Backlash to that game didn't seem to be quite as nasty as it was to Nuts & Bolts to me, although I won't deny that the backlash was still definitely plentiful.
Out of all the gaming franchises I know of that got reboots at some point, I think the Legend of Spyro trilogy has gotten the best reception.
Legend of Spyro is an interesting case.
The first game was received well.
Second game wasn't, at least not critically, but it has a cult following.
Third game did really well critically and commercially, but the fandom is quite divided on it.
Personally, Spyro was my first video game franchise, and I was definitely attached to the guy growing up. Sonic ultimately replaced him as my favourite mascot character though, because he just had more going for him in the long run.
I initially was turned off by the first LoS game when I was a kid when I saw it in stores.
However, in 2010, I took a nostalgia trip with some Spyro games and not long after, saw LoS: The Eternal Night on the Wii, and LoS: Dawn of the Dragon on the Xbox 360, on sale for super cheap. The latter was also being used in a "buy 1 get 1 free" deal or something like that, so I bought both games, and got Red Faction: Guerrilla for free on Xbox 360. I later got LoS: A New Beginning on the Microsoft Store.
Having played the first game last, I actually didn't really like it. I thought the combat moves just were not that interesting, there was little replay value, not much platforming or exploring, and in terms of the story and tone, I felt it lacked a sense of direction. It felt like it couldn't decide if the game was gonna be more serious or silly, usually just randomly switching tone. Didn't find the music that memorable either.
I absolutely love The Eternal Night and Dawn of the Dragon though. TEN fixed more or less every problem I had with the original game, and then some. I love almost everything about it. It's also the most polished game in the trilogy IMO.
And I love Dawn of the Dragon because it felt like a cool hybrid of the Classic Spyro formula, and the LoS formula of the past two games. It had some bugs and stuff, and the story had some problems, but the graphics could get really nice, and the gameplay was so fun. Even had cool extras like co-op and being able to play as Cynder. It also had an epic, ambitious scale to it, which I really liked. It also had a lot of replay value, with a lot of collectibles that made the characters stronger and unlocked other things. Oh, and you, to some degree, could fly at will, which was fun. And despite the buggyness, I found a lot of them actually made the game more fun personally, like various movement exploits I discovered. I actually became a bit of a glitch hunter for that game, logging over 100 hours into it.
Honestly in an ideal world, both the Classic universe and LoS universe of Spyro would both still be running concurrently, like with Classic Mega Man and Mega Man X back in the day. I loved both versions of the Spyro formula. A Hero's Tail was also really cool.