I've been busy as of late! Here I have four new little guys for you! Elix the wight, a Moblin grunt, Zimba the Grave Digger, and Phill the sailor.
Elix The Wight
I was bored recently, since my internet was out. So I messed around with my picture until I made it look like it was on a really old piece of paper. Here ya go!
It explains everything here on the picture... so I dont need to go into great details.
Phill the Sailor
I drew this one in black and white because he reminds me of Steam Boat Willy.
Phill darn near doesnt like anything. Heck, even his job as a fisherman and sailor proves nothing more than a job to him. He sails around the three major land masses fishing for darn near everything. If you ask him very politely and give him enough rupees, he will take you out on his fishing boat so that you can fish. He is kind of like the fishing mini game like in the last couple Zelda games.
Zimba the Grave Digger
I have been noticing that all the characters I make tend to be mean and angry people. So... here's Zimba the grave digger. He's an alright guy!
Do not let his appearance fool you. Zimba is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He is also the loneliest. He spends his life ironically among the dead; the gravestones are his friends, and the Poes are his acquaintances. On account of his hideous shape and his low-class profession, people never take the time to even visit him. His siblings are dead and the family he always wanted is non-existent. He spends most of his time writing to himself and digging holes for more new friends. His only living company is a dog named Dampe. Dampe has a few friends in the Poe society, but he is scared of them, so he keeps his distances.
Somewhere during this adventure, a Dead Hand happens to break free from the underground crypt and kills Zimba. If you have befriended Zimba, he might give you his shovel right before he dies. That way, you can dig up stuff!
Moblin Grunt
Another giant 3D model known as the Moblin grunt.
That thing under his snout is a bandana. it covers up his mouth. That thing on his shoulder is a bird skull. He was going to have arm braces and a metal shoulder pad... but it is really hard to do in ZBrush so I gave up. I'll texture it just as soon as I figure out how to frickin unwrap this blasted thing!