You see it feels like whenever someone even makes some sort of remote criticism towards
, people label them as "Salty" or "Ungrateful", like when I made criticisms towards
(Which were actually productive and made sense) it was immediately labeled as a "Wah Corrin" post by Golden, which I didn't appreciate as I wasn't complaining about him at all, but rather I didn't know how to make sense of his inclusion, you see it's not just in terms of the DLC, it's the entire roster, an example is
, whenever he's criticized by someone, people will immediately dogpile onto that post and once again, the "Salty/Ungrateful" thing that I was talking about earlier starts up again, why not instead of labeling people for what they aren't read their posts for what they are and judge them by that? Because maybe they'll actually have some convincing points instead of being "Salty" or "Ungrateful"