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Work In Progress SWF Community Voted Tier List - 3.0 COMPLETE


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2015
So it seems that :4sheik:'s up B has less knockback growth. Great...another nerf that didn't actually change what was broken about her. Nintendo, it's her ridiculous combos and damage building that break her, not her kill power!
Knocback Growth is Knockback right? That was one of her killing options iirc


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2015
On my Switch
Switch FC
Knocback Growth is Knockback right? That was one of her killing options iirc
Yeah, knockback growth denotes how quickly the knockback of the move increases as the percentage gets higher. The problem is, she doesn't need a nerf on kill power, she needs a nerf on damage racking.
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Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Yeah, knockback growth denotes how quickly the knockback of the move increases as the percentage gets higher. The problem is, she doesn't need a nerf on kill power, she needs a nerf on damage racking.
Which we're never going to get even if Corrinetta wasn't the last patch, because nintendo only seems to buff/nerf characters if they're accomplishing too much according to their playstyle. So I doubt we'll get it even if there's still more patches.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2015
Well, I'm almost starting to think Corrin is actually better than Bayonetta after watching Zero's analysis videos. ShadowGuy1 ShadowGuy1 and TDK TDK , you should totally watch them.
I actually did, and I think bayo is better than corrin for the fact that she is harder to learn. Most people can't fully utilize Bayo's combos and recovery, but I will be glad to be proven wrong :D. Dabuz just said Bayo is the best character in the game wut.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the nearest neutron star!
I actually did, and I think bayo is better than corrin for the fact that she is harder to learn. Most people can't fully utilize Bayo's combos and recovery, but I will be glad to be proven wrong :D. Dabuz just said Bayo is the best character in the game wut.
Dabuz, you silly noodle! Bayonetta isn't the best character! ;)


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
I actually did, and I think bayo is better than corrin for the fact that she is harder to learn. Most people can't fully utilize Bayo's combos and recovery, but I will be glad to be proven wrong :D. Dabuz just said Bayo is the best character in the game wut.
I do feel like Corrin's either about as good as Bayonetta or better, but since Nobody's going to be using Bayonetta to her fullest for a very long time, we aren't really going to be able to tell.

Also, Dabuz thinks bayo is the best character what?

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
I feel to need to point out that Sheik's playstyle is supposed to be extremely safe and easy damage racking with very few kill options. So from nintendo's perspective, this is nerfing her.
Ironically, not all of Sheik's approach options are safe. Even Bouncing Fish isn't fool-proof, as fighters can actually stop it before the hitbox becomes active.


Goddess of Storms
Jan 2, 2014
Soul Realm
corrin is an overrated mid tier tho wtf

what makes him better than Bayonetta exactly


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Sometimes I think the world just hates Rosalina, and wants her to suffer by making her balloon light. Weight portrayals sure have changed since Brawl; Brawl's top 5 lightest fighters were all shorter than Zero Suit Samus.
So it seems that :4sheik:'s up B has less knockback growth. Great...another nerf that didn't actually change what was broken about her. Nintendo, it's her ridiculous combos and damage building that break her, not her kill power!
No logic for either comments


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Corrin and Bayonetta are both top 25. That much is certain. Still feeling Corrin > Bayonetta though.

Also, with Corrin around life gets even harder for Lucina.


This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
Also, with Corrin around life gets even harder for Lucina.
Harder in what sense?
FemCorrin might be higher in the tier list...
but nothing gets me higher than my love for Lucina.
...That was the worst think my keyboard has ever typed. And this is the only keyboard I have used in my life that lasted longer than 2 years.

Deleted member

Both are very solid characters, but I feel like Bayo has a lot more room room to grow. I've decided I'm not gonna count my eggs before they hatch though, it's only been a day and it definitely isn't enough to determine where these characters will be. I did fall victim to Lucas/Roy overhype back in June...
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This strength serves more than me alone.
Nov 15, 2015
South America
I said it when their trailer launched, I said it near their release, and I'll say it now after it.
Let's reserve our judgements for Corrin and Bayonetta for now. Sure, both looked incredibly promising in their trailers and they look cool now that they've been just released, but let's not allow our hype/hate get in the way of our judgement.
Though at this point I don't see anyone hating Bayo or Corrin anymore. Well, anyone other than him.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Back after a bit more labbing with Corrin. Forward Smash's reach actually lets you punish a ZSS grab with the tip.
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Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
Just a question... I know Corrin's Fsmash has great range, but he doesn't use his sword in doing so... so I wondered, it that part of him considered disjointed, or is it part of his body and has a hurtbox? Like would it be possible to jump out of the way and Dair his spear to attack him for example?

