Hello guys. I made some tools that auto-inject values for songs in MnSlChr.usd and also auto-renames HPS files
Download link:
How to use:
0. Before you start, I recommend that you create a backup copy of your 20XX 4.05 root just in case.
1. Download and extract "20XX 4.05 Song Inject Tool.zip"
2. Take the HPS files that you want to add and put them in the 'HPS' folder. Rename them to how you want them to appear in 20XX 4.05. Keep in mind that the max title size is 31 characters (not including the .hps file extension). If a filename is too long, you'll get an error message later when you run the program. The program will tell you which filenames are too long so you can rename them if you get any errors.
3. Take MnSlChr.usd and copy it into the "20XX 4.05 Song Inject Tool" folder.
4.a If you want to just add all songs in /HPS/ in alphabetical order, double click autoinject.bat. It will ask you to enter the offset to insert the songs. The offset you enter will be the offset for the first song. For example, if the last song you added had offset 0x69, you want to use offset 0x6A unless you want to overwrite the last song at 0x69. Also, if you your last song was 0x69 and and you choose to overwrite 20 songs starting from 0x31, the program will write 0x31 through 0x45 (0x31 + dec 20) and zero out the rest. This way if you want to completely redo your songs, you'll be able to start over from scatch.
Anyways, in my example, I will insert to 0x31:
5. Hit enter. If everything goes smoothly and no errors occur, the command window should close by itself. MnSlChr.usd has now been modified and had the new offsets written to it, and a new folder called "HPS_Renamed" holds a copy of all your files renamed. (Your original files in /HPS/ will be kept intact)
7. All you need to do now is copy MnSlChr.usd to your 20XX root, copy the files in the "HPS_Renamed" folder to your root/audio folder, and rebuild your ISO... don't forget to check 'do not use game.toc' I recommend testing it out in Dolphin before trying it on your Wii.
4b. If you want to add songs in a custom order (non-alphabetical) then create a text-file with the list of files in the order that you want. If you want to add empty lines, you can, but don't put any spaces (i.e. use only the 'enter' key) in the empty lines, or else the program will think that they're filenames. When you create your list, don't put the file extension in the filename entries (see below), and make sure they match the filenames in the /HPS/ folder. Name your file and save it in "20XX 4.05 Song Inject Tool". Name it whatever you want, but don't use the names "renamelist.txt", "TMPHPSList.txt", "TMPHPSList2.txt", or any other filename in the folder.
Double click customorder.bat. A command window should pop up and ask you which songlist to use. Type in your songlist file and hit enter. In my example I type in "custom song list.txt".
Pro Tip: Type the first 3 or so characters of your songlist file and then hit tab, windows should find it for you
After that, it will ask you which offset to enter... from here, it's pretty much the same was steps 4.a through 7 above.
-I have run into one issue where I test in Dolphin and everything is fine, but when I loaded it in my Wii in Nintendont, it crashed. This was because I had saved my debug menu settings on my Wii memory card. I overwritten on some older songs that I didn't want and thus had less files, and my memory card's debug menu settings was trying to access a file that no longer existed. In other words, the memory card tried to load a playlist that had a song indexed 0xA4, while the songs on the new ISO only went up to 0x87. It was an easy fix though... just remove the memory card, load the game, then overwrite on the old data.
-The lowest possible offset you can enter is 0x31 because 0x00 through 0x30 are original-Melee songs and the offsets are slightly different for them. If you try to use an offset 0x30 or lower, the program will complain.
-If you try to add too many songs, the program will complain and tell you that you are adding too many songs. Remember that you can only go up to 0xFF.
-I've tested this in Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 so far. I have been using it to add/rearrange songs to my 20XX 4.05 going up to 90 songs at a time, but I still might have overlooked something. If you run into any issues, let me know and I'll try my best to help.