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Social Swamp's Social Thread 3 - And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

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May or May Not Be Pac-Man
Mar 4, 2015
> Umbreon confirmed as an assist
> Dragonite is also an assist

Someone wake me up from this nightmare


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Where not getting gen 7. Like there's always a 3rd game.... Always.Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum and in a sense B2 and W2 like gamefreak has never broke the formula... Ever.Like really a 3rd game is happening just stop being impatient its obvious were getting a game this year especially Z
To be honest, due to the way the game has been hyped up, it's not the best idea to strictly adhere to patterns and say Z is a certainty (at least in the same sense of Platinum or Emerald). With the upcoming game, no matter which theory you side with, you have to admit this situation has been rather unusual for a final game in the Generation as:
-Volcanion, the last event Pokémon, was revealed early.
-We got an entirely new Pokémon in Magearna.
-Zygarde has been known about for 5 months, teased for 7, without a new game in sight. That beats out Giratina's record, who had 3 months at best before Platinum was revealed.
-Zygarde seems to have gotten the Meloetta treatment and has been given an anime arc, but no major movie role. It does have a appearance in the special, but that usually has older Pokémon not on the cast currently appear such as May's Torchic in the Hoopa Movie special and Wobbuffet in the Meloetta special.
-The Strange Souvenir implies an entirely new region far away from Kalos.
-The anime site mentioned "Ash's League battles" back in October, hinting that we'll get them this year.
-All regular Pokémon are obtainable between XY and ORAS, which usually doesn't happen before third versions as they're supposed to give you the last set to complete the generation. The only time this didn't happen was with Gen 3, which was only due to the spinoffs Colosseum and XD, and thus wasn't possible with the main series games alone. Also, all events will be obtainable by the end of the year.

With all of that in mind, they aren't handling this like they did Emerald, Platinum or even B2W2, they're building up to something that's different in at least some way. It could be a Z with Gen 6.5 elements, or it could even be Gen 7 with Kalos attached a la Johto, but either way, I believe the game will be something that's at least a bit more removed from the typical.

Pokken News Time!

:104:, :050:, :082:, :195:, :196:, and :197: are all confirmed assists. Cubone is with Diglett, Magneton is with Quagsire, and Espeon is with Umbreon.

Guys, about half of the Eeveelutions (including Eevee itself) are assists. For Playable character, it is now narrowed down to Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Leafeon, or Glaceon.

EDIT: :4greninja:'d
No, Espeon...

Also, we finally got our first Gen 2 assists, rejoice Suicune for you're no longer alone!
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
Nah I ain't buying it.I buy us getting a game they combines kalos and hoenn into one story before we get gen 7 before a 3rd game for gen 6 is released. That's a certainty. Were not getting gen 7 this year


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
If some Eeveelutions are Pokken assists, I don't see other ones being playable. That would be expressing favoritism in terms of evolutions that are supposed to be equal options.

I think all of the Eeveelutions will be assists if some of them are already confirmed as such.

#killjoy #wouldtotallytakeGlaceonifithappenedthough


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2013
Switch FC
so 3 things that are important
1 diglett is fuzzy
2 if any eveloution is going to be playable its going to be jolteon purely because its the popular choice
3 we have custom trainers in pokken already making it a better game than oras which was severly lacking
(seriously you made flash a Hm again and split the pokemon centers and marts and you used the lame teams of vanilla gen 3...why?!)


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
If Pokkén was friggin' Super Smash Brothers everyone would badmouth the developers and scream ESPEON DECONFIRMED


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
:195: NOOOOO!! Not Quagsire!!...My derplord!! He looks amazing in Pokken's style though...And those textures on Cubone's skull!!!!

I actually don't see any of the remaining Eeveelutions making save for maybe Jolteon or Vaporeon but compared to other Pokemon in the game they don't really bring too much else...Personally I never really expected any of the Eeveelutions (save for Sylveon until confiremd as Assist) to be made playable...so it's no biggie regardless (Leafeon would be amazing though!! I feel Leafeon is severely underated)


In other news playing the Zero-suit segment in Zero Mission is stressful AF...Damn Zebesians LEAVE ME ALONE!!! X|
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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
If some Eeveelutions are Pokken assists, I don't see other ones being playable. That would be expressing favoritism in terms of evolutions that are supposed to be equal options.

I think all of the Eeveelutions will be assists if some of them are already confirmed as such.

