That's bull. I was really looking forward to playing the first Xenoblade game without having to buy a N3DS and that shiz is going to sell out faster than I can blink. Niny needs to make this a normal VC title like the Metroid Prime Trilogy.
The better question is what's going to be shown at this year's E3 (other than Zelda and Pokemon)? Think about all the Wii U games this year and there's hardly anything left other than Color Splash and that waifu SMTXFE game.
Really the Digital Event is shaping to be only...
- Zelda Wii U
- Pokemon Sun and Moon
- Paper Mario Color Splash
- Brief segments for Metroid Prime Federation Force and SMT X FE since we already know about these games
- Dragon Quest games?
- Other leaked 3DS games from this past February
That's really it so I think. Zelda Wii U is going to take up like a good 15-20 minutes of the event and the rest of it is going to be dedicated to the games I mentioned above and some other skits involving Reggie, Bill, and Miyamoto. That's my realistic expectations for this event. Maybe if i'm lucky there will be a new Golden Sun or Advance Wars game but I can't get my hopes up for that.
Well, running off of past Digital Events.
We're gonna see ~50 minute Digital Event.
Let's say about 8 minutes is going to be taken up by the little skits in between and the "opener" like the first two or three minutes last year was Star Fox Puppet Pals
~42 minutes of games, then.
Between a "developer corner" or whatever it's called, a possible retrospective, and full trailer, Zelda UNX could very well take 15 minutes. SMM took a TON of last year with little news, this has more promise.
~27 minutes left.
I say we could see 3 minutes for color splash in a more full trailer.
Sun & Moon is probably gonna have a proper trailer, about 2 minutes based on the XY from 2013.
Federation Force and TMS#FE I don't see appearing.
Honestly the dragon quest ports could get up to 3 minutes running over them.
Obligatory "Nindies" segment for about 4 minutes.
Big reveal of Project N-Stars for later this year. I say it could be 10 minutes itself.
Approximately 5 other minutes from a theoretical E3 presentation.
It COULD be trialers for the Hyrule Warriors: Legends dlc to come. Marin's not gotten a trailer and we could see a teaser for the DS era pack.
Alternatively, that's where you have those other 3rd Party exclusive things like the Skylanders: Charged segment from last year be a highlight. Hell, (part of) it could be YW2's first phase of localization since the anime's getting its second season this year AND Wib Wob shows that they've gotten a headstart on the localization of names... (even if Europe is getting the first game in two days).