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Super Smash Bros. Brawl versus Halo 3

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Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
Apparently BRAWL IS COMING OUT LAST, it's right here if anyone wants a read, though I don't know that anyone was/is/will be terribly surprised.


One thing to remember though, is let's say we get a mid-fall release date for Mario Galaxy, (assuming MP3 is already out by then) well then that pretty much guarantees Brawl to have a late November to mid-December release. (Unless it turns out to be 2008, which would suck marketing-wise, unless it's pushed back all the way to the holiday season '08.)

Basically, as soon as one (and even more with two) of these big hitters gets a release date, we'll be able to judge much more accurately when we'll be playing Brawl, so release date discussion will be more relevant after any of these other release dates are given. Well, I think I've explained myself enough for one post. :laugh:

EDIT: post script: I love Goldeneye too. Can't say I've really ever been into any other FPS though.
Are you really going to set so much store by news that's four months old? Miyamoto said that we would be playing SMG within 6 months of launch day; now it's allegedly slated for Q3/Q4. For all we know, Brawl could come out first. We haven't had any new information on the three games (except for the small GDC SMG trailer) since the news you linked to came out. Besides, what Reggie said was pretty vague. Dessert, Coffee, and the after-dinner drink? Don't those all happen at the same time? Don't people have coffee, tea, or a drink with dessert? In fact, if people were to have an after-dinner drink, that could arguably be before dessert. To me, it seems really, really vague, and I wouldn't take what he said too seriously.

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
Are you really going to set so much store by news that's four months old? Miyamoto said that we would be playing SMG within 6 months of launch day; now it's allegedly slated for Q3/Q4. For all we know, Brawl could come out first. We haven't had any new information on the three games (except for the small GDC SMG trailer) since the news you linked to came out. Besides, what Reggie said was pretty vague. Dessert, Coffee, and the after-dinner drink? Don't those all happen at the same time? Don't people have coffee, tea, or a drink with dessert? In fact, if people were to have an after-dinner drink, that could arguably be before dessert. To me, it seems really, really vague, and I wouldn't take what he said too seriously.
I can't tell if you really didn't like my post or what, but I was basically just throwing out a link for the people who were talking about it, and couldn't find it. You're saying saying for all we know Brawl could come out before SMG? I guess that's possible, and I'd definitely like to see this happen. Are you disagreeing with my estimate of a late Fall, early December Brawl launch? I thought that was pretty much the general consensus. That said, I'd like to play it sooner just like everyone else. (Now, actually:laugh: ) And yeah, it's weird how he described Dessert, Coffee, and the after-dinner drink. I don't get it either.

And I don't hold much store with anything right now actually. I'm still just hoping Brawl makes it to shelves by Christmas.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
I can't tell if you really didn't like my post or what, but I was basically just throwing out a link for the people who were talking about it, and couldn't find it. You're saying saying for all we know Brawl could come out before SMG? I guess that's possible, and I'd definitely like to see this happen. Are you disagreeing with my estimate of a late Fall, early December Brawl launch? I thought that was pretty much the general consensus. That said, I'd like to play it sooner just like everyone else. (Now, actually:laugh: ) And yeah, it's weird how he described Dessert, Coffee, and the after-dinner drink. I don't get it either.

And I don't hold much store with anything right now actually. I'm still just hoping Brawl makes it to shelves by Christmas.
Sorry, I guess I didn't mean to direct that towards you. There's nothing wrong with your post, I don't hate it. I just found it odd that some people pretend to know what order games are coming out in based on old news. Schedules can change, new games can appear...you know what I mean. Anyway, even a tentative release date at this point would be nice, all this speculation is getting as old as the news it's based on X_X. I wouldn't expect anything until at least after Super Paper Mario comes out, though.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
:(... Why are you bashing Goldeneye? It's a great game and got FPS's to where they are today. It was the first FPS to feature zoomable weapons, one of the first to feature location damage, and Stealth was an important factor to take in if you wanted to unlock the coolest features (invincibility and invisibility cheats and 007 mode).The level designs and sound are good too. It also has fun multiplayer and is one of the best games of all time on many lists including GameInformer (16th in a list of the top 100 games of all time), GameFAQs (best games of all-time poll placed GoldenEye at 7th), and IGN (In 2005 it was ranked 29th while the Reader's Choice placed it at 7th). The point is, Goldeneye is a great game and is not ****ing ridiculous. I usually don't flame people, but Goldeneye 007 is one of my favorite games of all time and I disagree with what you said about it.