Also, my thoughts on the newcomers.

Bayonetta isn't a cheese character. She isn't Sheik where she takes hardly any effort. She doesn't have things you can just pick up and play. She's good, really good from my first impressions, and I think she's the better of the two characters, kinda what I expected her to be.

Corrin is kinda what I expected him to be, and also not... Like I imagined he'd be good, at least viable. He's got good range, and though lacking, some form of combo game. However, he's not too fast, and it actually very sluggish. It's most noticeable in the air. He's like Ryu in the fact that he can't turn around much in the air, not giving him much freedom to extend aerial combos unless he's already going in the direction the opponent is going. He also lacks a combo throw (though that I can live with, I play Marth loooool; in fairness, Marth does have at least a combo throw, it's just not fantastic). But hey, I think he's viable.

Can't wait to see where these characters end up going.
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The Laziest Man in the North
Jun 30, 2015
Just a question... I know Corrin's Fsmash has great range, but he doesn't use his sword in doing so... so I wondered, it that part of him considered disjointed, or is it part of his body and has a hurtbox? Like would it be possible to jump out of the way and Dair his spear to attack him for example?
It is indeed disjointed. Most of her moves are =)


Smash Lord
May 14, 2015
Loimaa, Finland
Even thos his/her F-smash has a lot of range... Well the hitbox is still rather small and due to that hard to land compared to other F-smashes. Good thing about it is that if it gets countered you wont be taking so much damage (which is nice), but overall I feel he might have worst F-smash from Swordfighters (well Ike's might be worse).


Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
I'm gonna list my opinions of the buffs that characters received in this patch, and see how it could affect them...

(I'm only going into the confirmed changes as of this post. Characters like Falcon and Charizard are supposed to have changes, but haven't been found yet).

:4bowser:: Well then... The Up Throw nerf could affect him, though not by much. Basically all it means is that Bowser has a very tight window for the Up Throw Up Air combo now. Before, he could miss three or so times and it would still work. Now, it appears that it only works on the first time. Miss that, and you can't do it. Shouldn't really effect him at top level play. Dash attack doing 2% more is welcomed though. It will be slightly safer, and will kill slightly earlier (not that it is/was the best killing option, but another option is another option). Overall, I see no change.

:4bowserjr:: The endlag reductions on his smashes are very welocmed. They aren't game changing like Bowser's Up Throw in 1.1.3 was, but it makes his laggy finishers less laggy. This potentially makes Down Smash go from useless, to usable. The increase in damage on Forward Air is also welcomed. It won't stale as much, and it's one of his better aerials too. Overall, could push him up a space or two.

:4falco:: Falco got a few sweet changes. Again, not game changing, but useful. Up Smash comes out a frame sooner, and in doing so hits smaller/mini/crouching opponents, AND deals increased knockback. Recently discovered by another user and confirmed by me, his Down Smash also kills earlier (albeit, only 5% earlier uncharged). These give Falco more reliable killing options outside of his Fsmash. Like I said, not game changing, but could push him up a place.

:4ganondorf:: A negligible change. Weight buffed from 112 to 113. Still, a buff is a buff, though not enough to move him on a tier list.

:4myfriends:: Two small, but useful changes. Fair and Nair each deal 1% more damage. Seeing as these are two of his most useful moves, I could see him going up a place or two in the tier list.

:4kirby:: Kirby's weight change is more relavant than Ganondorf's, because he is super light, and it's more than 1 unit change. He went from 77 to 79, but it won't move him up in the tier list. It is a very helpful buff though.

:4littlemac:: I'll be honest, I could see Little Mac either staying the same, or dropping a place or two after his changes. So all of his smashes deal 1% damage. This means they could kill slightly earlier. This is nice, but he didn't need that, especially when they killed early anyway. But what makes me think could harm him most are the angle changes he received. Up and Down Throws going from 85° to 80° is most likely a nerf, as opponents will be able to DI away easier, escaping potential follow ups (such as an Up B). The most harmful change though is Dsmash's launch angle going from 30° to 45°. Him attempting to edgeguard with the move will be far less effective, as the move no longer semi spikes. Even the increase in damage won't help. All in all, I see him staying the same at least, but I could see him dropping.

