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Super Smash Bros 4 (Wii U/3DS) Topic

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Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
Seen the new episode yet?

Oh and yes. Ganondorf needs a complete revamp, save for Flame Choke.

Naw, I'm centuries behind. These days I'm almost entirely watching things through Hulu and Netflix Online pretty much, so GF gets left in the dust.

Flame Choke is awesome and actually fits him. Except for the "flame" part, but it's not like the move is super firey.
I'd kind of like the option for him to throw the enemy away or choke them for more damage, but... shouldn't raise my hopes too much.

Edit: Yeah, I'm a big fan of Levitation as his recovery (with the option to slam downward to shockwave-punch the ground) and adding in some form of his Dead Man's Volley energy projectile.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012

Meanwhile, Mr. Zora King and his waifu, Zelda.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Naw, I'm centuries behind. These days I'm almost entirely watching things through Hulu and Netflix Online pretty much, so GF gets left in the dust.

Flame Choke is awesome and actually fits him. Except for the "flame" part, but it's not like the move is super firey.
I'd kind of like the option for him to throw the enemy away or choke them for more damage, but... shouldn't raise my hopes too much.

Edit: Yeah, I'm a big fan of Levitation as his recovery (with the option to slam downward to shockwave-punch the ground) and adding in some form of his Dead Man's Volley energy projectile.
If you have time, you should know the new Gravity Falls episode is amazing. (as I expected)

I'm tired of repeating myself, so this,

And this

And these

I mentioned Ganondorf needing a revamp, I've seen you post this many times before, do I really need to see this again?

I agree, I think he should use this as his N-special. Flame Choke should be renamed Dark Choke, and maybe it could function a bit like Koopa Klaw, in that there are controllable options with what you can do after grabbing the opponent.

I say another character needs to be able to levitate as well, Peach is like the only character with a unique jump ability. (Meta, Pit, and Charizard can all glide, Kirby, Dedede, Jigglypuff, and the prievously mentiond characters also have more jumps than every other character)

I wish he would use his sword in some way already too.


Smash Master
Dec 30, 2012
If you have time, you should know the new Gravity Falls episode is amazing. (as I expected)

I mentioned Ganondorf needing a revamp, I've seen you post this many times before, do I really need to see this again?

I agree, I think he should use this as his N-special. Flame Choke should be renamed Dark Choke, and maybe it could function a bit like Koopa Klaw, in that there are controllable options with what you can do after grabbing the opponent.

I say another character needs to be able to levitate as well, Peach is like the only character with a unique jump ability. (Meta, Pit, and Charizard can all glide, Kirby, Dedede, Jigglypuff, and the prievously mentiond characters also have more jumps than every other character)

I wish he would use his sword in some way already too.
Yes, yes you do. The energy ball must consume you.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
Really? That's something I didn't know.
Figures. I bet you also don't know that the White People in South Africa are facing a level 5/6 stage genocide and anti-racists and the media are generally turning a blind eye to it. (and the ones who are aware deny it or sometimes even justify it)

I'm glad I'm not a "conformist" anymore. But I wonder sometimes: am I really happier with "the blinds off" and knowing that stuff like this is happening? Is ignorance truly bliss?

I think it's terrible that racial issues continue to this very day.
Racial issues have always happened, and will still continue to happen. I image people will still be using that silly cliche phrase "It's *insert year* already and this stuff is still going on!" possibly into the 3000s and 4000s.

aka eugenics!

Smooth Criminal
Do you even know anything about Eugenics other than what you were told in school and from the mainstream media?
Or do you think it is solely about race?

Well, that's the dichotomy... Interesting things breed conflict while monotony comes with calmness.

I'm not sure there are actually that many people actively going "Oh yay I can't wait until all of our differences are meshed together!", I'm just saying that it's fairly inevitable in the long, long, long run.

Cultural differences are already being blurred away as things move towards a more homogeneous global culture, largely thanks to information being spread around so quickly and easily with the internet and other modern advances in communications technology.
That's why I find it odd that the people who advocate the mixing off (all?) the races also generally advocate multiculturalism and diversity.

Racial hatred and the like are a result of contact with different cultures and races who have ideas and morals that clash with one another and threaten one another. I don't see how "diversity" brings the human species together and closer with one another; it seems to be doing the opposite.
In addition, other people bring in diseases and sicknesses and other groups might out breed and take dominate over the "host" group. (The Amerindian tribes certainly got a good taste of "diversity" when my settler ancestors nearly wiped them out.)

Are those things worth having exotic restaurants, languages, and dances nearby?

Also, why are most race-mixing couples (shown in the media) made of a White woman and a Black man? Why not an Oriental and a Jew? Or a Native Siberian (Amerindian) and an Arab? Or a Black man with an Oriental? Or even an Australian Aboriginal with a Mestizo?

If that does happen, it will only be temporary. Races started out with everyone being "Black". However, a group of humans left sub-Saharan Africa and populated the Earth. Over time, thanks to environmental differences, changes in appearance were made, giving us the different races. A relatively more recent example of this divergence are Asians and Native Americans (and by extension a generous number of Hispanics).

So anyway, if the races converge once more, they'll diverge again eventually. Race, in reality, is a social construct.
What do you mean by "social construct"? When some people say that, they mean that there are no genetic differences, changes, or boundaries between humans (through evolution or otherwise). If you mean it in that context, then you are contradicting yourself.
In another context, you could mean that the classifications are a social construct, but the genetic boundaries and differences still exist. From a distance, humans are humans, dogs are dogs, and ducks are ducks, but looking closely shows that there are various "subspecies" of each type of animal with different genetic traits.

