Smash Hero
In lieu of Ulevo guide being taken down again I thought I'd make one. It will just be the basic stuff nothing to special however, I think one is still needed for newer players. I'll try to make this the best I can any comments input corrections or criticism I'm open to.
Table of Contents
Why main marth?
Pros and Cons
Move set
Tips Tricks and everything in between
For starters purple marth is teh sex. Seriously, though Marth is a good character to main because he has good match ups across the board. Even his bad match up are skill dependent. He has great tools to achieve success. Everything you could want from a character he has and then some. He has a steep learning curve however once you swing your sword you wont want to put it down.
Jab first strike hits on frame 4
Jab second strike hits on frame 21
Tipped 6%
Untipped 4&
Marth's jabs are alright I don't use them much but they can be used to push your opponent back into tip range. Jab can also swat some projectiles.
Forward Tilt
hits on frames 7-11
Tipped: 12%
Untipped: 9%
A good move to reset spacing and have your opponent back off of you. Rather limited I wouldn't use when your opponent is right on top of you just make sure you space accordingly when using this move. It also can shut down some people who lacks range approaches.
Down Tilt
hits on frames 7-13
Tipped: 10%
Untipped: 9%
Great shield pressuring tool. Will normally lead into another dtilt.. Good spacing tool don't neglect this move it's a huge part of Marths game.
Up Tilt
hits on frames 6-13
Tipped: 12%
Untipped: 9%
Marth swings his sword almost all around hit depending at what point they are hit they will be sent at a weird angle. This move is good to start juggles with or used for killing. It kills at around 120%. One of marths many kill options.
Forward smash
Hits on frame 10
Tipped: 19%
Untipped: 14%
Ah the good old Marth fsmash. Everyone when they first pick up marth flings this thing around like it will end all. It sexy because it can kill at early percentages if you get a tipper fsmash. However, the reality is that this move is obvious has a lot of cool down and will lead to off unnecessary punishments for newer Marths. I would use with caution and not to often unless you know two things for certain one you won't be punished after you do it or 2 that it will land. Just remember this ain't melee.
Down Smash
Hits on frame 6 and 21
Tipped: 14%
Untipped: 18%
A smash attacks that is abused by newer players I mean how could you not look at how fast it comes and it covers his whole body their can't possibly be any downside. Unfortunately much like the fsmash a move at first glance seems sexy is really dangerous. The cool down on this move hurts it a lot. You will get punished easily for over use of this move or just whipping it out whenever you please.
Up Smash
Hits on frame 12
Tipped: 21%
Untipped: 17%
I think this may be my favorite of all of Marth smash attacks. It has hit boxes at his feet and could possible spike(don't depend on this spiking someone though). On larger characters there's like a vacuum type of effect that will send them upwards and lead to a tipper usmash. I like using it during a dashing after I auto cancel a up air or out of shield. Don't spam this move though as it will lead to you getting punished mix it up but this is just my personal favorite out of his smash attacks.
Forward air
Hits on frames 4-8
Tipped: 13%
Untipped: 10%
The bread and butter of Marth's aerial game. With out this marth would prob drop on the tier list. It has great range. I can't even begin to describe how good fair is for marth. It will be your most used aerial so the odds of you killing with it become lessened however it should still kill depending on the character and whether or not it's fresh. Fair can always swat some projectiles.
Neutral air
Hits on frames 6,15,17(behind), and 19.
Tipped: 18%
Untipped: 12%
A great option in marths aerial. Has multiple uses. The first strike of nair can be used to start combos. Nair is a great spacing tool. Provides good shield pressure and makes it tough for your opponent to approach. The second hit has a lot of knock back and if tipped can kill.
Back air
Hits on frames 7-11.
Tipped: 14%
Untipped: 11%
Marth's bair I love this move a lot of range a lot of knock back easy to tip with. This move is killer and is his best tool for edge guarding. If you're going to edge guard use this move it can be used on stage but be careful because of the landing lag. This move is good for edge guarding because of it's range the knock back. Bait their second jump then send them flying away depending on the characters recovery that should be enough to kill them.
