC
anyone can come =D id love for you to come master peach player ;)
but remember the plans are not for sure and the date isnt picked
btw my name is chris haha
not peanut =Z

also my cousin and his friend from richmond who basically are at the top of our little group of smashers want to come also.. so maybe carpool time so one or two richmond smashboards ppl can come too ;)
If I remember correctly, only of the two smashers AND myself were at the top


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2006
haha and joey? but wesley and my cousin got much better... apparently my cousin can actually beat wesley sometimes

anywayy... edmund you better come =P and ya i should stop talking about them cause nobody else knows who they are


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
Nope RIchmond Mall so we can party with the hoes on No.3 road!:cool:
I'm game. By "hoes" you mean ryan and edmund, yes?

zOMG so i have a story to tell you.

I remember once i went to adam's for a smashfest [for like 20 minutes >.>] . When i was on the bus to richmond centre, these three white girls kept looking at me and smiling. I was like "okay... kinda creepy.". then, i got to richmond centre and waited for the 410. THEN, there were two girls who were with their white guyfriends, but then they sat on the bus on each side of me, deliberately talking past me and bending over to reveal their lowcut shirts. By this time, I was starting to think there was something wrong with Richmond. THEN, when i went back, at richmond centre there were these three surprisingly attractive azn girls who were all giggling and sat next to me on the bus. When they got off, they all winked at me as they passed the window. I took the 100 bus from around 70th, and there was this last white girl who was sitting with me in the back of the bus [we were the only ones there] and LOL she took off her sweater, put one leg up over the other seat, and started rubbing her upper leg provocatively.

a) richmond girls are deprived/desperate
b) manLi is UBER hawt
c) richmond has never seen the likes of a Spanish Boi
d) richmond girls have heard the legend of the boi with the magic hand.
e) both A+B

xD let us go , therefore, to richmond.


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
you should come to edmonds washingon. i hear theres this guy there named gimpyfish, he will make you all laugh.

he does IRL fortress cancels into getup attacks on curbs.


Smash Ace
Aug 13, 2005
Vancouver B.C. Canada
he does IRL fortress cancels into getup attacks on curbs.
Best attack ever! You should do your Uair again of even a Dash Attack! I mean who wouldn't run away from a RL shoulder tackle or a RL Fortress while spinning saying "weeeeeeeee"?!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 13, 2006
umm.. peanut does play bowser =Z

peanut mains falco and secondaries bowser
but usually gets beaten in bowser mirrors by people who dont even play bowser...

and... im sure if you talk to troy he'll tell you just how bad i really am at this game haha
i might be able to beat 1 or 2 of you overall... at most

thx ryan cow-ear for remembering my name

also... what do you guys think is a good amount of people to have with 2 tvs ssbming?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2006
Armstrong B.C Canada. It's in the Okanagan, so if
Arara, wakka wakka. Yeaap. So anyways, after browsing around EB games in vernon, I was talking to one of the employees and he directed me to a few people in my town, Armstrong, that play smash. It's funny because they all go to my school and I never would've known had I not asked. So currently there's 5 of us in Armstrong.

Though, we'd probably get dominated in any kind of crew battle, so we've got training to do, but none the less I now know of people in my area to smash with ;P I usually have 3-4 of them over every Sunday to play. Aside from my excitement..

Anything new going on anywhere else in B.C? Any tournaments being held any time soon? Yadda yadda yadda, wakka wakka..
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