Either Pit's gonna run for the hills every time she walks up after whatever initial curbstomp goes down, or a third party is going to step in and try to break it up.
Whether or not said intervention is successful depends largely on aspects of Bayonetta's character that I, not having played her games, am not aware of yet. Pit's not going to want to pick a fight because he follows the First Law of Robotics harder than the actual robots and Bayonetta isn't interested in killing off humanity or some similarly triggering garbage like that. Unless she tries to go out of her way to track down and kill Palutena, the only thing Pit is going to want to do around Bayo is GET THE HECK AWAY. The two have noticeably clashing personalities and associations, but depending on what I find Bayo's personality to be after research, there may still be potential for them to call truce and awkwardly try to get along.
Darky's a whole other can of worms, but whatever happens, he's not going to back down like vanilla Pit.