Wait... Do people think Paper Jam looks bad?
It looks awesome!
Well, the compalins I hear usually are (and this is very irnoic) the doubts I had before, except take these doubts and make it more present.
having a lot of SS heritage is the very first complain I see which tbh wasn;t my first problem as.....the stuff in SS weren;t wrong by themselves, it;s how they were used that was very messed up (well I ddi a huge essay on that).
Truthfully, most of the SS stuff are neatly used, in fact, they do feel much better impleemented in paper jam because paper jam is more what I can safely say to be an rpg (I had a hard time to call SS an rpg).
but it;s not all, the other stuff i heard which i DO agree on is the lack of diversity in npcs. most of them are paper toads, i do agree that it doesn;t help, but after watching several trailers, I realised that it might not even matter this much because the game do so far a really good job to be diverse in I would say mechanic, but also the character Paper Mario. Especially the JP trailer, that one looked awesome
Then you have the other stuff like the absense of Paper mario specific stuff, which i did doubt before when I heard abotu the game, but I changed my mind as I realised the game doesn;t really need them. They already do a lot i woudl expect from the paper amrio series, except this is an m&l game.
This is why i am hyped for it despite being from a series I, by experience, don;t like that much (I liked DT a bit though).
Though, if you want some positive notes, I see a lot on tumblr that are mostly positive
But yeah, I wouldn;t expect the game to be a tribute and I don;t think it;s a good idea to buy it expecting that, i don;t think that was the goal of the game in the first place