"Don't blame the news source that's too lazy to do research and instead churns out videos filled with misinformation so he can get them out as quickly as possible! Blame the people who trust him!"
People wouldn't be getting mislead in the first place if this hack would actually take the time to check facts instead of making videos immediately to rake in more views to make money off of.
"Don't blame the
thousands of people too lazy to do research and instead watch opinion videos and treat them as fact! Blame the guy who markets what he admits are opinions and his thoughts!"
It's a lot easier to just blame one lazy dude, isn't it?
"Don't blame the news source"
People treating him as a news source and not doing their own bloody fact checks are the issue, not his videos. It's no different from people treating a tabloid as objective fact or assuming a article on a satire site is true. Do you blame tabloids or satire sites for people being a**holes or idiots?
There's a level of personal responsibility that you and others seem to ignore, but I believe it's more important than one source of "news" being wrong. Do I think Etika should do better? Of course, but he's not the actual issue.
Etika's videos hardly change people. If people weren't willing to do their own research and fact check about Etika, do you honestly believe they fact check much else? All Etika changes is the topic they're talking about.
There will always be people that make their own goofy theories and there will always be an audience and there will always be someone who has a different interpretation of a theory so this right here:
People wouldn't be getting mislead in the first place if this hack would actually take the time to check facts instead of making videos immediately to rake in more views to make money off of.
makes no sense to me. Have you forgotten the fake leaks that should have died much sooner than they did? Have you forgotten Ridley? Even when he was disconfirmed many people kept assuming it was a joke. They had information
straight from the horses mouth and yet they still did anything they could to imagine him getting in and they mislead
There is a reason why legit and/or respectable information sites such as Source Gaming haven't put a dent in speculation. There will always be people who see what they want to see, often regardless of the source.
So, yes, I stick by what I said. Etika makes opinion videos and almost all of them are marketed as such in the actual videos, though sometimes he mixes up terms "rumors" and "leaks", but he's not the Hitler of misinformation that people are painting him as. Treating him like he's the sole or a major reason for misinformation or the main reason ridiculous rumors exist is crazy considering years worth of smash speculation we can look back on, especially considering that most of the world doesn't even know who he is.
I don't even like his videos (though I find his hair impressive, if a bit ridiculous), but the notion that his absence would somehow eliminate misinformation is unreasonable.
People are the problem.