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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/WiiU - Stage Contest - Round 14 - Kid Icarus


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Grades are in!
[collapse=BridgesWithTurtles' Grades]Flab Zone by Dairz
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 7/10
Total: 22/30
Flab Zone is a pretty zany stage. I imagine it being a great stage for parties and goofing off, considering it has no borders and everyone is constantly bouncing all over the place. Certainly an interesting choice. Maybe when playing as Bowser on this stage, the players will fight inside of Alfonzo?

Treacherous Mansion by Toxicroaker
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 25/30
The stage doesn't do anything particular new or interesting. The various platforms being destructible keeps the stage safe from being a Battlefield clone, but even as such, I can't imagine that would change up the gameplay too much. Still, I like how you presented us with a map to show where platforms would be able to spawn. Well-thought out effort on your part.

World 5 by iosh bones
Creativity: 2/10
Playability: 2/10
Total: 10/30
I'm all for new ice-themed stages outside of the Ice Climber realm, but there's a disappointing lack of detail here. The stage has three phases but only a short, 1-2 sentence description of each. The picture provided doesn't give enough of a clear image on its own. Stage layout is not given whatsoever, and hazards mentioned are not given any sort of conceptualized behavior or strength.

Sarasaland by PixelPasta
Creativity: 4/10
Playability: 6/10
Total: 18/30
I love the idea here, but the execution leaves a little bit to be desired. Aside from encompassing all levels from the game, it's essentially a follow-up to the highly unpopular Mushroomy Kingdom, and the fact that it completely recreates these locations (without really providing enough of an homage beyond that) makes it suffer in the creative department. I would've enjoyed a little more personality. Perhaps an appearance by Tatanga?

Bowser's Castle by evildevil97
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 7/10
Total: 27/30
This turned out a lot differently than I expected. While the basic stage layout is simple, you manage to keep the map interesting thanks to a bevy of hazards and effects that bestow the stage a lot of personality without risking much playability. My favorite component is probably the Koopalings and their petrification attack, adapted from its source material to function as a Deku Nut here. Players familiar with NSMB2 would be able to apply their experience here, hiding behind pillars to avoid being hit. Very nice work at adapting the original material into this stage.

Mario's Toy Factory
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 26/30
I'm surprised at how underrepresented the Mario vs Donkey Kong games have been thus far, and this stage seeks to attend to that conundrum with a very simple yet deep and impressive homage to the first game in the series. The four different "phases" of the stage being player-controlled via buttons is a smart idea, and other MvDK elements, such as Mini-Marios, presents, and even cameos by Nitpickers all come together to make the player feel as if they're really in the source game. This is also one of, if not the only, submissions thus far to make use of ladders, which is pretty neat.

Ladida Plains by ryuu seika
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 6/10
Total: 23/30
Interesting use of ledge mechanics here. In a sort of reversal of Sky World, platforms cannot be grabbed until something is destroyed. The carefree atmosphere of Ladida Plains is intact here, with a good number of stage characteristics that allow players to goof around and avoid fighting, such as the clouds and bushes (though the clouds do have a strategic element in combat). This is actually one of my favorite stages this round in terms of layout and functionality, but I do find the different emotion effects to be too constant, too effective, and thus, too game-changing for my tastes.

Luigi's Dream Zone by Croco
Creativity: 6/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 24/30
I dream of Luigi? I like the layout here. The tilted platforms give the very sense of derangement one would expect of a stage set in Luigi's dream/nightmare. There's not much else to say about the stage. It's pretty basic all-around, and probably could use something a bit more interesting to boost that creativity score.[/collapse]
[collapse=Forcerounds' Grades]
"Flab Zone" by Dairz
Popularity: 7/10
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 7/10
Total: 23/30

When Bowser joins the brawl, Alfonzo is in charge of being the stage! This is the best possible location for a Bowser's Inside Story stage. I also really enjoyed the bouncing mechanic. I do not recall a stage that really used it outside of Pictochat. It's good that it can switch off as well, but walk off edges coupled with bounciness is kind of dangerous. Good work!

