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Swordgard's private lessons(QC/GTA)


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Hi everyone from the east coast canada community, I will no longer be helping players during smashfests like I used to due to multiple reasons(if you want the details, just message me). Instead I will be providing private lessons for a small fee. The advice I give during these sessions are very concrete, nothing vague such as "you need to read him better", usually more akin to "In this situation he can do A or B because you limit him with this, and as such you have the option to either C or D in order to punish". Many players can attest that my tips are as straightforward as it can get and usually help you improve drastically as long as you take the time to master them. During these lessons I will be spending my time exclusively to give you tips and help you improve. These private lessons can cover any of the following:

How to read specific patterns in your opponents(limiting options)
How to fix your own patterns(finding extra options)
In depth matchup analysis
Finding specific patterns in 1 opposing player and how to abuse them (youtube replays or matches of you versus the players are usually required for that)

Pricing: 7$/hour
15$/evening(3-4 hours)
Full training(TBA price, take 3 days-ish)
Brawl general guide 10$(55-60 pages)

Group training may be available, but I would need to figure out a system for the results to be optimal.

People that I have previously trained extensively:

People I have also helped:

I agree, SG made me realize 1000 mistakes in an hour....that's ****ed.

So just message if you are up for it. For GTA players this will either have to be at tournaments or the night before/after the tournament where i am over there. Usually this can be done at any smashfest and or tournament(given you don't ask me during brackets). Asking a few days prior will usually give better results though as I can check your play-style or investigate the matchup that you need help in. If you feel like the prices are too high/low, keep in mind that this is much lower than what most players charge in other games for similar training, although I am open to anyone providing a sound reasoning as to why it should be different.Comments/feedback in the thread or at events are always appreciated.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2005
Quebec City
Even though the idea of "private lessons" may seen a bit farfetched when it comes to Brawl, people who are interested in improving should seriously consider this. Swordgard is a mad good coach (as I'm sure a lot of people are aware of already), is very professional in how he helps and knows his Brawl stuff very well. He can give you the tools to get better; what you do with those afterwards is up to you, but it's definitely a step towards significant improvement.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2009
This seems interesting, though, For me, it's pricey, then again. I don't like spending money, haha.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 3, 2007
Halifax, NS, Canada
Everyone that lives in those areas should seriously hit this up. Like, I did a friendly wifi session with him for like an hour or so, and I learned more about myself than I realised I had problems with, and we didn't even cover that much. If he's going to go into concrete advice...I think you'd be silly to not even consider it at least.

Supreme Dirt

King of the Railway
Sep 28, 2009
Good thing that won't apply to any lessons he gives me.

I ****ing hate that bat.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2008
I give a thumbs up to this post... He helped me just a BIT but it made me a smarter player in general.

However, he doesn't want to teach me anything anymore.
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