Now that that's out of the way, I don't think there will be much competition between these two games. They are from differant consoles and are differant genres. The people with Wiis will get SSBB, the people with Xboxs will get Halo3, and the people with both will get which ever genre they like, or they will get both eventually if they like both FPS and fighting games. Since I'm a poor gamer and only have a Wii, I'll get Brawl and I'll play Halo3 at my friend's houses.
Goldeneye had a good campaign but the multiplayer was garbage. Yeah, it was awesome at the time because people were used to crap so garbage was a vast improvement. I'm not bashing Goldeney per se--I'm just saying that the statement Goldeneye > Halo is ridiculous. If you're considering nothing but "fun factor" then I guess you can say whatever you want, but I generally evaluate multiplayer for its competitive and general balance. Goldeneye has no balance and the controls are way too imprecise to have any merit as a serious multiplayer game. Halo CE is the best console FPS ever, and I would say best FPS ever as well.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Back to Smash vs Halo? Or continue with the release date? Or something that can be ALMOST misconstrued as relevent?

I think it'll be last, although I'm not sure if Nintendo wants this or Galaxy to be their big hitter.

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
@ AxemRed: Cool man, we're cool then. And yeah, it's dumb when people start speculating beyond the realm of "industry interviews/comments" and into the realm of "I just made this up right now."

And it is hard to be too down on people when Nintendo leaves us out in the cold for so many months at a time... Still, everyone needs to keep it realistic at the same time, so I understand why you would be annoyed with certain people claiming to know things that just aren't based on anything reasonable.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2002
k lets get some things straight here

1. for all you people who think that graphics aren't what matters, well it does, in a business point of view. if we're talking about which will dominate in sales, the one with the greater graphics will have a greater appeal regardless of the gameplay. wow TMNT is indeed a great game, but i'd definitely play gears of war over it...to be honest ( i love TMNT)

2. as mentioned earlier, it IS on different consoles, but there haven't been many games out there, to my knowledge, that have caused a huge upset or have turned teh tables upsidedown. so melee goes to brawl, and halo 2 goes to halo 3. think about it, if i were a hardcore halo fan, i wouldn't all of a sudden get a sharp epiphany and go out and buy a wii for the brawl when halo 3 will come out. i think it all depends on the sales of wii. its rare to see me ask all gc players who doesn't own ssbm, likewise for ps2 and halo 2, but i see so many more people with wii than ps3


Smash Journeyman
Mar 28, 2004
I used to think Halo vs. Smash mattered more on GC vs. Xbox, but with the way the Wii is selling now, and how Nintendo and Microsoft seem to be in such different market spaces right now, I don't really see them competing too directly. Different types of games on different consoles, aiming at different audiences. When Halo comes out, though, for just pure media hype and sales wise, Nintendo needs a big hitter. My guess is that will be Mario Galaxy.

Smash is almost assuredly going to be Q1 or Q2 2008, people (that's best case, I think). Nintendo isn't going to release their big 3 games in a cumulative 6 months, and then be dry for 2008. Please don't get your hopes up. You will only be disappointed when the news finally hits. Plus, Brawl will definitely need more development time. Two years (October 05 - December 07) is pretty small for a game of this scope, even with 100 people working on it.

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
Smash is almost assuredly going to be Q1 or Q2 2008, people (that's best case, I think). Nintendo isn't going to release their big 3 games in a cumulative 6 months, and then be dry for 2008. Please don't get your hopes up. You will only be disappointed when the news finally hits. Plus, Brawl will definitely need more development time. Two years (October 05 - December 07) is pretty small for a game of this scope, even with 100 people working on it.
Hmm... I wish you wouldn't have said that. Mostly because I have suspicions you could be right.:laugh: We were all holding our breath, trying not to jinx the situation, and there you go and curse us! Heh, JK.

As far as time enough to develop... well, they've already had a lot more time to crank this thing out than it took them to do Melee, and Melee was made from scratch. (As you are probably aware, Brawl will be based off Melee's engine, so that should have helped a little.) Then again, even with that advantage, I too wonder if it makes sense for Nintendo to shoot all their big guns in a 6 month time slot. (Could be done, but they might not... even though they say they will as of now.)

Well, all I know is I still have older games plus probably Mario Galaxy to finish before Brawl, so all of this gaming will easily keep me occupied until Brawl. (Still need to get Hotel Dusk too.)


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Burning, I hear Hotel Dusk is actually pretty good.

As to the last person on the page before this (turbo_ja), I have no idea what the hell you were trying to say. I did gather that you don't think people with 360's would pick up a Wii for Brawl, but I think you may be wrong. Same goes for the other way around.

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
^^Heh, I was also thinking of commenting on turbo_ja's post, especially the last couple lines. Can... not... make... sense of it.