"Treacherous Mansion" by Toxicroaker
Popularity: 7/10
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 23/30

I haven't played Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, but I do know that people would probably like a new Luigi's Mansion stage for the 3DS version, so It's a good choice in general. Breakable platforms as a gimmick serves well for playability due to being inoffensive, but are not the best for boosting your creativity score.

"World 5" by Josh bones
Popularity: 5/10
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 4/10
Total: 18/30

Ice levels are known for being tough, but the NSMB ice levels are far from being famous. However, it's a creative stage in that it includes all kinds of phases with a boss battle at the end, which has not been done for any Smash stage before… and for good reason. Platforms that lack friction aren't very fair to play on, and to add enemies to the mix as well would make the stage not very fun to play on. I'd have to say what you have submitted would make for a pretty interesting Adventure mode level.

"Sarasaland" by PixelPasta
Popularity: 9/10
Creativity: 6/10
Playability: 7/10
Total: 22/30

Super Mario Land started the Gameboy off right, so it definitely deserves a stage one of these days in Smash Bros. However, your creativity score could have been higher if you had chosen a gimmick that isn't a complete copy off of Mushroomy Kingdom. As for playability, it's about as playable as Mushroomy Kingdom is, which isn't too bad.

"Bowser's Castle" by evildevil97
Popularity: 10/10
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 7/10
Total: 27/30

Superb location, and really interesting gimmicks. It really has a Bowser's castle feel to it. At least the parts before actual Bowser fight. While immobilization sucks, it seems easy to avoid and worse things could happen.

"Mario's Toy Factory" by Violenceman
Popularity: 7/10
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 24/10

You really understand what it takes to make an "elegant" stage. If Sakurai were to make a Mario vs. Donkey Kong stage, I would want it to be similar to yours because it is very well planned and inoffensive. The main flaw with your submission is that a Mario vs. Donkey Kong level may lack some star-power compared to other locations. Thankfully, Nintendo has kept the series in good health, so the damage is not too bad.

"Vibe Island: Ladida Plains" by ryuu seika
Popularity: 6/10
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 23/30

Super Princess Peach is definitely a unique choice to base your stage on, but it isn't a very popular Mario game in general. Thankfully, you have thought out your stage quite well, and have earned a lot of points in making up new gimmicks that are relatively harmless. The only problem is that the gimmicks don't appear to be representative of the game the stage is from. Not that Sakurai isn't guilty of that though. The Pokemon Stadium stages, especially the one from Melee, aren't very representative of actual Pokemon games, and they play out pretty well.

"Luigi's Dream Zone" by Croco
Popularity: 7/10
Creativity: 6/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 22/30

This stage would be very pretty to look at, and I could see it being used in tournaments. On the other hand, I think you might have played it too safe. Even Smashville has a moving platform, and slowly moving platforms in this dream-like setting would have been the kind of gimmick that would be appropriate for the location and could have increased your creativity score without lowering your playability score. As for popularity, it's about on par with the inside of Bowser.[/collapse]
[collapse=Ascended's Grades]
Dairz/Flab Zone:
Popularity: 8/10
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 27/30
Comments: This round is starting out strong! Bowser's Inside Story seems to be the big favorite among fans of the Mario RPGs, so Reese's for picking a stage based on that game. I like the idea and think it's very playable. A nice all-around stage.

Toxicroaker/Treacherous Mansion:
Popularity: 8/10
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 27/30
Comments: Great idea! Most people would have just put the terrace and said go crazy, but this has a lot of thought put into it. I like the idea of Luigi having a Smash taunt on this stage, so in addition to the cool concept I had to give you max creativity for that. I'd totally play on this stage!

josh bones/World 5:
Popularity: 7/10
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 5/10
Total: 20/30
Comments: I had to be the bad guy here, but this doesn't sound like a very fun or popular stage. It's creative, but I'm not sure it's a very iconic area in the NSMB series. Also, I'm not so hip to the combination of ice physics on a moving stage. Sorry about that.

