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Sydney Smash Thread - Comrades Of Xeno -


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
Oh you meant you had to update it. I thought you meant we had to downlaod it as an update seperate from the update ont eh game because it didn't work or something along those lines.

That toureny seriously didn't finish? Didin't stick around long enough to see much of it anyway

No brawl tourneys in NSW :(

any body want to play some wifi now? My FC is in the wii numbers and game codes thread


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
Jaz is gonna try make it to Rambo
Jaz is looking to organise a tournament for brawl shortly after rambo so we know how to do it :p,
It will have to be fairly professional and well organised because any brawl wannabe is gonna suck of the tourny for brawl experience, do we want that?
We may get in touch with EGG again who knows.

The least we can do is brawl meets like thom up there
and thom, thats too far away from me you bum i have tafe

Jaz is going to start on the banners for the first Sydney Brawl tournament
only people who have S3 banners will get brawl banners
you want a brawl banner, come to a few meets and tournys

Jaz says jaz to much!
Jaz sucks



Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
Uhh Jaz are you saying that less experienced players shouldn't play in a tournament to get experience and join in the community because they arent as good as the pros? You can only get so good playing people who aren't at the competitive level and to restrict them from such events is not fair on those who want to transcend the limbo between casual and competititive


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Not sure if this is what he means, but what I derived from his post was that because there's gonna be people that's never played Brawl before, in this case, 'suck at the tourney', we would still want them to have a good experience, and not feel intimidated and not give up but to keep wanting to play and that.

There's been some tournaments where some have just been intimidated I suppose and just never bothered again or something like that.

Anywho that's what I got from that whole thing.

That said, I'm going to RAMBO.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
I suppose when referring to people who haven't played rather than people who just aren't amazing at the game yeah you/we might not want to have them participating but we should give them the chance to play it.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007
Stu says yay to Jaz! <3 When are you planning on arriving to Melbourne?
I'm leaving the Wed before the tourney to enjoy more of Melbourne's GREATness!

I'm sure EGG would be happy to host a Brawl tourney soon. I'll ask CodeMonkey this week.

Oh have you got that USB Wi fi thingy yet Jaz?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
to be honest, setting a minimum standard for brawl acumen for a tournament goes against the entire ethos of a smash scene. and a tournament, for that matter. of course some people will be better than others, but not allowing some people to compete because of that, well....i mean, given the current climate of people shipping in brawl, you're really not giving people that don't have the money/time/credit cards a fair chance, are you?

i for one will start a protest if you try to keep out "brawl wannabe's". im surprised at you, jaz...you, who fought tooth and nail to establish the scene back in the day when noone else could give two ****s about it, now want to restrict participation?

a ridiculous suggestion if you ask me.


Smash Ace
Aug 8, 2006
I think he's just afraid of Solid-Snake FanBoys coming to the Tourney dressed in Camoflauge and shouting SNAKE! SNAKE! <b>constantly</b>. Which is why I'm going to Jaz's tournament. To beat the crap out of cosplayers.
Oh hi sydney, I'm back.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
People would actually do that? I didn't know metal gear fan boys cosplayed at least tehy aren't cosplaying as raiden or wwearing nothing but what is the difference there really?

And welcome back xeno who ever you are :)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2008
Welcome Back, and YES I saw a Father/Son Cosplay Team at SupaNova 07. Old Snake and Young Snake. And Looked the Part too.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
How kind Dedu :D

Not a pro melee player and I can only say I'm an aspiring pro brawler

As for me being chicken if the theory you are what you eat is true yes I may very well be chicken since I just had chicken for dinner :) but if i was a chicken i am now cannibalistic freakay


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2007

I was teasing you mate. Don't take it offensively.
At least you mentioned something about chicken. I had pork for dinner - does pork taste like chicken?

Oh well. I suppose any meat you've never tried before will always 'tastes like chicken' lol.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
I didn't take it offensively

But wouldn't any meat you try for the first time taste like chicken rather than ones you haven't tried ?
You haven't tasted them and having only just experienced eating a new type of meat you may subconciously fool yourself into thinking it does in fact taste like chicken in an attempt to ease yourself into this new taste
kind of like checking the water before jumping head first into the pool

that made sense as i typed it...


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
Stu vs me in wi-fi tomorrow night or whenever. Thought I'd post here cause you're never on MSN anymore lol.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
I keep my previous statement still.

