A pro is someone who has great enough experience who has a good understanding of the game and can put it to good use, an example would be M2K, because he is very knowledgeable about the game, and very good, and i'm not bad mouthing AZ here, but he would be an example of a person who knows alot about the game, but can't put it to good use. Anyone can sit here and waste their life away learning about matchups and **** like that, but you will never be able to be good at this game if you don't get experience from playing other people across the country or world, and gaining that level of reputation being known as a "pro".
my opinion at least.
BTW, we should get a real tier list, not based on tournies, but on real ability of characters being the best. and if marth is the best, then wouldn't sheik be above him no matter what since she is very favorable in the matchup? and more people give marth a hard time than sheik? but fox would be above marth due to his ability to uair combo marth so easily, but because marth is good on every neutral stage and has an advantage on all of them except PKS,marth should remain above fox. falco would remain below marth and sheik because it is pretty much an even matchup for both sheik and marth against falco. Peach could possibly be above falco, because of her slight advantage against ffers like falco and fox, especially falco due to his bad recovery, which mean that peach should be above falco, but peach wouldn't be above fox due to his ability just like against marth to uair combo very easily and drillshine+wavedash+Usmash.
As far as i know the list should be like this...