#killjoy #wouldtotallytakeGlaceonifithappenedthough
What about favoritism with starters?

They don't seem to care about fan rules
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Nah I ain't buying it.I buy us getting a game they combines kalos and hoenn into one story before we get gen 7 before a 3rd game for gen 6 is released. That's a certainty. Were not getting gen 7 this year
I've literally said this so many times! I couldn't agree more!

It's Delta Z, I will stick by this till it's not that.

If some Eeveelutions are Pokken assists, I don't see other ones being playable. That would be expressing favoritism in terms of evolutions that are supposed to be equal options.

I think all of the Eeveelutions will be assists if some of them are already confirmed as such.

#killjoy #wouldtotallytakeGlaceonifithappenedthough
Eh, I could understand this but I see it more like how braixen is playable but fenniken's an assist. Yes it's different, but it shows that pokemon connected by evolution can still be playable and assists.

So I wouldn't be surprised to see slyveon. Vaporeon could be cool to though.

The assists look really nice though!
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
Following the reveal of the Pokémon Magiana on Wednesday in CoroCoro, more details have been revealed for the upcoming movie, Volcanion & The Ingenious Magearna. With this information, the English name of the Pokémon has been confirmed to be Magearna. No further information has been revealed but will be revealed at a later point

English name for Magianna!

EDIT: Serebii posted pokken story news:
Some new information has been released about the upcoming title, Pokkén Tournament. First, three new sets of Support Pokémon have been revealed. These are Cubone & Diglett, Magneton & Quagsire and Espeon & Umbreon. In addition to this, several new images have been added to our pre-release screenshot section
Edit @ 03:16: The Ferrum League is a feature exclusive to the Wii U version. Beating stages adds more support Pokemon and battle areas. There are four ranks to this league: Green League, Blue League, Red League & Chrome League. It takes place in the Ferrum region. In this region, Resonance Stones link people and their Pokémon. In this game, players can customise their player character's gender, skin colour, hair and so forth.
There are various trainers you will encounter. Nia helps players navigate the world, and she chose Weavile. There are also trainers who exist only in the Wii U version who are tough to beat. Travis with his Garchomp, Keith with his Suicune and Erin with her Braixen
Edit @ 03:25: New modes have been revealed. Practice Mode is where you get to test your skills with no time limit or health. Free Training allows you to train freely. Combo Dojo will teach you various combos for the Pokémon. There's also the My Town mode where you can alter your character's appearance and clothing by spending the in-game currency, PokéGold
For the Support Pokémon, Cubone uses Bonemerang which is a quick long range attack that hits multiple times and brings opponents to you. Diglett uses Dig which makes it easy to land combos when the opponent has been hit. Magneton uses Tri Attack which aims upward. It lowers opponents' Speed & Attack and is good against jumping opponents. Quagsire uses Mud Bomb. It is effective on players on the ground and damages even if guarded against. Espeon uses Morning Sun which removes status conditions as well as healing Hit Points. The less time on the clock, the more it raises. Finally, Umbreon uses Snarl which sucks up the opponent's Resonance Gauge and prevents them being able to land critical hits

Sounds pretty good actually! Can't wait for this!
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Universal Champion
Jul 29, 2014
I've literally said this so many times! I couldn't agree more!

It's Delta Z, I will stick by this till it's not that.

Eh, I could understand this but I see it more like how braixen is playable but fenniken's an assist. Yes it's different, but it shows that pokemon connected by evolution can still be playable and assists.

So I wouldn't be surprised to see slyveon. Vaporeon could be cool to though.

The assists look really nice though!
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who thinks delta Z would be epic.Like it would be so cool if they found a way to connect both regions into one huge story

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who thinks delta Z would be epic.Like it would be so cool if they found a way to connect both regions into one huge story
Delta Z would be cool. Travel between world's through Hoopa's portals. Collect 16 badges to compete in the Azoth Pokemon League.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
So, I have been talking to some friends and eventually, I came jsut for the heck of it to count the words I did on the biggest post I have done ont he forums or at least that I am aware of.

I am a very exhaustive person so these posts are often something I review in details and I am known to be VERY exhaustive like......walls and monsters of texts.

So what I did is I compiled imo the 5 biggests and memorable posts I have done with their number of words, idk if they are factually the biggest, but they realyl are the most notable one for sure. this shoudl give an idea of what i mean by "being an exhaustive person"

5: this one I hoenstly expected to be a lot longer, but my famous (or infamous) ridley essay. I think @Con0rrrr will remmeber that one well, but it scored a total of 5632 words. What is special abotu it is I got a ton of likes, the msot like I ever got like 55 likes......


