I set the precedent with Vice where if a player forfeits both games 2 weeks in a row he gets kicked, and the replacement gets to play the 2 most recent games that were forfeited, but not the previous 2. Reasons:
-The players from the (in this case) week 3 games were already awarded wins, so it would be taking them away
-Seeding would be more ****ed since you will perform much better than Mahie was originally expected to at seeding (with his delay, of course)
HOWEVER, I'm okay with it if no one has any complaints. I'll let it marinate for the night and if there are no major complaints I'll allow sheer to play mahie's week 3 games and komo to play vice's week 2 games. I believe that's it in terms of players quadruple forfeiting their way out of the league.
IF I DECIDE TOMORROW THAT YOU CAN PLAY THE GAMES, THEY WILL BE DO BY THE END OF WEEK 5! YOU MAY WANT TO PLAN AHEAD (aka just send them a message and set up a time in case it's allowed.