Alex Strife
Smash Hero
I cannot believe in three months comes Apex 2013. I have been putting in a lot of work and I wanted to really just talk about what has been on my mind the last few hours and let you guys know the future we all can be apart of.
Since 2006, I have wanted to do something special for this community. Before there was a name, there was a belief that I could mean something to this community and gather the world to do something it has never had before. We can say MLG did a lot for us in terms of publicity and monetary ( those prizes were out of this world ) but I am proud to say our last year or two have been our best in terms of turnouts, broadcasts, and overall community support.
This year has been a rough one for me personally. For those in the know I dealt with death in a very personal way. It was not a fun six months for me mentally or physically but thanks to everyone for helping the person I love so much get through what they have gotten through.
I come to you with a promise, no, a pledge, I will never stop fighting for Smash to get its due. I have hired the best to make sure things go so well and spent so much time making sure you all enjoy yourselves. I want to change how we are basically unknown to people outside of competitive fighting games and usher in an era where if a kid buys a Super Smash Bros. 64/Melee/Brawl/4 copy that they know we exist. I want us to have companies back us not because we have a good stream but because our game can be fun to watch. I want to bring those casual companies in to get us new chances to build our community. Each day I can I try to make sure everyone makes it to events to keep people having more and more. It is not something I want to do. It is something I choose to do.
That is what Apex is for. It is for all of us to come together and make ourselves known to people in and outside competitive gaming. With all the companies I brought in to support us, and the ones that will be involved very soon, it is important we stick together through the good and bad. To those who know me they and those who don't. I do not give up until things are perfect. Even when things go wrong, and they do, I do not sit there and blame others but I try to find ways to make these better. It is my goal to have an event for this community that everyone can be proud of. I think this is our year. Screwattack, Ocremix, Artist Alleys, Sponsored Booths, Sponsored prizes, Guaranteed money, people from around the world, news reports, multiple streams with over 10,000+ watching and growing, and so much more. Not for me but for you all to make the most out of your experience.
Ask yourself do you want for the years to come to be us making a grand stand on a large stage or do you want to sit at home ?
I know it is a lot for many but try to make it out. You know the site ( ) , you know we all want the best for this community. Do not be a follower but come to this, enjoy yourselves (cause you will no matter what) and be a part of a history making moment that I have in store for everyone.
Since 2006, I have wanted to do something special for this community. Before there was a name, there was a belief that I could mean something to this community and gather the world to do something it has never had before. We can say MLG did a lot for us in terms of publicity and monetary ( those prizes were out of this world ) but I am proud to say our last year or two have been our best in terms of turnouts, broadcasts, and overall community support.
This year has been a rough one for me personally. For those in the know I dealt with death in a very personal way. It was not a fun six months for me mentally or physically but thanks to everyone for helping the person I love so much get through what they have gotten through.
I come to you with a promise, no, a pledge, I will never stop fighting for Smash to get its due. I have hired the best to make sure things go so well and spent so much time making sure you all enjoy yourselves. I want to change how we are basically unknown to people outside of competitive fighting games and usher in an era where if a kid buys a Super Smash Bros. 64/Melee/Brawl/4 copy that they know we exist. I want us to have companies back us not because we have a good stream but because our game can be fun to watch. I want to bring those casual companies in to get us new chances to build our community. Each day I can I try to make sure everyone makes it to events to keep people having more and more. It is not something I want to do. It is something I choose to do.
That is what Apex is for. It is for all of us to come together and make ourselves known to people in and outside competitive gaming. With all the companies I brought in to support us, and the ones that will be involved very soon, it is important we stick together through the good and bad. To those who know me they and those who don't. I do not give up until things are perfect. Even when things go wrong, and they do, I do not sit there and blame others but I try to find ways to make these better. It is my goal to have an event for this community that everyone can be proud of. I think this is our year. Screwattack, Ocremix, Artist Alleys, Sponsored Booths, Sponsored prizes, Guaranteed money, people from around the world, news reports, multiple streams with over 10,000+ watching and growing, and so much more. Not for me but for you all to make the most out of your experience.
Ask yourself do you want for the years to come to be us making a grand stand on a large stage or do you want to sit at home ?
I know it is a lot for many but try to make it out. You know the site ( ) , you know we all want the best for this community. Do not be a follower but come to this, enjoy yourselves (cause you will no matter what) and be a part of a history making moment that I have in store for everyone.