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Social Swamp's Social Thread 3 - And now, the end is near, and so I face the final curtain...

Should we add a poll to the thread?

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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Doesn't Sega like REALLY restrict what they can do with Sonic in the comics? I believe it's why pre-genesis reboot he was pretty much a side show to everyone else and their stories/problems. Because you can only work with one character so much. :V
Judging by how much Archie's bent the rules and such.
I don't really know.

They even let them make an entire backstory for him.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
After my latest posts I think I am done here,I am already full of here,smash speculation is dead,everyone is now moving on other things,people freakin out for other "nintendo" games I am still jerking off to this forums A.K.A. THIS thread 16 hours per day like the stupid parasite I am.

I am not a moderator it's not my obligation to stay here double checking every hot news or debate/fight going on,but I still here just to comprehend the situation and fill my mind with information and internet behaviour,but for what I will use this or share this?

Noone cares the slightest.

I am here since the latest 2014,post 3DS roster reveal,but I fell I am even more,since most of the times I am digging old threads,checking old reactions,rumours,behaviors,and even origins from topics and members and bans that some remember,but for what else?

I will learn from this but I can't share of this.

As the latest I noticed only posts where I point fingers are noteworthy,the other are unworthy of mention since it looks more part of making my own twitter feed inside this thread.

The only user I can even relate somehow here is @Zoroarking because he is from the same country as me,otherwise we are completely different on mind.

I mean I will remember most of the personalities here:

@Kenith for his strong willing on defending his likes;

@Swampasaur for his title goofiness and not have fear to share your expressions;

BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11 for his silly speculations;

CyberHyperPhoenix CyberHyperPhoenix for his twitch memes;

@Substitution for his cranky legacy of advices;

@Annuga for being picky on mosts of the topics;

@Spazzy_D ,Push Dustin and the rest of the SG crew for keeping their site strong,and now turning literally into a rolemodel inside the nintendo fanbase;

Chrono. Chrono. for always being the early bird news wise;

@Bedoop for being plain silly;

@Nintenzilla for always taking stuff serious;

@JamesDNaux , SegaNintendoUbisoft SegaNintendoUbisoft , AreJay25 AreJay25 ,and the other awesome artists on the Rayman support thread,while we didn't make this time,we can make the next;

@WhiteEaglePL on the success of the strong belief on a character;

PsychoIncarnate PsychoIncarnate for already being here 2 generations of speculation;

@Arcadenik on another out of field strong believe that you can also be proud of it;

@LIQUID12A for being the sylux guy;

@Generic Username for being himself (and that's good);

@Rebellious Treecko for being the outlandish fella;

A Distant Demon A Distant Demon for being mega supportive with other people;

Falkoopa and the gang of the tryhard socials made by Cowboys,bored @Flight ,rebellious racoons,@Soul.,Oboro ,@Azure Warrior ,@Luggy ,Yoshis,waifu lovers, @Wario Bros. ,other sort of weirdos, and Knuckles;

@DoodleDuck97 remember you joining around the same time as me I can at level my vision with you on some sorta;

@sonicbrawler182 seeing you changed a lot since the first time I read your comments around here;

@Chandelure from the Bandana Brigade;

@aldelaro5 for being the paper mario guy;

Frostwraith ,Opossum,---,Ffamran and others for being very interactive moderators around here.

Other people like @Qrow , @EpicMartin , Z25 Z25 , Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth ,@powerprotoman , @Megabidoof , Coricus Coricus , Champ Gold Champ Gold , Burruni Burruni ,@Venus of the Desert Bloom, @Megalon72 ,@Rie Sonomura,and much many others,that I could fit here but probally changed their usernames and then I grow tired for searching it.

I don't have squat to talk about myself other than sniff on other behaviors(developing a crappy wiki),and directing myself straitgh to a great and problematic path,that is imploding each day,is not helping the fact that stay wandering here being a good for nothing.

On the end even after my sudden dissapearances,I never totally quit since I constantly came back,I think I needed an actual post stating that to definetely take my decision, so I abide you a warm farewell and maybe I see this forum again 5 years from now,until then you may see me digging other places.

Edit:most tags broken,cant even fix that.
*is not memorable*

Its all good tho...Good luck to yourself, mate!


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So you know how you all thought that magianna was evil? This does not seem to be the case
"As Ash and his friends continue their journey, Volcanion drops down from the sky in front of them. Volcanion's object is to recover Magiana, who has been abducted by the "Azoth Kingdom", a city of super-machinery. However, Volcanion and Ash have become linked together by a strange (?????). Will the two of them manage to work together and save Magiana?"

from serebii.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
If the Sonic games were as good as the Sonic twitter Sega could go back to making consoles.