:4marth:/:4lucina:: Here is where the buffs start getting interesting. The buffs these pair received are game changing for them. Most notably, the damage increases help them out the most, Marth especially. Not only does it help stop their moves getting so stale, but it helps with their lukewarm damage racking game. More importantly, it helps improve their combo and juggle games, not just because of them dealing more potential damage, but the higher damage on the moves helps them put opponents into hitstun for longer, allowing them to combo and juggle for longer. This is especially noticable for Marth, as his sourspots deal reduced knockback anyway, meaning that, he can now combo with them for longer. Utilt and Ftilt are quicker, with Utilt being able to combo into itself easier/extend falling Uair combos more reliably, and for Marth, the quicker Ftilt buff grants him a relatively safe kill move (tipped), similar to Roy's Ftilt. Dsmash is 10 frames less laggy, being now much less laggier than Roy's (though it's still a relatively niche move unless tipped) is welcomed. Some of their moves also even have slightly increased range, with Fair and Dtilt being the most notable ones, Fair becoming even more useful, and Dtilt (more so for Marth) being able to hit opponents recovering to the ledge easier thanks to increased sweetspot size, and gimp them. There are even more changes being discussed/discovered over on the Marth boards right now! Overall, I can see both characters risng a fair few spaces on the tier list. Marth is certainly at least on par with Roy now, no question.

:rosalina:: 78 to 77 weight change. Negligible really. In reality, she will get killed 1%/2% earlier, but will potentially be able to escape a hit of a combo she couldn't before (such as an Up Air from Falcon, and Up Tilt/Up Air from Mario etc) Not a change enough to move her on the tier list.

:4feroy:: Roy's changes are welcomed... BUT, in my opinion, they still don't change him that much. He still has no safe approach option. The landing lag changes just make his heavily unsafe approach options, just unsafe. He still has no effective aeiral defensive walling game like Marth has for example, and the landing lag changes don't really help him in terms of extending his combo game. He could rise a space or two, but not much.

:4sheik:: NERF SHEIK, NO LONGER TOP TIER... unfortunately not. The nerfs aren't severe enough I don't think to effect her viability. Still the best character in the game. She will just die earlier, and one of her best killing options (Dthrow to Vanish) will kill 4ish% later, and also have a slightly stricter hitbox. Other than that, unchanged.

:4sonic:: 95 to 94 weight. Almost negligible. He will die 1-2% earlier, but it honestly doesn't affect him at all. No change.

:4tlink:: Well these came out of nowhere. Not that he needed any buffs, the buffs he got were appreciated. Seeing as Bair is one of his best killing options, having 4 less frames of landing lag is nice. And the startup of the hitboxes on Spin Attack are generally useless, but a buff is a buff. I doubt he will rise because of the buffs, but I can see him rising anyway due to his recent performances.

:4zss:: Weight from 81 to 80. Again, similar to Sheik. She will die 1-2% earlier, but it isn't enough to affect her viability. Unchanged.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2015
Yeah it happened to me with our boy
Both are very solid characters, but I feel like Bayo has a lot more room room to grow. I've decided I'm not gonna count my eggs before they hatch though, it's only been a day and it definitely isn't enough to determine where these characters will be. I did fall victim to Lucas/Roy overhype back in June...[/QUOTE


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the nearest neutron star!
I'm gonna list my opinions of the buffs that characters received in this patch, and see how it could affect them...

(I'm only going into the confirmed changes as of this post. Characters like Falcon and Charizard are supposed to have changes, but haven't been found yet).

:4bowser:: Well then... The Up Throw nerf could affect him, though not by much. Basically all it means is that Bowser has a very tight window for the Up Throw Up Air combo now. Before, he could miss three or so times and it would still work. Now, it appears that it only works on the first time. Miss that, and you can't do it. Shouldn't really effect him at top level play. Dash attack doing 2% more is welcomed though. It will be slightly safer, and will kill slightly earlier (not that it is/was the best killing option, but another option is another option). Overall, I see no change.

:4bowserjr:: The endlag reductions on his smashes are very welocmed. They aren't game changing like Bowser's Up Throw in 1.1.3 was, but it makes his laggy finishers less laggy. This potentially makes Down Smash go from useless, to usable. The increase in damage on Forward Air is also welcomed. It won't stale as much, and it's one of his better aerials too. Overall, could push him up a space or two.

