I guess my point more or less is recovery still looks pretty safe. Off stage kills in this E3/ComicCon build look very dependent on the conditions being perfect.
Some characters are still going to be able to contest off-stage pretty well.
Not sure about everyone, but I had a good time with the Villager. She is an excellent jumper. Not only that, but if you soft-fire a Lloid Rocket you can follow it immediately. Even from my short time with the character, if people airdodge the Lloid (which is already tricky with how slow it moves), you can literally pop them with the slingshot before they can airdodge or respond again.
Though I think this character, between the Lloid Rocket, slingshot, and even Timber, is probably meant to be good at fighting off stage by design. Hope off-stage dynamic can be a thing for more of the roster for the final product.