I honestly wonder how Zip Lash became a thing.
Cheebo's being unnoticed and unloved, the fans he DOES have are clammoring for a successor to Chibi-Robo GCN
And they decide to make a Platformer that literally could've belonged to anyone with a Whip-like Object (Yoshi, Kirby [too an extent], Samus, among others] and make Chibi-Robo the cooked goose
And then they decide "If game doesn't sell well, we're ditching Cheebs"
I mean
The thought process is "Platformer = Good Game = People Buy It"
But that doesn't help when the only real marketing done for Zip Lash was just Nintendo ****posting pictures of his amiibo on Twitter, and the fact that it's literally nothing like Chibi-Robos past games at all (The trash is just sorta there because why not and the food is a generic sidequest item with silly advertising which probably cost more money to get in the game than making the game itself) making fans of Chibi-Robo buy it only for the sole fact that they want to keep the series alive
But due to 2 + 2 they pulled a Big Red Button and now Cheebo is probably gone forever unless some other developer picks him up.
But Cheebo ain't Mega Man, so that probably won't ever happen.