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Team Rocket Mafia from the Disco Room: DGames Reject Copy

Motel Vacaville

  • I see.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • My Gosh.

    Votes: 5 31.3%
  • Thiiiis Guuuuy

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters

Elder Sister

Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
in the bush next to your house
additionally to the 4 that ive mentioned before, i want to pay more attention to you as well. you pop in here n there and ask DZLE the same questions that ive already asked him.
so yeah small fos on you

as for DZLE
i want to see if he survives the night and go from there

as for roxy
hes been quite uncareful with his life if that makes sense
i dont think scum would act like that?
he didnt even try to defend himself first, then said hes gonna stop trolling.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
ride-along = lynching because it's someone who's not mafia. Basically i feel that there is a potential scum lynching me, merely because I'm here and not their alignment. Junglefever has been posting to me, in a sense trying to feel out whether I'm town or not. No one else has done this.
So that puts him in the clear, or makes you suspicious of him?

Because if you're saying that he could be mafia for that reason, then that's a pretty weak and rushed way to try to get suspicion on him. I mean, hell. The guy isn't very scummy at all, and I was initially super suspicious of him. You have to look at the Night actions, and imo those don't line up w/ Jungle being scum. What it does say is that (from what we know) DZLE shot Frown, mafia killed Ndayday.

If you're proposing or getting at a Jungle lynch on just that, I don't think it's gonna be warmly received. By me, anyway.

Deleted member

Marvin, why did you claim?
Why are you so desperate to shoot this night?
Do you already have a clue who you will shoot? (no names, just a yes/no)

Roxy, at what point are you willng to claim your role?

still need to reread D1 and a more precise read of D2.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
Marvin, why did you claim?
Why are you so desperate to shoot this night?
Do you already have a clue who you will shoot? (no names, just a yes/no)

Roxy, at what point are you willng to claim your role?

still need to reread D1 and a more precise read of D2.
Do your proper reading and perhaps you'll see i've answered your first questions twice already.

Why am I so desperate? I never said I was desperate. I'm just adamant about the fact that nobody will sway me in my choice of who I shoot. Again, if read, you'll see i've said that twice or more now.
As of now, yes, I have a clue of who i'm going to kill tonight.

Deleted member

Yes I read you're adamant, I'm asking WHY.
just becasue you can doesn't mean you should go einzelgänger mode.

Really leaning to a Marvin lynch right now seeing how he more than likely is SK.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I'm also fine with a Marvin lynch for almost the same reasons. I don't like how he just soft claims vig then tells the doc to get on him. Vig is the safest SK claim.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
So that puts him in the clear, or makes you suspicious of him?

Because if you're saying that he could be mafia for that reason, then that's a pretty weak and rushed way to try to get suspicion on him. I mean, hell. The guy isn't very scummy at all, and I was initially super suspicious of him. You have to look at the Night actions, and imo those don't line up w/ Jungle being scum. What it does say is that (from what we know) DZLE shot Frown, mafia killed Ndayday.

If you're proposing or getting at a Jungle lynch on just that, I don't think it's gonna be warmly received. By me, anyway.
No, i means it's something you should question, why the love for ndayday?

Deleted member

All your (marvin) posts starting at your claim, ending when I joined

I'm not mafia.

But I killed one.
Wasnt random, Roxy said my name for mafia. Thats why I answered.
Worst reason ever for a claim
I see
I'm not loling.

This is serious business.

Doc, if you exist, get on me.
Remember the post I made way back when?
Frown was saying something, and I told him if he carried on like that
He was going to get himself killed.

So I shot him.
[elder quote]

Why in the world would I roleclaim indy? That would just be a quick Lynch on me since an Indy is just as good as Mafia to town.
I roleclaim Vig of course.

And at people picking my shots, not going to happen.

I choose who to kill.

[heat quote]
Why does that even make sense? I'm not a cop. I can't investigate people to believe if they are town or not. I'm not just going to listen to people who are probably mafia trying to guide the sights of my gun. I'll choose who to shoot.
Vote: Roxy

[elder quote]

It probably wasn't a smart move, no. Because if a doctor doesnt exist I could die tonight easily.
We were on the same page in this game for like... 4 days or something stupid. I was bored as all hell. So I did something to mix it up. and it got people talking, no?
contradiction? first you said you claimed because roxy called you mafia, now this.
[heat quote]
Well you've been saying that I shouldnt be the one to pick my shots.
If town tells me not to shoot I don't?

Then tell me, who is town? Because I sure as hell have no idea who it is.
Rei, i'm going to shoot regardless.
Even if 'town' asks me not to, I can't trust them. So i'll pull the trigger.

I'll be adamant on that fact.
I know that. This may answer Rei's other question as well as to why I killed Frown.
I got a bad vibe from Frown from the start. No evidence, no scum tells, no slips. Just a personal intuition. From a certain moment I told myself that night I was going to shoot frown no matter what. And when Mattnumbers, my number one FoS got lynched, I went through with the kill. But now we are further in and hopefully i'll have more reason behind who I decide to kill / why I kill them.

