Now yes, there are cuts, so I'll go over those first.
- Doctor Mario
- Dark Pit
- Roy
These are the characters I felt were the most expendable. As well, one of Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, or Greninja may join them for reasons I'll detail below, but if they do, they'll almost assuredly be DLC. As well, of the cut characters, Roy is, in my opinion, still a strong DLC contender. I just don't see him as a main roster character. Finally, Cloud might be held off for DLC again, but I have enough faith that he'll stay either way that I put him on the roster anyway. I don't see Doc or Dark DLC happening.
Additionally, Wolf and the Ice Climbers are brought back. Yay!
Now, for Newcomers:
- Dixie Kong
- King K. Rool
- Midna
- Takamaru
- Generation 7/8 Pokemon (not pictured because I want the roster to be pretty, dammit)
- Isabelle
- Elma
- Chibi Robo
- Chorus Kids
- Wonder Red
- Henry Fleming
- Inkling
- Lara Croft
- Additional Third Party placeholder (Snake's return/Rayman/Shovel Knight, I'd guess)
Donkey Kong would be the series to receive two characters this time around, like Super Mario, Fire Emblem, Kirby, and Pokemon before it. Dixie has made her return to the main series and would offer a grappler-styled moveset with her hair, while K. Rool is a fan favorite (and, IMO, likely to return in the next DKC game).
I think The Legend of Zelda's due for a newcomer, and Midna continues to be a character they continue to push, "no side characters" fan rule be damned.
Takamaru gets in as the token retro after Sakurai notices his popularity increase post-4 disconfirmation. Samurai styled moveset.
New Pokemon is obvious enough.
No New Fire Emblem Character - Instead of a new character, I opted for changing up Lucina instead. While some characters stay the same throughout games despite fan requests (Ganondorf), revamps do happen, like with Pit and Bowser. And seeing as Lucina's style is just Marth's without a tipper mechanic, the style itself isn't lost, as generally, despite the tip difference, Marth and Lucina play incredibly similarly. Instead, Lucina's revamp draws from her Awakening appearance, including her unique stance, nimble stabbing maneuvers, and the use of Lances and Javelins (her Great Lord class) and Bows (her Archer reclass, Monster Hunter Frontier, and Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.). This way, she also delves into more of Fire Emblem's weaponry instead of being "just another sword wielder." This means that Fire Emblem has Swords, Lances, Bows, Magic, and Transformations/Dragonstones covered, leaving just Axes, Staves, and Hidden Weapons out of the main weapon types. That's great representation of the series. I chose to keep Lucina over Roy due to her overwhelming popularity and marketability, which surpass Roy's. Roy works best as DLC since
Smash fans will buy him. The same isn't necessarily true for Lucina.
Isabelle - After the Inkling, I strongly feel she's the next closest to being called a shoo-in. Simple as that really. Highly marketable, popular, and from a huge Nintendo series.
Elma - A popular character from a well-received game. Haven't played X and don't really plan to, but apparently there's a sequel hook, so the potential for longevity is there.
Chorus Kids - Likely planned for Smash 4. Rhythm Heaven's a four game series now and incredibly popular in Japan. I do think these guys would get in first, but I could see Karate Joe or the Wrestler and Reporter getting in as well, due to popularity. Rhythm gimmicks!
Chibi-Robo, Wonder Red, and Henry Fleming - "B-but muh dead series!" I understand that, but here's the thing. What
other franchises are there to pull from? When the roster gets this expansive, things can be stretched a bit. For Chibi, Henry, and Wonder Red, it'd be less about marketability and more about gameplay. You have the rest of the roster for the former. Why not have some fun with the latter? A turret-styled moveset with whip-like moves thrown in, a close combat small brawler who can have tons of Unite moves with hitbox variance, and a steam mechanic mixed with precision shooting? Those all sound like interesting styles to me. To be more cautious, I could see at least one of these guys being left out. Chibi's been around for a long time, while the other two are considered hidden gems by many despite not selling well (I won't say bombed, since technically we
don't know the budget for TW101 or S.T.E.A.M., so we can't tell if the sales weren't enough to offset the cost), and also had sequel hooks. But still, all three are worthy of the roster by virtue of gameplay alone.
Inkling - The only true shoo-in for the next Smash. Call it presumptuous all you like, but it's true. Come at me.

Focus on covering as much terrain as possible to increase mobility and rate of fire. While Henry's shooting focuses on precision and conservation, Inklings are the opposite, throwing as much at the opponent as possible.
With third parties, this becomes a bit more of a long shot, as there really aren't a lot of stand out ones left, so bare with me.
Lara Croft - Coming up with third parties at this point is hard. Lara's really the only one who reaches that level of iconicness that the rest (sans Bayonetta, who got in by popularity as opposed to being an icon) that not even Rayman can achieve without going into Western-owned franchises (as I think they are less likely to get characters...just a theory though). Seeing as, while made in the West, she is owned by a Japanese company (Square Enix) who already has a character on the roster, I can see it happening. She'd take a moveset inspired by both her classic and modern forms, using her pistols, a bow and various arrow types (along with a crafting mechanic!), and her climbing axe to fight, with some close combat mixed in with acrobatic kicking moves. Tomb Raider has had quite a few games on Nintendo consoles as well, and if the NX is up to snuff enough, I can see Square Enix putting some of the more modern games on it as well.
Snake/Other Third Party - I think we'd get one more, but I'm conflicted as to whom. Snake could return if Konami allows it. If that doesn't happen, I say Rayman due to popularity. If THAT doesn't happen, I can see Shovel Knight happening, especially if the series continues and Nintendo wants an Indie character to represent their good standing with indie developers. Consider this the second biggest placeholder slot after the new Pokemon. On the roster, I just represented this place with Snake for simplicity.