The Spook Factor
This definitely helps explain their appearance in that Japan-exclusive 3DS commercial. Japan definitely seems to have loved it from the get-go, and hearing that is honestly great. The more love Wind Waker and it's characters get, the better!Thanks ole King of Phantoms!
Not sure Sakurai posted the poll numbers - I think it was mostly about what characters were popular and popped out to him. Either way, a good sign for Tetra.
While US's reactions to Wind Waker were definitely controversial (even mine, back in the day - silly, silly Cap'n), that definitely wasn't the case for Japan. They ate that game up! After OoT's era (and before Breath of the Wild), director Aonuma's favorite Zelda game - Phantom Hourglass - was the absolute best selling game in the series, with Wind Waker and Spirit Tracks both running up a little below it. None of the other games come close. To Japan - Wind Waker era Legend of Zelda reigns supreme in popular mythos. It's part of the reason Tetra enjoys her lasting fame. Check out Oscar Lemaire's chart comparing Zelda game sales in Japan.
So really, it should hardly be a surprise at all that Legend of Zelda representation in Japan is gonna be all about them 'Toons. Serious Link with a serious face bores them to tears - cat eyes are where it's at! I mean, kudos for awesome taste: of all the big Zelda games, you had to fall in love with the one about pirates. I love you, Japan.
Honestly, it's hardly a surprise either that the biggest Zelda characters apart from Smash Bros. fighters that make their way around the mainstream market tend to be Tingle, Tetra, and Midna. Just like there's a reason our Zelda amiibo options, Super Mario Maker's playable Zelda sprites, Hyrule Warriors posterboys/girls, and Play Nintendo's own Legend of Zelda supporting cast webpages all tend to feature exactly the same select few family of characters.
What a nice, diverse bunch, they are! A green-capped guy with a shield and sword, a magic princess, an angry bearded guy in a cape, a ninja, a cartoony, cat-eyed kid what looks like a Peter Pan wannabe, an actual Peter Pan wannabe, a little imp and her wolf friend, and a lovable pirate. I'd Netflix that. They look fun! They look approachable! I'm going to buy that game for my kid!
I mean, just look at the main five cast members spotlighted on USA Hyrule Warriors website's front page: Link, Sheik, Tetra, Midna, Ganondorf. The warrior, the ninja, the pirate, the imp, and the dark lord. They look distinct, they act distinct, they are artistically distinct - they balance each other so well. Heck, Tetra just beat freaking Princess Zelda (and Skull Kid and Impa, for that matter) for front page spotlight. That's how well she's liked round these parts. ("Choose from fan-favorite characters like Ganondorf, Tetra, Skull Kid, and Ravio")
The best part? This family of characters really started to coalesce into a big thing right around that '15-'16 sweet spot: Hyrule Warriors, Super Mario Maker, Play Nintendo - you name it.
That Wind Waker became a cult favorite in US despite its unfairly un-receptive initial audience - is testament to the Toon Legend of Zelda series' lovability, permanence, and lucrativity to the brand. We've already seen Tetra's got lasting appeal in the US in the various polls I cited, more than a decade and a half past her original debut. Judging by where they put their money, if Japan was going to vote for a single Zelda character, odds are it's going to be someone from Phantom Hourglass, Wind Waker, or Spirit Tracks. And we know what all three of those games tend to have in common.
"Who now?"
Tetra/Toon Zelda's got a big US audience and a yuger Japanese audience. That means she's got cross-continental appeal. That means you cash in on her success, and that means you promote the **** out of her, with amiibos, with articles and websites introducing kids and new gamers to your franchise, with promotions, with action figures, with cameos in other characters' games, with entire advertising campaigns centered around that blessed godsend of a pirate princess to launch your new game for everyone's favorite handheld console.
Who else but Miss Tetra?
Glad I could win you over on her chances, King! It wouldn’t look it, but Tetra's odds are some of the best-looking in this here Smash Bros. balloting shindig. It's not a question of if Tetra's mainstream, or deserving, or wanted. It's a question of just how much. Considering most of her competition got assist'd or stage hazard'd already, most of what stands in her way is just a dearth of newcomers in general. Which is what we got echos for, if it comes to that. Metroid got two newcomers introduced in this game, and it'd received an original moveset introduced to Smash Bros. more recently than Zelda has. Honestly, I'm just waiting around for the announcement.
PS: A relevant observation for a common objection I've seen from detractors: Zelda and Tetra are treated as separate characters on the Japanese Zelda anthology website (and basically everywhere else). Which, given we're talking about the pirate girl who ditched the look, ditched the name, ditched the princess title, and ditched the Triforce of Wisdom itself - Tetra's pretty much Princess Zelda's polar opposite character anyway. Sheik was Zelda's alter ego, but Tetra was her entire life after she tossed the name Zelda out the back window and exchanged her ballgown dress for a cutlass and flintlock pistol, and that very fashionable red scarf. There's no evidence she even wore the dress again after the events of Wind Waker. By her own choice, she's not Zelda. Just a neat little factoid. Tetra for non-Triforce trio Zelda representation! Also pirate representation!
Along with this and the fact that Sakurai's almost certainly considered her before, I really hope this can only mean more good things for her. In regards to Smash, anyway, because it obviously already means good things for her and the toon games in general.
Indeed, we've got less than an hour to go from now. Any last minute bets on who we may see revealed in this Direct, folks? I can't imagine much time of it will be spent on Smash since it's a general Nintendo direct. My hopes remain that we'll see Tetra, and possibly another Zelda newcomer (again, this not being a Smash-oriented Direct, they'd both have to be revealed in the same trailer; once that trailer's over, we'll know they won't have any other characters to reveal today). I'm not counting out an Echo reveal happening outside of said trailer, but since Smash will almost certainly only get a brief segment this time, it would probably happen during the trailer, or not at all. We'll probably see more Echos in something focused entirely around Smash news.Not long now, me hearties! I can hardly wait! Here's a great rendition of Fifteen Men to savor while we slog through these unsteady waters. May the legendary pirate princess find her prize today!
You all got any pirate music you enjoy listening to?
As for some pirate music, well, in a way, I grew up with this song, thanks to numerous Christmas vacations at Disneyland: