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Survivor: Gabon - featuring Melee champion Ken

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St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
XD well, he's always cocky, he just doens't let it mess with his judgement XD.

But yeah, people would lose their auction money to him, via MMs XD


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
*unsticks thread*

The season is over. Feel free to keep discussing it. Also, be sure to visit the thread for asking Ken questions in the upcoming interview!


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
I think Matty nailed it in the head when he voted out Ken.
"Your game is no longer effective. Your time in Gabon is over."


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
The forum randomly did that thing where all threads are marked as read again. I'm too lazy to find my last post in this thread and backtrack, so if anyone has something I should reply to, link me.

Final vote, random merges, double elimination, the maze, etcetc.
I especially disliked the random "merges" (they weren't really merges, just reassignments of tribes). I mean, what was up with the one right before the merge?

It was like Jeff was watching the footage they got (he no doubt does it) and thought the Onion Alliance had too much power so he created the reassignment to mess it up. I mean, they were 1 episode away from a merge. Why reassign tribes now just to "shake things up"?

Yeah, that one re-assignment definitely changed the game in very "non-Competitive and random" ways. The first two were understandable and warranted. The last one? not so much.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
How would they have time to look at all the footage when they're out there and it hasn't been edited or anything?
It's impossible to watch everything since it is so much, and it's impossible to just look at the significant parts since it hasn't been edited :\
I think there are people who get paid to view most of the footage taken and then they present it to Jeff, who then views the most important parts.

There was that one episode where Jeff dwelled on Sugar probably having the immunity idol. It sounded like he knew she had it and was telling everyone else on her tribe that she did.

this literally made me lmfao :laugh:. wow you sure are cool and rebellious, coming here with "some objectivity and outside perspective" LOL
i guess this explains why you're defending mar****... you can relate to his high and mighty attitude :bee:
I'm not defending Marcus. I'm questioning your overly harsh judgment. Notice how I didn't defend what he said to Susie at all. Not a single word was written to defend what he said.

I simply criticized your way of blowing everything he said out of proportion. I don't know what he's said at Ponderosa, but what he said at Final Tribal was in no way as harsh as you seem to think it is.

yeah to be fair all the merges/tribe switches are most likely planned out in advance before shooting even starts for logistical reasons.
Good point. Then that last merge wasn't so random. Maybe they planned it so that if one tribe just kept going to tribal and lose 1 member each week (which was true for Fang in the beginning), they'd eventually have too few members to perform challenges, thus, there'd be switch-arounds held at the times where one tribe might have too few members left to compete.

That last one was still random, I think. I mean, the merge was the very next episode. Why have a switch-around right before the merge if not for the express reason to stir things up and throw things out of balance (and insert randomness - i.e. ,items)?


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
I think there are people who get paid to view most of the footage taken and then they present it to Jeff, who then views the most important parts.
The people who edit it aren't even in Gabon
There was that one episode where Jeff dwelled on Sugar probably having the immunity idol. It sounded like he knew she had it and was telling everyone else on her tribe that she did.
It's not like he doesn't know what's going on just because he doesn't watch the footage

Marcus words where self-righteous holier then thou BS. It has nothing to do with ponderosa, but I suggest you listen to it again
"im a doctor so im alowed to played this game but you're a teacher and a mom, so you're not! also im a physician, i will mention this regardless of how irrelevant this is to this occassion. and sugar you should be more like me, and now i will mention someone close to me dying despite how irrelevant it is because im so important. and when you give me an honest answer instead of licking my *** I will shrug you off in an arrogant fashion, despite having you unneccessarily bring up your fathers death so you cried! whatever, its not like i care about your feelings or what you said. it didn't matter anyway, ill vote for bob regardless because im to bitter to vote for anyone who didnt worship the ground i walked on, i just said all that to seem important and get some extra air-time"
Blargh mar**** makes me puke

regardless, no matter how random you think the last tribe-switch is it's still not a legit john for onions failing. they had the majority in both tribes, lol

edit: i just saw some people a few pages back saying corrine is awesome for "owning" sugar... :\ are you people ****ing ********? go die in train accidents please

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
A lot of personality stuff is revealed in the ponderosa vids, I'd suggest watching them if you want to make informed opinions on who's a giant scrub and who's not.
Marcus and Corinne should have scrubby ******* babies together.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
The people who edit it aren't even in Gabon
I'm sorry, I mentioned the people who edit the show when? I said that I think there are (I should've added "might be" as well since it's just a random theory and I don't actually think it's true, but it's quite possible) people paid just to review the footage superficially and give Jeff the scoop.

