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Testing gah...

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
hey laughter im furbs,
i think cypress is right near where i live
im guessing you main sonic?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
*sigh* No I don't rig brackets. This was something Jeremy started up because he's a looser that's sore 'cause he sucks.

The brackets were randomized. There were several people (like 10 of them) surrounding me when I did this. They saw. It's not like I was hiding anything. I moved some of the players around so that they wouldn't be near each other. I can't remember who was near me when I was doing this. I know that Jra64 guy was (because he wouldn't stop talking), but lots of other people where too. I hit save. Coincidentally, the Austin players where next to each other in the brackets. I noticed this and moved them too. I left to make sure that the TVs were set-up and ready with rules so we could start this thing. While I was gone, the girl that was sitting at the table closed the program (she swears it was an accident), then re-opened it. Everything was saved, except for the Austin players being moved. Since I didn't know this had happened (and I didn't find out that she'd closed and re-opened the program till Sunday), the tournament started and since the Austin players were at the very bottom of the bracket I didn't see that the move had been un-done. Yeah, I was ticked off, but I was also seriously confused because I did move the Austin players and then they were un-moved and I didn't know how of why. But I couldn't mess with the brackets after the tournament had started. I do apologize for that. Anyone is welcome to constantly keep an eye on the brackets at any tournament though because I have NOTHING to hide.

As for the issue with Pimpslap, basically, this guy (I won't mention names 'cause everyone that was there knows who I'm talking about) was doing waaaaaay too much stalling. Due to retardedness on that guy's part (like having only one controller for three people, WTF?!), I should have DQed him, but I was nice and let it slide. He beat Pimpslap with stalling cheese. So now, to keep stalling cheese from happening again (I mean it was really dirty and getting everyone ticked off), VERY specific anti-stalling rules have been added to the ruleset. So, it's been taken care of.

Oh, and the prize pot, yeah, those Trashday guys were ******** about that. There were 63 entrants, so it SHOULD have been $945 pot. But they only gave us $700. When I found out about this I went and tried to get the rest (I'm sure some of ya'll saw me confront them, then take it outside). Basically, according to them, "guarantee" means that it's only that amount, whether 5 people or 500 people show up, only the "guarantee" amount is what would be for pot. I told them that's 100% BS and that we're not letting them do registration for Smash next year (if we return to Trashday). Yeah, nothing I could do about it, no matter how much I argued it with them. And no, I didn't receive any cut or compensation in case any of you are wondering. I help run these things because I LIKE it, not because I get anything out of it.
...so that's 245 bucks that the winners deserved, and didn't get. And that's about 5 extra bucks out of everyone's pocket. That's freakin shameful on their part. Heck, that was no fundraiser money, nor was any money (other than the fee to get in) intentionally going to their pockets in the first place! It's not like their organizational skills were horrible, but it's nothing that I would pay extra for as well. So yeah, if they're organizing/hosting/whatever the tourney at U of H on the 26th, I'm not going. If they think they can call a portion of the pot their own, they can (and probably will) attempt to bend other rules too.

Let's just hope that the people that host the May 3rd tourney at Planet Zero are more reliable. I'm looking forward to monthly tournies over there.

Edit: Hey, welcome LaughterIsDeadly! As for competition, you'd be really surprised at how many good players are here. Hope you come to the May 3rd tourney at Planet Zero n see for yourself!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
...so that's 245 bucks that the winners deserved, and didn't get. And that's about 5 extra bucks out of everyone's pocket. That's freakin shameful on their part. Heck, that was no fundraiser money, nor was any money (other than the fee to get in) intentionally going to their pockets in the first place! It's not like their organizational skills were horrible, but it's nothing that I would pay extra for as well. So yeah, if they're organizing/hosting/whatever the tourney at U of H on the 26th, I'm not going. If they think they can call a portion of the pot their own, they can (and probably will) attempt to bend other rules too.

Let's just hope that the people that host the May 3rd tourney at Planet Zero are more reliable. I'm looking forward to monthly tournies over there.
Yeah, I was upset about that all night. Che.

No, the April 26th event is being run by TGM, Mr. 3000 and me. The UofH Video Game Club is providing the venue. They have nothing to do with the Trashday guys. We're getting the full details about this event tonight so we can post them. I'll link it ASAP once I've gotten them.