Popularity: 9/10
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 7/10
Total: 24/30
Comments: I LOVE Super Mario Land, and I think making a scrolling stage of the first level is a cool idea. I like that the enemies are incorporated, but again, I'm not the biggest fan of scrolling stages. Crunch bars for doing a Super Mario Land stage, though!

evildevil97/Bowser's Castle:
Popularity: 10/10
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 27/30
Comments: About time we had a Bowser's Castle stage! I like the idea of it changing, and I think it's cool that several famous elements of the Bowser Castles show up here. I've always liked Reznor, BTW.

Violenceman/Mario's Toy Factory:
Popularity: 9/10
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 8/10
Total: 27/30
Comments: I'm given out a lot of 27s this round, but I like this stage! Cool idea for a location and I like that it has throwback elements to Princess Peach's Castle from Melee (That was my favorite Melee stage, BTW.) I could see myself playing on this stage. Good job!

ryuu seika/Vibe Island: Ladida Plains
Popularity: 8/10
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 9/10
Total: 27/30
Comments: I swear I'm critically thinking about these stages. I blame the four-point scale. Anyway, another out-of-the box location for a stage, but I think the idea is really cool. I've never played Super Princess Peach (I've just seen the commercials) but I would play on this stage. Nice idea!

Croco/Luigi's Dream Zone:
Popularity: 8/10
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 10/10
Total: 26/30
Comments: Another M&L stage! I don't have much to say about this. It sounds like a cool idea and I think the graphics would look really cool to play on. Sounds like a solid stage idea.[/collapse]
[collapse=D-idara's Grades]
Dairz - Flab Zone
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 10/10
Wii Fit Trainer would be disgusted at this stage! Flab Zone's a popular choice from Bowser's Inside Story mainly because Bowser getting stupidly fat and falling through the floor has to be one of the funniest moments on the game, but I feel none of the locations from Bowser's insides are actually as relevant as Bowser's insides as a whole. I like what you did with the hanging platforms and how they break, and I haven't seen this stage gimmick before, but you could've done a bit more with it. I actually think this stage feels 100% playable and the fact that the floor bounces you around pretty much nulifies almost every one of the problems that people have with walk-offs.
Total: 26

Toxicroaker - Treacherous Mansion
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 10/10
Although it IS the final level of the game, Treacherous Mansion often feels forgettable because the aesthetics are basically a mix of all of the other mansions on the game, I finished the game, and looking at most opinions, Haunted Towers seems to be the most popular location from LMDM. I don't feel like the breakable platforms are very new, especially because breakable stage parts have been used on a stage of the exact same franchise, but I kept from giving you a very low creativity score because of the E.Gadd codecs! Now, the stage does seem perfectly playable and very Battlefield-esque.
Total: 26

josh bones - World 5
Creativity: 9/10
Playability: 5/10
The problem with most of the NSMB worlds (Excluding the cloud world from the first one) has to be that they're mostly generic archetypes, and not much is done with them. Now, the changing level layouts and the new boss gimmick definitely feels interesting and creative, but the way you describe it makes the level seem utterly unplayable, like Mushroom Kingdom on Ice with a Boss!? You could've described the level layouts a little or at least used actual layouts from the game with reference.
Total: 20

PixelPasta - Sarasaland
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 7/10
Sarasaland Kingdom! Creativity and Popularity sort of clashed here because while updating the stage aesthetics seems like a nice touch, most people will find the location unmemorable without the original B&W GB graphics, with updated graphics, you could just call it 'Mushroom Kingdom with Pyramids'. Now I really like how you added enemies to the stage, but coming from Super Mario Land, the oddball of Mario games, I feel like there was a lot more potential here than the first level, and the overall stage feels a little too similar to Mushroomy Kingdom. Now, I would've given you higher Playability because I've always thought that Sarasaland's much less claustrophobic than 1-1, but the Bombshell Koopas just scream Mario Bros. all over again.
Total: 24

evildevil97 - Bowser's Castle
Creativity: 8/10
Playability: 7/10
I don't think I need to explain the Popularity score. I really like how you used three Pre-Bowser hazards from the actual games, 2 from NSMB2 and one from SMW, but there's this thing that really bugs me with the Koopalings, the fact that the effect of their light makes you dizzy as opposed to the actual game's petrification state, I actually think it would have boosted Playability because instead of having to wait for the effect to run out, most games let you mash your way out of a Stone state. I don't mind the donut blocks one bit, but the Reznors are a bit too much, especially because of the underside of their platforms being solid.
Total: 25