If I decide not to shoot, then thats what I decide.
If I decide to shoot, then thats what I decide.

I just can't trust anyone but (hopefully) the doctor that might not even exist. So I was just stressing that nobody will sway me on who to shoot, but I assure you that doesnt mean i'm shooting without meaning.
Rei I already explain that I was really bored with this Mafia game since it was on the same page for 4 days without anyone saying much. So I felt claiming could at least get it moving. And it did. I was about ready to just have mod kill me or ask for rep because it was boring but I figure this way we can get some action.
Red = comment
Green = you asking doc protection
Blue = You being "adamant", but not giving further reasoning why

more general:
-point at me in THESE posts (they are all of your posts, check it back if you care) where you explain WHY you're so adamant.
-half the stuff I didn't mark you are begging the question about you being adamant.

In short:
You claimed for a bad reason and later contradicted that reason,
you keep begging for doctor protection and
you give no reason for being so adamant about shoot regardless.

I don't know how many games you have played but this is just something you don't DO as town.

Vote: Marvin Grossberg

Your witness.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields

It's not a matter of experience.
It's a matter of this game being on the same page with like 3 people up for prods for like 4 days. Nothing was happening. I was going to ask for a replacement/modkill, but I decided I might get the best out of it. You think I care what happens at this point?

*Puts gun to head*
You want your vigilante out that badly? I'll help you then, so you can see what mistake you've made.
Vote: DZLE

Deleted member

ehm I said I DIDN'T care for experience, don't twist words.

Also, don't ruin this game for the rest of us by killing yourself. that really shows lack of sportsmanship.

Deleted member

ok not literally but the part behind it heavily implies it.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
I can't trust town because at this point we have no idea who 'town' is, i'm not going to listen to people i cant trust 100% because they could just be mafia pointing my gun in the wrong direction.

As I said. Can't trust anyone but myself so i'm not listening to anyone anyway.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I'm sure DZLE was bored, and just decided " hey guys watch this "

I'm all up for trolling, so i can see tihs being possible.

If you're vig, trying to help town, i can see why you would want doc. However it does in fact, put others in danger.

DZLE, i had this problem in another game, voting yourself is strictly anti-town, only you know your alignment, and if you're truly vigilante, i can not see why you would want yourself to die. Especially if you are TRYING to help town.

Deleted member

previous post was a correction of my post before that.

you said you've given reasoning twice or more, while only giving it once as you now show.

and that isn't even reasoning at all. "town" wants you not to shoot. but you still have another REASON to stilll shoot, you just don't give in to peer pressure. which is a good thing in itself but you still haven't given YOUR OWN reason why you shoot.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
This game has had so much **** done to it.
Another reason why it lost its luster.

Way too many prods

Has had more replacements then i'd like

No offense to lythy cause i know she is busy but its just a shame that she can't post more because she is an amazing player



Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
Unvote: DZLE

I was just trolling paprika, Roxy, his arguements on me have no relevance i care about


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
What valid arguement?
Your arguement is basically: DZLE said he already said this many times before
But I looked through his posts and he only said it once!

Who cares if I said it once or twice?

I said it

Deleted member

I meant my big post, and that later post mainly had as point that the reasoning you referred to is no reason for YOU to be adamant.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
DZLE is learning from the master ;).

This is what we should do when it comes to a gameplan.

We need to know who all is playing. With all of that known, we need to modkill, not replace. and start from there.


Smash Master
Dec 2, 2008
Planar Fields
I haven't heard anything from anyone in such a long time. The clocks going to run out with nothing done.


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
If you really want to /out of this game that bad DZLE, just quit. No sense in ruining it for others.
Sorry if you're trollin, but I honestly have other stuff to do besides figure out whether you're messing around or being serious. Same goes for Roxy.

My gosh.

No, i means it's something you should question, why the love for ndayday?
He was a great man!
I don't see how that's 'love' when it's just using what Ndayday thought of the situation and adding in Night actions. I feel as though it's a pretty solid analysis on my part

Maybe I don't get what you're saying?


stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008

It's what I've come up with after being suspicious of him all game pretty much.


Jun 7, 2009
Lythium is modkilled. Day 2 Ends.

Flavor: On their way to Lake Rage the Team Rocket members notice that Lythium is appearing sick and isn't able to talk very much, they ask her to go to a Pokemon center to get better so she doesn't get in the way. She agrees knowing that's what Team Rocket wants. By the end of the day Team Rocket has made it to Lake Rage and they are all resting in Grandma's shop.

Lythium, the Town Odd Night Cop is dead.

Night starts now. All night actions are due at 8:00PM EST 4/21


Jun 7, 2009
B/C they can't do business with the rest of Team Rocket. Team Rocket, even though it is an evil group, has always had it's interest to be PG at most. :colorful:
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