The PZ and PN'T monthlies are also being run by TGM, Mr. 3000 and me, so no worries there either.

There are a bunch of Smash events going on right now, but give it about one more month and it'll simmer down to just monthlies.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
Yeah, I was upset about that all night. Che.

No, the April 26th event is being run by TGM, Mr. 3000 and me. The UofH Video Game Club is providing the venue. They have nothing to do with the Trashday guys. We're getting the full details about this event tonight so we can post them. I'll link it ASAP once I've gotten them.

The PZ and PN'T monthlies are also being run by TGM, Mr. 3000 and me, so no worries there either.

There are a bunch of Smash events going on right now, but give it about one more month and it'll simmer down to just monthlies.
Ah, ok good. Well, lookin at my schedule, I doubt I can go to the tourney at U of H on the 26th. Oh wellz, I'm mainly lookin forward to the one at PZ anyhow.

Aww, I'm liking this whole tourny every weekend thing :)
Yeah, me too! Lol, if i had the money to do it every weekend I could get used to this! :)

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Im not going to anything hosted by 2.99 or DugeFan,
anyone else who host and wants have melee, Ill come. I might even just come if its only brawl just to make a guest appearance. I dont care if jungle-fever are their, I just dont want them having any part in anything. So for everyone who keeps askin me if I need a ride or if Im planning to go to anything, first check if it meets my qualifications.

Jake, Ronnie, XZalla, Tarzan, anyone else interested in melee, lets get together. Hit meh up. Anyone interested in both brawl and melee, hit meh up PM.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Dear god, i miss a tourney and this happens?

First off, i apologize deeply to the austin people who had to face each other in tournament so early. This should not have happened. I swear to you that at PLANET ZERO this will not happen i will being running/help run this shin dig and i wont let it happen to you guys. Plz dont let this sour experiece stop you from returning. It was an accident and it wont happen again.

2ndly, spam. In melee it was easy to deal with.....WD out of shield. But in brawl u cant punish it as easily. I do not know the new "anti-spam/camping" rules but i highly recommend that those rule not be inforced. Spamming is a part of the game that is ANNOYING but is not cheating. So any rules made against spamming or camping i fully disagree.

Also, some people are complaining that there were no pools. Simple.......there wasnt enough TVs. Well this isnt 100% the hosts fault. The public needs to pitch in. This is with any tournament or any game. With 63 people you need 10 or more tvs. But they only had 5. If you bring tvs to a tourney it will make things faster.


Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2008
The hill country, TX
Switch FC
heyyy, seeing as how im finally tired of goin to cc
to play with all my old friends and me forgetting my old swf login info
i decided to see whats out here again finally

anyone around the humble area that likes pizza and stuff ;o?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
I would have contributed my TV, but since it has 8ms (5ms with component cables) of lag, people would whine and so forth...

Wow, it sucks that the Trashday people basically kept $200+ from the pot. If they used it to pay for the venue, I guess I could understand, but otherwise, that's just pure shenanigans on their part. Guarantee means AT LEAST $700, not $700 REGARDLESS OF NUMBER OF ENTRIES. Someone throw a dictionary at them next time or something...what did they do with the extra money anyways?

I hope the one next weekend and the PZ one turn out to be better. Weekly tourneys are too good but also expensive. :(


Smash Champion
Apr 20, 2004
Dallas, Texas
TGM, i believe DugFinn is talking about stalling inbetween matches, not camping or spamming in them. The lubbock guys apparently made a habit of taking a really long time between games.

Also, the lack of tvs was in no way shape or form the fault of DugFinn/3000, they brought like 5 setups. The problem was that aside from me, no one else brought any.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
TGM, i believe DugFinn is talking about stalling inbetween matches, not camping or spamming in them. The lubbock guys apparently made a habit of taking a really long time between games.

Also, the lack of tvs was in no way shape or form the fault of DugFinn/3000, they brought like 5 setups. The problem was that aside from me, no one else brought any.
i know........


Smash Journeyman
May 16, 2005
Houston, Texas
Jake, Ronnie, XZalla, Tarzan, anyone else interested in melee, lets get together. Hit meh up. Anyone interested in both brawl and melee, hit meh up PM.
Yea, I'm still lurkin..