Violenceman - Mario's Toy Factory
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 8/10
Mario Vs Donkey Kong isn't exactly the most memorable franchise from Nintendo, or Mario for that matter, but it's pretty fun and recently got a release on the Nintendo eShop. Now, you adapted the different construction blocks and hazards on the actual game perfectly to SSB stage elements, and the mountain-like layout offers a nice change of pace from Battlefield-esque stages without being too disruptive, I like all the little trinkets and nostalgic details you added, really makes the stage come to life. Now, although the gifts aren't too bothersome, the trash cans do sound a bit OP, especially on a flat-ish stage like this.
Total: 26

ryuu seika - Ladida Plains
Creativity: 10/10
Playability: 8/10
LADIDA PLAINS, THAT GODDAMN SONG'S BEEN STUCK ON MY HEAD SINCE I PLAYED SPP! I like Super Princess Peach and the emotion-attack mechanics (Although foolish people tend to call that objectification, I call it ****ING AWESOME!) but the game's not that popular, although Ladida Plains has to be the most recognizable location aside from Gleam Glacier. It's lovely how you adapted the different emotional vibes to the stage and made them affect the characters, effectively adding a game-changing stage hazard that doesn't favor any particular character, but I'm not a fan of the falling bridges by any means! Maybe if they had grabbable ledges...Still, I think you managed to capture the essence of the game perfectly!
Total: 26

Croco - Luigi's Dream Zone
Creativity: 7/10
Playability: 10/10
Luigi's Dreams as a whole are the most recognizable location from Dream Team, aside from upper Somnom Woods (BTW...WHERE IS SOMNOM WOODS!?). Although I really like Luigi's own kind of codecs...I still feel like the stage feels just a little too bland considering how much the background changes, I mean, I expected the platforms shifting orientations and position when going from dream to dream, especially on Dream's Deep, I thought they would be slowly tilting from side to side, or maybe rising up and down, something to spice up the stage a little. Of course 10/10 Playability.
Total: 26[/collapse]
Total Scores:
Toxicroaker: 101
josh bones: 68
PixelPasta: 88
evildevil97: 106
Violenceman: 103
ryuu seika: 99
Croco: 98

So our undisputable winner...evildevil97 with Bowser's Castle!
[collapse=Bowser's Castle]Bowser's Castle (New Super Mario Bros. 2)

Based primarily on the castles from the 3DS entry to the New Super Mario Bros. series, this stage appears relatively basic at first glance. It looks like a typical entrance to a NSMB castle stage. (The ingame assets should be closer to the NSMB series than what I am showing.) There are three randomly generated level hazards every now and again.

The most obnoxious random stage hazard of the level arrives in the form of the Koopalings, who show up in the Koopa Klown Kar, and attack similiarly to their final assault in the game. (1:30 of this video) There will be beams in the background that will protect from their attack, which is a beam of light. All characters hit by this attack will suffer an effect similiar to that of the Deku Nut in Brawl. Their presence lasts a little longer than your average Assist Trophy, but all in all, they take their leave pretty quickly.

Next, Kamek might appear, and turn the platforms that cover the lava into Donut Blocks, which will eventually fall, leaving the lava pits open. Eventually, new permanent platforms will rise from the lava to revert the stage back.