Up air
Hits on frames 6-9
Tipped: 13%
Untipped: 10%
Marth uai has a couple of uses. Like I stated before you can auto cancel this move also and lead into mind games and punishment for your opponents. A good juggling tool for Marth. One of Marth's many kill options. Mix this move into your game and you will find your self using it more and more.
Down air
Hits on frames 6-10
Tipped: 14%
Untipped: 12%
Marth meteor spike. Dair is good but has to be used wisely a lot of lag after wards if you can try not to do this move will on stage. Unless you like to be punished. This move only spikes when tipped and is easy to tip when you are facing the stage. One of the better uses of this move is to use a rising dair once hanging off the ledge.
Shield Breaker
Tipped: 22%
Untipped: 8% uncharged 18% fully charged
Shield breaker has a couple of uses for it each use I advise use with caution. It can be used to obviously break shields and it can also be used for recovery. If perfect shielded you can be punished and if your opponent has a full shield it won't be broken. Also it can be used to punish those spot dodging happy people since you can charge it. When recovering with SB the first time you hold b and let go it will give you a boost depending on how long you charge it. This is good for Marth yet it is also bad because it becomes predictable and punishable. Shield breaker only tips when fully charged.
Dolphin Slash
Invincible frames 1-5
Hits on frames 5-11
Damage: 13%
Ah marths recovery a great tool in marth game. Not only is it used for recovery. It can be used offensively and defensively. One of his best OoS options an overall great move with killing potential at around 130%. You can DS though opponents multi hit moves. Can be used to get you out of bad situations like chain grabs. Forces opponents to be cautious and change their strategy. Just be careful because of the landing lag make sure not to miss this attack and when you do use it try to sweet spot the ledge. A stage with a lot of platforms are good when using this move since it gives you more options as to where to land.
I would say use this sparingly. It has a lot of cool down and could leave you open. You can use this to counter some opponents as they try to come back to the stage. Also can be used when someone is trying to edge guard but you have to be able to anticipate your opponent and you also have to be high enough were you wont die after you use it. I wouldn't use it with out my second jump when coming back to the stage.
Dancing Blades
DB1 Hits on frames 4-7
Damage: DB red 17% DB green 22% DB blue 18%
This is a move that really sets Marth apart. This move has multiple purposes and three different ending variations depending on how you perform the move. This move also freshen your moves which is great. The first hit of DB has transcendent priority. Best uses are for people who like to spot dodge, punishing people, and to freshen decayed moves. The DB blue variant will send your opponent in to the sky and can start juggle traps. The DB red variant will knock them back no real follow ups. DB green variant the green variant has a multi hit attack that can eat shield and shield stab. Each DB can kill all at high percentages though. You should get in the habit of using this to punish your opponent instead of your smash attacks. Also when recovering if you jump then use DB it will give you an extra boost. If your opponent is trying to edge hog you can wait out their invincibility frames by using the first strike of DB for the extra boost.
Forward throw
Damage: 4%
Marth's forward throw does 4% to an opponent. His has some what of a chain grab on a small percent of the cast on low percentages. If you can land a fthrow when an opponent is on zero the best follow up would be a fsmash. It will connect on most of the cast for some of the others you will need to do a stutter step smash. Following up a fthrow can be trick once damaging gets higher. Because of this you really need to pick up your opponents habits.
Down throw
Damage: 5%
A lot like the fthrow it can be chained to a fsmash on a small percent of the cast. At higher percentages you will have to be able to predict your opponent in order to follow up a dthrow. So make sure you watch them and pick up their habits. This is a huge part in learning Marth being able to predict your opponents response and taking advantage of it.
Up Throw
Damage: 4%
Marth sends his opponent above him. This is good because you can start juggle traps with uair. Predict, read, and respond to your opponent air dodge punish them for their predictability. Up throw is good on characters with bad dairs and don't forget that uair can auto cancel and you can follow up with an usmash. A little mind game for your opponent.