Lot of **** happenin right now, man. We already talked so you know what I mean.

Stiltz - Good ****, son. I talked to Chino earlier today and he told me how good you've gotten. Keep up the good work! ;)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
Dear god, i miss a tourney and this happens?

First off, i apologize deeply to the austin people who had to face each other in tournament so early. This should not have happened. I swear to you that at PLANET ZERO this will not happen i will being running/help run this shin dig and i wont let it happen to you guys. Plz dont let this sour experiece stop you from returning. It was an accident and it wont happen again.

2ndly, spam. In melee it was easy to deal with.....WD out of shield. But in brawl u cant punish it as easily. I do not know the new "anti-spam/camping" rules but i highly recommend that those rule not be inforced. Spamming is a part of the game that is ANNOYING but is not cheating. So any rules made against spamming or camping i fully disagree.

Also, some people are complaining that there were no pools. Simple.......there wasnt enough TVs. Well this isnt 100% the hosts fault. The public needs to pitch in. This is with any tournament or any game. With 63 people you need 10 or more tvs. But they only had 5. If you bring tvs to a tourney it will make things faster.
that did not happen to me.....
i was refering to stalling and not camping tgm sorry dude
I mean killing some one time and riding the edge and hiding thats what happen


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
TGM, i believe DugFinn is talking about stalling inbetween matches, not camping or spamming in them. The lubbock guys apparently made a habit of taking a really long time between games.
Yeah, at one point one of them even got up in the middle of a set and walked away to talk to another guy about what they were going to do after the tourney. I was like, "What are you doing? Go finish your match" and he responded with a "Oh, I'm busy" and completely brushed me off. I had to threaten to DQ him if he didn't go sit back down and finish his match. Seriously, it was ********. I don't know what those guys were thinking... They also refused to play unless they used this one controller, but all three of them were sharing it so it was annoying having to continually delay the tournament so they could keep passing it between themselves. It seriously delayed everything. I finally just told them that they had to borrow another controller or get DQed. I wasn't putting up with that crap.

Sethlon's right, that's mostly what I'm talking about, out of game stalling.... Although their in game stalling was annoying too. I forgot how many SD they caused, ugh.


If you feel like it, this is the info for the April 26th thing.

It's not worth driving in from out of town, but good if you happen to live nearby and want to kill a Sat. Or just meet up there to play each other and possibly get free money. They have free food and drinks too.

It's Free entry and registration, prizes are: 1st $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. Brackets cap at 30 people.

They're also hosting a CoD tourney in the room next door. And a Guitar Hero thing too I think, but I don't know what the prizes are for those.

It's being held at UofH sponsored by the UofH Video Game Club, inside the University Center (UC) Ground level, in the Caspian Room 87 and Aegean Room 82.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
Xzalla i haven't seen you sense cesars...lol like 2 months ago, you still doin melee? or both?


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
Yeah, at one point one of them even got up in the middle of a set and walked away to talk to another guy about what they were going to do after the tourney. I was like, "What are you doing? Go finish your match" and he responded with a "Oh, I'm busy" and completely brushed me off. I had to threaten to DQ him if he didn't go sit back down and finish his match. Seriously, it was ********. I don't know what those guys were thinking... They also refused to play unless they used this one controller, but all three of them were sharing it so it was annoying having to continually delay the tournament so they could keep passing it between themselves. It seriously delayed everything. I finally just told them that they had to borrow another controller or get DQed. I wasn't putting up with that crap.

Sethlon's right, that's mostly what I'm talking about, out of game stalling.... Although their in game stalling was annoying too. I forgot how many SD they caused, ugh.


If you feel like it, this is the info for the April 26th thing.

It's not worth driving in from out of town, but good if you happen to live nearby and want to kill a Sat. Or just meet up there to play each other and possibly get free money. They have free food and drinks too.

It's Free entry and registration, prizes are: 1st $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. Brackets cap at 30 people.

They're also hosting a CoD tourney in the room next door.

It's being held at UofH sponsored by the UofH Video Game Club, inside the University Center (UC) Ground level, in the Caspian Room 87 and Aegean Room 82.
pm me more info dugfinn i'm directions ******** and other things as well.