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Good luck for your future @Strofirko! Once a member of the community, always a member of the community. You're always welcome back to this part of the Internet. Happy Smashing for you in the future, and most importantly - take care!
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
*is not memorable*
You should play more Metroid!

God I need to get back into Metroid. . .Prime 3, zero mission, fusion, Other M, AND hunters all await. . .

Speaking of Sonic, oh my GOD Aaron

How the hell are you allowed to get away with this seriously tkegkekgegk
Eggman was right. Sonic must be stopped.
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Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC

The absolute madman.
I've said it once, Smash 4 would never benefit from having Melee physics because it'll make :4shulk::4greninja::4cloud:&:4sonic: broken. Especially considering he did all of this without activating the Speed Art.


*Those Who Stand Against Our Path*
Jan 8, 2014
Shulk with that little lag would be the most busted thing ever.

Pls sakurai come back from vacation and make it a reality
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Jeez didn't we JUST have a steam sale? Maybe i'm going crazy

Also Skullgirls is $3.
$8 with the DLC (and beowulf, AKA best character is free)

So that's awesome.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
You should play more Metroid!

God I need to get back into Metroid. . .Prime 3, zero mission, fusion, Other M, AND hunters all await. . .

Eggman was right. Sonic must be stopped.
Well I am playing Zero Mission...

....don't remembuh him in the game tho...:p
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Luigi The President

Smash Hero
Jun 29, 2014

I am going to be honest with you and I really am telling the truth: you are the only one that is visibly upset about him not being in.

And you are probably a very rare person to say that it matters mroe than wolf not being in, a veteran.

I know we both want him in, a lot, but there really is a limit between thinking he is worthy of a candidate and thinking he should be in at any cost. The former, you argue positively about why out of all candidate, you coudl consider him. The later, you basically advocate for Paper Mario being in NO MATTER what woudl happen.

Wolf is a vet and as far as I can tell he is really imo the only one that hasn;t been obsoleted by any means out of all vets not in. That's alone a very good reasons to think that it;s ok if wolf would get in. On that sense, it is also understandable that people aren;t happy he isn;t in (I agree there is a limit to being salty too, but my point is it';s understandable that people don';t like that).

So, don't even consider any argument for the characters and wolf already has a reason to bwe extremely considered. Tbh, there is no proof of this, but I am pretty sure he would have been at least considered (it';s logical deduction, I don;t see Sakurai completely forgetting about wolf, I think there was reasons that has to go with priority or something).

So the problem here is how exactly a newcomer who do have his issues (a risk of overkilling the mario rep) not being there like hundreds of others matters more than a vet that had past data, was chosen before and hasn;t been obsoleted yet enough?

To me, all Paper Mario (the series and fromt hat extent, the character) got is gain. A stage, much better representation of the series and a music representing past and present of his series (despite SS being bad, it;s still represented).

Considering this, I jsut don;t know why you are THIS upset. At the end of the day, he even has more chances than he had before ssb4 because he woudl now have a stage and even better, Paper Jam counters most arguments against him seriously well. To explain real quick, the fact that his identity was so splitted appart from mario (even explicitly mentioned multiple time), it shows that nintendo is okay with this and is even acknowledging it. From now on, it would be possible to have both mario and not jsut being the same copy pasted. Even the existence of the game shows that Nintendo still care about Paper Mario preventing obsolescence.

I am clearly fine with Paper Mario not being in. I asked a minimum a music because I found the representation in brawl awful and not only ssb4 had it, it came with a stage. I cannot again emphase how having a stage portraying JUST the series is a big deal if you consider how interesting becomes the main character of this series as candidate.

Just get over it, tbh, I would have put wolf before him anyway.....
I really could not care less what you think by now, I've apologized to you for your issues with my personality 3 times and I'm tired of you patrolling my feelings on Paper Mario. Write another essay but I'm not changing my mind because of a joke post I made being taken seriously YET AGAIN. Of course Wolf being in is more important then Paper Mario, it was a JOKE.

So please, just stop, I already feel unsafe enough in this thread as is. I've already told you we have different feelings on Paper Mario. But you just refuse to listen and instead just do this constantly. Just stop. Just let me be a Paper Mario supporter in my own way. And why'd you take me off ignore just to do this?
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"Download Complete."
Sep 11, 2014
Down on the corner, out in the street.
After my latest posts I think I am done here,I am already full of here,smash speculation is dead,everyone is now moving on other things,people freakin out for other "nintendo" games I am still jerking off to this forums A.K.A. THIS thread 16 hours per day like the stupid parasite I am.

I am not a moderator it's not my obligation to stay here double checking every hot news or debate/fight going on,but I still here just to comprehend the situation and fill my mind with information and internet behaviour,but for what I will use this or share this?

Noone cares the slightest.

