Smash Journeyman
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- Jan 8, 2015
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- Bloodriot779
Sounds like another salty rant to me. Am I not allowed an opinion? It's literally one down vote amongst many. Chill. c:@HeavyMetalSonic
So basically not only do you play MK in the most non-optimal way possible, you also aren't good at playing him at all since you're unaware on why you miss SL despite the fact that you can pull back the 2nd hit so it actually connects. You basically a few pages ago down voted MK because A) You're not good with him and B) He doesn't suit your aggressive playstyle in a game where defensive play is more rewarding.
Its not just you though i get this vibe from this thread that tells me alot of you don't use MK correctly(or at all). As a matter of fact due to how rare a good MK is nevermind a MK in general yall lack experience and to top it all of he's quote on quote 'hard to use'.
This may not be a good tier list but it allows me to get a grasp on what the community thinks about some characters. And it seems a lot of people think MK and Pac-Man sucks.
Yes, I can use him. I've sat and played plenty with a person I regularly practice with and worked out most the stuff Meta can do. I listed a load of things after my first post saying what I didn't like about him. Yes, he has his down points, but I also acknowledged he has his ups too (Like most of the roster).
But yeah, I get what you mean about the community. There are a lot of sheep out there who will follow a certain character because they're good (I'm looking at you, Diddy). But I for one am not one of those people. I like to try out characters before passing judgement (As I did with Meta). Meta was literally one of the hardest characters for me to use effectively. I could've -1 Olimar, but that'd be for unfair reasons (I hate his as a character, I hate his playstyle, I hate his silly Pikmin micromanagement mechanics, so therefore I've never used him and never will probably. So I'm not going to -1 someone I haven't used).
Meta seems like a character, given how he plays, that would suit my playstyle... But he doesn't. At all, and despite how much I've tried, I can't help that. And it just so happens to be that other people can't either for the same reasons I listed. He IS hard to use because his range means you have to space better than you can with pretty much the rest of the roster. He has some really good points (His recovery is good, he has a lot of KO power, and that damn down B has a lot more range than you'd think and can lead to some surprising KO's). But for ME, PERSONALLY (Meaning: Not 100% set in stone, so no bugger else can use him because he's garbage tier), I dislike his playstyle, as much as I don't want to (I REALLY like Meta as a character).
But if you like Meta, and you can use him well, then good for you. Enjoy him and playing as him. But you really shouldn't be so wound up by one down vote. There's been plenty of people who have down voted Sonic simply because he's Sonic, it's gonna happen, it's the internet. At least I gave some legitimate reason as to why I down voted him after using him for an extensive period of time.
And actually... I kinda like Pacman, despite having a bad starting opinion of him, he's grown on me, and I've been messing about with him and having a surprising amount of fun with him. But again, I see what you mean about people bashing him. I should know, I main SANIC THE ORIGINAL. cx