Shout outz, I guess since you are all being gay and not doing them.
Aftermath - I hope I didn't completely make you lose the match by asking you a question during a tournament match. I didn't get to play you at all, I was kind of under the impression that you would only want to play me if it was a money match. Plus you are a pedophile. Don't lie about the milk next time.
Juce - You are like my momma bird keeping me under your wings. I'll definitley be looking to you to improve my Falcon.
Doc_Holiday - Thanks for taking me, I had a ton of fun. Trust me, I dissapointed myself, but it's my first tournament so I can do that. I definitely blame our loss in teams on you.
DMSTudios - I beat your Ness with my Sheik. That is all. I didn't even know that anyone played Ness in Oregon, I'll prepare to play your Ness next time we meet. You should come to the Salem Spring Break Tournament. Keep up the low tierage.
Keeeeeeeeeevin - I DIDN'T PLAY YOU. I don't know how that happened. I'm pretty sure I don't even know what you look like, but the only Bowser I played was Gimpy's. So it wasn't you. Unless you are the Asian kid, then I know who you are.
Game and, I mean, Digital Watches - I'm positive we had the longest money match ever. Haha, we literally had 20 minutes on that single TV. Peach vs Jiggs FTW. But I probably made up the 4 bucks in the amount of fruit roll ups I ate without you knowing.
Gimpyfish - I bet you didn't even know you were playing me. I like how your shout out was oddly vague enough to where everyone felt like they had a warm place in your heart.
Silent Wolf - I definitely thought you were a 25 year old man, but you were just a smaller version of a man in a big red shirt. Maybe you and Gimpy can please help get my account back in the staffer shack, 1, 2, 3 go.
Eggz - I didn't play you, and I really looked forward to meeting you/playing you.
OC George - Oh dear, what do I say to OC George.
1. Best in Oregon.
2. You are a monkey (IE Curious George, George of the Jungle)
3. Yes I'd go to the movies with OC George.
4. You lie....a lot.
5. You don't have a Porsche.
6. You are Hawaiian.
7. Every time I see your face my heart beats faster.
8. I have gay feelings for OC George.
9. We need to play our game with flippers and screw attacks some time if you know what I mean.
10. No, you took it too far.
11. I literally gave up in the tournament because you are the best in Oregon. If that isn't a mind game I don't know what is.
12. You wasted my 10 dollars.
12. You had that girl on you the whole night, that's my boy.
13. Oh yeah, you lied about there only being one piece of pizza left, ho bag.
Juce - OC George lied to us about the pizza. I just remembered that and it definitely meritted another shout out to you.
Timmy - I didn't tell anyone who I was because I wanted to hear the gossip first, but when it came time to the tournament I had to say who I was. I was originally going to come as a German exchange student, hence why James recieved an odd phone call from me asking about the milk with a German accent.
Tommy - I couldn't move you! It must be the power of the vegean. Oh yeah, you are a black wearing emo sand bagger.
Master of Chu - I wanted to play you, the best Pikachu in the state? Yes mangz.
Guy with the beard, I think it was Bladewise - I think I played you on the on TV where you were playing Silent Wolf at, you probably have no clue who I am. You have a beard.
Tori - Congratulations.
I don't think I missed anyone. If I did, refer to Gimpyfish's shout out post. Wait, there was this one straight haired guy with really white/straight teeth. I did a lot of friendlies with you before Washington came and that was much appreciated practice. Anyways, hope to see you guys at the next tournament, everyone come to the Salem tournamens. Hopefullly more people will show up at the next TANG. It wasn't very big this time.
One last thing, THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!