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Yea, I'm still lurkin..

Lot of **** happenin right now, man. We already talked so you know what I mean.

Stiltz - Good ****, son. I talked to Chino earlier today and he told me how good you've gotten. Keep up the good work! ;)
XZalla, depending on whos actually running the april thing with Tarzan. But since I think its gonna be lame, I might bring melee and my own T.V ^_^'


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
If you feel like it, this is the info for the April 26th thing.

It's not worth driving in from out of town, but good if you happen to live nearby and want to kill a Sat. Or just meet up there to play each other and possibly get free money. They have free food and drinks too.

It's Free entry and registration, prizes are: 1st $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. Brackets cap at 30 people.

They're also hosting a CoD tourney in the room next door. And a Guitar Hero thing too I think, but I don't know what the prizes are for those.

It's being held at UofH sponsored by the UofH Video Game Club, inside the University Center (UC) Ground level, in the Caspian Room 87 and Aegean Room 82.
HOOOOLD up now...the tourney's FREE!? ...and there's GH!?!? ...and there's FREE FOOD TOO!?!?!? Well dang, call me a cheapskate but i am STRONGLY considering going to this now! Thanks for the info! :bee:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2007
Downtown, Houston, Tx
Also just to let yall know I been planning to run my own game/card/computer place. My mother and I found a good place between Airline and Calvacade to run one. So my game place is going to be a big hit. Opening this summer. LOL Pimpslap is sercurity. Well thats my big news.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Yeah, the brackets really upset me.

I had Pozerwolf and Dr. Marokart in my bracket, as well as T-rex. 3 of us from austin, and if they would of seeded it based on the last tournament then the people who got 1st 3rd and 5th at playntrade would not be playing each other first rounds.

The brackets basically only allowed 1 person from austin to place high. DMK got knocked out TWICE by Pozerwolf. I got knocked into losers by pozer like 2nd round. Pozer and I still managed to nab 7th, though I am Positive we both would have placed higher if the brackets were seeded properly.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
Yeah, the brackets really upset me.

I had Pozerwolf and Dr. Marokart in my bracket, as well as T-rex. 3 of us from austin, and if they would of seeded it based on the last tournament then the people who got 1st 3rd and 5th at playntrade would not be playing each other first rounds.

The brackets basically only allowed 1 person from austin to place high. DMK got knocked out TWICE by Pozerwolf. I got knocked into losers by pozer like 2nd round. Pozer and I still managed to nab 7th, though I am Positive we both would have placed higher if the brackets were seeded properly.
I apologize again for this. It was seeded, but... Go to page 107 to read the explanation if you haven't already read it. It will not happen again. By the way, great job at the Tournament, you were on fire, seriously. Awesome skills.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
Yeah, the brackets really upset me.

I had Pozerwolf and Dr. Marokart in my bracket, as well as T-rex. 3 of us from austin, and if they would of seeded it based on the last tournament then the people who got 1st 3rd and 5th at playntrade would not be playing each other first rounds.

The brackets basically only allowed 1 person from austin to place high. DMK got knocked out TWICE by Pozerwolf. I got knocked into losers by pozer like 2nd round. Pozer and I still managed to nab 7th, though I am Positive we both would have placed higher if the brackets were seeded properly.
No doubt in my mind that Austin would've placed higher if not for the screw ups in brackets.

What made it really fishy was that I took DMK out twice (which you pointed out already, of course).

Still odd, but no amount of reasoning can justifies how it went down.
Regardless, it was just poor settings/organization.

Not to mention, I really got to say that Trash Day was really shaddy this year.
It seem like they didn't even care about the money lost for CvS2. Not to mention, what was the extra $5 for when paying for Brawl? I never understood that, but whatever.

I guess the people at Trash Day assumed that not many people would join for Brawl (which is just silly). Regardless... it was just odd, and no doubt they made a perty penny off this.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
Still odd, but no amount of reasoning can justifies how it went down. Regardless, it was just poor settings/organization.

Not to mention, I really got to say that Trash Day was really shaddy this year.
It seem like they didn't even care about the money lost for CvS2. Not to mention, what was the extra $5 for when paying for Brawl? I never understood that, but whatever.

