Remember how you got angry when I called you a weeb? Yeah, I'm sorry but I was right
Ha! Says the guy who plays JRPGs 10x more weeby than any game I've ever played in my lifetime!
Oh, and Fire Emblem Fates, one of the biggest examples of a series inserting as many otaku-pandering elements as possible for cheap sales regardless of whether they fit the series' thematic as a whole or not.
The hypocrisy is real. Hahahahaha!
(I pity those who take this too seriously. Remember: we all play Japanese games, being Nintendo fans and all. One may argue we are in no position to call others weebs, though said one may definitely not be myself.)
And now, fun time is over and being serious, I still dislike being called a weeb (and always will). Call me a fan of Japanese culture, an anime fan and all that. I won't mind. Just don't call me a weeb or an otaku, due to implications those terms carry. (Yes, I'm picky with words.)
True, I have an appreciation for Japanese pop culture and history, and especially in regards to the latter, I enjoy history as a subject itself, not just in regards to Japan. It's one reason I don't have a lot of faith in humanity, as we as a species seem bound to repeat the same mistakes over centuries, in spite of many progresses in many different subjects (or perhaps because of them?).
Anyway, without going on philosophical tangents (why yes, I also have a great appreciation for philosophy and studying it in high school really made an impact in my life and how I think and partake in arguments), I'm not the kind of clown who thinks everything Japanese is superior. As a matter of fact, I do not believe in the concept of a culture being superior to another. It's quite the repulsive view... One that directly ties to the point I make in the above paragraph. (It may not be so obvious, but I always encourage people to think by never going into all of the details...)
Let it be known that, in spite of having watched so many anime series, I do not have my room full of figures and all that sort of merchandise. Some people right here, on this very forum, have invested a lot more than I ever did in such stuff in my lifetime. You see, I'm a little bit against materialism (so prevalent in modern day society...) and I'd rather spend money on things I know for sure they're a good investment.
I won't lie: I sometimes look at that Ganondorf amiibo sitting in the store shelf and almost kinda want to pick it up, but I prefer to stay true to my ideals, putting my beliefs over emotions.
Ah... And to think this is like a snowball that ran out of control, insanely growing in size as it rolls down the mountain with no end in sight... One pushed by the mere mention of the Japanese term "kawaii".
Amusing, I've often used foreign terms of other origins, namely Latin, yet no one batted an eye. Yet, it seems the exoticism of the Japanese language, coming all the way from the ever-so-distant archipelago seems to raise eyebrows and catch the attention of the anime avatar-donning
(seemingly) anti-weeb brigade. What a spectacular show of contradiction!
Then again, I do not like calling myself a gamer, yet I like video games a lot. (Seeing a similar pattern here?)
With all this said, I shall be off.
(I will also pity those who think I'm overly mad over a trivial matter like this. In fact, I was quite inspired to write all this in such a calm and collected tone, though I'd say it's kind of obvious given the snark, metaphors and rhetorical questions...)