Anyway, attend meets, tourneys, vs your friends, that kind of stuff.

I don't get what you mean when you say 'why have brawl codes if we aren't gonna utilise them?'


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
I'm supposed to attend meets to improve when none to my knowledge are accesible the only mention of a meet I've seen is comboturtle's which is in wollongong and for PROS only this doesn't help me in the slightest.

It has been said there wont be a tourney here for a good while for brawl anyway. so to get practice prior to that I'd need to go get mutilated at rambo? Maybe I underestimate myself that could be due to the fact that I only have one friend I've been over at their house this doesn't help me improve since he can not currently practice and we fight relatively evenly always have.

The only logical way for me to improve is by playing wifi matches against people in the competitive community. So I went and added everybodies FC I found on the thread for exchanging wii numbers and game codes. I have yet to play anybody I have added from there and I have been on alot over the weekend and tonight so why did I bother if nobodies bothered to add and play? thus not utilising the information collected for easy distribution within the community

Why have that information if it isn't going to be used?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 12, 2006
cause online is not how smash is meant to be played....thats why....I want a meet...people tell me days...again and it shall be planned...though...never weekends :(


Come to my meet Blazin, there you shall learn!

perpetual ownage

Smash Journeyman
Nov 9, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I'm supposed to attend meets to improve when none to my knowledge are accesible the only mention of a meet I've seen is comboturtle's which is in wollongong and for PROS only this doesn't help me in the slightest.

It has been said there wont be a tourney here for a good while for brawl anyway. so to get practice prior to that I'd need to go get mutilated at rambo? Maybe I underestimate myself that could be due to the fact that I only have one friend I've been over at their house this doesn't help me improve since he can not currently practice and we fight relatively evenly always have.

The only logical way for me to improve is by playing wifi matches against people in the competitive community. So I went and added everybodies FC I found on the thread for exchanging wii numbers and game codes. I have yet to play anybody I have added from there and I have been on alot over the weekend and tonight so why did I bother if nobodies bothered to add and play? thus not utilising the information collected for easy distribution within the community

Why have that information if it isn't going to be used?
Meets happen often. Forget about comboturtle's meet. Pros in NSW don't exist. A pro is PC Chris. No-one here is that good. Don't rely on wifi for all your practice. I will vs you when my Brawl copy comes as I plan to play lot's of wifi. Go to meets.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
A few days, I can't remember, not long though.

Meets can't happen all the time. They won't be on 24/7. They'll only happen if people are hosting, of course, and of course, they'd need to post it/mention it. e.g. ComboTurtle. You can't expect a meet to be online all the time. There's nothing wrong with asking if others want to play you in Smash too. The only thing is that it would be last minute (though meets can also be organised at the last minute, that's fine, worth a shot, doesn't hurt anyone to ask) but that's still alright, Xeno does it all the time :p Ask if anyone wants to play Smash (and Guilty Gear) at his and he would say when, and the time etc.

For the record, ComboTurtle is always like that. It's just him being him. You'll get used to it :p

There won't be a tournament for a while. Yes, true. However, Jaz seems keen on the idea of having one after Rambo, so I guess you can expect it sorta soon I guess. Tournaments can't happen all the time, and require a lot of effort and organisation too. Also, everyone gets mutilated at the game at here and there. You win some, you lose some. You can't expect yourself to win all the time. You should compete because you find it fun competing/playing the game. Naturally, you would only get better at the game overtime and by experience. When I went to my first couple of meets, I was an extremely horrible player. I have a whole story behind that too, lol.

to be honest, to me, wi-fi is just wi-fi. I wouldn't consider it 'practice' for the fact that there is lag, whether its lots, or one-eighth of a second. It screws up your timing, strategies, mindgames, etc. You might have been online a lot, but others might not have, or might have not added you yet. I've played Wi-Fi a bit and it wasn't exactly the most perfect experience of all. Nonetheless, I enjoyed it, but *shrug* mind you I never like to practice. I'm a lazy sod. When I play the game, I just play. :p But yeah it's not gonna be fun practice when your timing is off.

Ergh, I had this all typed up before. But I typed some command in Firefox that fu`cking closed my tab so I had to retype the whole block of text and now it's not as good as before cause I can't be stuffed.

