Nah, ignore it so you crave it more, which makes the love ALL THE MORE BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Well, she had these crazy self-centered views about herself as basically the center of the universe, and would do anything to amuse herself. When I first hinted I'd like to ask her out (2 years before she ever said yes), she went out with another guy, and broke his heart. When she finally said yes to me, she played with another guy as if he "couldn't touch her" (note: this guy later became a good friend of mine), and then I figured out (by cues about her) that she was cheating on me, so I jumped off that pony ASAP!!! And that is why I loved being single in high school right there.
The biggest thing about attraction is people are attracted to confidence and dedication, and although I have self-doubts like everyone else,, and I never stopped.
Yeah, I just got it through by introducing her to a lot of my friends, all of whom obviously love to see me. She also met my family, which she figured out a thing or two why I am the way I am. She also figured out I meant every word I said and followed it up with action, which is something that is best proven with time.