:4falco:: Falco got a few sweet changes. Again, not game changing, but useful. Up Smash comes out a frame sooner, and in doing so hits smaller/mini/crouching opponents, AND deals increased knockback. Recently discovered by another user and confirmed by me, his Down Smash also kills earlier (albeit, only 5% earlier uncharged). These give Falco more reliable killing options outside of his Fsmash. Like I said, not game changing, but could push him up a place.

:4ganondorf:: A negligible change. Weight buffed from 112 to 113. Still, a buff is a buff, though not enough to move him on a tier list.

:4myfriends:: Two small, but useful changes. Fair and Nair each deal 1% more damage. Seeing as these are two of his most useful moves, I could see him going up a place or two in the tier list.

:4kirby:: Kirby's weight change is more relavant than Ganondorf's, because he is super light, and it's more than 1 unit change. He went from 77 to 79, but it won't move him up in the tier list. It is a very helpful buff though.

:4littlemac:: I'll be honest, I could see Little Mac either staying the same, or dropping a place or two after his changes. So all of his smashes deal 1% damage. This means they could kill slightly earlier. This is nice, but he didn't need that, especially when they killed early anyway. But what makes me think could harm him most are the angle changes he received. Up and Down Throws going from 85° to 80° is most likely a nerf, as opponents will be able to DI away easier, escaping potential follow ups (such as an Up B). The most harmful change though is Dsmash's launch angle going from 30° to 45°. Him attempting to edgeguard with the move will be far less effective, as the move no longer semi spikes. Even the increase in damage won't help. All in all, I see him staying the same at least, but I could see him dropping.

:4marth:/:4lucina:: Here is where the buffs start getting interesting. The buffs these pair received are game changing for them. Most notably, the damage increases help them out the most, Marth especially. Not only does it help stop their moves getting so stale, but it helps with their lukewarm damage racking game. More importantly, it helps improve their combo and juggle games, not just because of them dealing more potential damage, but the higher damage on the moves helps them put opponents into hitstun for longer, allowing them to combo and juggle for longer. This is especially noticable for Marth, as his sourspots deal reduced knockback anyway, meaning that, he can now combo with them for longer. Utilt and Ftilt are quicker, with Utilt being able to combo into itself easier/extend falling Uair combos more reliably, and for Marth, the quicker Ftilt buff grants him a relatively safe kill move (tipped), similar to Roy's Ftilt. Dsmash is 10 frames less laggy, being now much less laggier than Roy's (though it's still a relatively niche move unless tipped) is welcomed. Some of their moves also even have slightly increased range, with Fair and Dtilt being the most notable ones, Fair becoming even more useful, and Dtilt (more so for Marth) being able to hit opponents recovering to the ledge easier thanks to increased sweetspot size, and gimp them. There are even more changes being discussed/discovered over on the Marth boards right now! Overall, I can see both characters risng a fair few spaces on the tier list. Marth is certainly at least on par with Roy now, no question.

:rosalina:: 78 to 77 weight change. Negligible really. In reality, she will get killed 1%/2% earlier, but will potentially be able to escape a hit of a combo she couldn't before (such as an Up Air from Falcon, and Up Tilt/Up Air from Mario etc) Not a change enough to move her on the tier list.

:4feroy:: Roy's changes are welcomed... BUT, in my opinion, they still don't change him that much. He still has no safe approach option. The landing lag changes just make his heavily unsafe approach options, just unsafe. He still has no effective aeiral defensive walling game like Marth has for example, and the landing lag changes don't really help him in terms of extending his combo game. He could rise a space or two, but not much.

:4sheik:: NERF SHEIK, NO LONGER TOP TIER... unfortunately not. The nerfs aren't severe enough I don't think to effect her viability. Still the best character in the game. She will just die earlier, and one of her best killing options (Dthrow to Vanish) will kill 4ish% later, and also have a slightly stricter hitbox. Other than that, unchanged.

:4sonic:: 95 to 94 weight. Almost negligible. He will die 1-2% earlier, but it honestly doesn't affect him at all. No change.

:4tlink:: Well these came out of nowhere. Not that he needed any buffs, the buffs he got were appreciated. Seeing as Bair is one of his best killing options, having 4 less frames of landing lag is nice. And the startup of the hitboxes on Spin Attack are generally useless, but a buff is a buff. I doubt he will rise because of the buffs, but I can see him rising anyway due to his recent performances.

:4zss:: Weight from 81 to 80. Again, similar to Sheik. She will die 1-2% earlier, but it isn't enough to affect her viability. Unchanged.
I don't agree with your thoughts on Roy. Having 3-4-5 frames chopped off every aerial is a HUGE change. I think he could move up a lot since this allows him to extend combos much easier and makes his aerials safer.


Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
I don't agree with your thoughts on Roy. Having 3-4-5 frames chopped off every aerial is a HUGE change. I think he could move up a lot since this allows him to extend combos much easier and makes his aerials safer.
See, the thing is, the only relevant change is his Nair. It's his primary approach option, and was rather predictable and unsafe before. Now, it's just less unsafe, but still relatively unsafe. The changes to Fair, Bair, Uair and Dair are nice, but they don't really bring much to the table. Fair still can't be used to approach, and the landing lag is still too high to string them together. Uair looks useful on paper, but landing Up Air into Up Tilt is about all he can do, which he could do before. The other ones are just bonuses really.

It's odd, because they are nice welcomed buffs, but they don't really bring much to the table. If one of his aerials autocancelled in a short hop however, that would be a huge change!


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the nearest neutron star!
See, the thing is, the only relevant change is his Nair. It's his primary approach option, and was rather predictable and unsafe before. Now, it's just less unsafe, but still relatively unsafe. The changes to Fair, Bair, Uair and Dair are nice, but they don't really bring much to the table. Fair still can't be used to approach, and the landing lag is still too high to string them together. Uair looks useful on paper, but landing Up Air into Up Tilt is about all he can do, which he could do before. The other ones are just bonuses really.

It's odd, because they are nice welcomed buffs, but they don't really bring much to the table. If one of his aerials autocancelled in a short hop however, that would be a huge change!
Well, we'll see where he goes in the meta. How does the endless on Marth's aerials compare to Roy's now?
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Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
Well, we'll see where he goes in the meta. How does the endless on Marth's aerials compare to Roy's now?
I think it's his are 1 less than Marth now, aside from Up Air which is the same. However, all of Marth's aerials are a lot safer, due to their auto cancel frames and their nature (space as far away as possible), and the fact that they have more range.
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Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the nearest neutron star!
I think it's his are 1 less than Marth now, aside from Up Air which is the same. However, all of Marth's aerials are a lot safer, due to their auto cancel frames and their nature (space as far away as possible), and the fact that they have more range.
Interesting. I think Roy is quite good, though, if used right. Hopefully him and Marth will get some real rep eventually.


Asking mum how to talk to a lady
Aug 10, 2015
United Kingdom
Interesting. I think Roy is quite good, though, if used right. Hopefully him and Marth will get some real rep eventually.
Oh yeah I still think Roy is good. I think he and Marth are now pretty similar in terms of tier placement/viability. I see it as, would you rather play a slower paced, more spacing, defensive minded character that can kill insanely early? Or would you rather play a slightly faster, more pressuring character that is easier to score damage with, but in turn kills slightly later? Both can achieve almost the same effect, but take different paths to get there.
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Douglas Jay Ganon

Smash Apprentice
Jul 7, 2015
Spain. Taco, burrito, olé
Way too early to tell the tier placement of both characters. Corrin is way more simple than Bayo, so don't go too quick about placing him/her above Bayo. We have tons of work to do with :4bayonetta2: to fully know her potential. :4corrin:/:4corrinf:'s potential has almost been completely discovered.


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
This is pretty interesting. and very weird
Not sure how much of this I'm understanding, but it would appear that teching Corrin's side B makes you glitch out and become completely defenseless, I wonder how much of the cast it works on?
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Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2015
This is pretty interesting. and very weird
Not sure how much of this I'm understanding, but it would appear that teching Corrin's side B makes you glitch out and become completely defenseless, I wonder how much of the cast it works on?
That there is how I won a small tournament


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2015
Ok, so a new ZSS nerf was found

  • Boost Kick Final Hit Angle: 50 -> 48
  • Boost Kick Final Hit KBG: 220 -> 209
Any thoughts? I don't think this will drop her on the tier list at all, and I still think that she is still on par with Sheik after her nerfs as well


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2015
the nearest neutron star!
Ok, so a new ZSS nerf was found

  • Boost Kick Final Hit Angle: 50 -> 48
  • Boost Kick Final Hit KBG: 220 -> 209
Any thoughts? I don't think this will drop her on the tier list at all, and I still think that she is still on par with Sheik after her nerfs as well
220 -> 209 KBG is quite a big change and the 50 -> 48 angle change is substantial too. I'm surprised that something of that nature took so long to discover. Hopefully, this will mean that Boost Kick won't get as many insanely early kills as before.
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