The best thing to do is do what you're doing now and is keeping in touch with this thread/and have people's contacts (MSN). There's not much more else, meets were more frequent last year and Smash is sorta dead atm here but it'll revive soon. I don't host meets often cause I'm not able to/I'm just lazy.

As you can tell, I lack motivation when it comes to Smash lol.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Sydeny NSW near bankstown
lag is certainly a major problem in this sort of game yes but to discount wifi as a method of practicing or even a way to play is over the top

Face to face would always be the preferred competitiive option that is obvious and goes for all games. due to the fact that every hit truly does count in a fighting game lag does cause major problems unlike in fps or rts. Although both have problems with lag while being somewhat easier to deal with there is still a different experience in particpating in a lan tournament and playing online. In these games online is a perfectly reasonable method of practicing they still need to factor the response times in online matches and lan same goes for smash.

I understand the viewpoint that playing without delays is a far more intense experience and certainly closer to the true experience of smash or anyother game for that matter. I have experienced the difference between playing online and playing face to face the latter being far more entertaining and having a higher degree of techniques to utilise that are just unbelievably hard to do with delay( any body who can stage scar with wolf online with a considerable amount of lag is far better than I)

In any case I'd like to go to meets when ever the chance came up and Kulla if you have the intention of hosting one soon please inform me :)


Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2006
Megatron ripped me in half T-T
HOLY F*RK people took that the wrong way o.O

I'm talking about people that just walk off the street or are in the general vicinity of the tournament seeing a new game showing up, paying and just pissing off, which was pretty much OHN5's major problem, that would screw with everyone's planning, I'm not saying someone has to be of a considerable skill level to play, I'm just talking about enthusiasm that's all, to justify the planning of a tournament.

How unfair is it, to us that are striving to get better at the game, that want to have matches against people that we don't know... new experiences, we go, we come on time we register.
and then some random, who doesn't own a wii, played melee twice in his life sees the newest version, fancies himself, pays, sees that we're slightly serious and just leaves when we have a lunch break...
then we have to wait 30 minutes for the sad case to return, which slows down the whole tournament, and is unjust to all that paid.

It would be seriously naive of us to just have a tournament with a game that is HUGE in popularity and not register how are we going to accommodate all those people? how can i organise chairs and tvs for x amount of people which could be anywhere between 4-60

I want registration, so we don't have that problem fonti, not restricting registration at all.
I hope you bring that kind of enthusiasm to the tournament however

Brawl wannabee's was probably a bad term, seeing as we're all brawl wannabee's right now. actually now that i look back on that statement that was pretty badly worded.
but that was my meaning behind it anyway.
sorry for that

Blazinfire0, You have had a pretty rough run of posts here, dedu and Tom are just being themselves to those that know them so well, its been so long since new interest has come to this thread we pretty much hang out here, they are just joking.
i don't have an online code yet so, i can't vouch for why you aren't meeting people online, but this community when it started was always about meeting people away from the cyber, and the computer, actually meeting face to face.
there is another thread here for people that brawl, if we aren't enthusiastic enough:

Now, travelling to another state can be daunting, especially with no where to stay and not much money.
the first time i went i stayed with family, and made use of trains, but the venture is expensive, i promise.
you could look into housing, staying with a smasher, from Melbourne who would agree to host you for the time you;re there
you could hostel it with kulla, myself and others.

plans have not been cemented about rambo yet,if your interest in participating is a serious one, msn is the place to go


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
fair call jaz. by all means, i advocate pre-enrolling and zero-tolerance match time policies, if thats what it comes to. i mean, ive never been at a tournament where such was the case....the ones ive been to its been a stretch to get a very small amount of people to turn up. i guess the fact that we can now afford to cut it down to serious players is a good thing.

my advice is half price entry for pre-enrollment, and bys (bies? byes? sp???) for all who vs a shadow opponent. not much can be done about those people. it's not like theres a real sydney ladder anyway.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2007
byes* :p There you go Fonti ^_^

Yeahhhh, the worst waiting period was at Smash@SMASH (Animania) and OHN.

Not sure which was more horrible >_> Cause the Animania one didn't even finish. ._.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 27, 2002
xenopost: i havent played brawl. but unless its a COMPLETELY different game to melee, any lag is too much. melee is split second reactions game, involving switches in gamestyle to accommodate for x and y. anything other than instantaneous control is too slow.
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