It's not like he doesn't know what's going on just because he doesn't watch the footage
How else would he know Sugar had the idol? Either he watched the footage, or the camera man/men who shot the footage told him. Either way, he has be watching the show/getting info from the inside.

Marcus words where self-righteous holier then thou BS. It has nothing to do with ponderosa, but I suggest you listen to it again
So I went and did.

"im a doctor so im alowed to played this game but you're a teacher and a mom, so you're not! also im a physician, i will mention this regardless of how irrelevant this is to this occassion.
I'm sure the "physician"-part had more to it, but it was cut either for BS or for time. It makes no sense to go from "I see people who suffer health problems they might not have if they've made other choices" directly to "Susie, the way you played the game..." and then no one reacted from the randomness of it.

I'm sure he added stuff about how some of the players might not have suffered certain health problems had they made other choices.

Also, did you happen to notice how I didn't touch this part at all when "defending" Marcus?

and sugar you should be more like me, and now i will mention someone close to me dying despite how irrelevant it is because im so important. and when you give me an honest answer instead of licking my *** I will shrug you off in an arrogant fashion, despite having you unneccessarily bring up your fathers death so you cried!
He asked what I felt was a legit question. Was he going to vote for Bob no matter what? Probably, he still asked what was, IMO, a legit question.

There was nothing wrong with that question.

Meanwhile, Ken, yet again, dwelled on the Immunity Scandal. Having already tried it at his own losing tribal, he yet again brought it up for the sole purpose of making Bob look bad (despite him doing nothing wrong in going back on his word considering what Ken was planning for him) and then going "That was not the answer I was looking for!".

Heck, if we're gonna argue bringing in random, irrelevant and self-righteous things, the same can be said about Ken if you're gonna claim Marcus throwing in that question to Sugar about dead relatives (or dead close ones) in common.

Ken randomly threw in "Oh, Sugar. I might've been scarred for life and my dating life might suffered because you betrayed me and you were the first girl I've ever trusted fully" (take that, Crystal and all of Ken's ex-girlfriends!). I mean, what was up with what? How was that relevant? Why did he have to say it then?

I mean, if we're gonna use your logic.

regardless, no matter how random you think the last tribe-switch is it's still not a legit john for onions failing. they had the majority in both tribes, lol
They fell because Susie turned on them in Kota. Then, when the merge came the week after, the Onion Alliance was behind in votes because Marcus was gone and Susie was now with Ken and Crystal. Had the switch not occured, Susie would've had no way to turn on Marcus and vote him out.

Then when the merge occured, even if Susie turned, the tally would've at least been 50-50, if Sugar voted with Ken's group. And with Susie risking it if she turned and her side lost in the tie-breaker challenge, she'd eventually be voted off by the Onion Alliance, so she'd have no reason to turn.

Why leave a 6-man alliance for a 4-man alliance that has to count on one free agent + winning the tie-breaker to win? That'd be too great a risk for Susie, so she probably wouldn't have turned.

Seriously, did you even do the math?

Onion Alliance at time of final tribe-switching before the merge:
Marcus, Charlie, Corinne
Outskirts of the onion alliance, but loyal:
Randy, Bob
Almost free agent:

That's 6 votes.

Ken's Merry Band of Men and Women:
Crystal, Ken, Matty

That's 3 votes.

Free Agent:

Not to mention this:
If the merge had not occured in the same episode as the last switch-around but instead the following episode (with no switch-around) and Matty had won immunity for his old tribe, Kota would've voted out Susie (I think). So she wouldn't even be able to turn.

So to sum things up:
The odds were obviously in favor of the Onion Alliance. Ken's side was looking very bleak with the oncoming merge. The merge definitely changed the game.

A lot of personality stuff is revealed in the ponderosa vids, I'd suggest watching them if you want to make informed opinions on who's a giant scrub and who's not.
Marcus and Corinne should have scrubby ******* babies together.
I'm not arguing the players' real personalities. I'm simply arguing what went on in the episodes, like whether or not this or that action someone did was Scrubby or not, not if they are Scrubs in general.


