Asking mum how to talk to a lady

: After watching Trela at the weekend, I have finally come to the conclusion that it would not be out of the ordinary to call Ryu top tier. A few weeks back, I'd have said otherwise, but now, I stand firmly in the fact that he really is a fantastic character. Including his insane combo game, combo to kill game, great suitability and recovery options, something else hit me. He has great movement options thanks to his Focus Attack. Want an extra boost mid air? Cancel a Focus Attack. How about tank a hit and cancel the Focus Attack into a kill? This is another great option Ryu has that only makes him better than most characters. Regardless, I now think Ryu is top tier, and one of my votes go to Ryu.
: This is a counter vote. As well as making valid points and reasons, there is usually a little bit of "main bias" behind my votes. This is an odd opposite, as I do not think Mario deserves to go upwards into tier 1 as many votes seem to assume. For the record, I think he is a tier 2 character, certainly not any lower at all. The thing with Mario is that he doesn't really have any bad matchups. He has some that are in the opponent's favour, but none that are polarizing, and has some really good ones, which makes him a viable choice. However, he doesn't really excel at being the best in anything like the characters above him do. For example, he doesn't have insane recovery or multiple recovery options (Sheik, Pika, ZSS), he doesn't have fantastic movement (Sheik, Pika. Albeit, Mario has great movement, but not on their level), he doesn't have a fantastic neutral (Pika, Sheik), he doesn't have moves that force some sort of reaction from the opponent (Sheik's Needles, ZSS's Paralyzer, Luma. All these force the opponent to make some sort of unsafe reaction), he doesn't have the best hyper offensive aggro game (Sheik and ZSS come to mind), he doesn't have the best defensive options or walling techniques (Rosalina), he doesn't have moves that kill insanely early (ZSS, Rosalina, Ryu) he doesn't have mindgames, which all the characters above him have (but Ryu comes to mind in that department), and though he has a fantastic combo game, they aren't the easiest to start (for example, both Mario and Sheik generally get good combo's off a grab, but Sheik gets grabs easier due to her faster movement and safer neutral options. Ryu also is another example. If Ryu lands the correct move, he can combo you into death in some cases). Mario has a good ability in all the mentioned, but the characters above him are actually one of the/the best in that field, which is why they are in the top tier. Mario doesn't have the best ability in anything, he is just good at everything, which is why he deserves to be in tier 2 rather than tier 1. If you think Mario is the 5th best character in the game, that's fine, but not in tier 1. He can still be 5th, but top of tier 2.
I don't think anyone other than Ryu needs to move up, and nobody needs to go down. If I see some changes later on, I will come back and change my Mario vote, as I do not want to see him move down to tier 3 (not like I'm expecting it to happen, but just in case).
I don't think anyone other than Ryu needs to move up, and nobody needs to go down. If I see some changes later on, I will come back and change my Mario vote, as I do not want to see him move down to tier 3 (not like I'm expecting it to happen, but just in case).
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