sorry for the delay on this reply, i've been out of town.... midterms are over so i can type in the thread more often... ask away guys!
I used to have real trouble with this (teching) but now I'm decent (I teched marth F-smash three times in a row then he whiffed and I was saved, it felt so good) and there are two big questions. 1) I can tech but I cant do the wall jump tech, how do you do it, and are there any varitaions of how to do it so i can see which way I like beter? 2) you were teching the peach for so long and you're damage got **** high, were you using just the control stick to DI to the ledge to tech it or were you you using some sort of crazy DI? if so, how'd yuou do it? Thanks in advance.
- nice work man... it's hard just getting the hang of it, really.
1 - to do the walljump, just hold an angle as you do it. i'm pretty sure any angle works, but i prefer to use a perpendicular angle to the edge... i just kind of slide the joystick towards to wall as im holding L. in a tourney match i walljump EVERYTHING after i tech it, except fox's shine while standing on the side.
2 - i still kept using the edgetech. i find it more useful that waljumps usually. the higher percent you get to, the harder it is to tech and you might have to wait a bit longer before pressing L... keep tryin man and feel free to ask more questions.
i finally got it but somehow i cant recover i think im doing it too late but anyways i think i will put a video later today of my falco and my friends fox
in a tourney, i start pressing over B DIRECTLY after i hear the tech sound. i just assume i'm going to tech it and start pressing it. that way, i either illusion to the side or onto the level quickly enough that i don't get hit and whoever was edgegaurding me doesn't have time to hit me again... try that out man.
Sorry, i dont feel like reading every post, but that looks a lot like wall jumping... but then again it also looks like wall techs at amazing speed... Maybe making this more of a tutorial so people dont just get to watch, they can be taugh too, would help? Cause i dunno how you did it.
these are all techs man, no walljumps here, lol... all it is, is pressing the L button right as you're hitting the level.
hahah, this was entertaining
I loved the parts where you fall off the stage just to ledge tech again lol
lol, thanks
Just a curiosity, but if a person can always tech the yellow boxes in BtT, does that mean you can tech most edge guarding attacks (marth's f-smash, falco's d-smash, etc.), too?
yeah, ALMOST any attack can be teched, especially on FD... i can only think of a very select few that cant, and most of those won't kill you (ie link's arrows)
are you just going to tell us when the L-presses because at higher damages I have no idea how you tech, i just cant get close enough to the stage.
yeah, i have plans on re-doing the video with the L button on the screen... it's just really hard to get that on there with the right timing. i'm workin on it