I am here since the latest 2014,post 3DS roster reveal,but I fell I am even more,since most of the times I am digging old threads,checking old reactions,rumours,behaviors,and even origins from topics and members and bans that some remember,but for what else?

I will learn from this but I can't share of this.

As the latest I noticed only posts where I point fingers are noteworthy,the other are unworthy of mention since it looks more part of making my own twitter feed inside this thread.

The only user I can even relate somehow here is @Zoroarking because he is from the same country as me,otherwise we are completely different on mind.

I mean I will remember most of the personalities here:

@Kenith for his strong willing on defending his likes;

@Swampasaur for his title goofiness and not have fear to share your expressions;

BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11 for his silly speculations;

CyberHyperPhoenix CyberHyperPhoenix for his twitch memes;

@Substitution for his cranky legacy of advices;

@Annuga for being picky on mosts of the topics;

@Spazzy_D ,Push Dustin and the rest of the SG crew for keeping their site strong,and now turning literally into a rolemodel inside the nintendo fanbase;

Chrono. Chrono. for always being the early bird news wise;

@Bedoop for being plain silly;

@Nintenzilla for always taking stuff serious;

@JamesDNaux , SegaNintendoUbisoft SegaNintendoUbisoft , AreJay25 AreJay25 ,and the other awesome artists on the Rayman support thread,while we didn't make this time,we can make the next;

@WhiteEaglePL on the success of the strong belief on a character;

PsychoIncarnate PsychoIncarnate for already being here 2 generations of speculation;

@Arcadenik on another out of field strong believe that you can also be proud of it;

@LIQUID12A for being the sylux guy;

@Generic Username for being himself (and that's good);

@Rebellious Treecko for being the outlandish fella;

A Distant Demon A Distant Demon for being mega supportive with other people;

Falkoopa and the gang of the tryhard socials made by Cowboys,bored @Flight ,rebellious racoons,@Soul.,Oboro ,@Azure Warrior ,@Luggy ,Yoshis,waifu lovers, @Wario Bros. ,other sort of weirdos, and Knuckles;

@DoodleDuck97 remember you joining around the same time as me I can at level my vision with you on some sorta;

@sonicbrawler182 seeing you changed a lot since the first time I read your comments around here;

@Chandelure from the Bandana Brigade;

@aldelaro5 for being the paper mario guy;

Frostwraith ,Opossum,---,Ffamran and others for being very interactive moderators around here.

Other people like @Qrow , @EpicMartin , Z25 Z25 , Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth ,@powerprotoman , @Megabidoof , Coricus Coricus , Champ Gold Champ Gold , Burruni Burruni ,@Venus of the Desert Bloom, @Megalon72 ,@Rie Sonomura,and much many others,that I could fit here but probally changed their usernames and then I grow tired for searching it.

I don't have squat to talk about myself other than sniff on other behaviors(developing a crappy wiki),and directing myself straitgh to a great and problematic path,that is imploding each day,is not helping the fact that stay wandering here being a good for nothing.

On the end even after my sudden dissapearances,I never totally quit since I constantly came back,I think I needed an actual post stating that to definetely take my decision, so I abide you a warm farewell and maybe I see this forum again 5 years from now,until then you may see me digging other places.

Edit:most tags broken,cant even fix that.

Good to know I was remembered for muh twitch memes

See you in 5 years brotha
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Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So this noteworthy:
Screenshot (3).png

In the short that advertised the movie before this reveal of magiana, someone pointed out that next to pikachu here, is a VI made from steel beams.

This seems to be a clever hint that magianna is still a gen 6 mon, and could lead into the southern Kalos, new pokemon theory.


Sep 12, 2014
So this noteworthy:
View attachment 96241

In the short that advertised the movie before this reveal of magiana, someone pointed out that next to pikachu here, is a VI made from steel beams.

This seems to be a clever hint that magianna is still a gen 6 mon, and could lead into the southern Kalos, new pokemon theory.
I don't know... I feel like this is straw-grasping territory.

Who knows tho


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
I don't know... I feel like this is straw-grasping territory.

Who knows tho
Possibly, but at the same time, this and the original description hinted towards this pokemon, so they clearly had it in their minds.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
I really hope they'll make the most of it and make plenty more Pokémon. Gen 6 was pretty lackluster at launch. It's a good thing the Kanto starters were added in the XY fray, because I don't get the appeal of any of the Kalos starters.

It's 4 am over here and I'm pulling an all-nighter, chillin' over these boards while listening to Starbomb songs.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Possibly, but at the same time, this and the original description hinted towards this pokemon, so they clearly had it in their minds.
While the Pokemon was likely on their minds, I doubt that they put in a visual cue like that since it can easily be interpreted as a regular formation of machinery. Additionally, it should be noted that GF doesn't operate by Generations as it's a fan-defined term, so I doubt they're intentionally referring to XY's generational number when they don't use that classification for the games.
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Akko is my dear daughter!
Jan 5, 2013
Java Programming is getting a lot harder for me, especially with printf and figuring how to stop crashes by assuming.

