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I'm pretty sure they'll be dead by the end of itHe goes way beyond the whole Grievous killing the Nightsisters thing.
Maul goes on to become the leader of Mandalore for a bit and had a comic dedicated to what happened to him after Sidious got involved. He's still alive somewhere and the best closure would be Obi-Wan killing him.
Anthology films are going to be things like the Han Solo... uh... Solo film, Rogue One and other side things like that.
Kanan and Ezra I doubt will survive the entire series or be in a significant enough position in the Rebellion.
Knowing and using the Dark Side of the Force =/= Sith
The Grand Inquisitor basically pledged his allegiance to the Empire and Vader decided to train him in the ways of the Dark Side so he could hunt Jedi and Force-Sensitive children.
After all, even if they disappear, Luke still needs to be the Last Jedi
So, what makes someone a Sith? Do they need a title with "Darth smth"?
But he never zaps anyone thoJust finished Plague of Shadows. Propeller Knight can stick that rapier right up his heiney
Mona and Plague Knight are very cute together. Hope Mona stays in the franchise forever
I think Specter Knight will just be able to fly everywhere and zap stuff with lightning judging from the ending scene with the phase locket
He floats, throws his scythe and teleports
Considering all of this, he'll either get a float thingy ala Peach or be more combat focused
I honestly don't care as long as he can throw the scythe to teleport because that's cool af
And they'll probably shrink him like they did to Plague Knight