I've played with ChuDat in teams in friendlies a few times, as Peach. Either the character combination is really bad (Nana is somehow always to close when I need to dsmash) or Nana just always gets in the way during good opportunities. ChuDat seems to play a bit of a 1v1 + 1v1 rather than a 2v2 in teams. How do you think Ice Climbers works well in teams?
i played icys for 2 years in teams and always had to play peaches like xif,gam peach,mike g,dop, and other peach mains..in teams all peach can really punish icys is with d smash..but all icy mains know thats all she wants to do so wait for her to do it/. bait her to do dsmash and u can punish her pretty easy..icys rack up damage really well can save there teammates good with ice blocks and other things..plus they can kill opponents quicker than normal because its teams..there defense is good if u use there blizzard good and up air on plat form stages..icys a better than good in teams..they are great..plus they can chain grab and there parnter can help finish the kill quicker.
chudat usually does good in teams at tournies.
people are acting like there are like 3 icy teams per tourny..
please explain to me what icy teams people are basing " icy's are bad in teams"
because there arent alot in the first place and the ones that are usually do do in teams
this community sometimes..i dont get it