Smash Lord
May 17, 2006
SF Bay Area
Mew2king wouldn't have made so many mistakes like Ken. He's a robot.
Unless he does make mistakes. Then he'll talk about how his controller wasn't broken in or how he wasn't used to the venue/location or how he didn't practice enough or johnjohnjohn.

If Azen played, he would just Fsmash over and over again. It's gotta work sometime, right?

If Wife were on Survivor, everyone would think he's the gay person of the season.


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
@ Yuna, im to lazy to quote everything:
Someone obviously told him, there's no way someone picked out special footage for probst' tv night in the middle of the jungle.

The "I see people who suffer health problems they might not have if they've made other choices" was completely irrelevant to the speech. he had no reason saying any of that

what's funny is that you're defending mar**** now lol

The self-righteous part was him unneccesserily mentioning his fathers death and himself. If he didn't want to put any attention to himself or create drama he would've simply asked "what are you going to do with the money if you win it?"

Why do you start talking about Ken? I never compared Marcus to Ken or defended Ken's speach. There you go again, assuming everyone is raging ken fanboy who thinks everything he does is great. Good job on that objective outside perspective thar :bee: You certainly aren't generalizing, you're just going by what I said in the specific post that you quoted! right?
idk how you're gonna weasel your way out of this one, i guess you could:
1. leave the thread
2. ignore this part of the post
3. apologize for being stupid
either way you're going to look stupid

On the onion alliance: Then the onion should've voted off Susie early since they knew she had a tendency to flip instead of increasing her chances of flipping through voting for her.
Or Marcus could've simply done a better job convincing Susie. And the remaining onions should've worked harder on Sugar after the merge.
They where in an obvious advantage despite all of these twists, and lost because they messed up. no johns.


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
You call Marcus an *** yet you remain completely silent on what Ken did at Final Tribal. Not a single word of criticism... at all, despite them doing similar things. You go on and on about how self-righteous and bitter Marcus is for doing things that Ken also did, all the while insisting that they are not at all the same things.

On the onion alliance: Then the onion should've voted off Susie early since they knew she had a tendency to flip instead of increasing her chances of flipping through voting for her.
Or Marcus could've simply done a better job convincing Susie. And the remaining onions should've worked harder on Sugar after the merge.
They where in an obvious advantage despite all of these twists, and lost because they messed up. no johns.
Susie didn't have a tendency to flip, unless I missed something (she was pretty anonymous there for a while). Besides, they had other fish to fry back then and had no way of knowing there'd be a final tribe switch before the merge.

Also, none of that invalidates any of the things I've said. Whether you like it or not, the Onion Alliance had the odds on their side. Had the random tribe-switching not occurred, the Final 3 would've been all Onion Alliance members. But the switching screwed that up.

Sugar played a random game for a while there. Hot off of Ken lying to her face about Ace and getting her to blindside him off the game (and Matty telling her she'd been lied to), she still sided with Ken's alliance and voted Charlie off based on nothing but Ken's word that Charlie was the brains behind the operations of the Onion Alliance despite there being no possible way for Ken to know that since they'd only been tribesmembers for, what, 2 days, max?

Crystal, Matty and Sugar just unquestioningly followed Ken and assumed he wasn't lying for a while. What could the Onion Alliance have done better to convince Sugar, who was playing quite a random game at the time? Trusting Ken, yet again, after he'd his lied to her and have her betray her best ally.

This is not a case of "No Johns". This is more of a case of being set to win and then a Bob-omb randomly spawning over your head.

Had there been no final tribes-switch, once the merge came, the odds would've been with the Onion Alliance. Either they would've been in the majority or they would've 50-50:ed Ken's Merry Band of Men and Women, so the vote would've at least have been decided by a tie-breaker, with Ken's alliance having to also snare Susie and Sugar at the same time.

The switch changed this, giving Susie the time to turn, thus offing Marcus and setting off the numbers, forcing the Onions to scramble for Sugar's vote.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
yuna, do you even have the capacity to post in this forum with out looking like a completely arrogant, constantly PMSing prick?