EDIT: Everyone can just call me "Lava" for short, check out my sig. (First part's actually a signature :laugh:)


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
I'm not sure if Nintendo really cares about Halo 3. Despite this, I think Microsoft sees SSBB as their new Halo rival, since the PS3 simply put into words is a sheer utter failure and Microsoft has realized that. The Wii's sales are growing constantly, whihle the 360 is slowing a little.

The Wii is at 4.5 million units sold, while 360 is at 10.2 million units sold. Most of us know the 360 has been out about three times as long, and the Wii almost has half the 360 sales. I think looking at the DS online system, Microsfot thrives online, and the DS online system is one of the best online systems. I think that the Wii having the same, or better online is making Microsoft sweat in their boots, once they're done luaghing at the PS3.

I believe Nintendo's previous lack of console online failure could be at an end, with its release date the same as Brawl's, and with PS3 dying, Sony will have to back track and rely on the PS2 more, if they can even do that. Needless to say, Sony is taking steps backwards at a fast pace. The Nintendo Wii is rising at as fast a rate as Sony's PS3 is dying.

SSBM sold about 7 million units, Halo sold 5 million, and Halo 2 sold 8 million. Considering how virtually 90% + of Wii buyers got Twilight Princess, we can expect to see the same # with SSBB. Wereas, with Halo 2 about 1/3 of Xbox buyers got it (which is still a ton).

Don't get me wrong, I love the Halo series and the SSB series. If SSBB doesn't have online, Nintendo could ulitimately suffer. I'm pretty sure they will, so I think Microsoft could suffer. I bet if the online system is easy with no or little hoops to go through, Nintendo could get pretty close to Microsoft in online play.

Seriously, Halo and SSB both have a huge fanbase, but most SSB fans love the series of a, or many character or characters. That in the end could have SSBB win this thing. I only really play Halo in a monthly 16 person LAN party (which I totally own!), and I play SSBM like every two weeks at my house or my friend's house with like up to 8 people.

Snake wass the perfect additon because it attracts MGS fans, and Sonic and Megaman have the same deal. MGS fans might want to get it because of Snake, and SSB and Nintendo fans become intrested in MGS. SSBB's new 3rd party addition has benefits for both SSBB, Nintendo, and the 3rd party.

In the end, Nintendo won't use SSBB to go after Halo 3, but Microsoft might go after SSBB with Halo 3. PS3 might try using Killzone 2 (I find that game boring), but c'mon they aren't going anywhere. Either way, Nintendo will have Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 as backup. Twilight Princess=takes care of 2006 Xbox 360 games.

Overall, SSBB has backup, and increasing Wii sales could even the playing field. It could be the closest console battle of all time! Plus the Wii has gained a lot more 3rd party support than the 360, which killed the GC last gen in the long run! Don't forget Resident Evil 5 either!

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Nintendo's online won't come near to XBL because XBL has been tweaked and upgraded over time, around 6 years I think [since xbox came out in 2001-02 and XBL was out since 2002-03].

Nintendo not only has to test the water, but they have to tweak their online since it's highly improbable it will come out good.

Then there's that friend code crap...


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
*sigh* I guess now would be as good a time as any to show this comic.

(Just a joke...don't pester me about it. I like Xbox 360 too.)

But, to be on topic; I believe that Brawl will not be a Halo 3 killer. I'm quite sure that history will repeat itself and both Halo 3 and Brawl will be best sellers for their respective consoles but, Halo 3 will probably still sell more. Just like Halo 2 did 'against' Melee.

That was funny hahaha!

On topic: Well the way I see it There are a couple a ways that Brawl can bury (strong word) to the grave.

  1. If Brawl as a smooth online play that is just as good as Halo.
  2. Brawl brings in somthing huge or good to the game besides online. ex: Stroy mode (thats all I got)
  3. Nintendo finds a way to keep adding to the game to keep it alive for a long time.
  4. (not really going to kill Halo but) Add a demo of a game that everyone wants with the game. ex: Metriod or Mario Galaxy.
  5. Get a profeesional spy to infeltrait the Microsoft headquaters, then gain the trust of the company until close to release date, then spy will delete all Halo 3 data making fans every where disappointed and betrayed. Then Brawl shall rise and will be the only sign of hope to there lifes and will buy Wiis just to play Brawl and abandon Halo forever.

It's a big order for nintendo but if they can do this they will destroy Halo forever (not really but will put up some competition.)

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Looks like you skipped most of the thread.

Here's a summary:
Halo can't kill Brawl and Brawl can't kill Halo no matter how hard they try.