The final stage hazard is one that doesn't actually go away when it's complete. Above the middle platform, Reznor might appear. They're easily defeated by hitting them with a strong attack, or by simply bopping the bottom of their platform. The platform will stay for the rest of the fight, though, creating an almost Yoshi's Island-style addition. When this hazard returns later in the match, it's indicated by a roaring sound, and one or two additional Reznor will fall from the sky, either on the top platform, or the two side ones. There will never be more than three Reznor at a time, with the exception of the first time they appear in the fight.

The following is the basic layout. I have excluded the beams that will protect from the Koopalings. And bear in mind, the Reznor platform doesn't materialize until later in the match.

My Music:
Castle (New Super Mario Bros.)
Battle for the Grand Star (Galaxy)
Castle Theme (SMB) -
Maybe a remix in the same vein as the Underwater theme from Brawl?
Bowser's Road (SM64)
Bowser Battle (SMB3
Castle / Boss Fortress (SMW / SMB3) - Brawl

Airship Theme (SMB3) - Brawl[/collapse]We'll give you guys around a day to order each other's assassinations talk about the results before the next round.


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2014
Great job everybody, especially evildevil, you deserve the win. Can't wait for the next round.. lemme guess, Pokemon (Wii U)?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 15, 2014
I hope something more off the beaten path like Fire Emblem or Earthbound.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2012
Congrats, EvilDevil97! It seems right that a Bowser Castle stage be the winning entry.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
Ooohh.. Didn't expect to win, since it wasn't even the Bowser Castle I was originally brainstorming for. (Requires a console-based competition.) I think I overdid the stage hazards a bit too, but I am my own worst critic. Sorry for breaking your streak, violenceman! :)

Now onto the next challenge!


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
I'm happy with my scores. Third place isn't bad for a first try! (it's way better than second to last in my first soundtrack contest entry) I'm surprised that my E. Gadd codec calls saved me from losing some creativity points. In fact, I was thinking of not doing it because it was not creative.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I'm happy with my scores. Third place isn't bad for a first try! (it's way better than second to last in my first soundtrack contest entry) I'm surprised that my E. Gadd codec calls saved me from losing some creativity points. In fact, I was thinking of not doing it because it was not creative.
You know what they say, the more codecs the merrier!


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2013
Angel Grove
I'm happy with my scores. Third place isn't bad for a first try! (it's way better than second to last in my first soundtrack contest entry) I'm surprised that my E. Gadd codec calls saved me from losing some creativity points. In fact, I was thinking of not doing it because it was not creative.
That was your first entry? Maybe the fact that I see you in the soundtrack contest so much made me feel that you've been in this one for longer.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Alright! Here comes the new round! Anyone who does a Pokemon Vietnamese Crystal stage automatically wins (lolno).
~Pokemon (Wii U)~

On this round, you've got to Catch 'Em All! ...well, more like rent them or transfer them, or de-shadow them, because we'll be tackling the home console Pokemon games on this round! Although there might not seem to be tons of games to draw from, remember that the criteria doesn't just allow for battle games like Battle Revolution, there's a good amount of cute little spinoffs on Nintendo's home consoles that feature some of the most amazing locations on the Pokemon series, so get those brains working to be the very best, like no one ever was!

Forgot to mention this, from this round, we'll be judging the Popularity score from 1 to 5, we decided to do this because we thought that the high Popularity score was hindering location creativity and oddball picks, and we believe this'll make the contest a little more balanced and varied, but still, don't go picking things like Windy Hill Zone for a Sonic round! (Looking at you, Sakurai!) This means that a full score will now be 25!
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
Ah, nuts. Can't participate in this one. Never could get into Pokemon.


Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2012
Forgot to mention this, from this round, we'll be judging the Popularity score from 1 to 5, we decided to do this because we thought that the high Popularity score was hindering location creativity and oddball picks, and we believe this'll make the contest a little more balanced and varied, but still, don't go picking things like Windy Hill Zone for a Sonic round. (Looking at you, Sakurai!) This means that a full score will now be 25!
I am so down to clown with this update.
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Well, I do have a personal favorite location for this round, let's see if anyone manages to do it :3


Smash Champion
Mar 19, 2011

Name of Stage
: Pokemon Snap
Game of Origin: Pokemon Snap (N64)
Description: You are to be the latest subjects of Todd Snap's photography on Pokemon Island. The camera and Todd Snaps perspective are one and the same. This stage is much like isle delfino in that there is a recurring stage transports you to different locations in the map, shown here.
Pokemon Snap 1.png

Black is solid, grey is passable, black and grey is passable from the bottom, but not from the top. Hitting the bottm of the stage deals damge and launches you upwards, like in F-Zero Stages.
Unlike Isle delfino, this platform never lands. You simply tour through all 6 main levels in Pokemon Snap: Beach, Tunnel, Volcano, River, Cave and Valley. If you look closely in the sky, you may even spot the elusive Rainbow cloud.
Gimmicks/Hazards: Todd Snap will do a lot for a good shot, so he's not above occasionally throwing a pester ball at the stage. They move slowly, and have a small blast radius, but if ou get hit you'll either grow a flower, be rendered dizzy briefly, or taunt once uncontrollably. When this happens the "shutter" will quickly click: Todd got his photo.
Unlockable?: Unlockable, take 20 screenshots in game. Alternatively, play 5 hours of vs. mode.
Extra: Periodically, Todd's shutter will snap, as The fighters aren't the only things that catch Todd Snap's attention. He'll dilligently take pictures of the many pokemon that can be seen in the background. He'll achieve many trick shots from the game in the proces, through use of bait, pester balls, and the Poke Flute.
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ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Kanto: Sushi-Go-Round
Game of Origin: Pokemon Stadium 64

Description: A very basic layout, with only one main platform and a pillar at either side. These pillars are infact stacks of empty plates left over from some Lickitung pigout session. Boy those guys can eat! The platform itself is part of a sushi carousel that circles round into the distance, behind which you can also see two electrodes hooked up to generators as in the "Thundering Dynamo" minigame.
Gimmicks/Hazards: First thing we see is the two stacks of plates. Each time they are attacked or a player is knocked into them, the top plate will be dislodged. It will fall harmlessly down into the background but its loss may remove players from the ledges or top of that specific plate. This provides an ever changing edge game to the stage.
As the game progresses, the electrodes will charge the dynamos. This is not just a visual effect, it speeds up the sushi carousel, causing a left to right* conveyer effect on the main platform. At full speed, it will be roughly as powerful as the conveyer on the Pokemon Stadium 2 stage but it takes nearly 2 minutes to reach this level. It will then keep going for five seconds before the electrodes self-destruct and the carousel stops abruptly (the electrodes will glow first to warn players).
After another few seconds, a group of Clefairys will enter into the background, toss some fresh plates onto the stacks, clean the dust off the generators and perform a weird little song and dance reminiscent of the "Clefairy Says" minigame. After this, new electrodes will roll in from the sides and the cycle will start over.
Finally, while the carousel is moving, there will be plates regularly spaced on it. These do not raise the ground level, trip players or do anything at all besides adding to the theme, however, if items are turned on, food may appear on them. This is usually just a weak healing item and it will appear on the right in the background so as to give players a good deal of warning before it enters play. It may occasionally be a curry though.

Overview: A small stage that, sadly, has to favour one side over the other for thematic reasons. The edge game should be interesting and the plate dropping gimmick prevents wall infinites but some serious chains could still occur. This stage doesn't really exist for balanced play though, more to be a nod to Stadium's well known party minigames, shown off here for those of you who aren't as familiar as you should be.

Unlockable: Yes
Finish a game with only food items (includes mushrooms and curry).
The exact requirements are that atleast three food items and no other items be spawned during the game. What is enabled on the menu is irrelevant, though obviously it can help to turn other items off.


Kids' Club (Pokemon Stadium)
Minigame (Pokemon Stadium 2)
Minigame Championship (Pokemon Stadium 2)
Sushi-Go-Round (Pokemon Stadium)
Petite Cup (Pokemon Stadium)
Petite Cup Final (Pokemon Stadium)
Thunder Dynamo (Pokemon Stadium)

*Probably not relevant but the left to right conveyer effect means this is an anticlockwise carousel. All the ones I've seen outside of Pokemon have been clockwise.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2013
Angel Grove
Yeah, if someone used your location, you can still use the same location but alter the idea. For example, we had two Mine Cart Madness stages when we did the Donkey Kong Wii U Round and they were both quite different from each other.