Back throw
Damage: 4%
Marth worst grab. No follow ups.
Tips Tricks and everything in between
Marth's AT DS Ledgehog:
Marth Pivot
Chain Grab
Marth also has a chain grap on low percentages on certain characters. These characters are Sheik Wolf Fox falco DK Ike and d3. These chain grabs are at max four. You can tip to fsmash after two throws or you can dair some of them. Depends on stage position.
Grab Release
Marth Grab releases tested by steel2nd and a link to the thread a little later down.
Wario (lol)
* Fsmash
* Usmash
* Dolphin Slash
* Fair
* Uair
* Utilt
* Ftilt
* Nair
* Fair
* Fair
* Uair
Meta Knight
* Fair
* Dolphin Slash
* Dair
Squirtle (lol)
* Chain grab release
* Fair
* Dancing Blade
* Pretty much everything really, squirtle can not do anything until he actually hits the ground. You can end the grab release with a spike, basically a 0-death.
Marth Grab release on MK to dair spike commentary by shaya
Thread dedicated to Marth Grab releases
Marth Upsmash Spike
Kadaj Combo
When MK is one zero you can fthrow nair and finishing with DB or fsmash.
Marth's Moveset
Marth has 3 zones within his sword range. The out most zone or tipper range is his where you want to be at at all times. Since damage and knock back is increased when one of Marth attacks are tipped. While in this zone Marth range will be able to abuse most opponents and take advantage of their lack of range. Then there's a medium range zone you're no longer at tipper range and you opponent isn't in your grab range. At this range you're not at a disadvantage but you weren't as comfortable as you were since you are no longer at tip range. However you can play at this range this so don't panic and you still have a lot of options while your opponent is in this zone. The third zone is marths worst zone almost all of your options are closed out and depending on the opponent it can be rather frustrating.
Weaving in and out of aerials is key for Marth. It prevents you from getting shield grabbed. When weaving your aerials I suggest c-sticking your aerials for maximum control. If you over rely on using the a button you will either get shield grabbed and you won't be able to max out Marth's potential.
Dash to Shield
Dashing to shield is something Marth mains should learn and practice. It's a safe way to approach. This is important because a safe marth is a good marth. Dash to shield will either give you a shield grab or you can Jump cancel up-smash or DS OoS. Depending on the attack your opponent does you may be able to drop your shield and do a dancing blades or do a retreating fair. Also keep in mind that during the initial start up of Marth's dash attack he can't do anything.
Edge Guarding
Edge guarding is a huge part of marth's game. Because of Marth's aerial dominance edge guarding is vital. It's a good way to rack up damage or kill people. I will talk about Marth's bair first. This is where Marth's bair really shines the knock back on the attack plus the move is easy to tip and has a lot of range it's really safe. If your opponent is come back from the stage chase after them RAR a bair right to their face and send them packing. If for some strange reason you miss keep in mind that bair turns you around and you can possibly fair them to their deaths. When edge guarding keep in mind the amount of jumps your opponent has so baiting jumps and spot dodges are keys to gimping them. The second strike of nair has a lot of knock back but sometimes it can knock them onto the stage. Dair spikes when it hits. When using dair plz do not run off stage and dair you will die.
Ledge Options
Ledge Traps
Match ups
I was going to do the percentages but I got lazy and didn't feel like doing it once I got home. I might do it later or find the percentages some where else. There may be some grammar erorr but I don't feel like correcting those either so it is what is. Hopefully there isn't too many mistakes. I got the data frames from steel2nd thread. I think that should cover everything if I left anything out besides the percentages just LMK and i'll fix it. Oh I'm pretty sure that I got the chain grab part wrong correct me I think I went off of memory and stuff and such things.
Table of Contents
Why main marth?
Pros and Cons
Move set
Tips Tricks and everything in between
Why main Marth?
For starters purple marth is teh sex. Seriously, though Marth is a good character to main because he has good match ups across the board. Even his bad match up are skill dependent. He has great tools to achieve success. Everything you could want from a character he has and then some. He has a steep learning curve however once you swing your sword you wont want to put it down.