Now at thsi point you might think I am crazy to type 5.6k words......it gets worse!

4: My spm "summary" review. idk hoenstly guys whyt I called it like that becuase it has 6216 words. @Red Hunter Z yes, that;s how much I had to say about it when I beat it :) Anyway, a lot of the text is me saying why I think the spm gameplay is genius and why it jsut made so much sense. This is the deepest I ever got into talking about spm so :)


3: My very recent paper jam review which has 6833 words! This one is really detailed and I got a bit greedy on these subtittles :)


2: it got very close to number 2 with its 6850 words, my famous SS review. Yes, the one I ranted with a big passion on world 3 and pretty much told that the game is messed up in what it is really. I will mention this: if you were ever curious to what I actually think of SS and how I see it as a game, this is the best post you could get because I never will go into even more details about it. You have everything I will say about it, except I summarise it elsewhere than this post:


^I am serious, I paid the physical version of the game full price even after one exchange to type that text and 100% being honest: it was worth it.

now you might think there;s no possible way I can tiop that right?


ladies and gentlemen, the biggest post I have EVER written online and of course, on smashbaords, I have not written a longer post than.....

1: MY TTYD MEMORIES! this one....is a heck of a story. See, the day i started to write it, it was TTYD's 10th anniversary so I wanted to pay a tribute to the best game I played by basically saying EVERYTHING in how much this game impacted me and actually review it at the same time. It was so huge I made it into 3 parts which was playing the game, getting into glitch hunting and what happened when I glitch hunt, I detail EVERYTHING. In fact, I wrote so mcuh that I posted it on the day after so i was late, i never thought I would write THAT much so yeah.....it;s legit huge.

Wanna know how long?

10830 words.

I am not kidding, even the collapse tags are broken. So, honestly, unless you are REALLY enthusiast about knowing how TTYD affected me, don;t bother reading it because it is legit a monster.....


This post, I honestly consider a huge lore of me because it actually tells a lot about me.

So yeah, let;s recap:

5: ridley essay 5632 words.
4: spm review 6216 words
3: pj review 6833 words
2: SS review 6850 words.
1: TTYD memories 10830 words.

So, if you ever think you written a long post before, get on my level :)


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I'm so happy that I'm not the only one who thinks delta Z would be epic.Like it would be so cool if they found a way to connect both regions into one huge story
Agreed, I think it would work so well! They did it with crystal/hg/ss, and considering all the hints they have, I think it could happen again.

And Here's something fun, A pokemon dating quiz:

Saw muchingorange play it, and decide to try it.

I got Bianca, not bad!

If you try it, who did you get?


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Since there was a Pokemon Z/Gen 6.5 discussion going on, I thought I'd bring in something interesting that surprisingly wasn't discussed yet.

Pokebeach posted an interesting tidbit three days ago that could be pointing at a possible time frame when Pokemon Z/next main series games will be released based on details about the newest TCG Pokemon League season. Here's the information from their news story.
The schedule for this year’s Pokemon League could potentially be hinting at “Z” being released in September or October.

Every month a new season commences at Pokemon League. Each season is named after current happenings in the TCG or video games, so sometimes the season names can hint at events that will be happening in the Pokemon world.