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
Why do you start talking about Ken? I never compared Marcus to Ken or defended Ken's speach. There you go again, assuming everyone is raging ken fanboy who thinks everything he does is great. Good job on that objective outside perspective thar :bee: You certainly aren't generalizing, you're just going by what I said in the specific post that you quoted! right?
idk how you're gonna weasel your way out of this one, i guess you could:
1. leave the thread
2. ignore this part of the post
3. apologize for being stupid
either way you're going to look stupid.
Either you spent a very long time responding to that so you didn't see my edits or you chose number 2

And once again I never even mentioned Ken in this discussion. So how the hell am I "insisting that they are not at all the same things" :/ I want you to explain this
why shouldn't i be alowed to bash marcus without bashing ken also? ill talk about whoever i want, **** you, lol. why don't you ramble about how i didn't pick on the rest of the jury aswell?
UNLESS.... off course, you're mentioning Ken just to make it clear to everyone that you're NOT a Ken fanboy, and how cool you are coming with some objectivity and outside perspective. wow, you're really cool, yuna! now that you've looked cool you can leave and let the people who actually have something to say talk

Susie had a tendency to flip, Crystal had a short alliance with her in the beginning that she flipped on when she allianed with dan/matty/randy. When they where going to vote people off, randy tried to convince Kota to vote her off instead off Dan because she will flip in a second.
this is from extra scenes on cbs and interviews, look them up yourself

What could've the onions done to convince her to vote with them? hmm, as a start, corrine and randy could've been nicer to her.... the entire reason she voted charlie was b/c he "chose the wrong allies" (she said this when she voted them off)
if randy/corrine would've been smarter they would've been nice to her earlier in the game so they could use her vote later in the game. To bad they where stupid, and lost because of it

you could say that if everything would've gone as they wanted these things wouldn't affect them that much. but you cant just expect things to go your way, and if you have the advantage you should minimize risk and not give the opponent(s) any chances to make a comeback. anyone who plays competetive games know this is a very important factor. the onions messed up on this part and lost b/c of it

Sure I think the onions would've eliminated fang if it wasnt for that tribe-switch.... but they could've still won if they made smarter moves, so it IS a case of no johns.
but on the other hand you made a post earlier in this about how you have a ****ed up view on what no johns/yunas means... so... :/


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
You're not even making a point, stop trying to stick out with your im not biased BS.
I mean, why did you even mention Ken? My post wasn't about Ken and had nothing to do with him. I never compared Ken and Marcus. Maybe I even thought that Ken was being a scrub, but chose not to mention it in that post, which would make lots of sense since the post I made WASN'T ABOUT KEN. I don't think that Ken is a scrub, but that's beyond the point.
Why would you respond to my post talking about ken unless you wanted to point out how non-biased you are compared to everyone else? :|
You're ****ing ridicoulus. Stop quoting me.
Im not going to argue with you anymore. It's not like you're going to stop denying it and you don't even have a serious opinion to begin with.
EDIT: I just realized you're a troll, rofl. I feel stupid now :laugh:
this literally made me lmfao :laugh:. wow you sure are cool and rebellious, coming here with "some objectivity and outside perspective" LOL
i guess this explains why you're defending mar****... you can relate to his high and mighty attitude :bee:
Also yuna, i think you really need to respond to this: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=6112372&postcount=8185
Why do you start talking about Ken? I never compared Marcus to Ken or defended Ken's speach. There you go again, assuming everyone is raging ken fanboy who thinks everything he does is great. Good job on that objective outside perspective thar :bee: You certainly aren't generalizing, you're just going by what I said in the specific post that you quoted! right?
idk how you're gonna weasel your way out of this one, i guess you could:
1. leave the thread
2. ignore this part of the post
3. apologize for being stupid
either way you're going to look stupid
Either you spent a very long time responding to that so you didn't see my edits or you chose number 2

And once again I never even mentioned Ken in this discussion. So how the hell am I "insisting that they are not at all the same things" :/ I want you to explain this
why shouldn't i be alowed to bash marcus without bashing ken also? ill talk about whoever i want, **** you, lol. why don't you ramble about how i didn't pick on the rest of the jury aswell?/
I sure hope you guys have some sort of history....


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
And once again I never even mentioned Ken in this discussion. So how the hell am I "insisting that they are not at all the same things" :/ I want you to explain this
Exhibit #A
"??Nothing I said about Marcus can be said about Ken. If Ken was acting like that in TC I'd hate him for sure. But he didn't.

No, it can't.
The Bob thing is completely different because all Ken wanted was for Bob to admit that he wasn't a man of his word. He didn't criticize his strategies or call his strategies dishonorable.