I guess the people at Trash Day assumed that not many people would join for Brawl (which is just silly). Regardless... it was just odd, and no doubt they made a perty penny off this.
I don't see how running a 63 person Brawl tournament on 5 TVs in under 8 1/2 hours is "poor organization." Besides the Austin mix up (which has been explained and will not happen again), everything else went fairly well - considering no one helped out in bringing TVs (except you Sethlon, I love your cute little TV, you know that).

I agree that the Trashday guys could have been less shady. Because of this, we'll probably NOT run a Brawl tournament there next year. It was unscrupulous that they pulled the "prize money" stunt, but there was nothing we could do about it.

The extra $5 is called venue fee. Come on now, that's nothing new. And not that I'm defending them (trust me, I'm not, I'm reporting them to the higher ups of the NVGA for this stunt), but they came out in the red. The venue cost $500 to rent. So, they lost money, not made any.

Also, here are the Brackets. http://www.houston-scene.com/Houston-Scene/Archive/TrashdayBraket.jpg

Axxo: Congrates! That sounds awesome!


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
I don't see how running a 63 person Brawl tournament on 5 TVs in under 8 1/2 hours is "poor organization." Besides the Austin mix up (which has been explained and will not happen again), everything else went fairly well - considering no one helped out in bringing TVs (except you Sethlon, I love your cute little TV, you know that).
Ummm, no it was rather poor.
Austin people getting mixed up in a 63 person Brawl tournament is stupid. There really is no excuse on that at all.

The extra $5 is called venue fee. Come on now, that's nothing new. And not that I'm defending them (trust me, I'm not, I'm reporting them to the higher ups of the NVGA for this stunt), but they came out in the red. The venue cost $500 to rent. So, they lost money, not made any.
Do you even know what your talking about or anything about the prices for Trash Day?
The venue fee was FIVE DOLLARS.
Look for yourself.


Check the venu fee.

Brawl was the only game that costed an extra $5 compared to the other games.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
Ummm, no it was rather poor.
Austin people getting mixed up in a 63 person Brawl tournament is stupid. There really is no excuse on that at all.

Do you even know what your talking about or anything about the prices for Trash Day?
The venue fee was FIVE DOLLARS.
Look for yourself.
Check the venu fee. Brawl was the only game that costed an extra $5 compared to the other games.
I don't want to get into semantics right now. The bracket was randomized. I don't control fate. Page 107 explains the rest. End of story.

But, explain to me... What's this about an extra $5. How much was charged total? It should have been $5 for venue and $15 for 1v1. Is that how much was charged? Or is there something else that the Trashday people did that's messed up? Did they charge $20 ($5+$15) total or did they charge $25?


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
If anyboy stalls a match by getting up and talking to other people while on my watch.....immediate DQ.

Pozer wolf, again i apologize for your sour exp but it wont happen agin. lets just call it a day and move on

Jeremy Feifer

Jeremy Feifer
Oct 2, 2006
Everyone will learn theres always going to be excuses on why bad/suspicious things happen when certain people run tournaments. Eventually, you'll catch on like I have and realize "the truth to the way you think things are, is absolutely right".

Tarzan... Call meh


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
When i become security guard i will judge the tourny from affar using my security guard powers to examine and see if any cheating is being done and the destroy it with my power...(yeah being a secruity guard is going to be awesome)


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
When i become security guard i will judge the tourny from affar using my security guard powers to examine and see if any cheating is being done and the destroy it with my power...(yeah being a secruity guard is going to be awesome)
You can always lay a trap card for those cheaters haha


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
But, explain to me... What's this about an extra $5. How much was charged total? It should have been $5 for venue and $15 for 1v1. Is that how much was charged? Or is there something else that the Trashday people did that's messed up? Did they charge $20 ($5+$15) total or did they charge $25?

Nevermind! :dizzy::psycho::laugh:

Here, let me see if I can try to spell it out (taken from my pervious post):
*Not to mention, what was the extra $5 for when paying for Brawl? I never understood that, but whatever.

*Brawl was the only game that costed an extra $5 compared to the other games.