Pros and Cons
- Range
- Speed
- Height
- Tippers
- Dancing Blades
- Wide range of Kill moves
- Has good air speed
- Good air game
- Good OoS options
- Fast walk speed
- All of his attacks have disjointed hitboxes to them.
- Can spike
- Has the best counter in the game.
- Good grab range
- Has a CG on a few characters including ALL space animals
- Good grab release options
- Has a lot of favorable match-ups
- ^B has invincibility frames
- Good approach options
- Light
- Laggy smash attacks
- no true combos
- Lack of horizontal movement on recovery
- No projectile
- Dash attack isn't good
- Weak against opponents who are below him
- Doesn't have good ledge options
- Has weak throws (damage wise)
- Recovery is easily edge hogged
- Jab is average at best
- Does poorly against characters who are in his face.
- Spike is unreliable as it's hard to land and you must sweetspot the attack for it to work.
Move set
Jab first strike hits on frame 4
Jab second strike hits on frame 21
Tipped 6%
Untipped 4&
Marth's jabs are alright I don't use them much but they can be used to push your opponent back into tip range. Jab can also swat some projectiles.
Forward Tilt
hits on frames 7-11
Tipped: 12%
Untipped: 9%
A good move to reset spacing and have your opponent back off of you. Rather limited I wouldn't use when your opponent is right on top of you just make sure you space accordingly when using this move. It also can shut down some people who lacks range approaches.
Down Tilt
hits on frames 7-13
Tipped: 10%
Untipped: 9%
Great shield pressuring tool. Will normally lead into another dtilt.. Good spacing tool don't neglect this move it's a huge part of Marths game.
Up Tilt
hits on frames 6-13
Tipped: 12%
Untipped: 9%
Marth swings his sword almost all around hit depending at what point they are hit they will be sent at a weird angle. This move is good to start juggles with or used for killing. It kills at around 120%. One of marths many kill options.
Smash attacks
Forward smash
Hits on frame 10
Tipped: 19%
Untipped: 14%
Ah the good old Marth fsmash. Everyone when they first pick up marth flings this thing around like it will end all. It sexy because it can kill at early percentages if you get a tipper fsmash. However, the reality is that this move is obvious has a lot of cool down and will lead to off unnecessary punishments for newer Marths. I would use with caution and not to often unless you know two things for certain one you won't be punished after you do it or 2 that it will land. Just remember this ain't melee.
Down Smash
Hits on frame 6 and 21
Tipped: 14%
Untipped: 18%
A smash attacks that is abused by newer players I mean how could you not look at how fast it comes and it covers his whole body their can't possibly be any downside. Unfortunately much like the fsmash a move at first glance seems sexy is really dangerous. The cool down on this move hurts it a lot. You will get punished easily for over use of this move or just whipping it out whenever you please.
Up Smash
Hits on frame 12
Tipped: 21%
Untipped: 17%
I think this may be my favorite of all of Marth smash attacks. It has hit boxes at his feet and could possible spike(don't depend on this spiking someone though). On larger characters there's like a vacuum type of effect that will send them upwards and lead to a tipper usmash. I like using it during a dashing after I auto cancel a up air or out of shield. Don't spam this move though as it will lead to you getting punished mix it up but this is just my personal favorite out of his smash attacks.
Forward air
Hits on frames 4-8
Tipped: 13%
Untipped: 10%
The bread and butter of Marth's aerial game. With out this marth would prob drop on the tier list. It has great range. I can't even begin to describe how good fair is for marth. It will be your most used aerial so the odds of you killing with it become lessened however it should still kill depending on the character and whether or not it's fresh. Fair can always swat some projectiles.
Neutral air
Hits on frames 6,15,17(behind), and 19.
Tipped: 18%
Untipped: 12%
A great option in marths aerial. Has multiple uses. The first strike of nair can be used to start combos. Nair is a great spacing tool. Provides good shield pressure and makes it tough for your opponent to approach. The second hit has a lot of knock back and if tipped can kill.
