Smash Rookie
Thanks for the help Achilles! I managed to solve the issue. The problem wasn't with the hack pack itself but with the DIOS MIOS launchers settings. I feel stupid looking back but I did have widescreen on in the settings on the third page (It was hiding from me). Anyways here's the settings you have to change to fix the problem...Make sure your video settings in your homebrew loader are set correctly. I don't know exactly what those settings may be, but play around with things. A couple people had posted here saying they were having screen issues (with widescreen off) and one guy figured out the problem and it was related to his loader settings. It was probably posted in the page 25-29 ish zone if you want to look around there.
Video Mode: NTCS480p (This is necessary, leaving it on auto will still result in the widescreen)
Video Patch: force (Not actually sure about this one but SackofWine suggested it. Possibly Necessary)
Widescreen (This is on the third page of settings): off
Widescreen problem resolved! I changed the video mode in Dios Mios from "Auto" to "NTSC 480p" and set Video Patch to "force" as well.