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
i like to look at it this way, a copy of ssbm still costs 34$, and you can buy a copy of halo 2 dirt cheap now. i do feel however that if nintendo released the game at the same time, the games would tie and neither one of them would get the amount of sales that they deserve, in short it would hurt both companies. plus nintendo has already said it isn't competing in the next gen console wars.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
eek am I the only one who likes Halo AND Smash? <<
No you're not alone. I played Halo competitively before Smash. In fact I drifted over here from the MLG forums. They're both excellent franchises with their own merits, and as has been established already, they're both going to be hugely successful unless there is some unforeseen catastrophe.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
I'd probably be into the Halo series if only I owned an Xbox myself. But I'm a loyal Nintendo drone, so I may never see the darkness for as long as I live. I'd rather be playing Brawl anyways...


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
Not a big fan of Halo or Halo 2, actually. They never did much for me except make me realize how kick *** of a game Counter Strike is.

Johnknight1: Your sales figures might be a little off, I'm not sure. I'm too lazy to look for them, though...sigh.

And your statement about Twilight Princess taking care of the 360's 2006 games is false. Unless you mean the 'box's games sans Gears of War. Then you may be right.

^^^In quality, BTW. No way it made up for sales.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Not a big fan of Halo or Halo 2, actually. They never did much for me except make me realize how kick *** of a game Counter Strike is.

Johnknight1: Your sales figures might be a little off, I'm not sure. I'm too lazy to look for them, though...sigh.

And your statement about Twilight Princess taking care of the 360's 2006 games is false. Unless you mean the 'box's games sans Gears of War. Then you may be right.

^^^In quality, BTW. No way it made up for sales.
Counter-Strike owns FPS like no other! I love Halo as well as smash! I think TP, with surprisingly Wii Sports (which isn't that good in my opinion other than bowling, boxing) holds the ground. I also think the DS's success might have added to it. My sales figures were a guess, but I think they are almost dead on. I looked them up for the all handheld and console systems of the 6th and 7th gen, and I remember that stuff pretty good, though it could be off.

As for my GoW vs. TP, TP has backup, with Wii Sports surprisingly! Also the Xbox 360's backwards compatibility, and the GC's backwards compatibility about equal out. The 360 didn't sale good in the late summer, but once GoW hype/release was big, the hype was big. I still think Resistance is better than GoW (beat both), just because the team that does Resistance is up there with the best.

Despite TP's backup, the 360 has Oblivion, Rainbow Six: Vegas (my fav game on it), GoW, Deadrising, and Lost Planet: Extreme Condition!

The Wii has TP as there big game (about 90% of Wii buyers have it, while 30-40% of 360 buyers have GoW), followed by Wii Sport (more of a test than a game I'd say, but somewhat fun, nontheless), Wario Ware (even if it came out 07), Trauma: Second Opinion, Redsteel (even though it isn't that good), ExciteTruck. The end result depends how much 3rd party support both get (good 3rd party support, not dumb games, good games!)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 3, 2002
Burning, I hear Hotel Dusk is actually pretty good.

As to the last person on the page before this (turbo_ja), I have no idea what the hell you were trying to say. I did gather that you don't think people with 360's would pick up a Wii for Brawl, but I think you may be wrong. Same goes for the other way around.
haha my bad, i left my comp midway through my typing and yeah, got confusing near the end.

basically what i'm saying is, it is a fair assumption to say that most GC owners have ssbm, and most XBOX owners have the halo series. with that being said, since the wii seems to be thriving in sales (if not more) than the xbox, theoretically (imo ;P ) there may be more smash sales than halo3 sales. But personally i think halo 3 is far more appealing in the long term run, with xbox live and all.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
haha my bad, i left my comp midway through my typing and yeah, got confusing near the end.

basically what i'm saying is, it is a fair assumption to say that most GC owners have ssbm, and most XBOX owners have the halo series. with that being said, since the wii seems to be thriving in sales (if not more) than the xbox, theoretically (imo ;P ) there may be more smash sales than halo3 sales. But personally i think halo 3 is far more appealing in the long term run, with xbox live and all.
It rally comes down to who ahs better online. The games will equal each other basically, and it comes down to who has the most simplistic online system. Also the virtual reality adds to Nintendo's shot at #1 console system.

I have faith in Nintendo, and I know the online will be good, with or without a ranking system. Hopefully this means they have a tourney system, and they keep making more special melees (or brawls, lol)! I also hope they have a stamina lives, where you can choose the amount of stamina (ex:150 hp, or 325 hp)=awsome! That would own like no other!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2007
UK, Leeds
Well they aren't the same genre and they aren't on the same console...

I can see what you mean about how there are different depths of playing, and in that way, both games are very similar.