Doubt it. Without the aid of scientific advancements and what have you, you can only have a child made with a man and a woman. However, this does not mean that a child must be raised by a man and a woman. Children can be raised by a single father, single mother, gay couples, lesbian couples, etc. and come out just fine.
I used to think stuff like that couldn't happen as well, but I've started to open my mind more to the possibility.
Same goes for that idea that homosexual marriage will open the door to Polygamy, Pedophilia, and Bestially. The "Slippery Slope" is a fallacy, but I've learned that doesn't mean the events can't come to pass anyway. That's a fallacy in itself, humorously.

There's no telling what surprises the future may hold and where the political winds may eventually blow. (although there can be predictions on the latter)

It might be a defensive thing: If people can be convinced that people of the same sex can be together (are genetically meant to be together, like a man and a woman) then there can be no basis for hate or discrimination against homos.

Similarly, if studies and findings on racial differences can be censored and hidden, and people can (still) be convinced that everyone is genetically the same in ability and intelligence, then there can be no basis for discrimination against Africans and the like.

Also, on a somewhat unrelated topic, it annoys me how people tend to think "tolerance" and "acceptance" are the same thing now-a-days. Tolerance means to put with something that you dislike or hate, like a buzzing fly, or someone ****** you. Not the same thing at all.



The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
There actually is a genetic difference between races, it's small but it does exist


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Figures. I bet you also don't know that the White People in South Africa are facing a level 5/6 stage genocide and anti-racists and the media are generally turning a blind eye to it. (and the ones who are aware deny it or sometimes even justify it)
I'm glad I'm not a "conformist" anymore. But I wonder sometimes: am I really happier with "the blinds off" and knowing that stuff like this is happening? Is ignorance truly bliss?
To me it sounds like the blacks are returning to the past for revenge. I only read a bit of the second link though, I'll have to read the rest in the morning when I'm no longer tired. (therefore I'll also be able remeber what I read)


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Didn't someone point this out back in March when the first trailer came out?


That moment when you've been drinking for the last... seven hours, and you need to sit on the computer for a bit and sober up. BLEGH. Beer. Wine. Rum. Tequila. You're so mean.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
So... what happened in the last few days since Olimar's confirmation? Anything interesting... or not?

Been playing FE:A too much. :p:laugh:


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Figures. I bet you also don't know that the White People in South Africa are facing a level 5/6 stage genocide and anti-racists and the media are generally turning a blind eye to it. (and the ones who are aware deny it or sometimes even justify it)
I did NOT know this was happening in South Africa.

I am at a loss for words...

Been playing FE:A too much. :p:laugh:
Lol, I just started playing Path of Radiance yesterday. :awesome:

Did you recruit Anna yet? :p
Also what do you think of Chrom or Lucina in Smash now?

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
I did NOT know this was happening in South Africa.

I am at a loss for words...
Were you assuming that everyone lived happily ever after and sang Kumbaya?

Only Racists and Neo-Nazis like myself actually think the vengeful extermination of White People is a bad thing. "I can't believe some people are still thinking things like that in the 21 century!"

And no, I'm not being sarcastic with the above.

(Won't be surprised if I eventually get infractions/banned for my views here)


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
*looks around"

So long as you're cordial you should be fine.

But you're completely wrong about what's happening in SA. Anyone who knows about it realizes it's wrong.

Rebellious Treecko

Smash Hero
May 15, 2013
Edge of Existence
*looks around"

So long as you're cordial you should be fine.

But you're completely wrong about what's happening in SA. Anyone who knows about it realizes it's wrong.
For some people, simply having dissenting (Right-Wing) views isn't seen as "cordial", regardless of how nice they are about them.

Anyone who knows? Explain.

The main thing I hear is that other races in SA are hit by violence too, therefore there is no "White Genocide". ("Boo-hoo, you poor whiny deluded White People trying to play victim. Karma is a b-itch")

White criminals were hanged back in the South but that still doesn't change that they focused on hanging Black criminals more.

Also, to be somewhat off topic, anyone can ask me questions about how and why I changed my views from left-wing to Far-Right.
I don't know if there are any appropriate threads for this kind of political stuff.


Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Eugenics isn't solely about race, that much is true. Even with what Kuma was talking about. It does loosely involve race, however, or at the very least mixing qualities extant in a race or sometimes a combination of them. Ultimately, it's about bringing about the most desirable traits in breeding; whether or not it creates a superior "race" depends on the aim and scope. Just about every culture in the world's dabbled in the practice to some degree, from ancient Greece to (surprisingly or not surprisingly) the United States.

(Eugenics goes back further still, but you get the idea.)

And the "5/6 level of genocide" has a name, ya'll. It's called apartheid. It never stopped.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Cadet
Jun 24, 2013
His eggs should have a better aiming system. Like in the original Yoshi's Island, but this should require you to hold the button down for it to work, or otherwise not allow proper aiming when using it in the air, so that way it won't screw up the little boost it gives when trying to use it to recover.

Actually one of my friends uses Yoshi, and he is scary accurate with the eggs haha like we're both pretty good, but if you are long range at all fighting him, it's a barrage of eggs all aimed to where you are/where you're going. It might need a new aiming system, but I've been a witness to people using the current one proficiently.
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