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TFS: Just when I thought I was out, THEY PULL ME BACK IN. **** Melee


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
dam idk

do u always gotta go him?

i thought vanz got there by the train
Yeah I didn't really mind picking him up, it's only a 15 minute drive or so without traffic. My car is just in really terrible shape atm. He can take public transportation that gets him closer. And actually IIRC, he can take the 60 pretty much right to my house.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I can play pretty much anyday after 6 o' clock. And I don't mind taking the bus, the problem is if I do that, I would need someone to bring me back because the buses stop after like 8 or something.


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
ok, today's plan...

1. finish uploading apex vids.
2. upload tunes videos.
3. play with LI people.

how many of these are actually going to happen?
1, maybe two. I DON'T GIVE A &*%($


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2008
Nor Cal
eBay isn't instantly gratifying.
Plus I want a controller for the tourny this friday.

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
you get a 30 day garuntee thing that you can switch it out for another if you need to

im just sayin 15 bucks and you get a broken in controller

im not picky about controllers as long as the buttons work and it has the little rubber part on the analog

im good

and when are you gonna come out to play son like

youve been in the tfs thread for like a year and we havent played lol

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
even if your bad

its cool when we hang out

were all mad funny lol

and what part of CT?

im going to a tourney in vernon if you know where that is

and im going to stay in meriden with my cousins

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
craigslist is trash

hab im going to be in meriden on the 10th we should play

itll be at night tho like at 11 or something idk


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
That's a Friday, Jona. I can't be sure I'll be in any mood to be able to play, as I'll probably have worked that day and gotten ***** by insolent children.

But if I'm up to it, I'll let you know.

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
yea i know

the 11th is the tourney in vernon but im staying in meriden the 10 and 11th with them

but w.e if your down you should come to the tourney too

im drivin

and i hate kids i would kill all of them if i had to work with them


wait till you get ***** by a guy like OTG for going to buy that cube


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I should just make a new account and let otg die. Also Hab, jona is totally right, you need to hang with Scarsdale to truly understand the *********** that is TFS.

Speaking of which Jona you wanna play same time tomorrow? Maybe a lil earlier?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
The following are simply some random thoughts that have been rattling about my head of late and that I'd like to let out—a little house cleaning, if you will. Let's review the errors in Mr. Oh T. Gizzle, Esq.'s statements in order. First, I am not suggesting government censorship of Mr. Gizzle's crime-stained endeavors.

I'll repeat what I've already said: Mr. Gizzle arrogates to himself the right to gag the innocent accused from protesting voyeurism-motivated prosecutions. I submit that everyone should stop and mull that assertion. Then, people will understand why Mr. Gizzle has vowed that in the near future he'll toss quaint concepts like decency, fairness, and rational debate out the window. This is hardly news; Mr. Gizzle has been vowing that for months with the regularity of a metronome. What is news is that I normally prefer to listen than to speak. I would, however, like to remind Mr. Gizzle that he is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every batty ideology finds expression in Oh T. Gizzle.

Mr. Gizzle is typical of lascivious, hypocritical publishers of hate literature in his wild invocations to the irrational, the magic, and the fantastic to dramatize his plans for the future. One of the great mysteries of modern life is, Does he contend that clever one-liners are a valid substitute for actual thinking because it fits his political agenda or because he's too ignorant of the facts to know that he wears his ignorance like a badge of honor on his sleeve? The complete answer to that question is a long, sad story. I've answered parts of that question in several of my previous letters, and I'll answer other parts in future ones. For now, I'll just say that he thinks that brazen idiots make the best scoutmasters and schoolteachers. However, his forces have a tendency to say very similar things about him, as if they're quoting from scripture. One final point: When workable solutions to a problem elude you, sometimes it helps to acknowledge that this is sufficiently illustrated by the ridicule with which Mr. Oh T. Gizzle, Esq.'s opinions are treated by everyone other than the most destructive punks you'll ever see.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
The following are simply some random thoughts that have been rattling about my head of late and that I'd like to let out—a little house cleaning, if you will. Let's review the errors in Mr. Oh T. Gizzle, Esq.'s statements in order. First, I am not suggesting government censorship of Mr. Gizzle's crime-stained endeavors.

I'll repeat what I've already said: Mr. Gizzle arrogates to himself the right to gag the innocent accused from protesting voyeurism-motivated prosecutions. I submit that everyone should stop and mull that assertion. Then, people will understand why Mr. Gizzle has vowed that in the near future he'll toss quaint concepts like decency, fairness, and rational debate out the window. This is hardly news; Mr. Gizzle has been vowing that for months with the regularity of a metronome. What is news is that I normally prefer to listen than to speak. I would, however, like to remind Mr. Gizzle that he is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every batty ideology finds expression in Oh T. Gizzle.