We’ve been able to obtain the names for this year’s upcoming seasons, which TPCi has released through September:
  • January: The season is named “Break,” referring to the TCG’s current BREAK block. The block introduced a theme to the TCG pitting the world of nature against the world of technology.
  • February: “Parallel” – Referring to BREAKthrough, the first BREAK set released in November. The set description for XY8 BREAKthrough is “Parallel Worlds: Two Paths to Power!” (Referring to the nature vs. technology theme.)
  • March: “Rift” – Referring to BREAKpoint, the second BREAK set that was released in stores this month. The set description for XY9 BREAKpoint is “A Rift Torn Between Worlds!” (The two worlds fight.)
  • April: “Worlds Collide” – Referring to XY10 Fates Collide. The set description mentions the two worlds will be unified. It will have its prereleases in this month, but its official release date is May 4th.
  • May: “New Friends” – What could this be? There’s nothing on the TCG horizon that suggests anything involving “new friends,” unless they’re stretching to say “new friends” were made after the conflict was resolved. (Although the set description doesn’t say that, which is what all of the season names have thus far drawn from.)
  • June: “Alakazam” – Alakazam is the mascot for XY10 Fates Collide. Oddly, they’re using Alakazam here instead of in the previous month, which is when its set would be in stores. This might suggest “New Friends” is referring to something important in the month of May and that they’re purposefully moving names around it. I’m probably looking too much into this though. Onward!
  • July: “Closure” – The Play! Pokemon season ends in July, so this is referring to that and / or the end of the conflict in the BREAK sets.
  • August: “Steam” – Volcanion. Obviously. This is the start of the new season and a new naming convention, being a noun to describe a specific Pokemon.
  • September: “Gear” – Magiana. Its name is a combination of マキナ (machine) and ギア (gear). And it’s got a big ol’ gear on its head.
  • (The rest of the year’s seasons were not released.)
If a new game is to be released and Magiana is in it, September or October seem to be the best bet. When Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphirewere released on November 21st, December’s Pokemon League season was “Rustboro City” and the following seasons were all Gym cities.

While Magiana being the mascot for September could also refer to the release of the next movie, all the recent Pokemon films have aired on Cartoon Network in either October or December, so it’s unlikely this is what Magiana and Volcanion’s placements mean. Not to mention Pokemon League seasons aren’t themed after the anime; they’re for the TCG and main series games. Assuming they’re sticking to this.

So about the only thing we can say with certainty is that if there is going to be a new game, and if Magiana is going to be in it, they’d be using Magiana for a Pokemon League season when it would be relevant to the video game world (September or October). What this naming schedule also means is that we probably won’t get a “Z” anytime soon, especially with all the “fluff” terms they used to pad out the first half of the year. If a new “Z” game was coming soon, they’d probably be using more relevant names.

All of this is assuming of course that Pokemon has decided to continue naming Pokemon League seasons after current events, and that the above schedule is synced to what will be happening. For example, they could release a “Z” game earlier in the year, but for some reason only choose to promote it at Pokemon League much later. However, there’s no precedent for that, and it would be odd playing in a League season themed after Alakazam when a new game is out.

In the future if we learn something new or can look at the above evidence differently, I’ll post an update to let people know.
A fall release date wouldn't surprise me at all. Even before learning this, I had an inkling that one of Pokemon Z's potential release months was September, and looks like this could well be the case. Granted, this is just speculation and perhaps PokemonZ may not necessarily be released in September or October, but we'll see.

What do you all think about this news tidbit?


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
So, I have been talking to some friends and eventually, I came jsut for the heck of it to count the words I did on the biggest post I have done ont he forums or at least that I am aware of.

I am a very exhaustive person so these posts are often something I review in details and I am known to be VERY exhaustive like......walls and monsters of texts.

So what I did is I compiled imo the 5 biggests and memorable posts I have done with their number of words, idk if they are factually the biggest, but they realyl are the most notable one for sure. this shoudl give an idea of what i mean by "being an exhaustive person"

5: this one I hoenstly expected to be a lot longer, but my famous (or infamous) ridley essay. I think @Con0rrrr will remmeber that one well, but it scored a total of 5632 words. What is special abotu it is I got a ton of likes, the msot like I ever got like 55 likes......


Now at thsi point you might think I am crazy to type 5.6k words......it gets worse!

4: My spm "summary" review. idk hoenstly guys whyt I called it like that becuase it has 6216 words. @Red Hunter Z yes, that;s how much I had to say about it when I beat it :) Anyway, a lot of the text is me saying why I think the spm gameplay is genius and why it jsut made so much sense. This is the deepest I ever got into talking about spm so :)


3: My very recent paper jam review which has 6833 words! This one is really detailed and I got a bit greedy on these subtittles :)


2: it got very close to number 2 with its 6850 words, my famous SS review. Yes, the one I ranted with a big passion on world 3 and pretty much told that the game is messed up in what it is really. I will mention this: if you were ever curious to what I actually think of SS and how I see it as a game, this is the best post you could get because I never will go into even more details about it. You have everything I will say about it, except I summarise it elsewhere than this post:


^I am serious, I paid the physical version of the game full price even after one exchange to type that text and 100% being honest: it was worth it.

now you might think there;s no possible way I can tiop that right?


ladies and gentlemen, the biggest post I have EVER written online and of course, on smashbaords, I have not written a longer post than.....