Back air
Hits on frames 7-11.
Tipped: 14%
Untipped: 11%
Marth's bair I love this move a lot of range a lot of knock back easy to tip with. This move is killer and is his best tool for edge guarding. If you're going to edge guard use this move it can be used on stage but be careful because of the landing lag. This move is good for edge guarding because of it's range the knock back. Bait their second jump then send them flying away depending on the characters recovery that should be enough to kill them.
Up air
Hits on frames 6-9
Tipped: 13%
Untipped: 10%
Marth uai has a couple of uses. Like I stated before you can auto cancel this move also and lead into mind games and punishment for your opponents. A good juggling tool for Marth. One of Marth's many kill options. Mix this move into your game and you will find your self using it more and more.
Down air
Hits on frames 6-10
Tipped: 14%
Untipped: 12%
Marth meteor spike. Dair is good but has to be used wisely a lot of lag after wards if you can try not to do this move will on stage. Unless you like to be punished. This move only spikes when tipped and is easy to tip when you are facing the stage. One of the better uses of this move is to use a rising dair once hanging off the ledge.
Shield Breaker
Tipped: 22%
Untipped: 8% uncharged 18% fully charged
Shield breaker has a couple of uses for it each use I advise use with caution. It can be used to obviously break shields and it can also be used for recovery. If perfect shielded you can be punished and if your opponent has a full shield it won't be broken. Also it can be used to punish those spot dodging happy people since you can charge it. When recovering with SB the first time you hold b and let go it will give you a boost depending on how long you charge it. This is good for Marth yet it is also bad because it becomes predictable and punishable. Shield breaker only tips when fully charged.
Dolphin Slash
Invincible frames 1-5
Hits on frames 5-11
Damage: 13%
Ah marths recovery a great tool in marth game. Not only is it used for recovery. It can be used offensively and defensively. One of his best OoS options an overall great move with killing potential at around 130%. You can DS though opponents multi hit moves. Can be used to get you out of bad situations like chain grabs. Forces opponents to be cautious and change their strategy. Just be careful because of the landing lag make sure not to miss this attack and when you do use it try to sweet spot the ledge. A stage with a lot of platforms are good when using this move since it gives you more options as to where to land.
I would say use this sparingly. It has a lot of cool down and could leave you open. You can use this to counter some opponents as they try to come back to the stage. Also can be used when someone is trying to edge guard but you have to be able to anticipate your opponent and you also have to be high enough were you wont die after you use it. I wouldn't use it with out my second jump when coming back to the stage.
Dancing Blades
DB1 Hits on frames 4-7
Damage: DB red 17% DB green 22% DB blue 18%
This is a move that really sets Marth apart. This move has multiple purposes and three different ending variations depending on how you perform the move. This move also freshen your moves which is great. The first hit of DB has transcendent priority. Best uses are for people who like to spot dodge, punishing people, and to freshen decayed moves. The DB blue variant will send your opponent in to the sky and can start juggle traps. The DB red variant will knock them back no real follow ups. DB green variant the green variant has a multi hit attack that can eat shield and shield stab. Each DB can kill all at high percentages though. You should get in the habit of using this to punish your opponent instead of your smash attacks. Also when recovering if you jump then use DB it will give you an extra boost. If your opponent is trying to edge hog you can wait out their invincibility frames by using the first strike of DB for the extra boost.
Forward throw
Damage: 4%
Marth's forward throw does 4% to an opponent. His has some what of a chain grab on a small percent of the cast on low percentages. If you can land a fthrow when an opponent is on zero the best follow up would be a fsmash. It will connect on most of the cast for some of the others you will need to do a stutter step smash. Following up a fthrow can be trick once damaging gets higher. Because of this you really need to pick up your opponents habits.
Down throw
Damage: 5%
A lot like the fthrow it can be chained to a fsmash on a small percent of the cast. At higher percentages you will have to be able to predict your opponent in order to follow up a dthrow. So make sure you watch them and pick up their habits. This is a huge part in learning Marth being able to predict your opponents response and taking advantage of it.