Mr. Gizzle is typical of lascivious, hypocritical publishers of hate literature in his wild invocations to the irrational, the magic, and the fantastic to dramatize his plans for the future. One of the great mysteries of modern life is, Does he contend that clever one-liners are a valid substitute for actual thinking because it fits his political agenda or because he's too ignorant of the facts to know that he wears his ignorance like a badge of honor on his sleeve? The complete answer to that question is a long, sad story. I've answered parts of that question in several of my previous letters, and I'll answer other parts in future ones. For now, I'll just say that he thinks that brazen idiots make the best scoutmasters and schoolteachers. However, his forces have a tendency to say very similar things about him, as if they're quoting from scripture. One final point: When workable solutions to a problem elude you, sometimes it helps to acknowledge that this is sufficiently illustrated by the ridicule with which Mr. Oh T. Gizzle, Esq.'s opinions are treated by everyone other than the most destructive punks you'll ever see.

I have no words. I didn't understand half of this and I don't know what brought it on, but yeah, I pretty much suck at life.

also tommy, hit me up

ok, so I reread this post with a dictionary, and **** I just got roasted. wtf brough tthis on wes/


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
What would I do without Mr. Wes Mog Weezy IV to provide me with a nonstop source of hostile smears to complain about? You may be disappointed to hear that my concrete suggestions on how to exert a positive influence on the type of world that people will live in a thousand years from now are sprinkled throughout this letter like raisins in a pudding, not grouped together in a single block of text at the end. This was a conscious decision I made based on the observation that Wes maintains that he is forward-looking, open-minded, and creative. Perhaps it would be best for him to awaken from his delusional, narcoleptic fantasyland and observe that if the human race is to survive on this planet, we will have to proscribe him and his deputies as the most dangerous enemies of the people. His fibs are palpably unpatriotic. I explained the reason for that just a moment ago. If you don't mind, though, I'll go ahead and explain it again. To begin with, Wes's indiscretions are not an abstract problem. They have very concrete, immediate, and unpleasant consequences. For instance, we are observing the change in our society's philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these "values" are artistically incorporated in one person: Wes Mog Weezy.

Again, if Wes thinks that "metanarratives" are the root of tyranny, lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank stupidity, then he's sadly mistaken. Accordingly, he says that the future of the entire world rests in his hands. If that's the limit of Wes's perception, acumen, and intelligence, then God help him. We must stop tiptoeing and begin marching boldly and forthrightly towards our goal, which is to make efforts directed towards broad, long-term social change. I'm not particularly old, but I do remember a time when honesty, decency, and respect for others were the norm. Nowadays, thanks to Wes's self-indulgent notions, people everywhere live in fear that self-righteous beguilers will befuddle the public and make sin seem like merely a sophisticated fashion. Even worse, many people are being prevented from knowing that my position is that no one will ever accuse Wes of being laconic. He, in contrast, argues that it's loquacious to enhance people's curiosity, critical acumen, and aesthetic sensitivity. This disagreement merely scratches the surface of the ideological chasm festering between me and Wes. The only rational way to bridge this chasm is for him to admit that he would have us believe that his terrorist organization is looking out for our interests. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject.

Wes wants to be the one who determines what information we have access to. Yet he is also a big proponent of a particularly jaundiced form of misoneism. Do you see something wrong with that picture? What I see is that "Wes" has now become part of my vocabulary. Whenever I see someone taking rights away from individuals on the basis of prejudice, myth, irrational belief, inaccurate information, and outright falsehood, I tell him or her to stop "Wes-ing".

Also let me just say that I am unequivocally not up on the latest gossip. Still, I have heard people say that one of Wes's lapdogs keeps throwing "scientific" studies at me, claiming they prove that Wes could do a gentler and fairer job of running the world than anyone else. The studies are full of "if"s, "possibly"s, "maybe"s, and various exceptions and admissions of their limitations. This leaves the studies inconclusive at best and works of fiction at worst. The only thing these studies can possibly prove is that Wes wants to control every aspect of our lives. He wants us to rise, fall asleep, work, and live at the beat of a drum. Then, once we're molded into a uniform mass, we'll be incapable of seeing that Wes plans to abuse science by using it as a mechanism of ideology eventually. I'd like to see him try to get away with such a plan; that should be good for a laugh. You see, most people have already observed that if Wes would abandon his name-calling and false dichotomies it would be much easier for me to declare a truce with Wes and commence a dialogue.

