I should probably balance my attitude out better in the future if I can remember to, today I think I acted far too abrasive. . .
That said, since we're still on the topic of losing faith in Inafune, I'd like to bring back up a little tidbit about my past and present opinions, not because I'm salty but because I partially find it hilarious and partially feel proud of myself for it:
I distrusted Inafune before it was cool.
More specifically, I was mostly neutral about his saying he was leaving evil, oppressive Capcom to make better games than they ever could before I had any idea what those games would be. Mildly skeptical perhaps, but nothing really major either way.
Then there was the Nintendo Direct with Bugs Versus Tanks! in it.
That killed it.
He declared he would make better games than Capcom would let him, and then he made such an obvious piece of shovelware that any goodwill I could have had for him was gone. From that day onwards, I had little to no faith in Inafune. And it reaaallly doesn't help anything that the main marketing for the game was just plastering his name all over the advertising. If the biggest thing a game has going for it is who worked on it, it makes it even more glaringly obvious that it sucks.
And what does Inafune think to do when that predictably doesn't go well? Oh, he just goes and makes an exact copy of his old series with the serial numbers filed off! Same characters with same roles, same gameplay, new names and designs! Anyone else does that, it's a shoddy knockoff. Old creator does that? True successor! And because everyone was in full Henny Penny mode at the time, they went for it, because Inafune is the savior that will rescue us from the evil, evil Capcom that will never make a Mega Man game again!
Of course, no one could ever believe an opinion like mine at the time, that Mega Man wasn't dead and that Inafune was actually kind of terrible on his own and was just cashing in on paranoia.
Then the delays started. And kept going. And kept going.
Suddenly, I wasn't the only one who though Inafune was full of it anymore.
And you know what?
I hate being in the minority all the time, but I also hate conforming to fit everyone else's standards. Let things shift in favor of my opinion! Sure people were fine with the idea of his making a knock off of his own game and were paranoid about Mega Man being dead even to the point that Beck was considered the successor to Mega Man, and that likely still hasn't changed for many. But I knew something was up all the way back with that first questionable game, and now people are finally starting to realize this guy isn't as good at his job as they expected.
*EDIT* Heck, Inafune wasn't even the creator of Mega Man, he was just one of the major guys there to the point that he became a Sakurai/Miyamoto type figure.
. . .Yeaaaah, I still need to cool my jets a bit. A lot. But at least I can wear myself out on an Acceptable Target now or something. . .
And if it was just Mighty Number 9, I probably would have disapproved but not been quite as harsh. Hopefully. I mean, at least then I could have assumed that was what he left the company to do instead of it being a cash-in. I was just a lot less willing to give him the benefit of the doubt after, you know, tiny shrunken WWII tanks. . .against bugs. . .