Mii-Based Fighter
Jan 16, 2014
Waiting for the Switch 2

Stage Name: Agate Village
Game of Origin: Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Description: Lushes green grass and a beautiful waterfall scenery, this stage has a lot of room for fighters to run around in and enjoy, with some minor water hazards. Many elderly Pokemon Trainers who have retired live here now.
Black- Solid Ground, can't walk through.
Red- Passable Platform, can go up and down.
Green- Stage Scenery, can't go in that area.
Blue- Stage Water, may swim in it.
Gimmicks/Hazards: Minimal, you may drown in the water at the bottom of the stage, and the water near the waterfall will cause you to slip and fall down, if you stand still for too long.
Requirements to unlock: Unlock Lucario and use his Aura at max power 10 times.
Blast Zones: Very high up, but very close to the sides, so edge guarding is critical.
EDIT- Sorry about the vids, Ill fix them later.
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 31, 2009
Name of Stage: Pokemon Island
Game of Origin: Pokemon Snap
red=solid, yellow=passthrough, purple=pitfall
(this is just an example of one section)

Description: In this stage, players fight on the terrain right behind the pokemon snap car tracks. On startup, the stage will either cycle through Beach, Tunnel, and Volcano, or River, Cave, and Valley. The transition between each area is seamless and no actual screen transitions (such as fade to white/black/ect) occur. As players move through the areas they will jump and move across various terrain as the camera will follow the Snap Car, but they will never actually encounter the car or tracks itself.
Gimmicks/Hazards: This stage scrolls horizontally, following the movements of the Snap Car. As players move through each area, various Pokemon will interfere and injure players such as Gyarados popping out of the waterfall and attacking a player. Sometimes Todd will also throw Pester Balls at the players as well, which will stun players when hit.
Death Zones: Anywhere on the left, right, or top edges of the stage, with occasional pitfalls.
Unlockable: No. This stage would be available at start.
Pokemon Snap Theme
Prof. Oaks Lab
Beach Theme
Colosseum Battle
Battle Royale
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009

Name of Stage
: Gateway Colosseum
Game of Origin: Pokémon Battle Revolution (Wii, 2006)
Description: Essentially the stage is one large walk-off platform with two smaller platforms hovering above the main platform (akin to Pokémon Stadium stages of the past). The Ceiling is also fairly large as well.
There's isn't much to say about this stage, as what makes it special is just how amazing this would look on the Wii U if it looked really great on the Wii.

(Very Rough Example of Stage Layout)
: There are virtually no Hazards / Gimmicks. This stage would be very tournament friendly.
Unlockable?: Would be available right from the get go! As a name like "Gateway Colosseum" would suggest.
Extra: The stage itself would look gorgeous in HD, with all of the vibrant colors in the background. Just thinking of it makes my mouth water a bit...
There would be an audience on the sidelines, as one has always been present in the Stadiums in Melee and Brawl.
Helicopters (If you can call them that) would be flying around the stadium and the iconic Pokémon Announcer would be commentating throughout the match.
You can watch some gameplay to get an idea of the atmosphere and what listening to the Announcer responding to the battle would be like here!