You're not even making a point, stop trying to stick out with your im not biased BS.
I mean, why did you even mention Ken? My post wasn't about Ken and had nothing to do with him. I never compared Ken and Marcus. Maybe I even thought that Ken was being a scrub, but chose not to mention it in that post, which would make lots of sense since the post I made WASN'T ABOUT KEN. I don't think that Ken is a scrub, but that's beyond the point.
Why would you respond to my post talking about ken unless you wanted to point out how non-biased you are compared to everyone else? :|
You're ****ing ridicoulus. Stop quoting me."

I brought up Ken, but you ran with it, making "And once again I never even mentioned Ken in this discussion" a complete lie.

I brought Ken up because the things you say was so bad about Marcus (at the part about what he said to Sugar) applies to what Ken did at Final Tribal as well, yet not a peep about that, yet you spewed tons of hate at Marcus. I did not defend his words against Susie, but I questioned why you gave him so much grief for what he said to Sugar.

You elaborated. Turns out, your arguments against him still applied to what Ken said to Bob (and Sugar). And then you claimed to have never mentioned Ken in this discussion, ever (a total lie). It would've been the truth to claim you weren't the one to bring him up, but you have mentioned him, in response to me.

why shouldn't i be alowed to bash marcus without bashing ken also? ill talk about whoever i want, **** you, lol. why don't you ramble about how i didn't pick on the rest of the jury aswell?
You picked on the jury plenty. You went on and on about Corinne being a *****, yet not a word about Crystal (unless I missed it). Corinne was a huge *****, but Crystal really went for it, too. You just ragged on the Onion Alliance (and they deserved it for the most part), yet you said nothing about Ken or Crystal (even though by the same standards, they also deserved it).

Why? It implies you saw nothing wrong with that whey said and did, yet what others said and did, despite being very similar, was wrong, wrong, wrong.

UNLESS.... off course, you're mentioning Ken just to make it clear to everyone that you're NOT a Ken fanboy, and how cool you are coming with some objectivity and outside perspective. wow, you're really cool, yuna! now that you've looked cool you can leave and let the people who actually have something to say talk
I just want to discuss the show. And when I find people posting things I find questionable or objectionable, I reply.

Susie had a tendency to flip. Crystal had a short alliance with her in the beginning that she flipped on when she allianed with dan/matty/randy. When they where going to vote people off, randy tried to convince Kota to vote her off instead off Dan because she will flip in a second.
this is from extra scenes on cbs and interviews, look them up yourself
God**** extras.

What could've the onions done to convince her to vote with them? hmm, as a start, corrine and randy could've been nicer to her.... the entire reason she voted charlie was b/c he "chose the wrong allies" (she said this when she voted them off)
if randy/corrine would've been smarter they would've been nice to her earlier in the game so they could use her vote later in the game. To bad they where stupid, and lost because of it
Or maybe they'd planned on voting her out eventually. Corinne didn't really have that much interaction with Sugar when they were on the same tribe the first time. Randy was just always an ***, so you've got a point there.

Still, it's not like they were psychic. You cannot blame them for not being nicer to Sugar of all people earlier on. She was pegged as a weakling who would go pretty fast.

you could say that if everything would've gone as they wanted these things wouldn't affect them that much. but you cant just expect things to go your way, and if you have the advantage you should minimize risk and not give the opponent(s) any chances to make a comeback. anyone who plays competetive games know this is a very important factor. the onions messed up on this part and lost b/c of it
No, I could say that had the last switch-around not occured, they would've won. It's not about things "going as they would've wanted". I'm specifically arguing that the last switch-around threw off the balance of the game.

There's no chance in heck Ken's alliance would've made it had the switch-around not occured. The odds were stacked steeply against him. It changed everything. You cannot possibly, with a straight face, argue that this isn't true.

Sure I think the onions would've eliminated fang if it wasnt for that tribe-switch.... but they could've still won if they made smarter moves, so it IS a case of no johns.
I make no Johns for what they did after the switch. I merely argued that the switch changed the balance of the game. They voted Susie out before Dan because he was a physical threat and she wasn't. They were gonna vote her out next or at least soon (if there was a merge).

But then the switch happened. They didn't bring Susie with them because they trusted her. They couldn't know that Sugar would become important later on and by that time, Randy had already alienated her. Corinne had barely had any interaction with her at that point because they were only on the same tribe for the beginning of the season.