I recently received some mail in which the writer stated, "Wes thinks nothing of violating the spirit of an indigenous people whose art and songs and way of life are proof that Wes deserves to be punished." I included that quote not because it is exceptional in any way but rather because it is typical of much of the mail I receive. I included it to show you that I'm not the only one who thinks that it wasn't so long ago that people like you and me were free to weed out people like Wes who have deceived, betrayed, and exploited us. Recently, that's become a lot harder to do. What happened that changed things so much? To put it briefly, Wes Mog Weezy happened. By justifying, palliating, or excusing the evils of his heart, Wes has managed to bring about a wonderland of interventionism.

Imagine getting a dollar every time Wes said he wouldn't plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos but did so anyway. You'd be very, very rich. We have a dilemma of leviathan proportions on our hands: Should we punish those who lie or connive at half-truths, or is it sufficient to enable all people to achieve their potential as human beings? I'm sure you already know the answer so I won't bother repeating it. I'd like to emphasize, however, that Wes keeps trying to deceive us into thinking that snippy lounge lizards make the best scoutmasters and schoolteachers. The purpose of this deception may be to ensure that there can never in the future be accord, unity, or a common, agreed-upon destiny among the citizens of this once-great nation. Or maybe the purpose is to transform fear and its inculcation into the preeminent force ruling human existence. Oh what a tangled web Wes weaves when first he practices to deceive.

Some judgmental intrusive-types are actually considering helping Wes subvert existing lines of power and information. How quickly such people forget that they were lied to, made fun of, and ridiculed by Wes on numerous occasions. His older op-ed pieces were blasphemous enough. His latest ones are surely beyond the pale.

While Wes has a right, as do we all, to believe whatever he wants about solipsism, I have reason to believe that he is about to demonstrate an outright hostility to law enforcement. I pray that I'm wrong, of course, because the outcome could be devastating. Nevertheless, the indications are there that there are many roads leading to the defeat of Wes's plans to substitute pap for art. I claim that all of these roads must eventually pass through the same set of gates: the ability to transcend traditional thinking. If we fail to make a genuine contribution to human society then all of our sacrifices will be as forgotten as the sand blowing across Ozymandias's dead empire. The "decay of that colossal wreck," as the poet Shelley puts it, teaches us that Wes wants to prohibit any discussion of her attempts to dismantle the guard rails that protect society from the daffy elements in its midst. While it is clear why he wants that to be a taboo subject, it has been brought to my attention that I am concerned that Wes's vague and overly broad definition of "saccharogalactorrhea" will cause eccentric con artists to infringe upon our most important constitutional rights before the year is over. While this is truly true, Wes would have us believe that superstition is no less credible than proven scientific principles. To be honest, he has never actually said that explicitly, but if you follow his logic—what little there is—you'll see that this is his real point.

Wes has for so long been nursing the wrongs he imagines the world had done him that he's determined to exact revenge by infringing upon our most important constitutional rights. Of that I am certain because he sometimes puts himself in charge of projecting a stream of ill-tempered images of death, sex, disaster, material goods, celebrities, and other fixtures in a mock-Olympian firmament. At other times, one of his helpers is deputed for the job. In either case, when Wes hears anyone say that I cannot conceive of any circumstance under which his reports could be considered appropriate, his answer is to goad the worst types of pouty scaramouches there are into hurling epithets at his foes. That's similar to taking a few drunken swings at a beehive: it just makes me want even more to keep our courage up.

As long as the beer keeps flowing and the paychecks keep coming, Wes's emissaries don't really care that we must coolly and objectively adopt the standpoint that pointing out that he wants to advocate dysfunctional orations is like pointing out that garbage attracts flies. (Actually, I try to avoid blanket statements and broad generalizations when I propose that he fails to consider the consequences of his ****-and-bull stories, but that's not important now.) This is a lesson for those with eyes to see. It is a lesson not so much about Wes's exploitative behavior but about the way that I'm sticking out my neck a bit in talking about Wes's pronouncements. It's quite likely he will try to retaliate against me for my telling you that his premise (that it's okay to drag everything that is truly great into the gutter) is his morality disguised as pretended neutrality. Wes uses this disguised morality to support his sound bites, thereby making his argument self-refuting. Sorry for going on for so long about Mr. Wes Mog Weezy IV. I guess I just have a burr under my saddle from seeing him impose theological straightjackets on scriptural interpretation.

P.C. Jona

Smash Master
Mar 30, 2009
i can do that too watch





*falling towards death*

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