Okay, now I have to respond to this:
This is patently untrue and misrepresentative, and I'm pretty firmly egalitarian in my beliefs.
For one; Second-wave feminism wasn't about men's rights because women were socially repressed.
For two; Third-wave feminism seems to believes that issues related to men's rights stem from a male centric culture. While I mostly disagree with the notion of a "patriarchy", there is a kernal of truth to some of this. Masculine culture DID lead to men insulting other domestically abused men. This shouldn't even be controversial.
Third wave feminism blames a patriarchial society for the problems of men and women, but fails to provide much evidence for the fact, especially when women do have the upper hand in many areas of society.
One case example is divorces and alimony.
I've yet to ever see a feminism movement bother to right the wrongs in the justice system, or bother to stand up for the case in which a man was forced to pay up alimony for a child that wasn't even his simply cause he'd been an influence in the child's life:
Yes the judge was a woman.
If feminism is about equal rights, then why have there been cases of being being laughed out of college feminist groups?
The list goes on...
These are the facts, feminism can claim one thing, but I've yet to see evidence contrary to the fact. After all, "actions speak louder than words." Don't SAY you're about equality, actually DO something about it rather than crying fowl over women in media. There are women in tge middle east who get acid thrown in their faces just cause they want an education, yet we're sitting here crying over nuances in a society that does INDEED offer equal opportinty for both genders. No matter what non peer reviewed "figures" might say.
Those are the facts, and so long feminism keeps worring on disproving sexual dysmorphism, a scientific fact, to back up petty claims, rather than focus on real issues, it will continue to be a failed ideology in my eyes.
That aside, all the nonsense feminism brings about works in my favor when picking up girls.
"Buy me a drink."
"Haha, no. I'm a femimist, I don't believe in buying girls drinks. How about you buy ME drink if you wanna keep hanging around me, because of how awesome I am."
She actually ****ed off after that, but me and my friends still had a good laugh about it. No ****s were given.