1: MY TTYD MEMORIES! this one....is a heck of a story. See, the day i started to write it, it was TTYD's 10th anniversary so I wanted to pay a tribute to the best game I played by basically saying EVERYTHING in how much this game impacted me and actually review it at the same time. It was so huge I made it into 3 parts which was playing the game, getting into glitch hunting and what happened when I glitch hunt, I detail EVERYTHING. In fact, I wrote so mcuh that I posted it on the day after so i was late, i never thought I would write THAT much so yeah.....it;s legit huge.

Wanna know how long?

10830 words.

I am not kidding, even the collapse tags are broken. So, honestly, unless you are REALLY enthusiast about knowing how TTYD affected me, don;t bother reading it because it is legit a monster.....


This post, I honestly consider a huge lore of me because it actually tells a lot about me.

So yeah, let;s recap:

5: ridley essay 5632 words.
4: spm review 6216 words
3: pj review 6833 words
2: SS review 6850 words.
1: TTYD memories 10830 words.

So, if you ever think you written a long post before, get on my level :)
That's super interesting.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2
If some Eeveelutions are Pokken assists, I don't see other ones being playable. That would be expressing favoritism in terms of evolutions that are supposed to be equal options.

I think all of the Eeveelutions will be assists if some of them are already confirmed as such.

#killjoy #wouldtotallytakeGlaceonifithappenedthough
Since when were Pokemon on equal levels?! Its a possibility that we can get Hitmontop, but not Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee. A Pokemons inclusion shouldnt be tied down simply because of their other forms/evolutions being an assist.

Also, lets treat Assist Pokemon like Assist Trophies in Smash: theyre pretty much not going to be a playable fighter. [If no one objects]

Radical Bones

Soul King
Sep 23, 2013
Down Under
Switch FC
How good would 'Eeveeloution Trio' be as a fighter. With the original 3 as the fighters. Chained together or something.


Sep 12, 2014

The Bayo player kinda had it coming but this is hilarious.
How good would 'Eeveeloution Trio' be as a fighter. With the original 3 as the fighters. Chained together or something.
If I couldn't get my Triforce Heroes character wish for HWL I might as well get it a successor for it elsewhere.

I wouldn't object.

Although it wouldn't make a lot of sense because they're still Pokemon battles. 3 on 1 is illegal, probably.
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Smash Legend
Apr 8, 2015
Nowhere important
Switch FC


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld

The Bayo player kinda had it coming but this is hilarious.

If I couldn't get my Triforce Heroes character wish for HWL I might as well get it a successor for it elsewhere.

I wouldn't object.

Although it wouldn't make a lot of sense because they're still Pokemon battles. 3 on 1 is illegal, probably.
I was expecting G&W to somehow be able to bucket her Smash Attacks.

Edit: Still great.
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An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
So I wouldn't be surprised to see slyveon. Vaporeon could be cool to though.
Sylveon's already an assist, so it's probably out of the running.

I could see Vaporeon still get in though, with Jolteon being another option.

Since there was a Pokemon Z/Gen 6.5 discussion going on, I thought I'd bring in something interesting that surprisingly wasn't discussed yet.

Pokebeach posted an interesting tidbit three days ago that could be pointing at a possible time frame when Pokemon Z/next main series games will be released based on details about the newest TCG Pokemon League season. Here's the information from their news story.

A fall release date wouldn't surprise me at all. Even before learning this, I had an inkling that one of Pokemon Z's potential release months was September, and looks like this could well be the case. Granted, this is just speculation and perhaps PokemonZ may not necessarily be released in September or October, but we'll see.

What do you all think about this news tidbit?
That's very interesting and it would make sense since along with this, VGC is using ORAS as their main game, pushing whatever comes next past at least June/July. So I could see us getting the game in September/October.

With that said, it would be funny if that's the case since it'd put the game's release a year exactly after the forms initial reveal in Corocoro.
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W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Decided to mix Slurpuff with my favorite Ghost type Pokemon [Banette].

Creepy yet cool result.

View attachment 96978

View attachment 96977
Reminds me, Ghost/Fairy is one type combination I really hope to see in the future...I just feel like it'd make an especially creepy pokemon...

(Now I want to make a hybrid of Weavile and Salamence, though)
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
I've actually come up with some crafty ideas for "Pokefusions" of some of my favorites.

:189: Chimecho
Gardevoir - Mismagius
Mawile - Gourgeist
The real challenge.. is Galvantula - Aurorus.
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