Could they have done a better job? Most certainly. But it was the switch-around taht changed everything. Without it, they would've won hands down, that is all I'm arguing. I never started out making Johns for the Onion Alliance.

I just argued that the last switch seemed very random and out-of-place and that it was the equivalent of a Bob-omb spawning and throwing off people's balance.

but on the other hand you made a post earlier in this about how you have a ****ed up view on what no johns/yunas means... so... :/
It's apparent that you do not read. I told you what my "Johns" are like. They aren't Johns. It's just me occasionally saying "****, I played badly that set". The Swedish community misconstrued this as Johns, despite me never blaming things like outside influence and thus started using "No Yunas" when I don't actually John.

I don't have a ****ed up view of what Johns are. People just misinterpreted me expressing disappointment in my performance as Johns. I don't actually John, people think I do. That's what my post said.

If you'd bothered to actually read my posts, you'd know that. Then again, what do I know. Maybe the Swedish educational system isn't as good at teaching its students in the English language as I thought.

I sure hope you guys have some sort of history....
It's just him having a history of not actually reading my posts, yet replying to them.

AFAIK, I have never met the guy, nor have I ever interacted with him 'til a week ago.


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2007
North Carolina
It's just him having a history of not actually reading my posts, yet replying to them.

AFAIK, I have never met the guy, nor have I ever interacted with him 'til a week ago.
Weerd. Because you indeed were the first between you two to compare Ken to Marcus at the Final TC, but this other guy is still going and going and going despite already having dismissed you as a "troll" : /

BTW, I do agree that if it wasn't for the last tribe switch before the merge, the Onion Alliance would've gone a lot farther.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
First of all,
"EXHIBIT #A" makes no sense. "A" is not a #.

No ****ing johns. Sure the 2nd tribe switch that left Marcus, Bob, Susie, Ken and Crystal a tribe made a difference in the game.... AS DID EVERY SINGLE OTHER THING THAT HAPPENED IN THIS SEASON. Things would have turned out differently if: the merge actually happened that soon, GC really got ate by a hippo, fang won more challenges, ken + crystal split up, randy was a nicer person, etc etc etc etc etc


Sep 1, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
First of all,
"EXHIBIT #A" makes no sense. "A" is not a #.
Oh how terrible of me! I accdientaly threw it in there and then wrote A instead of 1! Totally warrants your post!

No ****ing johns. Sure the 2nd tribe switch that left Marcus, Bob, Susie, Ken and Crystal a tribe made a difference in the game.... AS DID EVERY SINGLE OTHER THING THAT HAPPENED IN THIS SEASON. Things would have turned out differently if: the merge actually happened that soon, GC really got ate by a hippo, fang won more challenges, ken + crystal split up, randy was a nicer person, etc etc etc etc etc
I was pointing out how totally needless it was. They were just days from a merge, why merge now of all times? That random merge then went on to have a tremendous impact on the game.

It was also something the players had no control over and it was completely random (you didn't get to choose your new allies). So it was a seemingly needless, random thing that totally screwed up the game.


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
Weerd. Because you indeed were the first between you two to compare Ken to Marcus at the Final TC, but this other guy is still going and going and going despite already having dismissed you as a "troll" : /

BTW, I do agree that if it wasn't for the last tribe switch before the merge, the Onion Alliance would've gone a lot farther.
yhea and since i noticed he was an idiot who would just keep on arguing for the sake of arguing, i decided to abuse that to have a little fun through pissing him off and defending himself through writing essay-length replys. which he did. :laugh:. and i barely even read them, rofl. i havent even started reading his 2 recent posts, and i dont plan to
obviously, almost everything i've said lately has to been to piss him off a little extra ;) like everything you just quoted (every opinion i've expressed about the show is 100% my opinion tho)

sorry yuna, but it was fun for me


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
It was also something the players had no control over and it was completely random (you didn't get to choose your new allies). So it was a seemingly needless, random thing that totally screwed up the game.
Yes, it was indeed random/unpredictable, but it is nothing like a bob-omb spawning during your Falcon knee. Marcus' "integrity" held him back. If he was sooo worried about Suzie jumping, why didn't he join Ken's alliance and take out Bob? Many players this season made the mistake of "going down with the ship". They refused to find new alliances when they discovered their own alliances were dying.

Marcus was so bent on being honest and "fair" that he was taken out by someone able to make good decisions at the right time.
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