My Music Selection
Gateway Colosseum
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Battle Revolution (Wii, 2006)

Name: Neon Colosseum
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Battle Revolution (Wii, 2006)

Name: Friendly Battle
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Colosseum (Gamecube, 2003)

Name: Colosseum Round 3 Battle
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Colosseum (Gamecube, 2003)

Name: Battle! Cipher Peon
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (Gamecube, 2005)

Name: Battle! Mirror B.
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness (Gamecube, 2005)

Name: Battle! Mewtwo
Universe: Pokémon
Game of Origin: Pokémon Stadium (Nintendo 64, 1999)
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2014
Count me in! BTW are we limited to just home console games for this? Just wondering.
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Smash Journeyman
May 3, 2012
Name of Stage: Sky Pavilion
Game of Origin: PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure
Description: Sky Pavilion is the final area in PokéPark Wii; it's an ancient ruin floating high above the PokéPark and a place of great importance, as it is responsible for keeping the ties friendship strong for everyone in the park. It is a beautiful and serene location, with a pool of clear water fed by several waterfalls surrounded by Grecian-inspired architecture.

The stage uses this layout to it's full advantage. The main platform dips in the middle for the pool of water, with ramps on either end leading in and out of the pool. The water is roughly knee deep on Link, so no swimming will be necessary. Above the pool is the large circular platform held aloft by a series of pillars (which are all background and not actual walls on the stage) that can be passed through. On either side of the pool, there are two more sets of pillars holding up platforms that represent the circular pathway that goes around the stage. These platforms are also passable and the archway and pillars below will be in the foreground, so characters will pass behind them. On the right section, there is running water that has a waterfall streaming off into the pool (with the water being fed from a spout in the background that flows along the walkway until some rubble turns it 90 degrees). Players will pass through the waterfall, but without any noticeable impediment; someone standing right under it will part the waters. The current of the flowing waters above the right segment is not strong enough to affect the players, but will push items off into the pool.


Gimmicks/Hazards: Levitating above the center platform is the Sky Prism, a crystal responsible for keeping the Sky Pavilion in the air. The Sky Prism is interactive and, although it can take some punishment, with enough hits it can be destroyed, shattering into pieces that will fall off the stage. This will cause the Sky Pavilion to begin to slowly fall downward. This will be mainly a visual effect with the background, but it will affect the stage in one major way. The entire stage will tip to the left at a 20 degree angle. The ledges will all still be able to be grabbed and players won't tumble down the now slightly sloped stage, but items that can roll will. The water in the pool will now flow out and down the left side, cascading off the edge. Similarly, the right side waterfall will now pour down at a greater angle. After plummeting for a while (with the ground getting frighteningly close), various Pokémon will arise from below the screen carrying the Prism shards and recreate the crystal above the middle pedestal. The stage will right itself and start rising into the sky. The Prism will be glowing brightly and not able to be broken again until the stage returns to normal height.

Unlockable?: Yes, complete All-Star mode with Pikachu on medium difficulty or higher.

Extras: The stage background will consist of the back semi-circle of the Pavilion, with a bright blue sky behind that. Clouds will float lazily by and all manner of flying Pokémon will pass by, including Pidgeottos, Ledybas, Taillows, Wingulls, and Braviaries. Very observant players might even spot a Mew! Of course, when the stage is plummeting, the clouds will going by upwards and you won't see many flying Pokémon either.

A Charmander, Piplup, and Chikorita can be seen walking around in the background and will stop to chat with each other or even watch the fight if things start getting intense. If the stage goes into falling mode, the three Pokémon will be frantically running back and forth until things restore to normal.

The pool of water in the center of the stage is opaque enough to see through and running around/jumping in it will cause ripples and even splash water into the air if the movement is harsh enough. Certain items, like crates and fans, will float in the water instead of sinking to the ground. Characters that spend time in the pool and/or pass through the waterfall will spend a few seconds "wet" and will drip water as they move around.

Sample Music:
Poképark Theme
Sky Pavilion
Mew Chase
Waterfall Colosseum
Realgam Tower
Rainbow Cloud
Misty's Theme
Pelipper's Circle Circuit
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2014
Pokemon Rumble.jpg
View attachment 11103
Name of Stage: Pokemon Rumble
Game of Origin: Pokemon Rumble (Wii)
Description: An arena suspended in the air. Many Pokemon will battle behind you but they will not interact with you. They will be in the cute windup toy style of the Pokemon Rumble games
Gimmicks/Hazards: None really. It is very tournament friendly
Unlockable?: Pre-unlocked
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