If you can't understand that much, then... well... sorry, but there is only so much I can do.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
Nevermind! :dizzy::psycho::laugh:

(taken from my pervious post):
*Not to mention, what was the extra $5 for when paying for Brawl? I never understood that, but whatever.
If you can't understand that much, then... well... sorry, but there is only so much I can do.
Heh, OK. ^ ~
If you have any other issues you want resolved, just call me. (281-472-7165, TGM, you can post this on the front page if you'd like.) I'm here to run stuff for ya'll, so if you got constructive criticisms, let me know. That goes for anyone. I can work with constructive criticism. ^ ^ I'm very happy to explain anything anyone might have a question about or just plain anything. I'd rather talk it out than to have bad blood flow. So, yeah, call me, I don't mind.

Edit: Also taken from my previous post: "The extra $5 is called venue fee." If you can't understand that, then... There is only so much I can do.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 13, 2006
Austin, TX
Edit: Also taken from my previous post: "The extra $5 is called venue fee." If you can't understand that, then I'm afraid I can't help you.
If that was towards my post... then all I have to say is; wow, do you know how to read?

Otherwise, I don't see the point in calling to get the same kind of responds thru the phone as I would thru the boards.

But whatever, your done.
And for someone who hosted a tournament a Trash Day, you really have no idea what went on.

Might want to look at matter of the issues before jumping in trying to get yourself involved you know nothing about.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
If that was towards my post... then all I have to say is; wow, do you know how to read?

Otherwise, I don't see the point in calling to get the same kind of responds thru the phone as I would thru the boards.

But whatever, your done.
And for someone who hosted a tournament a Trash Day, you really have no idea what went on.

Might want to look at matter of the issues before jumping in trying to get yourself in involved you know nothing about.
You're being vague. Call me. In fact, call me right now.

I'm getting that you're complaining about a supposed "extra $5 charged". I'm asking how much you were charged total? You have not responded to that. It should have been $5 venue fee, $15 registration. Is that what you paid? If it is, then what are you complaining about? That was stated on the first page, on the website, on the AllIsBrawl listing. It was nothing new. Now, if you paid MORE than that, THEN there is a problem and I'll try to resolve it. If not, then I'm not understanding WHAT you are complaining about.

As for anything else, CALL me - and I'll listen to anything you have to say. Otherwise, I still think this is nothing more than a misunderstanding on your part.


Smash Rookie
Apr 8, 2008
The hill country, TX
Switch FC
eh. hes sayin the only game that you had to pay a venue fee for was brawl. and wondering what was up with that. i couldnt make it cause my car broke down. but expect me in the next ones sicne im back out here again. even though none of you prolly know who i am :p


Smash Apprentice
Feb 27, 2008
Space City
eh. hes sayin the only game that you had to pay a venue fee for was brawl. and wondering what was up with that. i couldnt make it cause my car broke down. but expect me in the next ones sicne im back out here again. even though none of you prolly know who i am :p
No, you had to pay the $5 venue fee for all tournament.
Brawl was 1v1 $15
GG and CVS2 was $10
Tekken was $25
And a $5 venue fee was added for ALL entrants to ALL tournaments. This is nothing unusual. Anyone that attends tournaments know that a venue fee is tacked on to the registration fee. That's nothing new.
That's why I'm not understanding what he's talking about. If he's sore that Brawl was $5 more than GG and CVS2, well, I was not in control of how much reg price was. If you still had a problem with the $15 reg price, then you could always have not come to the tournament. I mean, the Tekken players payed almost twice more and you don't see then complaining about the reg price being too high. I'm sorry if this is the issue, but I could not change the reg price just because you didn't like it. I had no control over that. I'm sorry if that's the case.

Feel free to attend the monthlies (like at PZ May 3rd or PN'T in June) because THOSE are $10 reg and $5 venue, or if you don't want to pay anything, go to the April 26th event at UofH. That one is completely free.

If you still have other issues, or if this did not satisfactorily resolve this issue, please call or PM me and I'll try to fix it. If you were charged an extra $5 more than the other smashers that went to this event, I've already sent you a PM on what I can do about that. Heck, I'll even give you a $5 bill to compensate you if that was the case (but I'll need you to file a complaint against the Trashday guys on the NVGA forum - the PM covers this).

Or if you'd like to call or PM about anything else, please do. I'm very willing to try to fix or resolve any issue you might have. That goes for anyone. Remember, I'm here for you guys, so feel free to contact me whenever.
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