CONGRATULATIONS Killer on winning the second season of the SSBL, and doing so in dominating fashion!
Congratulations to LD as well on second place, defeating A$ not once, not twice, but three times this season! Not many players out there could pull that off.
Special thanks to Fireblaster, Greginator, Killer and Battlecow for not forfeiting a single game and staying in to the very end. That's not easy to do over a 2 month period, and I appreciate the effort.
Big thanks to Fays as well for sticking with it even though the delay was extremely frustrating for him to the point where he wanted to drop out.
Thanks to all who participated for playing nearly 82% of all games. I know sometimes peoples busy schedules get in the way of these games happening, but I think overall we did a very good job of getting games played. Not to mention not a single forfeit in the playoffs. Bravo, guys! I hope everyone who participated had a lot of fun. Maybe I can host a smaller version of this league in the fall or winter if there is enough interest (like 8 players maybe).
Future notes/questions for the league:
-How to deal with dropouts? Honestly I can't think of a good way, if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears. Shoot me a PM or post here with any thoughts.
-I've been thinking it might be better to give people 7 weeks to play 14 games, rather than 1 week to play 2 games 7 times. It would give players more flexibility. My only worry is that people would not play their games until the very end and we'd get lots of forfeits. Or the more judicious players would play all of there games in the first 2-3 weeks and then would sit idle for 4 weeks waiting for the slowpokes. I like the idea of everyone staying around the same page in terms of number of games played as well. However, getting games played and not forfeited is the number one priority. Any thoughts on this are appreciated.
-To anyone hosting any online events, my experience from both seasons of the SSBL are that hard deadlines are the way to go. If you give people hard deadlines, they will probably play their games on time. And if they don't, well they shouldn't be participating in online events and you can remember that for the future.
-How was the league length? Too long? Too short (lol)? I also got a few complaints about set length in the regular season being too short, but I did that because I think people are more likely to play bo3 than bo5 and I wanted to limit forfeits. Plus we were going bo3 in our tournies now mostly so I figured it'd be okay.
-Any other feedback on anything league related is welcomed.
Again, thanks to everyone for playing, and hopefully SSBL 3 will come sooner rather than later!