Up Throw
Damage: 4%
Marth sends his opponent above him. This is good because you can start juggle traps with uair. Predict, read, and respond to your opponent air dodge punish them for their predictability. Up throw is good on characters with bad dairs and don't forget that uair can auto cancel and you can follow up with an usmash. A little mind game for your opponent.
Back throw
Damage: 4%
Marth worst grab. No follow ups.
Tips Tricks and everything in between
Marth's AT DS Ledgehog:
Marth Pivot
Chain Grab
Marth also has a chain grap on low percentages on certain characters. These characters are Sheik Wolf Fox falco DK Ike and d3. These chain grabs are at max four. You can tip to fsmash after two throws or you can dair some of them. Depends on stage position.
Grab Release
Marth Grab releases tested by steel2nd and a link to the thread a little later down.
* Fsmash
* Usmash
* Dolphin Slash
* Fair
* Uair
* Utilt
* Ftilt
* Nair
* Fair
* Fair
* Uair
* Fair
* Dolphin Slash
* Dair
* Chain grab release
* Fair
* Dancing Blade
* Pretty much everything really, squirtle can not do anything until he actually hits the ground. You can end the grab release with a spike, basically a 0-death.
Marth Grab release on MK to dair spike commentary by shaya
Thread dedicated to Marth Grab releases
Marth Upsmash Spike
Kadaj Combo
When MK is one zero you can fthrow nair and finishing with DB or fsmash.
Marth's Moveset
Marth has 3 zones within his sword range. The out most zone or tipper range is his where you want to be at at all times. Since damage and knock back is increased when one of Marth attacks are tipped. While in this zone Marth range will be able to abuse most opponents and take advantage of their lack of range. Then there's a medium range zone you're no longer at tipper range and you opponent isn't in your grab range. At this range you're not at a disadvantage but you weren't as comfortable as you were since you are no longer at tip range. However you can play at this range this so don't panic and you still have a lot of options while your opponent is in this zone. The third zone is marths worst zone almost all of your options are closed out and depending on the opponent it can be rather frustrating.
Weaving in and out of aerials is key for Marth. It prevents you from getting shield grabbed. When weaving your aerials I suggest c-sticking your aerials for maximum control. If you over rely on using the a button you will either get shield grabbed and you won't be able to max out Marth's potential.
Dash to Shield
Dashing to shield is something Marth mains should learn and practice. It's a safe way to approach. This is important because a safe marth is a good marth. Dash to shield will either give you a shield grab or you can Jump cancel up-smash or DS OoS. Depending on the attack your opponent does you may be able to drop your shield and do a dancing blades or do a retreating fair. Also keep in mind that during the initial start up of Marth's dash attack he can't do anything.
Edge Guarding
Edge guarding is a huge part of marth's game. Because of Marth's aerial dominance edge guarding is vital. It's a good way to rack up damage or kill people. I will talk about Marth's bair first. This is where Marth's bair really shines the knock back on the attack plus the move is easy to tip and has a lot of range it's really safe. If your opponent is come back from the stage chase after them RAR a bair right to their face and send them packing. If for some strange reason you miss keep in mind that bair turns you around and you can possibly fair them to their deaths. When edge guarding keep in mind the amount of jumps your opponent has so baiting jumps and spot dodges are keys to gimping them. The second strike of nair has a lot of knock back but sometimes it can knock them onto the stage. Dair spikes when it hits. When using dair plz do not run off stage and dair you will die.
Ledge Options
Ledge Traps
Match ups
I was going to do the percentages but I got lazy and didn't feel like doing it once I got home. I might do it later or find the percentages some where else. There may be some grammar erorr but I don't feel like correcting those either so it is what is. Hopefully there isn't too many mistakes. I got the data frames from steel2nd thread. I think that should cover everything if I left anything out besides the percentages just LMK and i'll fix it. Oh I'm pretty sure that I got the chain grab part wrong correct me I think I went off of memory and stuff and such things.