But i'm afraid that without both games being related in any way possible, Brawl will only ever exist as an alternative multiplayer experience if you're tired of Halo and want something just as incredible. They'll go more hand-in-hand as the best multiplayer experiences to grace consoles, as opposed to head-to-head as the biggest software war to grace gaming.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
It rally comes down to who ahs better online. The games will equal each other basically, and it comes down to who has the most simplistic online system. Also the virtual reality adds to Nintendo's shot at #1 console system.

I have faith in Nintendo, and I know the online will be good, with or without a ranking system. Hopefully this means they have a tourney system, and they keep making more special melees (or brawls, lol)! I also hope they have a stamina lives, where you can choose the amount of stamina (ex:150 hp, or 325 hp)=awsome! That would own like no other!
If Brawl has techs like Melee, there is no possible way the online will be good. Personally I hope there is no online functionality.


Smash Master
May 2, 2006
Behind you.
That's a little harsh, Shai.

I agree with you about the online not being able to compare with in-your-face Smash (that is what you were aiming at, yes?), but to say that no online is better then SOME online....well, I disagree completely.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2007
UK, Leeds
If Brawl has techs like Melee, there is no possible way the online will be good. Personally I hope there is no online functionality.
Well if there is, then you could always do something novel and not use it out of choice.

I know I will though, practice against others really advances my playing. Level 9s get boring after a while.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
Well if there is, then you could always do something novel and not use it out of choice.

I know I will though, practice against others really advances my playing. Level 9s get boring after a while.
No, if there is online at all it means the hitboxes will be larger and the techs more forgiving to compensate for lag. Unless they have two different game engines, this means the hitboxes will also be larger for non-online play.

The game will be garbage.

In Halo 2 the hitboxes were drastically increased in size from Halo CE to accomodate online functionality. And that's an FPS, where lag isn't nearly as influential as in a fighter.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 9, 2005
Yes it will be a halo killer, the only reason halo is more popular now is because-
1.Super smash came like 3 years before halo 2(or was it 2?)
2.Halo had online and Melee didnt.

So now that Brawl comes *after* Halo3 and has online (which is all melee needed), Then i think it will Pwn. Plus, ive been hearing more talk about Brawl in my school than Halo3, even by people with Xbox 360s and PS3's.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Time frame has nothing to do with it. If it comes out after it can't 'kill' Halo because everyone would've bought Halo instead of wait for smash.

P.S. Nintendo's online is bound to be dodgy, just like PS2's or first gen Xbox Live, os don't get your hopes up.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2006
Melee was the best selling gamecube game with six million units sold, halo 2 is the best selling xbox game with 9 million units sold. It's quite fitting that the sequels to the best games on their respective consoles go head to head.

Regardless of how much I hate Halo and love Smash Bros, I believe, that Halo3 will be a bigger seller. :(

Really informative if those sales figures are correct. I think the overall question most are asking right now isnt if Brawl will smash Halo(or vise-versa), but what will outsale in the world. And putting those figures into consideration I'd think they'd both have a nice shot(but of course Halo will have the popular advantage). Who knows though, maybe the introduction of this online play will turn the tables...

Anyone forgetting that Halo is just overrated in the USA?
So the question is..
Will Brawl be a Halo 3 killer in the USA?
but not that likely..
Though in place like Japan I think it will be.

Either way.. It doesn't matter.
The Halo series in my opinion is just boring. I have more fun playing Goldeneye on the N64 then Halo 1 or 2.

I know about 20+ people who don't own any next gen console and will get one when one of these games will come out. These games will boost the sales of these two consoles ten-hold, it's obvious. Knowing this info about Halo being more popular here than in Japan, means less important than it seemed when I first read this, but it also will play in as a factor.

And me saying all this I honestly think the winner of this sales figure war will be..........:::::


I plan on getting both, but I'm getting both games and both consoles for just them.(I currently don't own any next gen console myself).


Banned via Warnings
Oct 9, 2005
Time frame has nothing to do with it. If it comes out after it can't 'kill' Halo because everyone would've bought Halo instead of wait for smash.

P.S. Nintendo's online is bound to be dodgy, just like PS2's or first gen Xbox Live, os don't get your hopes up.
Well when we talk in years diffrence it makes a diffrence, plus Online did a lot for Halo. And when competitive smash started coming in, most people already stopped playing the game and already started playing Halo2. Il tell you something, if you compare melee to halo2 without online, melee is more fun. Its that online thing that gives it that extra push to beat all the Gamecube games. Plus the gamecube wasnt very popular and the wii seems to be doing very well. Most people will probably end up buying both though lol.
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