Programming is tough stuff and intimidating now.
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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I opened that spoiler

Thankfully I looked away fast enough.

I swear spoiler tags make finding spoilers even more enticing. Why am I so tempted to open ALL OF THEM. ;_;


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
I opened that spoiler

Thankfully I looked away fast enough.

I swear spoiler tags make finding spoilers even more enticing. Why am I so tempted to open ALL OF THEM. ;_;

'Oh look a Spoiler'



Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
While the Pokemon was likely on their minds, I doubt that they put in a visual cue like that since it can easily be interpreted as a regular formation of machinery. Additionally, it should be noted that GF doesn't operate by Generations as it's a fan-defined term, so I doubt they're intentionally referring to XY's generational number when they don't use that classification for the games.
At the same time, shinys weren't called shinys, but now GF calls them that. They do take heed of fan names and use them, but don't show it often So it really isn't out of the possibility. Plus they like having the openings allude to things, such as the zygarde core one. Either way, intended or not, I still am predicting it's gen 6.5.
Movie poster.
Intriguing... The core of magianna is glowing, I wonder if it's connected to volcaion, or if it has a primal/mega. I wonder who owns the shiny mega gardevor, and why it, alakazam and gengar's mega play a role Maybe that's what the gengar in the chocolate candys japan is doing, is for...


Feb 19, 2015
Switch FC
SW 4794 7152 2904
I just realized.

Even if Smash speculation is dead, E3 is in four months, and the NX will almost assuredly be there.

There's nothing really stopping us from futilely trying to guess what the launch titles for NX are roughly going to be and carrying the person who made the closest guess around on our shoulders like a sports champion once we get the results.

Here's my piece.

Zelda 2016 is going to be ported like Twilight Princess. Splatoon and Smash WOULD be the best possible system sellers, but they both cut it far too close. However Nintendo -may- announce the very start of their development cycles before the NX releases just to get the ball rolling and have more people lining up to preorder the NX, even if the games won't be ready for a good long time. Mario 2D nostalgia fodder is a safe bet, although Nintendo may avoid trying a casual game like Nintendoland or a good but risky game like W101 until they get their foot in the door this time. As for what IP -might- carry the NX in it's early days, I personally just think we have to look at what normally pops up at the very end of a console life span and consider the fact that the console life cycle is going to be skewed.


I mean, think about it. It's one of Nintendo's hottest sellers, and the time frame fits like a glove for how mainline Kirby titles work. It's no guarantee, but it would do the job while still sticking to the patterns set to an extent.

Speaking strictly wishlist, though, I'd love a Kid Icarus NX, but we all know Nintendo only wants to work on it's A-listers on console so I'm just going to sit here and hope longing hard enough will make it happen.


Pokemon Illusionist
Jan 6, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
So I needed to look up something for Paper Jam and this is what google suggests:
Screenshot (4).png

Google... Why?

Needless to say, I have several questions....
Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
I just realized.

Even if Smash speculation is dead, E3 is in four months, and the NX will almost assuredly be there.

There's nothing really stopping us from futilely trying to guess what the launch titles for NX are roughly going to be and carrying the person who made the closest guess around on our shoulders like a sports champion once we get the results.

Here's my piece.

Zelda 2016 is going to be ported like Twilight Princess. Splatoon and Smash WOULD be the best possible system sellers, but they both cut it far too close. However Nintendo -may- announce the very start of their development cycles before the NX releases just to get the ball rolling and have more people lining up to preorder the NX, even if the games won't be ready for a good long time. Mario 2D nostalgia fodder is a safe bet, although Nintendo may avoid trying a casual game like Nintendoland or a good but risky game like W101 until they get their foot in the door this time. As for what IP -might- carry the NX in it's early days, I personally just think we have to look at what normally pops up at the very end of a console life span and consider the fact that the console life cycle is going to be skewed.


I mean, think about it. It's one of Nintendo's hottest sellers, and the time frame fits like a glove for how mainline Kirby titles work. It's no guarantee, but it would do the job while still sticking to the patterns set to an extent.

Speaking strictly wishlist, though, I'd love a Kid Icarus NX, but we all know Nintendo only wants to work on it's A-listers on console so I'm just going to sit here and hope longing hard enough will make it happen.
There is something about the idea of a pink orb leading the charge of a console that pretty much needs a strong start is just funny to me.

I suppose it's a feasible possibility. Kirby has been a little quiet for a while and most of the other IPs are active at the moment. (LoZ U, Star Fox, Smash just finished, etc)
I'd love a Kid Icarus NX,
That and Metroid NX would be a dream line up

Like I said. Dream. As in not real :urg:
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